#!/usr/local/bin/perl -pi.bak # Conversion of Caml Special Light source files to Objective Caml. # Rename library functions that have changed names and warn # for identifiers that are now keywords. # Transforms the file(s) in place. The old source is left in a file # with extension .bak s/Array\.new/Array.create/g; s/Array\.new_matrix/Array.create_matrix/g; s/Hashtbl\.new/Hashtbl.create/g; s/Queue\.new/Queue.create/g; s/Stack\.new/Stack.create/g; s/Thread\.new/Thread.create/g; s/Mutex\.new/Mutex.create/g; s/Condition\.new/Condition.create/g; if (/\b(class|closed|constraint|inherit|method|new|private|virtual)\b/) { print STDERR "$ARGV:$.: `$1' is now a keyword\n"; }