(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Representation of types and declarations *) open Asttypes (* Type expressions for the core language *) type type_expr = { mutable desc: type_desc; mutable level: int } and type_desc = Tvar | Tarrow of type_expr * type_expr | Ttuple of type_expr list | Tconstr of Path.t * type_expr list * (Path.t * type_expr) list ref | Tobject of type_expr * (Path.t * type_expr list) option ref | Tfield of string * type_expr * type_expr | Tnil | Tlink of type_expr (* Value descriptions *) type value_description = { val_type: type_expr; (* Type of the value *) val_kind: value_kind } and value_kind = Val_reg (* Regular value *) | Val_prim of Primitive.description (* Primitive *) | Val_ivar of mutable_flag (* Instance variable (mutable ?) *) | Val_anc of (string * Ident.t) list (* Ancestor *) (* Constructor descriptions *) type constructor_description = { cstr_res: type_expr; (* Type of the result *) cstr_args: type_expr list; (* Type of the arguments *) cstr_arity: int; (* Number of arguments *) cstr_tag: constructor_tag; (* Tag for heap blocks *) cstr_consts: int; (* Number of constant constructors *) cstr_nonconsts: int } (* Number of non-const constructors *) and constructor_tag = Cstr_constant of int (* Constant constructor (an int) *) | Cstr_block of int (* Regular constructor (a block) *) | Cstr_exception of Path.t (* Exception constructor *) (* Record label descriptions *) type label_description = { lbl_res: type_expr; (* Type of the result *) lbl_arg: type_expr; (* Type of the argument *) lbl_mut: mutable_flag; (* Is this a mutable field? *) lbl_pos: int; (* Position in block *) lbl_all: label_description array; (* All the labels in this type *) lbl_repres: record_representation } (* Representation for this record *) and record_representation = Record_regular (* All fields are boxed / tagged *) | Record_float (* All fields are floats *) (* Type expressions for classes *) module Vars : Map.S with type key = string module Concr : Set.S with type elt = string type class_type = { cty_params: type_expr list; cty_args: type_expr list; cty_vars: (mutable_flag * type_expr) Vars.t; cty_self: type_expr; cty_concr: Concr.t; mutable cty_new: type_expr option } (* Type definitions *) type type_declaration = { type_params: type_expr list; type_arity: int; type_kind: type_kind; type_manifest: type_expr option } and type_kind = Type_abstract | Type_variant of (string * type_expr list) list | Type_record of (string * mutable_flag * type_expr) list type exception_declaration = type_expr list (* Type expressions for the module language *) type module_type = Tmty_ident of Path.t | Tmty_signature of signature | Tmty_functor of Ident.t * module_type * module_type and signature = signature_item list and signature_item = Tsig_value of Ident.t * value_description | Tsig_type of Ident.t * type_declaration | Tsig_exception of Ident.t * exception_declaration | Tsig_module of Ident.t * module_type | Tsig_modtype of Ident.t * modtype_declaration | Tsig_class of Ident.t * class_type and modtype_declaration = Tmodtype_abstract | Tmodtype_manifest of module_type