(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (*********************** Basic functions and types *********************) (*** Miscellaneous ***) exception Out_of_range let nothing _ = () (*** Operations on lists. ***) (* Remove an element from a list *) let except e l = let rec except_e = function [] -> [] | elem::l -> if e = elem then l else elem::except_e l in except_e l (* Position of an element in a list. Head of list has position 0. *) let index a l = let rec index_rec i = function [] -> raise Not_found | b::l -> if a = b then i else index_rec (i + 1) l in index_rec 0 l (* Remove an element from an association list *) let assoc_remove lst elem = let rec remove = function [] -> [] | ((a, _) as c::t) -> if a = elem then t else c::(remove t) in remove lst (* Nth element of a list. *) let rec list_nth p0 p1 = match (p0,p1) with ([], _) -> invalid_arg "list_nth" | ((a::_), 0) -> a | ((_::l), n) -> list_nth l (n - 1) (* Return the `n' first elements of `l' *) (* ### n l -> l' *) let rec list_truncate = fun p0 p1 -> match (p0,p1) with (0, _) -> [] | (_, []) -> [] | (n, (a::l)) -> a::(list_truncate (n - 1) l) (* Separe the `n' first elements of `l' and the others *) (* ### n list -> (first, last) *) let rec list_truncate2 = fun p0 p1 -> match (p0,p1) with (0, l) -> ([], l) | (_, []) -> ([], []) | (n, (a::l)) -> let (first, last) = (list_truncate2 (n - 1) l) in (a::first, last) (* Replace x by y in list l *) (* ### x y l -> l' *) let list_replace x y = let rec repl = function [] -> [] | a::l -> if a == x then y::l else a::(repl l) in repl (* Filter `list' according to `predicate'. *) (* ### predicate list -> list' *) let filter p = let rec filter2 = function [] -> [] | a::l -> if p a then a::(filter2 l) else filter2 l in filter2 (* Find the first element `element' of `list' *) (* so that `predicate element' holds. *) (* ### predicate list -> element *) let find p = let rec find2 = function [] -> raise Not_found | a::l -> if p a then a else find2 l in find2 (*** Operations on strings. ***) (* Return the position of the first occurence of char `c' in string `s' *) (* Raise `Not_found' if `s' does not contain `c'. *) (* ### c s -> pos *) let string_pos s c = let i = ref 0 and l = String.length s in while !i < l && String.get s !i != c do i := !i + 1 done; if !i = l then raise Not_found; !i (* Remove blanks (spaces and tabs) at beginning and end of a string. *) let is_space = function | ' ' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false let string_trim s = let l = String.length s and i = ref 0 in while !i < l && is_space (String.get s !i) do incr i done; let j = ref (l - 1) in while !j >= !i && is_space (String.get s !j) do decr j done; String.sub s !i (!j - !i + 1) (* isprefix s1 s2 returns true if s1 is a prefix of s2. *) let isprefix s1 s2 = let l1 = String.length s1 and l2 = String.length s2 in (l1 = l2 && s1 = s2) || (l1 < l2 && s1 = String.sub s2 0 l1) (* Split a string at the given delimiter char *) let split_string sep str = let rec split i j = if j >= String.length str then if i >= j then [] else [String.sub str i (j-i)] else if str.[j] = sep then if i >= j then skip_sep (j+1) else String.sub str i (j-i) :: skip_sep (j+1) else split i (j+1) and skip_sep j = if j < String.length str && str.[j] = sep then skip_sep (j+1) else split j j in split 0 0 (*** I/O channels ***) type io_channel = { io_in : in_channel; io_out : out_channel; io_fd : Unix.file_descr } let io_channel_of_descr fd = { io_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr fd; io_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr fd; io_fd = fd } let close_io io_channel = close_out_noerr io_channel.io_out; close_in_noerr io_channel.io_in; ;; let std_io = { io_in = stdin; io_out = stdout; io_fd = Unix.stdin }