(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Lexing type t = { loc_start: int; loc_end: int; loc_ghost: bool } let none = { loc_start = -1; loc_end = -1; loc_ghost = true } let symbol_rloc () = { loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start(); loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end(); loc_ghost = false } let symbol_gloc () = { loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start(); loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end(); loc_ghost = true } let rhs_loc n = { loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start n; loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end n; loc_ghost = false } let input_name = ref "" let input_lexbuf = ref (None : lexbuf option) (* Terminal info *) let status = ref Terminfo.Uninitialised (* Print the location using standout mode. *) let num_loc_lines = ref 0 (* number of lines already printed after input *) let rec highlight_locations loc1 loc2 = match !status with Terminfo.Uninitialised -> status := Terminfo.setup stdout; highlight_locations loc1 loc2 | Terminfo.Bad_term -> false | Terminfo.Good_term num_lines -> match !input_lexbuf with None -> false | Some lb -> try (* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *) let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in (* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the whole phrase. *) if pos0 < 0 then raise Exit; (* Count number of lines in phrase *) let lines = ref !num_loc_lines in for i = pos0 to String.length lb.lex_buffer - 1 do if lb.lex_buffer.[i] = '\n' then incr lines done; (* If too many lines, give up *) if !lines >= num_lines - 2 then raise Exit; (* Move cursor up that number of lines *) flush stdout; Terminfo.backup !lines; (* Print the input, switching to standout for the location *) let bol = ref false in print_string "# "; for pos = 0 to String.length lb.lex_buffer - pos0 - 1 do if !bol then (print_string " "; bol := false); if pos = loc1.loc_start || pos = loc2.loc_start then (flush stdout; Terminfo.standout true); if pos = loc1.loc_end || pos = loc2.loc_end then (flush stdout; Terminfo.standout false); let c = lb.lex_buffer.[pos + pos0] in print_char c; bol := (c = '\n') done; flush stdout; (* Make sure standout mode is over *) Terminfo.standout false; (* Position cursor back to original location *) Terminfo.resume !num_loc_lines; true; with Exit -> false (* Print the location in some way or another *) open Format let reset () = num_loc_lines := 0 let (msg_file, msg_line, msg_chars, msg_to, msg_colon, msg_head) = match Sys.os_type with | "MacOS" -> ("File \"", "\"; line ", "; characters ", " to ", "", "### ") | _ -> ("File \"", "\", line ", ", characters ", "-", ":", "") let print ppf loc = if String.length !input_name = 0 then if highlight_locations loc none then () else fprintf ppf "Characters %i-%i:@." loc.loc_start loc.loc_end else begin let (filename, linenum, linebeg) = Linenum.for_position !input_name loc.loc_start in fprintf ppf "%s%s%s%i" msg_file filename msg_line linenum; fprintf ppf "%s%i" msg_chars (loc.loc_start - linebeg); fprintf ppf "%s%i%s@.%s" msg_to (loc.loc_end - linebeg) msg_colon msg_head; end let print_warning loc ppf w = if Warnings.is_active w then begin fprintf ppf "%aWarning: %a@." print loc Warnings.print w; incr num_loc_lines; end ;; let prerr_warning loc w = print_warning loc err_formatter w;; let echo_eof () = print_newline (); incr num_loc_lines