#!/usr/bin/perl ####################################################################### # # # OCaml # # # # Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt # # # # Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et # # en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed # # under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. # # # ####################################################################### foreach $f (@ARGV) { open(FILE, $f) || die("Cannot open $f"); seek(FILE, -16, 2); $num_sections = do read_int(); read(FILE, $magic, 12); seek(FILE, -16 - 8 * $num_sections, 2); @secname = (); @seclength = (); %length = (); for ($i = 0; $i < $num_sections; $i++) { read(FILE, $sec, 4); $secname[$i] = $sec; $seclength[$i] = do read_int(); $length{$sec} = $seclength[$i]; } print $f, ":\n" if ($#ARGV > 0); $path = $length{'RNTM'} > 0 ? do read_section('RNTM') : "(default runtime)\n"; printf ("\tcode: %-7d data: %-7d symbols: %-7d debug: %-7d\n", $length{'CODE'}, $length{'DATA'}, $length{'SYMB'}, $length{'DBUG'}); printf ("\tmagic number: %s runtime system: %s", $magic, $path); close(FILE); } sub read_int { read(FILE, $buff, 4) == 4 || die("Truncated bytecode file $f"); @int = unpack("C4", $buff); return ($int[0] << 24) + ($int[1] << 16) + ($int[2] << 8) + $int[3]; } sub read_section { local ($sec) = @_; local ($i, $ofs, $data); for ($i = $num_sections - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $ofs += $seclength[$i]; if ($secname[$i] eq $sec) { seek(FILE, -16 - 8 * $num_sections - $ofs, 2); read(FILE, $data, $seclength[$i]); return $data; } } return ''; }