(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Format open Outcometree exception Ellipsis let cautious f ppf arg = try f ppf arg with Ellipsis -> fprintf ppf "..." let rec print_ident ppf = function Oide_ident s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Oide_dot (id, s) -> fprintf ppf "%a.%s" print_ident id s | Oide_apply (id1, id2) -> fprintf ppf "%a(%a)" print_ident id1 print_ident id2 let value_ident ppf name = if List.mem name ["or"; "mod"; "land"; "lor"; "lxor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "asr"] then fprintf ppf "( %s )" name else match name.[0] with 'a'..'z' | '\223'..'\246' | '\248'..'\255' | '_' -> fprintf ppf "%s" name | _ -> fprintf ppf "( %s )" name (* Values *) let print_out_value ppf tree = let rec print_tree_1 ppf = function | Oval_constr (name, [param]) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ %a@]" print_ident name print_constr_param param | Oval_constr (name, (_ :: _ as params)) -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ (%a)@]" print_ident name (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") params | Oval_variant (name, Some param) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>`%s@ %a@]" name print_simple_tree param | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree and print_constr_param ppf = function | Oval_int i -> if i < 0 then fprintf ppf "(%i)" i else fprintf ppf "%i" i | Oval_float f -> if f < 0.0 then fprintf ppf "(%F)" f else fprintf ppf "%F" f | tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree and print_simple_tree ppf = function Oval_int i -> fprintf ppf "%i" i | Oval_float f -> fprintf ppf "%F" f | Oval_char c -> fprintf ppf "%C" c | Oval_string s -> begin try fprintf ppf "%S" s with Invalid_argument "String.create" -> fprintf ppf "" end | Oval_list tl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl | Oval_array tl -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>[|%a|]@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ";") tl | Oval_constr (name, []) -> print_ident ppf name | Oval_variant (name, None) -> fprintf ppf "`%s" name | Oval_stuff s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Oval_record fel -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>{%a}@]" (cautious (print_fields true)) fel | Oval_ellipsis -> raise Ellipsis | Oval_printer f -> f ppf | Oval_tuple tree_list -> fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]" (print_tree_list print_tree_1 ",") tree_list | tree -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" (cautious print_tree_1) tree and print_fields first ppf = function [] -> () | (name, tree) :: fields -> if not first then fprintf ppf ";@ "; fprintf ppf "@[<1>%a@ =@ %a@]" print_ident name (cautious print_tree_1) tree; print_fields false ppf fields and print_tree_list print_item sep ppf tree_list = let rec print_list first ppf = function [] -> () | tree :: tree_list -> if not first then fprintf ppf "%s@ " sep; print_item ppf tree; print_list false ppf tree_list in cautious (print_list true) ppf tree_list in cautious print_tree_1 ppf tree let out_value = ref print_out_value (* Types *) let rec print_list_init pr sep ppf = function [] -> () | a :: l -> sep ppf; pr ppf a; print_list_init pr sep ppf l let rec print_list pr sep ppf = function [] -> () | [a] -> pr ppf a | a :: l -> pr ppf a; sep ppf; print_list pr sep ppf l let pr_present = print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "`%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ") let pr_vars = print_list (fun ppf s -> fprintf ppf "'%s" s) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ") let rec print_out_type ppf = function | Otyp_alias (ty, s) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a as '%s@]" print_out_type ty s | Otyp_poly (sl, ty) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a.@ %a@]" pr_vars sl print_out_type ty | ty -> print_out_type_1 ppf ty and print_out_type_1 ppf = function Otyp_arrow (lab, ty1, ty2) -> fprintf ppf "@[%s%a ->@ %a@]" (if lab <> "" then lab ^ ":" else "") print_out_type_2 ty1 print_out_type_1 ty2 | ty -> print_out_type_2 ppf ty and print_out_type_2 ppf = function Otyp_tuple tyl -> fprintf ppf "@[<0>%a@]" (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl | ty -> print_simple_out_type ppf ty and print_simple_out_type ppf = function Otyp_class (ng, id, tyl) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a%s#%a@]" print_typargs tyl (if ng then "_" else "") print_ident id | Otyp_constr (id, tyl) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" print_typargs tyl print_ident id | Otyp_object (fields, rest) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>< %a >@]" (print_fields rest) fields | Otyp_stuff s -> fprintf ppf "%s" s | Otyp_var (ng, s) -> fprintf ppf "'%s%s" (if ng then "_" else "") s | Otyp_variant (non_gen, row_fields, closed, tags) -> let print_present ppf = function None | Some [] -> () | Some l -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>> @[%a@]" pr_present l in let print_fields ppf = function Ovar_fields fields -> print_list print_row_field (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| ") ppf fields | Ovar_name (id, tyl) -> fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" print_typargs tyl print_ident id in fprintf ppf "%s[%s@[@[%a@]%a]@]" (if non_gen then "_" else "") (if closed then if tags = None then " " else "< " else if tags = None then "> " else "? ") print_fields row_fields print_present tags | Otyp_alias _ | Otyp_poly _ | Otyp_arrow _ | Otyp_tuple _ as ty -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]" print_out_type ty | Otyp_abstract | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_record _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> () and print_fields rest ppf = function [] -> begin match rest with Some non_gen -> fprintf ppf "%s.." (if non_gen then "_" else "") | None -> () end | [s, t] -> fprintf ppf "%s : %a" s print_out_type t; begin match rest with Some _ -> fprintf ppf ";@ " | None -> () end; print_fields rest ppf [] | (s, t) :: l -> fprintf ppf "%s : %a;@ %a" s print_out_type t (print_fields rest) l and print_row_field ppf (l, opt_amp, tyl) = let pr_of ppf = if opt_amp then fprintf ppf " of@ &@ " else if tyl <> [] then fprintf ppf " of@ " else fprintf ppf "" in fprintf ppf "@[`%s%t%a@]" l pr_of (print_typlist print_out_type " &") tyl and print_typlist print_elem sep ppf = function [] -> () | [ty] -> print_elem ppf ty | ty :: tyl -> fprintf ppf "%a%s@ %a" print_elem ty sep (print_typlist print_elem sep) tyl and print_typargs ppf = function [] -> () | [ty1] -> fprintf ppf "%a@ " print_simple_out_type ty1 | tyl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>(%a)@]@ " (print_typlist print_out_type ",") tyl let out_type = ref print_out_type (* Class types *) let print_out_class_params ppf = function [] -> () | tyl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ " (print_list (fun ppf x -> fprintf ppf "'%s" x) (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ", ")) tyl let rec print_out_class_type ppf = function Octy_constr (id, tyl) -> let pr_tyl ppf = function [] -> () | tyl -> fprintf ppf "@[<1>[%a]@]@ " (print_typlist !out_type ",") tyl in fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]" pr_tyl tyl print_ident id | Octy_fun (lab, ty, cty) -> fprintf ppf "@[%s%a ->@ %a@]" (if lab <> "" then lab ^ ":" else "") print_out_type_2 ty print_out_class_type cty | Octy_signature (self_ty, csil) -> let pr_param ppf = function Some ty -> fprintf ppf "@ @[(%a)@]" !out_type ty | None -> () in fprintf ppf "@[@[<2>object%a@]@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" pr_param self_ty (print_list print_out_class_sig_item (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) csil and print_out_class_sig_item ppf = function Ocsg_constraint (ty1, ty2) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1 !out_type ty2 | Ocsg_method (name, priv, virt, ty) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>method %s%s%s :@ %a@]" (if priv then "private " else "") (if virt then "virtual " else "") name !out_type ty | Ocsg_value (name, mut, ty) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>val %s%s :@ %a@]" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name !out_type ty let out_class_type = ref print_out_class_type (* Signature *) let out_module_type = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_module_type") let out_sig_item = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_sig_item") let out_signature = ref (fun _ -> failwith "Oprint.out_signature") let rec print_out_module_type ppf = function Omty_abstract -> () | Omty_functor (name, mty_arg, mty_res) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>functor@ (%s : %a) ->@ %a@]" name print_out_module_type mty_arg print_out_module_type mty_res | Omty_ident id -> fprintf ppf "%a" print_ident id | Omty_signature sg -> fprintf ppf "@[sig@ %a@;<1 -2>end@]" !out_signature sg and print_out_signature ppf = function [] -> () | [item] -> !out_sig_item ppf item | item :: items -> fprintf ppf "%a@ %a" !out_sig_item item print_out_signature items and print_out_sig_item ppf = function Osig_class (vir_flag, name, params, clt) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>class%s@ %a%s@ :@ %a@]" (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params name !out_class_type clt | Osig_class_type (vir_flag, name, params, clt) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>class type%s@ %a%s@ =@ %a@]" (if vir_flag then " virtual" else "") print_out_class_params params name !out_class_type clt | Osig_exception (id, tyl) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>exception %a@]" print_out_constr (id, tyl) | Osig_modtype (name, Omty_abstract) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s@]" name | Osig_modtype (name, mty) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>module type %s =@ %a@]" name !out_module_type mty | Osig_module (name, mty) -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>module %s :@ %a@]" name !out_module_type mty | Osig_type tdl -> print_out_type_decl_list ppf tdl | Osig_value (name, ty, prims) -> let kwd = if prims = [] then "val" else "external" in let pr_prims ppf = function [] -> () | s :: sl -> fprintf ppf "@ = \"%s\"" s; List.iter (fun s -> fprintf ppf "@ \"%s\"" s) sl in fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s %a :@ %a%a@]" kwd value_ident name !out_type ty pr_prims prims and print_out_type_decl_list ppf = function [] -> () | [x] -> print_out_type_decl "type" ppf x | x :: l -> print_out_type_decl "type" ppf x; List.iter (fun x -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (print_out_type_decl "and") x) l and print_out_type_decl kwd ppf (name, args, ty, constraints) = let print_constraints ppf params = List.iter (fun (ty1, ty2) -> fprintf ppf "@ @[<2>constraint %a =@ %a@]" !out_type ty1 !out_type ty2) params in let type_parameter ppf (ty, (co, cn)) = fprintf ppf "%s'%s" (if not cn then "+" else if not co then "-" else "") ty in let type_defined ppf = match args with [] -> fprintf ppf "%s" name | [arg] -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@ %s@]" type_parameter arg name | _ -> fprintf ppf "@[(@[%a)@]@ %s@]" (print_list type_parameter (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ",@ ")) args name in let print_manifest ppf = function Otyp_manifest (ty, _) -> fprintf ppf " =@ %a" !out_type ty | _ -> () in let print_name_args ppf = fprintf ppf "%s %t%a" kwd type_defined print_manifest ty in let ty = match ty with Otyp_manifest (_, ty) -> ty | _ -> ty in match ty with Otyp_abstract -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[%t@]%a@]" print_name_args print_constraints constraints | Otyp_record lbls -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[%t = {%a@;<1 -2>}@]@ %a@]" print_name_args (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls print_constraints constraints | Otyp_sum constrs -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[%t =@;<1 2>%a@]%a@]" print_name_args (print_list print_out_constr (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ | ")) constrs print_constraints constraints | ty -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>@[%t =@ %a@]%a@]" print_name_args !out_type ty print_constraints constraints and print_out_constr ppf (name, tyl) = match tyl with [] -> fprintf ppf "%s" name | _ -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s of@ %a@]" name (print_typlist print_simple_out_type " *") tyl and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) = fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name !out_type arg let _ = out_module_type := print_out_module_type let _ = out_signature := print_out_signature let _ = out_sig_item := print_out_sig_item (* Phrases *) let print_out_exception ppf exn outv = match exn with Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@." | Out_of_memory -> fprintf ppf "Out of memory during evaluation.@." | Stack_overflow -> fprintf ppf "Stack overflow during evaluation (looping recursion?).@." | _ -> fprintf ppf "@[Exception:@ %a.@]@." !out_value outv let rec print_items ppf = function [] -> () | (tree, valopt) :: items -> begin match valopt with Some v -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" !out_sig_item tree !out_value v | None -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]" !out_sig_item tree end; if items <> [] then fprintf ppf "@ %a" print_items items let print_out_phrase ppf = function Ophr_eval (outv, ty) -> fprintf ppf "@[- : %a@ =@ %a@]@." !out_type ty !out_value outv | Ophr_signature [] -> () | Ophr_signature items -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." print_items items | Ophr_exception (exn, outv) -> print_out_exception ppf exn outv let out_phrase = ref print_out_phrase