(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Damien Doligez, projet Para, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with *) (* the special exception on linking described in file ../LICENSE. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) module type SeededS = sig include Hashtbl.SeededS val stats_alive: 'a t -> Hashtbl.statistics (** same as {!stats} but only count the alive bindings *) end module type S = sig include Hashtbl.S val stats_alive: 'a t -> Hashtbl.statistics (** same as {!stats} but only count the alive bindings *) end module GenHashTable = struct type equal = | ETrue | EFalse | EDead (** the garbage collector reclaimed the data *) module MakeSeeded(H: sig type t type 'a container val create: t -> 'a -> 'a container val hash: int -> t -> int val equal: t -> 'a container -> equal val get_data: 'a container -> 'a option val get_key: 'a container -> t option val set_data: 'a container -> 'a -> unit val check_key: 'a container -> bool end) : SeededS with type key = H.t = struct type 'a t = { mutable size: int; (* number of entries *) mutable data: 'a bucketlist array; (* the buckets *) mutable seed: int; (* for randomization *) initial_size: int; (* initial array size *) } and 'a bucketlist = | Empty | Cons of int (** hash of the key *) * 'a H.container * 'a bucketlist (** the hash of the key is kept in order to test the equality of the hash before the key. Same reason than for Weak.Make *) type key = H.t let rec power_2_above x n = if x >= n then x else if x * 2 > Sys.max_array_length then x else power_2_above (x * 2) n let prng = lazy (Random.State.make_self_init()) let create ?(random = (Hashtbl.is_randomized ())) initial_size = let s = power_2_above 16 initial_size in let seed = if random then Random.State.bits (Lazy.force prng) else 0 in { initial_size = s; size = 0; seed = seed; data = Array.make s Empty } let clear h = h.size <- 0; let len = Array.length h.data in for i = 0 to len - 1 do h.data.(i) <- Empty done let reset h = let len = Array.length h.data in if len = h.initial_size then clear h else begin h.size <- 0; h.data <- Array.make h.initial_size Empty end let copy h = { h with data = Array.copy h.data } let key_index h hkey = hkey land (Array.length h.data - 1) let resize indexfun h = let odata = h.data in let osize = Array.length odata in let nsize = osize * 2 in if nsize < Sys.max_array_length then begin let ndata = Array.make nsize Empty in h.data <- ndata; (* so that indexfun sees the new bucket count *) let rec insert_bucket = function Empty -> () | Cons(key, data, rest) -> insert_bucket rest; (* preserve original order of elements *) let nidx = indexfun h key in ndata.(nidx) <- Cons(key, data, ndata.(nidx)) in for i = 0 to osize - 1 do insert_bucket odata.(i) done end let add h key info = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in let i = key_index h hkey in let container = H.create key info in let bucket = Cons(hkey, container, h.data.(i)) in h.data.(i) <- bucket; h.size <- h.size + 1; if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize key_index h let remove h key = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in let rec remove_bucket = function | Empty -> Empty | Cons(hk, c, next) when hkey = hk -> begin match H.equal key c with | ETrue -> h.size <- h.size - 1; next | EFalse -> Cons(hk, c, remove_bucket next) | EDead -> remove_bucket next (** The key have been reclaimed *) end | Cons(hk,c,next) -> Cons(hk, c, remove_bucket next) in let i = key_index h hkey in h.data.(i) <- remove_bucket h.data.(i) let rec find_rec key hkey = function | Empty -> raise Not_found | Cons(hk, c, rest) when hkey = hk -> begin match H.equal key c with | ETrue -> begin match H.get_data c with | None -> (** This case is not impossible because the gc can run between H.equal and H.get_data *) (** TODO? remove this dead key *) find_rec key hkey rest | Some d -> d end | EFalse -> find_rec key hkey rest | EDead -> (** TODO? remove this dead key *) find_rec key hkey rest end | Cons(_, _, rest) -> find_rec key hkey rest let find h key = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in (** TODO inline 3 iteration *) find_rec key hkey (h.data.(key_index h hkey)) let find_all h key = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in let rec find_in_bucket = function | Empty -> [] | Cons(hk, c, rest) when hkey = hk -> begin match H.equal key c with | ETrue -> begin match H.get_data c with | None -> (** TODO? remove this dead key *) find_in_bucket rest | Some d -> d::find_in_bucket rest end | EFalse -> find_in_bucket rest | EDead -> (** TODO? remove this dead key *) find_in_bucket rest end | Cons(_, _, rest) -> find_in_bucket rest in find_in_bucket h.data.(key_index h hkey) let replace h key info = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in let rec replace_bucket = function | Empty -> raise Not_found | Cons(hk, c, next) when hkey = hk -> begin match H.equal key c with | ETrue -> begin match H.get_data c with | None -> (** Can this case really happend? *) (** TODO? remove this dead key *) replace_bucket next | Some d -> H.set_data c info end | EFalse -> replace_bucket next | EDead -> (** TODO? remove this dead key *) replace_bucket next end | Cons(_,_,next) -> replace_bucket next in let i = key_index h hkey in let l = h.data.(i) in try replace_bucket l with Not_found -> let container = H.create key info in h.data.(i) <- Cons(hkey, container, l); h.size <- h.size + 1; if h.size > Array.length h.data lsl 1 then resize key_index h let mem h key = let hkey = H.hash h.seed key in let rec mem_in_bucket = function | Empty -> false | Cons(hk, c, rest) when hk = hkey -> begin match H.equal key c with | ETrue -> true | EFalse -> mem_in_bucket rest | EDead -> (** TODO? remove this dead key *) mem_in_bucket rest end | Cons(hk, c, rest) -> mem_in_bucket rest in mem_in_bucket h.data.(key_index h hkey) let iter f h = let rec do_bucket = function | Empty -> () | Cons(_, c, rest) -> begin match H.get_key c, H.get_data c with | None, _ | _, None -> (** TODO? remove this dead key? *) () | Some k, Some d -> f k d end; do_bucket rest in let d = h.data in for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do do_bucket d.(i) done let fold f h init = let rec do_bucket b accu = match b with Empty -> accu | Cons(_, c, rest) -> let accu = begin match H.get_key c, H.get_data c with | None, _ | _, None -> (** TODO? remove this dead key? *) accu | Some k, Some d -> f k d accu end in do_bucket rest accu in let d = h.data in let accu = ref init in for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do accu := do_bucket d.(i) !accu done; !accu let filter_map_inplace f h = let rec do_bucket = function | Empty -> Empty | Cons(hk, c, rest) -> match H.get_key c, H.get_data c with | None, _ | _, None -> do_bucket rest | Some k, Some d -> match f k d with | None -> do_bucket rest | Some new_d -> H.set_key_data c k new_d; Cons(hk, c, do_bucket rest) in let d = h.data in for i = 0 to Array.length d - 1 do d.(i) <- do_bucket d.(i) done let length h = h.size let rec bucket_length accu = function | Empty -> accu | Cons(_, _, rest) -> bucket_length (accu + 1) rest let stats h = let mbl = Array.fold_left (fun m b -> max m (bucket_length 0 b)) 0 h.data in let histo = Array.make (mbl + 1) 0 in Array.iter (fun b -> let l = bucket_length 0 b in histo.(l) <- histo.(l) + 1) h.data; { Hashtbl.num_bindings = h.size; num_buckets = Array.length h.data; max_bucket_length = mbl; bucket_histogram = histo } let rec bucket_length_alive accu = function | Empty -> accu | Cons(_, c, rest) when H.check_key c -> bucket_length_alive (accu + 1) rest | Cons(_, _, rest) -> bucket_length_alive accu rest let stats_alive h = let size = ref 0 in let mbl = Array.fold_left (fun m b -> max m (bucket_length_alive 0 b)) 0 h.data in let histo = Array.make (mbl + 1) 0 in Array.iter (fun b -> let l = bucket_length_alive 0 b in size := !size + l; histo.(l) <- histo.(l) + 1) h.data; { Hashtbl.num_bindings = !size; num_buckets = Array.length h.data; max_bucket_length = mbl; bucket_histogram = histo } end end module ObjEph = Obj.Ephemeron let _obj_opt : Obj.t option -> 'a option = fun x -> match x with | None -> x | Some v -> Some (Obj.obj v) (** The previous function is typed so this one is also correct *) let obj_opt : Obj.t option -> 'a option = fun x -> Obj.magic x module K1 = struct type ('k,'d) t = ObjEph.eph let create () : ('k,'d) t = ObjEph.create 1 let get_key (t:('k,'d) t) : 'k option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key t 0) let get_key_copy (t:('k,'d) t) : 'k option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key_copy t 0) let set_key (t:('k,'d) t) (k:'k) : unit = ObjEph.set_key t 0 (Obj.repr k) let unset_key (t:('k,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_key t 0 let check_key (t:('k,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_key t 0 let blit_key (t1:('k,'d) t) (t2:('k,'d) t): unit = ObjEph.blit_key t1 0 t2 0 1 let get_data (t:('k,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data t) let get_data_copy (t:('k,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data_copy t) let set_data (t:('k,'d) t) (d:'d) : unit = ObjEph.set_data t (Obj.repr d) let unset_data (t:('k,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_data t let check_data (t:('k,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_data t let blit_data (t1:(_,'d) t) (t2:(_,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_data t1 t2 module MakeSeeded (H:Hashtbl.SeededHashedType) = GenHashTable.MakeSeeded(struct type 'a container = (H.t,'a) t type t = H.t let create k d = let c = create () in set_data c d; set_key c k; c let hash = H.hash let equal k c = (** {!get_key_copy} is not used because the equality of the user can be the physical equality *) match get_key c with | None -> GenHashTable.EDead | Some k' -> if H.equal k k' then GenHashTable.ETrue else GenHashTable.EFalse let get_data = get_data let get_key = get_key let set_data = set_data let check_key = check_key end) module Make(H: Hashtbl.HashedType): (S with type key = H.t) = struct include MakeSeeded(struct type t = H.t let equal = H.equal let hash (seed: int) x = H.hash x end) let create sz = create ~random:false sz end end module K2 = struct type ('k1, 'k2, 'd) t = ObjEph.eph let create () : ('k1,'k2,'d) t = ObjEph.create 1 let get_key1 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'k1 option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key t 0) let get_key1_copy (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'k1 option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key_copy t 0) let set_key1 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) (k:'k1) : unit = ObjEph.set_key t 0 (Obj.repr k) let unset_key1 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_key t 0 let check_key1 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_key t 0 let get_key2 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'k2 option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key t 1) let get_key2_copy (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'k2 option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key_copy t 1) let set_key2 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) (k:'k2) : unit = ObjEph.set_key t 1 (Obj.repr k) let unset_key2 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_key t 1 let check_key2 (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_key t 1 let blit_key1 (t1:('k1,_,_) t) (t2:('k1,_,_) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_key t1 0 t2 0 1 let blit_key2 (t1:(_,'k2,_) t) (t2:(_,'k2,_) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_key t1 1 t2 1 1 let blit_key12 (t1:('k1,'k2,_) t) (t2:('k1,'k2,_) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_key t1 0 t2 0 2 let get_data (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data t) let get_data_copy (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data_copy t) let set_data (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) (d:'d) : unit = ObjEph.set_data t (Obj.repr d) let unset_data (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_data t let check_data (t:('k1,'k2,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_data t let blit_data (t1:(_,_,'d) t) (t2:(_,_,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_data t1 t2 module MakeSeeded (H1:Hashtbl.SeededHashedType) (H2:Hashtbl.SeededHashedType) = GenHashTable.MakeSeeded(struct type 'a container = (H1.t,H2.t,'a) t type t = H1.t * H2.t let create (k1,k2) d = let c = create () in set_data c d; set_key1 c k1; set_key2 c k2; c let hash seed (k1,k2) = H1.hash seed k1 + H2.hash seed k2 * 65599 let equal (k1,k2) c = match get_key1 c, get_key2 c with | None, _ | _ , None -> GenHashTable.EDead | Some k1', Some k2' -> if H1.equal k1 k1' && H2.equal k2 k2' then GenHashTable.ETrue else GenHashTable.EFalse let get_data = get_data let get_key c = match get_key1 c, get_key2 c with | None, _ | _ , None -> None | Some k1', Some k2' -> Some (k1', k2') let set_data = set_data let check_key c = check_key1 c && check_key2 c end) module Make(H1: Hashtbl.HashedType)(H2: Hashtbl.HashedType): (S with type key = H1.t * H2.t) = struct include MakeSeeded (struct type t = H1.t let equal = H1.equal let hash (seed: int) x = H1.hash x end) (struct type t = H2.t let equal = H2.equal let hash (seed: int) x = H2.hash x end) let create sz = create ~random:false sz end end module Kn = struct type ('k,'d) t = ObjEph.eph let create n : ('k,'d) t = ObjEph.create n let length (k:('k,'d) t) : int = ObjEph.length k let get_key (t:('k,'d) t) (n:int) : 'k option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key t n) let get_key_copy (t:('k,'d) t) (n:int) : 'k option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_key_copy t n) let set_key (t:('k,'d) t) (n:int) (k:'k) : unit = ObjEph.set_key t n (Obj.repr k) let unset_key (t:('k,'d) t) (n:int) : unit = ObjEph.unset_key t n let check_key (t:('k,'d) t) (n:int) : bool = ObjEph.check_key t n let blit_key (t1:('k,'d) t) (o1:int) (t2:('k,'d) t) (o2:int) (l:int) : unit = ObjEph.blit_key t1 o1 t2 o2 l let get_data (t:('k,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data t) let get_data_copy (t:('k,'d) t) : 'd option = obj_opt (ObjEph.get_data_copy t) let set_data (t:('k,'d) t) (d:'d) : unit = ObjEph.set_data t (Obj.repr d) let unset_data (t:('k,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.unset_data t let check_data (t:('k,'d) t) : bool = ObjEph.check_data t let blit_data (t1:(_,'d) t) (t2:(_,'d) t) : unit = ObjEph.blit_data t1 t2 module MakeSeeded (H:Hashtbl.SeededHashedType) = GenHashTable.MakeSeeded(struct type 'a container = (H.t,'a) t type t = H.t array let create k d = let c = create (Array.length k) in set_data c d; for i=0 to Array.length k -1 do set_key c i k.(i); done; c let hash seed k = let h = ref 0 in for i=0 to Array.length k -1 do h := H.hash seed k.(i) * 65599 + !h; done; !h let equal k c = let len = Array.length k in let len' = length c in if len != len' then GenHashTable.EFalse else let rec equal_array k c i = if i < 0 then GenHashTable.ETrue else match get_key c i with | None -> GenHashTable.EDead | Some ki -> if H.equal k.(i) ki then equal_array k c (i-1) else GenHashTable.EFalse in equal_array k c (len-1) let get_data = get_data let get_key c = let len = length c in if len = 0 then Some [||] else match get_key c 0 with | None -> None | Some k0 -> let rec fill a i = if i < 1 then Some a else match get_key c i with | None -> None | Some ki -> a.(i) <- ki; fill a (i-1) in let a = Array.make len k0 in fill a (len-1) let set_data = set_data let check_key c = let rec check c i = i < 0 || (check_key c i && check c (i-1)) in check c (length c - 1) end) module Make(H: Hashtbl.HashedType): (S with type key = H.t array) = struct include MakeSeeded(struct type t = H.t let equal = H.equal let hash (seed: int) x = H.hash x end) let create sz = create ~random:false sz end end