(* camlp4r pa_extend.cmo q_MLast.cmo *) (***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Camlp4 *) (* *) (* Daniel de Rauglaudre, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* This file has been generated by program: do not edit! *) open Stdpp;; open Pcaml;; Pcaml.no_constructors_arity := false;; let help_sequences () = Printf.eprintf "\ New syntax: do {e1; e2; ... ; en} while e do {e1; e2; ... ; en} for v = v1 to/downto v2 do {e1; e2; ... ; en} Old (discouraged) syntax: do e1; e2; ... ; en-1; return en while e do e1; e2; ... ; en; done for v = v1 to/downto v2 do e1; e2; ... ; en; done To avoid compilation warning use the new syntax. "; flush stderr; exit 1 ;; Pcaml.add_option "-help_seq" (Arg.Unit help_sequences) " Print explanations about new sequences and exit.";; let odfa = !(Plexer.dollar_for_antiquotation) in Plexer.dollar_for_antiquotation := false; Grammar.Unsafe.reinit_gram gram (Plexer.make ()); Plexer.dollar_for_antiquotation := odfa; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry interf; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry implem; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry top_phrase; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry use_file; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_type; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry module_expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry sig_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry str_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry patt; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry ctyp; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry let_binding; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_type; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_expr; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_sig_item; Grammar.Unsafe.clear_entry class_str_item;; Pcaml.parse_interf := Grammar.Entry.parse interf;; Pcaml.parse_implem := Grammar.Entry.parse implem;; let o2b = function Some _ -> true | None -> false ;; let mkumin loc f arg = match arg with MLast.ExInt (_, n) when int_of_string n > 0 -> let n = "-" ^ n in MLast.ExInt (loc, n) | MLast.ExFlo (_, n) when float_of_string n > 0.0 -> let n = "-" ^ n in MLast.ExFlo (loc, n) | _ -> let f = "~" ^ f in MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, f), arg) ;; let mklistexp loc last = let rec loop top = function [] -> begin match last with Some e -> e | None -> MLast.ExUid (loc, "[]") end | e1 :: el -> let loc = if top then loc else fst (MLast.loc_of_expr e1), snd loc in MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExUid (loc, "::"), e1), loop false el) in loop true ;; let mklistpat loc last = let rec loop top = function [] -> begin match last with Some p -> p | None -> MLast.PaUid (loc, "[]") end | p1 :: pl -> let loc = if top then loc else fst (MLast.loc_of_patt p1), snd loc in MLast.PaApp (loc, MLast.PaApp (loc, MLast.PaUid (loc, "::"), p1), loop false pl) in loop true ;; (* ...suppose to flush the input in case of syntax error to avoid multiple errors in case of cut-and-paste in the xterm, but work bad: for example the input "for x = 1;" waits for another line before displaying the error... value rec sync cs = match cs with parser [ [: `';' :] -> sync_semi cs | [: `_ :] -> sync cs ] and sync_semi cs = match Stream.peek cs with [ Some ('\010' | '\013') -> () | _ -> sync cs ] ; Pcaml.sync.val := sync; *) let type_parameter = Grammar.Entry.create gram "type_parameter";; let fun_binding = Grammar.Entry.create gram "fun_binding";; let ipatt = Grammar.Entry.create gram "ipatt";; let direction_flag = Grammar.Entry.create gram "direction_flag";; let mod_ident = Grammar.Entry.create gram "mod_ident";; Grammar.extend (let _ = (interf : 'interf Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (implem : 'implem Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (use_file : 'use_file Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (top_phrase : 'top_phrase Grammar.Entry.e) in let grammar_entry_create s = Grammar.Entry.create (Grammar.of_entry interf) s in let sig_item_semi : 'sig_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "sig_item_semi" and str_item_semi : 'str_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "str_item_semi" and phrase : 'phrase Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "phrase" in [Grammar.Entry.obj (interf : 'interf Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("EOI", "")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> ([], false : 'interf)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item_semi : 'sig_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (sil, stopped : 'interf) (si : 'sig_item_semi) (loc : int * int) -> (si :: sil, stopped : 'interf)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (dp : 'expr option) (n : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> ([MLast.SgDir (loc, n, dp), loc], true : 'interf))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item_semi : 'sig_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (si : 'sig_item) (loc : int * int) -> (si, loc : 'sig_item_semi))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (implem : 'implem Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("EOI", "")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> ([], false : 'implem)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item_semi : 'str_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (sil, stopped : 'implem) (si : 'str_item_semi) (loc : int * int) -> (si :: sil, stopped : 'implem)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (dp : 'expr option) (n : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> ([MLast.StDir (loc, n, dp), loc], true : 'implem))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item_semi : 'str_item_semi Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (si : 'str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (si, loc : 'str_item_semi))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (top_phrase : 'top_phrase Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("EOI", "")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (None : 'top_phrase)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (phrase : 'phrase Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ph : 'phrase) (loc : int * int) -> (Some ph : 'top_phrase))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (use_file : 'use_file Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("EOI", "")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> ([], false : 'use_file)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (sil, stopped : 'use_file) _ (si : 'str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (si :: sil, stopped : 'use_file)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (dp : 'expr option) (n : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> ([MLast.StDir (loc, n, dp)], true : 'use_file))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (phrase : 'phrase Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (sti : 'str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (sti : 'phrase)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (dp : 'expr option) (n : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StDir (loc, n, dp) : 'phrase))]]]);; Grammar.extend (let _ = (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e) in let grammar_entry_create s = Grammar.Entry.create (Grammar.of_entry sig_item) s in let rebind_exn : 'rebind_exn Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "rebind_exn" and module_binding : 'module_binding Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "module_binding" and module_declaration : 'module_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "module_declaration" and with_constr : 'with_constr Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "with_constr" and dummy : 'dummy Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "dummy" and sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "sequence" and match_case : 'match_case Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "match_case" and label_expr : 'label_expr Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "label_expr" and expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "expr_ident" and fun_def : 'fun_def Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "fun_def" and label_patt : 'label_patt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "label_patt" and patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "patt_label_ident" and label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "label_ipatt" and type_declaration : 'type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "type_declaration" and type_patt : 'type_patt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "type_patt" and constrain : 'constrain Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "constrain" and constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "constructor_declaration" and label_declaration : 'label_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "label_declaration" and ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "ident" in [Grammar.Entry.obj (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "struct"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (s : 'str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (s : 'e__1))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (st : 'e__1 list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeStr (loc, st) : 'module_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "functor"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ _ (t : 'module_type) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeFun (loc, i, t, me) : 'module_expr))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (me2 : 'module_expr) (me1 : 'module_expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeApp (loc, me1, me2) : 'module_expr))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (me2 : 'module_expr) _ (me1 : 'module_expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeAcc (loc, me1, me2) : 'module_expr))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (me : 'module_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeTyc (loc, me, mt) : 'module_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeUid (loc, i) : 'module_expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [Some "top", None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StExp (loc, e) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "value"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "rec")); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (l : 'let_binding list) (r : string option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StVal (loc, o2b r, l) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_declaration : 'type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (tdl : 'type_declaration list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StTyp (loc, tdl) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "open"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StOpn (loc, i) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StMty (loc, i, mt) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_binding : 'module_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mb : 'module_binding) (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StMod (loc, i, mb) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "include"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StInc (loc, me) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "external"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Slist1 (Gramext.Stoken ("STRING", ""))], Gramext.action (fun (pd : string list) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StExt (loc, i, t, pd) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "exception"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (rebind_exn : 'rebind_exn Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (b : 'rebind_exn) (_, c, tl : 'constructor_declaration) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StExc (loc, c, tl, b) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "declare"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (s : 'str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (s : 'e__2))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (st : 'e__2 list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StDcl (loc, st) : 'str_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (rebind_exn : 'rebind_exn Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[], Gramext.action (fun (loc : int * int) -> ([] : 'rebind_exn)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (sl : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (sl : 'rebind_exn))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (module_binding : 'module_binding Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (me : 'module_binding)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_expr : 'module_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeTyc (loc, me, mt) : 'module_binding)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (mb : 'module_binding) _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (m : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MeFun (loc, m, mt, mb) : 'module_binding))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "functor"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ _ (t : 'module_type) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtFun (loc, i, t, mt) : 'module_type))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (with_constr : 'with_constr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (wcl : 'with_constr list) _ (mt : 'module_type) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtWit (loc, mt, wcl) : 'module_type))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "sig"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (s : 'sig_item) (loc : int * int) -> (s : 'e__3))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (sg : 'e__3 list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtSig (loc, sg) : 'module_type))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (m2 : 'module_type) (m1 : 'module_type) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtApp (loc, m1, m2) : 'module_type))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (m2 : 'module_type) _ (m1 : 'module_type) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtAcc (loc, m1, m2) : 'module_type))]; None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mt : 'module_type)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtLid (loc, i) : 'module_type)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtUid (loc, i) : 'module_type))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [Some "top", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "value"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgVal (loc, i, t) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_declaration : 'type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (tdl : 'type_declaration list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgTyp (loc, tdl) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "open"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgOpn (loc, i) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgMty (loc, i, mt) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_declaration : 'module_declaration Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_declaration) (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgMod (loc, i, mt) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "include"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgInc (loc, mt) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "external"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Slist1 (Gramext.Stoken ("STRING", ""))], Gramext.action (fun (pd : string list) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgExt (loc, i, t, pd) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "exception"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (_, c, tl : 'constructor_declaration) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgExc (loc, c, tl) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "declare"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (s : 'sig_item) (loc : int * int) -> (s : 'e__4))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (st : 'e__4 list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgDcl (loc, st) : 'sig_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (module_declaration : 'module_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_declaration) _ (t : 'module_type) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.MtFun (loc, i, t, mt) : 'module_declaration)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mt : 'module_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (with_constr : 'with_constr Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_type : 'module_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (i : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.WcMod (loc, i, mt) : 'with_constr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (tpl : 'type_parameter list) (i : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.WcTyp (loc, i, tpl, t) : 'with_constr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), None, [Some "top", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "while"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExWhi (loc, e, seq) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "for"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (e2 : 'expr) (df : 'direction_flag) (e1 : 'expr) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFor (loc, i, e1, e2, df, seq) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (match seq with [e] -> e | _ -> MLast.ExSeq (loc, seq) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "if"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "then"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "else"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e3 : 'expr) _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExIfe (loc, e1, e2, e3) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "try"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e1 : 'expr) _ (p1 : 'ipatt) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExTry (loc, e, [p1, None, e1]) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "try"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (match_case : 'match_case Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (l : 'match_case list) _ _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExTry (loc, e, l) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "match"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e1 : 'expr) _ (p1 : 'ipatt) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExMat (loc, e, [p1, None, e1]) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "match"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (match_case : 'match_case Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (l : 'match_case list) _ _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExMat (loc, e, l) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "fun"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_def : 'fun_def Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'fun_def) (p : 'ipatt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFun (loc, [p, None, e]) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "fun"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (match_case : 'match_case Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (l : 'match_case list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFun (loc, l) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "let"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "module"); Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (module_binding : 'module_binding Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "in"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (mb : 'module_binding) (m : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLmd (loc, m, mb, e) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "let"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "rec")); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "in"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (x : 'expr) _ (l : 'let_binding list) (r : string option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLet (loc, o2b r, l, x) : 'expr))]; Some "where", None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "where"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "rec")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (lb : 'let_binding) (rf : string option) _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLet (loc, o2b rf, [lb], e) : 'expr))]; Some ":=", Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":="); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (dummy : 'dummy Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExAss (loc, e1, e2) : 'expr))]; Some "||", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "||"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "||"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "&&", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "&&"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "&&"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "<", Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "!="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "!="), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "=="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "=="), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "<>"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "<>"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "="), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ">="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, ">="), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "<="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "<="), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ">"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, ">"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "<"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "<"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "^", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "@"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "@"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "^"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "^"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "+", Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "-."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "-."), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "+."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "+."), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "-"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "+"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "+"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "*", Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "mod"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "mod"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "lxor"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "lxor"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "lor"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "lor"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "land"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "land"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "/."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "/."), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "*."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "*."), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "/"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "/"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "*"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "*"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "**", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "lsr"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "lsr"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "lsl"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "lsl"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "asr"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "asr"), e1), e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "**"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "**"), e1), e2) : 'expr))]; Some "unary minus", Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "-."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mkumin loc "-." e : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mkumin loc "-" e : 'expr))]; Some "apply", Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "lazy"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExAcc (loc, MLast.ExUid (loc, "Pervasives"), MLast.ExLid (loc, "ref")), MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExAcc (loc, MLast.ExUid (loc, "Lazy"), MLast.ExUid (loc, "Delayed")), MLast.ExFun (loc, [MLast.PaUid (loc, "()"), None, e]))) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "assert"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (let f = MLast.ExStr (loc, !input_file) in let bp = MLast.ExInt (loc, string_of_int (fst loc)) in let ep = MLast.ExInt (loc, string_of_int (snd loc)) in let raiser = MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, "raise"), MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExUid (loc, "Assert_failure"), MLast.ExTup (loc, [f; bp; ep]))) in match e with MLast.ExUid (_, "False") -> raiser | _ -> if !no_assert then MLast.ExUid (loc, "()") else MLast.ExIfe (loc, e, MLast.ExUid (loc, "()"), raiser) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, e1, e2) : 'expr))]; Some ".", Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExAcc (loc, e1, e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExSte (loc, e1, e2) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ _ (e1 : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExAre (loc, e1, e2) : 'expr))]; Some "~-", Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "~-.")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (x : 'e__5)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "~-")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (x : 'e__5))]; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (f : 'e__5) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExApp (loc, MLast.ExLid (loc, f), e) : 'expr))]; Some "simple", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in String.sub x 0 i, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1) with Not_found -> "", x in Pcaml.handle_expr_quotation loc x : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i), String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1) with Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x in Pcaml.handle_expr_locate loc x : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ","); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (el : 'expr list) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExTup (loc, (e :: el)) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExTyc (loc, e, t) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExUid (loc, "()") : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "with"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label_expr : 'label_expr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (lel : 'label_expr list) _ _ (e : 'expr) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExRec (loc, lel, Some e) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label_expr : 'label_expr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (lel : 'label_expr list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExRec (loc, lel, None) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (el : 'expr list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExArr (loc, el) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "::"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'e__6))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (last : 'e__6 option) (el : 'expr list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mklistexp loc last el : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExUid (loc, "[]") : 'expr)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'expr_ident) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("CHAR", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExChr (loc, s) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("STRING", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExStr (loc, s) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("FLOAT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFlo (loc, s) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExInt (loc, s) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (dummy : 'dummy Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[], Gramext.action (fun (loc : int * int) -> (() : 'dummy))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (sequence : 'sequence Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> ([e] : 'sequence)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> ([e] : 'sequence)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (el : 'sequence) _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (e :: el : 'sequence)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "let"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "rec")); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and")); Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (x : 'e__7)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "in")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (x : 'e__7))]; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (el : 'sequence) _ (l : 'let_binding list) (o : string option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (let e = match el with [e] -> e | _ -> MLast.ExSeq (loc, el) in [MLast.ExLet (loc, o2b o, l, e)] : 'sequence))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (p : 'ipatt) (loc : int * int) -> (p, e : 'let_binding))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExTyc (loc, e, t) : 'fun_binding)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'fun_binding)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (p : 'ipatt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFun (loc, [p, None, e]) : 'fun_binding))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (match_case : 'match_case Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "as"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (p : 'e__8))]); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "when"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'e__9))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (w : 'e__9 option) (aso : 'e__8 option) (p : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (let p = match aso with Some p2 -> MLast.PaAli (loc, p, p2) | _ -> p in p, w, e : 'match_case))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (label_expr : 'label_expr Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (i : 'patt_label_ident) (loc : int * int) -> (i, e : 'label_expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr_ident : 'expr_ident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (j : 'expr_ident) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (let rec loop m = function MLast.ExAcc (_, x, y) -> loop (MLast.ExAcc (loc, m, x)) y | e -> MLast.ExAcc (loc, m, e) in loop (MLast.ExUid (loc, i)) j : 'expr_ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExUid (loc, i) : 'expr_ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLid (loc, i) : 'expr_ident))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_def : 'fun_def Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'fun_def)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'fun_def) (p : 'ipatt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExFun (loc, [p, None, e]) : 'fun_def))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "|"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOrp (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt))]; None, Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ".."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaRng (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt))]; None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p2 : 'patt) (p1 : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaApp (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt))]; None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAcc (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt))]; Some "simple", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUOTATION", "")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in String.sub x 0 i, String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1) with Not_found -> "", x in Pcaml.handle_patt_quotation loc x : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LOCATE", "")], Gramext.action (fun (x : string) (loc : int * int) -> (let x = try let i = String.index x ':' in int_of_string (String.sub x 0 i), String.sub x (i + 1) (String.length x - i - 1) with Not_found | Failure _ -> 0, x in Pcaml.handle_patt_locate loc x : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAny loc : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ","); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (pl : 'patt list) _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTup (loc, (p :: pl)) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "as"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p2 : 'patt) _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAli (loc, p, p2) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (p : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaUid (loc, "()") : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label_patt : 'label_patt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (lpl : 'label_patt list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaRec (loc, lpl) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (pl : 'patt list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaArr (loc, pl) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "::"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (p : 'e__10))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (last : 'e__10 option) (pl : 'patt list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (mklistpat loc last pl : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaUid (loc, "[]") : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("CHAR", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaChr (loc, s) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("STRING", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaStr (loc, s) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("FLOAT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaFlo (loc, s) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Stoken ("FLOAT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaFlo (loc, ("-" ^ s)) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaInt (loc, ("-" ^ s)) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("INT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaInt (loc, s) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaUid (loc, s) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLid (loc, s) : 'patt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (label_patt : 'label_patt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'patt) _ (i : 'patt_label_ident) (loc : int * int) -> (i, p : 'label_patt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p2 : 'patt_label_ident) _ (p1 : 'patt_label_ident) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAcc (loc, p1, p2) : 'patt_label_ident))]; None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLid (loc, i) : 'patt_label_ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaUid (loc, i) : 'patt_label_ident))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAny loc : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (s : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLid (loc, s) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ","); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (pl : 'ipatt list) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTup (loc, (p :: pl)) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "as"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p2 : 'ipatt) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaAli (loc, p, p2) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (p : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaUid (loc, "()") : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (lpl : 'label_ipatt list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaRec (loc, lpl) : 'ipatt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt_label_ident : 'patt_label_ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : 'patt_label_ident) (loc : int * int) -> (i, p : 'label_ipatt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (type_declaration : 'type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_patt : 'type_patt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (constrain : 'constrain Grammar.Entry.e)))], Gramext.action (fun (cl : 'constrain list) (tk : 'ctyp) _ (tpl : 'type_parameter list) (n : 'type_patt) (loc : int * int) -> (n, tpl, tk, cl : 'type_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (type_patt : 'type_patt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (n : string) (loc : int * int) -> (loc, n : 'type_patt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (constrain : 'constrain Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "constraint"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (t1, t2 : 'constrain))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "-"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "'"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (i, (false, true) : 'type_parameter)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "+"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "'"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (i, (true, false) : 'type_parameter)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "'"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (i, (false, false) : 'type_parameter))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "=="); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyMan (loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp))]; None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "as"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyAli (loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp))]; Some "arrow", Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyArr (loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp))]; None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) (t1 : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyApp (loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp))]; None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyAcc (loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp))]; Some "simple", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "{"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label_declaration : 'label_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ldl : 'label_declaration list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyRec (loc, ldl) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (cdl : 'constructor_declaration list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TySum (loc, cdl) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (t : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "*"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "*")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (tl : 'ctyp list) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyTup (loc, (t :: tl)) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyUid (loc, i) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyLid (loc, i) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "_")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyAny loc : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "'"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyQuo (loc, i) : 'ctyp))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (ci : string) (loc : int * int) -> (loc, ci, [] : 'constructor_declaration)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "of"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (cal : 'ctyp list) _ (ci : string) (loc : int * int) -> (loc, ci, cal : 'constructor_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (label_declaration : 'label_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) (mf : string option) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (loc, i, o2b mf, t : 'label_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'ident))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, Some Gramext.RightA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (j : 'mod_ident) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i :: j : 'mod_ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> ([i] : 'mod_ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> ([i] : 'mod_ident))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "downto")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (false : 'direction_flag)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "to")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> (true : 'direction_flag))]]]);; (* Objects and Classes *) Grammar.extend (let _ = (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (class_sig_item : 'class_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (class_str_item : 'class_str_item Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e) in let grammar_entry_create s = Grammar.Entry.create (Grammar.of_entry str_item) s in let class_declaration : 'class_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_declaration" and class_fun_binding : 'class_fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_fun_binding" and class_type_parameters : 'class_type_parameters Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_type_parameters" and class_fun_def : 'class_fun_def Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_fun_def" and class_structure : 'class_structure Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_structure" and class_self_patt : 'class_self_patt Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_self_patt" and cvalue : 'cvalue Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "cvalue" and label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "label" and class_self_type : 'class_self_type Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_self_type" and class_description : 'class_description Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_description" and class_type_declaration : 'class_type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_type_declaration" and field_expr_list : 'field_expr_list Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "field_expr_list" and meth_list : 'meth_list Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "meth_list" and field : 'field Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "field" and clty_longident : 'clty_longident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "clty_longident" and class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "class_longident" in [Grammar.Entry.obj (str_item : 'str_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "class"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_declaration : 'class_type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (ctd : 'class_type_declaration list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StClt (loc, ctd) : 'str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "class"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_declaration : 'class_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (cd : 'class_declaration list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.StCls (loc, cd) : 'str_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (sig_item : 'sig_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "class"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_declaration : 'class_type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (ctd : 'class_type_declaration list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgClt (loc, ctd) : 'sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "class"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_description : 'class_description Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and"))], Gramext.action (fun (cd : 'class_description list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.SgCls (loc, cd) : 'sig_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_declaration : 'class_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual")); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_parameters : 'class_type_parameters Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_fun_binding : 'class_fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (cfb : 'class_fun_binding) (ctp : 'class_type_parameters) (i : string) (vf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> ({MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = i; MLast.ciExp = cfb} : 'class_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_fun_binding : 'class_fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (cfb : 'class_fun_binding) (p : 'ipatt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeFun (loc, p, cfb) : 'class_fun_binding)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (ct : 'class_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeTyc (loc, ce, ct) : 'class_fun_binding)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (ce : 'class_fun_binding))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_parameters : 'class_type_parameters Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (tpl : 'type_parameter list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (loc, tpl : 'class_type_parameters)); [], Gramext.action (fun (loc : int * int) -> (loc, [] : 'class_type_parameters))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_fun_def : 'class_fun_def Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterml (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e), "simple"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (cfd : 'class_fun_def) (p : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeFun (loc, p, cfd) : 'class_fun_def)); [Gramext.Snterml (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e), "simple"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (p : 'patt) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeFun (loc, p, ce) : 'class_fun_def))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e), None, [Some "top", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "let"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "rec")); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (let_binding : 'let_binding Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "and")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "in"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (lb : 'let_binding list) (rf : string option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeLet (loc, o2b rf, lb, ce) : 'class_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "fun"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_fun_def : 'class_fun_def Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (cfd : 'class_fun_def) _ (loc : int * int) -> (cfd : 'class_expr))]; Some "apply", Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Snterml (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), "simple")], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (ce : 'class_expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeApp (loc, ce, e) : 'class_expr))]; Some "simple", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ce : 'class_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (ce : 'class_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ct : 'class_type) _ (ce : 'class_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeTyc (loc, ce, ct) : 'class_expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "object"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_self_patt : 'class_self_patt Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_structure : 'class_structure Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (cf : 'class_structure) (cspo : 'class_self_patt option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeStr (loc, cspo, cf) : 'class_expr)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ci : 'class_longident) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeCon (loc, ci, []) : 'class_expr)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ctcl : 'ctyp list) _ (ci : 'class_longident) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CeCon (loc, ci, ctcl) : 'class_expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_structure : 'class_structure Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_str_item : 'class_str_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (cf : 'class_str_item) (loc : int * int) -> (cf : 'e__11))])], Gramext.action (fun (cf : 'e__11 list) (loc : int * int) -> (cf : 'class_structure))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_self_patt : 'class_self_patt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t) : 'class_self_patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p : 'patt) _ (loc : int * int) -> (p : 'class_self_patt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_str_item : 'class_str_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "initializer"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (se : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrIni (loc, se) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrCtr (loc, t1, t2) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (fb : 'fun_binding) (l : 'label) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrMth (loc, l, false, fb) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "private"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (fb : 'fun_binding) (l : 'label) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrMth (loc, l, true, fb) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrVir (loc, l, false, t) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "private"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrVir (loc, l, true, t) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "value"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (cvalue : 'cvalue Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (lab, mf, e : 'cvalue) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrVal (loc, lab, mf, e) : 'class_str_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "inherit"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_expr : 'class_expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "as"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'e__12))])], Gramext.action (fun (pb : 'e__12 option) (ce : 'class_expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CrInh (loc, ce, pb) : 'class_str_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (cvalue : 'cvalue Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":>"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) (mf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> (l, o2b mf, MLast.ExCoe (loc, e, None, t) : 'cvalue)); [Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":>"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) (mf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> (l, o2b mf, MLast.ExCoe (loc, e, Some t, t2) : 'cvalue)); [Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) (mf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> (l, o2b mf, MLast.ExTyc (loc, e, t) : 'cvalue)); [Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (l : 'label) (mf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> (l, o2b mf, e : 'cvalue))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'label))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "object"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_self_type : 'class_self_type Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_sig_item : 'class_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (csf : 'class_sig_item) (loc : int * int) -> (csf : 'e__13))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "end")], Gramext.action (fun _ (csf : 'e__13 list) (cst : 'class_self_type option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CtSig (loc, cst, csf) : 'class_type)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (clty_longident : 'clty_longident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (id : 'clty_longident) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CtCon (loc, id, []) : 'class_type)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (clty_longident : 'clty_longident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", ",")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (tl : 'ctyp list) _ (id : 'clty_longident) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CtCon (loc, id, tl) : 'class_type)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "["); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "]"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "->"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (ct : 'class_type) _ _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CtFun (loc, t, ct) : 'class_type))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_self_type : 'class_self_type Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (t : 'class_self_type))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_sig_item : 'class_sig_item Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "type"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgCtr (loc, t1, t2) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgMth (loc, l, false, t) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "private"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgMth (loc, l, true, t) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgVir (loc, l, false, t) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "method"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "private"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) _ _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgVir (loc, l, true, t) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "value"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "mutable")); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label) (mf : string option) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgVal (loc, l, o2b mf, t) : 'class_sig_item)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "inherit"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (cs : 'class_type) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.CgInh (loc, cs) : 'class_sig_item))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_description : 'class_description Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual")); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_parameters : 'class_type_parameters Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (ct : 'class_type) _ (ctp : 'class_type_parameters) (n : string) (vf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> ({MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = ct} : 'class_description))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_declaration : 'class_type_declaration Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "virtual")); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type_parameters : 'class_type_parameters Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_type : 'class_type Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (cs : 'class_type) _ (ctp : 'class_type_parameters) (n : string) (vf : string option) (loc : int * int) -> ({MLast.ciLoc = loc; MLast.ciVir = o2b vf; MLast.ciPrm = ctp; MLast.ciNam = n; MLast.ciExp = cs} : 'class_type_declaration))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "apply"), [None, Some Gramext.LeftA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "new"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'class_longident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExNew (loc, i) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "."), [None, None, [[Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (lab : 'label) _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExSnd (loc, e, lab) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "simple"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "{<"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (field_expr_list : 'field_expr_list Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">}")], Gramext.action (fun _ (fel : 'field_expr_list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExOvr (loc, fel) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "{<"); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">}")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExOvr (loc, []) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":>"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExCoe (loc, e, None, t) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":>"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExCoe (loc, e, Some t, t2) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (field_expr_list : 'field_expr_list Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (l : 'label) (loc : int * int) -> ([l, e] : 'field_expr_list)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (l : 'label) (loc : int * int) -> ([l, e] : 'field_expr_list)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (label : 'label Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (fel : 'field_expr_list) _ (e : 'expr) _ (l : 'label) (loc : int * int) -> ((l, e) :: fel : 'field_expr_list))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "simple"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "<"); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">")], Gramext.action (fun _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyObj (loc, [], false) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "<"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (meth_list : 'meth_list Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ml, v : 'meth_list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyObj (loc, ml, v) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (id : 'class_longident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyCls (loc, id) : 'ctyp))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (meth_list : 'meth_list Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "..")], Gramext.action (fun _ (loc : int * int) -> ([], true : 'meth_list)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (field : 'field Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (f : 'field) (loc : int * int) -> ([f], false : 'meth_list)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (field : 'field Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (f : 'field) (loc : int * int) -> ([f], false : 'meth_list)); [Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (field : 'field Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (ml, v : 'meth_list) _ (f : 'field) (loc : int * int) -> (f :: ml, v : 'meth_list))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (field : 'field Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (lab : string) (loc : int * int) -> (lab, t : 'field))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (clty_longident : 'clty_longident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> ([i] : 'clty_longident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (l : 'clty_longident) _ (m : string) (loc : int * int) -> (m :: l : 'clty_longident))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (class_longident : 'class_longident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> ([i] : 'class_longident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "."); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (l : 'class_longident) _ (m : string) (loc : int * int) -> (m :: l : 'class_longident))]]]);; (* Labels *) Grammar.extend (let _ = (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e) in let grammar_entry_create s = Grammar.Entry.create (Grammar.of_entry ctyp) s in let row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "row_field" and name_tag : 'name_tag Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "name_tag" and ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e = grammar_entry_create "ident" in [Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.After "arrow"), [None, Some Gramext.NonA, [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyOlb (loc, i, t) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyLab (loc, i, t) : 'ctyp))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "simple"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "<"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">"); Gramext.Slist1 (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (name_tag : 'name_tag Grammar.Entry.e))); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (ntl : 'name_tag list) _ (rfl : 'row_field list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyVrn (loc, rfl, Some (Some ntl)) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "<"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyVrn (loc, rfl, Some (Some [])) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Stoken ("", ">"); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field list) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyVrn (loc, rfl, Some None) : 'ctyp)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "[|"); Gramext.Slist0sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "|")); Gramext.Stoken ("", "|]")], Gramext.action (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.TyVrn (loc, rfl, None) : 'ctyp))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (row_field : 'row_field Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (t : 'ctyp) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.RfInh t : 'row_field)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "`"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "of"); Gramext.Sopt (Gramext.Stoken ("", "&")); Gramext.Slist1sep (Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)), Gramext.Stoken ("", "&"))], Gramext.action (fun (l : 'ctyp list) (ao : string option) _ (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.RfTag (i, o2b ao, l) : 'row_field)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "`"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.RfTag (i, true, []) : 'row_field))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (name_tag : 'name_tag Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "`"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (i : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'name_tag))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "simple"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "?"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), t), Some e) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "?"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), Some e) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), None) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t), Some e) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t), None) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (p : 'patt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, p, Some e) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p : 'patt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, p, None) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLab (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i)) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'patt) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLab (loc, i, p) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "#"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (mod_ident : 'mod_ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (sl : 'mod_ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaTyp (loc, sl) : 'patt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "`"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (s : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaVrn (loc, s) : 'patt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "?"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), t), Some e) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "?"); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (i : string) _ _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), Some e) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i), None) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t), Some e) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ":"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, MLast.PaTyc (loc, p, t), None) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, p, Some e) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "("); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", ")")], Gramext.action (fun _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaOlb (loc, i, p, None) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLab (loc, i, MLast.PaLid (loc, i)) : 'ipatt)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (p : 'ipatt) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.PaLab (loc, i, p) : 'ipatt))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.After "apply"), [Some "label", None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExOlb (loc, i, MLast.ExLid (loc, i)) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("QUESTIONIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExOlb (loc, i, e) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLab (loc, i, MLast.ExLid (loc, i)) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("TILDEIDENTCOLON", ""); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExLab (loc, i, e) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "simple"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "`"); Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e))], Gramext.action (fun (s : 'ident) _ (loc : int * int) -> (MLast.ExVrn (loc, s) : 'expr))]]; Grammar.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Grammar.Entry.e), None, [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("UIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'ident)); [Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", "")], Gramext.action (fun (i : string) (loc : int * int) -> (i : 'ident))]]]);; (* Old syntax for sequences *) let not_yet_warned = ref true;; let warning_seq () = if !not_yet_warned then begin not_yet_warned := false; Printf.eprintf "\ *** warning: use of old syntax *** type \"camlp4r -help_seq\" in a shell for explanations "; flush stderr end ;; Pcaml.add_option "-no_warn_seq" (Arg.Clear not_yet_warned) " No warning when using old syntax for sequences.";; Grammar.extend (let _ = (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e) and _ = (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e) in [Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e), Some (Gramext.Level "top"), [None, None, [[Gramext.Stoken ("", "while"); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'e__16))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "done")], Gramext.action (fun _ (seq : 'e__16 list) _ (e : 'expr) _ (loc : int * int) -> (warning_seq (); MLast.ExWhi (loc, e, seq) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "for"); Gramext.Stoken ("LIDENT", ""); Gramext.Stoken ("", "="); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Sself; Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'e__15))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "done")], Gramext.action (fun _ (seq : 'e__15 list) _ (e2 : 'expr) (df : 'direction_flag) (e1 : 'expr) _ (i : string) _ (loc : int * int) -> (warning_seq (); MLast.ExFor (loc, i, e1, e2, df, seq) : 'expr)); [Gramext.Stoken ("", "do"); Gramext.Slist0 (Gramext.srules [[Gramext.Snterm (Grammar.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Grammar.Entry.e)); Gramext.Stoken ("", ";")], Gramext.action (fun _ (e : 'expr) (loc : int * int) -> (e : 'e__14))]); Gramext.Stoken ("", "return"); Gramext.Sself], Gramext.action (fun (e : 'expr) _ (seq : 'e__14 list) _ (loc : int * int) -> (warning_seq (); MLast.ExSeq (loc, (seq @ [e])) : 'expr))]]]);;