(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Valerie Menissier-Morain, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Int_misc open String_misc open Nat open Big_int open Arith_flags (* Definition of the type ratio : Conventions : - the denominator is always a positive number - the sign of n/0 is the sign of n These convention is automatically respected when a ratio is created with the create_ratio primitive *) type ratio = { mutable numerator : big_int; mutable denominator : big_int; mutable normalized : bool} let failwith_zero name = let s = "infinite or undefined rational number" in failwith (if String.length name = 0 then s else name ^ " " ^ s) let numerator_ratio r = r.numerator and denominator_ratio r = r.denominator let null_denominator r = sign_big_int r.denominator = 0 let verify_null_denominator r = if sign_big_int r.denominator = 0 then (if !error_when_null_denominator_flag then (failwith_zero "") else true) else false let sign_ratio r = sign_big_int r.numerator (* Physical normalization of rational numbers *) (* 1/0, 0/0 and -1/0 are the normalized forms for n/0 numbers *) let normalize_ratio r = if r.normalized then r else if verify_null_denominator r then begin r.numerator <- big_int_of_int (sign_big_int r.numerator); r.normalized <- true; r end else begin let p = gcd_big_int r.numerator r.denominator in if eq_big_int p unit_big_int then begin r.normalized <- true; r end else begin r.numerator <- div_big_int (r.numerator) p; r.denominator <- div_big_int (r.denominator) p; r.normalized <- true; r end end let cautious_normalize_ratio r = if (!normalize_ratio_flag) then (normalize_ratio r) else r let cautious_normalize_ratio_when_printing r = if (!normalize_ratio_when_printing_flag) then (normalize_ratio r) else r let create_ratio bi1 bi2 = match sign_big_int bi2 with -1 -> cautious_normalize_ratio { numerator = minus_big_int bi1; denominator = minus_big_int bi2; normalized = false } | 0 -> if !error_when_null_denominator_flag then (failwith_zero "create_ratio") else cautious_normalize_ratio { numerator = bi1; denominator = bi2; normalized = false } | _ -> cautious_normalize_ratio { numerator = bi1; denominator = bi2; normalized = false } let create_normalized_ratio bi1 bi2 = match sign_big_int bi2 with -1 -> { numerator = minus_big_int bi1; denominator = minus_big_int bi2; normalized = true } | 0 -> if !error_when_null_denominator_flag then failwith_zero "create_normalized_ratio" else { numerator = bi1; denominator = bi2; normalized = true } | _ -> { numerator = bi1; denominator = bi2; normalized = true } let is_normalized_ratio r = r.normalized let report_sign_ratio r bi = if sign_ratio r = -1 then minus_big_int bi else bi let abs_ratio r = { numerator = abs_big_int r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = r.normalized } let is_integer_ratio r = eq_big_int ((normalize_ratio r).denominator) unit_big_int (* Operations on rational numbers *) let add_ratio r1 r2 = if !normalize_ratio_flag then begin let p = gcd_big_int ((normalize_ratio r1).denominator) ((normalize_ratio r2).denominator) in if eq_big_int p unit_big_int then {numerator = add_big_int (mult_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.denominator) (mult_big_int (r2.numerator) r1.denominator); denominator = mult_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.denominator; normalized = true} else begin let d1 = div_big_int (r1.denominator) p and d2 = div_big_int (r2.denominator) p in let n = add_big_int (mult_big_int (r1.numerator) d2) (mult_big_int d1 r2.numerator) in let p' = gcd_big_int n p in { numerator = div_big_int n p'; denominator = mult_big_int d1 (div_big_int (r2.denominator) p'); normalized = true } end end else { numerator = add_big_int (mult_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.denominator) (mult_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.numerator); denominator = mult_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.denominator; normalized = false } let minus_ratio r = { numerator = minus_big_int (r.numerator); denominator = r.denominator; normalized = r.normalized } let add_int_ratio i r = cautious_normalize_ratio r; { numerator = add_big_int (mult_int_big_int i r.denominator) r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = r.normalized } let add_big_int_ratio bi r = cautious_normalize_ratio r; { numerator = add_big_int (mult_big_int bi r.denominator) r.numerator ; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = r.normalized } let sub_ratio r1 r2 = add_ratio r1 (minus_ratio r2) let mult_ratio r1 r2 = if !normalize_ratio_flag then begin let p1 = gcd_big_int ((normalize_ratio r1).numerator) ((normalize_ratio r2).denominator) and p2 = gcd_big_int (r2.numerator) r1.denominator in let (n1, d2) = if eq_big_int p1 unit_big_int then (r1.numerator, r2.denominator) else (div_big_int (r1.numerator) p1, div_big_int (r2.denominator) p1) and (n2, d1) = if eq_big_int p2 unit_big_int then (r2.numerator, r1.denominator) else (div_big_int r2.numerator p2, div_big_int r1.denominator p2) in { numerator = mult_big_int n1 n2; denominator = mult_big_int d1 d2; normalized = true } end else { numerator = mult_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.numerator; denominator = mult_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.denominator; normalized = false } let mult_int_ratio i r = if !normalize_ratio_flag then begin let p = gcd_big_int ((normalize_ratio r).denominator) (big_int_of_int i) in if eq_big_int p unit_big_int then { numerator = mult_big_int (big_int_of_int i) r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = true } else { numerator = mult_big_int (div_big_int (big_int_of_int i) p) r.numerator; denominator = div_big_int (r.denominator) p; normalized = true } end else { numerator = mult_int_big_int i r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = false } let mult_big_int_ratio bi r = if !normalize_ratio_flag then begin let p = gcd_big_int ((normalize_ratio r).denominator) bi in if eq_big_int p unit_big_int then { numerator = mult_big_int bi r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = true } else { numerator = mult_big_int (div_big_int bi p) r.numerator; denominator = div_big_int (r.denominator) p; normalized = true } end else { numerator = mult_big_int bi r.numerator; denominator = r.denominator; normalized = false } let square_ratio r = cautious_normalize_ratio r; { numerator = square_big_int r.numerator; denominator = square_big_int r.denominator; normalized = r.normalized } let inverse_ratio r = if !error_when_null_denominator_flag & (sign_big_int r.numerator) = 0 then failwith_zero "inverse_ratio" else {numerator = report_sign_ratio r r.denominator; denominator = abs_big_int r.numerator; normalized = r.normalized} let div_ratio r1 r2 = mult_ratio r1 (inverse_ratio r2) (* Integer part of a rational number *) (* Odd function *) let integer_ratio r = if null_denominator r then failwith_zero "integer_ratio" else if sign_ratio r = 0 then zero_big_int else report_sign_ratio r (div_big_int (abs_big_int r.numerator) (abs_big_int r.denominator)) (* Floor of a rational number *) (* Always less or equal to r *) let floor_ratio r = verify_null_denominator r; div_big_int (r.numerator) r.denominator (* Round of a rational number *) (* Odd function, 1/2 -> 1 *) let round_ratio r = verify_null_denominator r; let abs_num = abs_big_int r.numerator in let bi = div_big_int abs_num r.denominator in report_sign_ratio r (if sign_big_int (sub_big_int (mult_int_big_int 2 (sub_big_int abs_num (mult_big_int (r.denominator) bi))) r.denominator) = -1 then bi else succ_big_int bi) let ceiling_ratio r = if (is_integer_ratio r) then r.numerator else succ_big_int (floor_ratio r) (* Comparison operators on rational numbers *) let eq_ratio r1 r2 = normalize_ratio r1; normalize_ratio r2; eq_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.numerator & eq_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.denominator let compare_ratio r1 r2 = if verify_null_denominator r1 then let sign_num_r1 = sign_big_int r1.numerator in if (verify_null_denominator r2) then let sign_num_r2 = sign_big_int r2.numerator in if sign_num_r1 = 1 & sign_num_r2 = -1 then 1 else if sign_num_r1 = -1 & sign_num_r2 = 1 then -1 else 0 else sign_num_r1 else if verify_null_denominator r2 then -(sign_big_int r2.numerator) else match compare_int (sign_big_int r1.numerator) (sign_big_int r2.numerator) with 1 -> 1 | -1 -> -1 | _ -> if eq_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.denominator then compare_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.numerator else compare_big_int (mult_big_int (r1.numerator) r2.denominator) (mult_big_int (r1.denominator) r2.numerator) let lt_ratio r1 r2 = compare_ratio r1 r2 < 0 and le_ratio r1 r2 = compare_ratio r1 r2 <= 0 and gt_ratio r1 r2 = compare_ratio r1 r2 > 0 and ge_ratio r1 r2 = compare_ratio r1 r2 >= 0 let max_ratio r1 r2 = if lt_ratio r1 r2 then r2 else r1 and min_ratio r1 r2 = if gt_ratio r1 r2 then r2 else r1 let eq_big_int_ratio bi r = (is_integer_ratio r) & eq_big_int bi r.numerator let compare_big_int_ratio bi r = normalize_ratio r; if (verify_null_denominator r) then -(sign_big_int r.numerator) else compare_big_int (mult_big_int bi r.denominator) r.numerator let lt_big_int_ratio bi r = compare_big_int_ratio bi r < 0 and le_big_int_ratio bi r = compare_big_int_ratio bi r <= 0 and gt_big_int_ratio bi r = compare_big_int_ratio bi r > 0 and ge_big_int_ratio bi r = compare_big_int_ratio bi r >= 0 (* Coercions *) (* Coercions with type int *) let int_of_ratio r = if ((is_integer_ratio r) & (is_int_big_int r.numerator)) then (int_of_big_int r.numerator) else failwith "integer argument required" and ratio_of_int i = { numerator = big_int_of_int i; denominator = unit_big_int; normalized = true } (* Coercions with type nat *) let ratio_of_nat nat = { numerator = big_int_of_nat nat; denominator = unit_big_int; normalized = true } and nat_of_ratio r = normalize_ratio r; if not (is_integer_ratio r) then failwith "nat_of_ratio" else if sign_big_int r.numerator > -1 then nat_of_big_int (r.numerator) else failwith "nat_of_ratio" (* Coercions with type big_int *) let ratio_of_big_int bi = { numerator = bi; denominator = unit_big_int; normalized = true } and big_int_of_ratio r = normalize_ratio r; if is_integer_ratio r then r.numerator else failwith "big_int_of_ratio" let div_int_ratio i r = verify_null_denominator r; mult_int_ratio i (inverse_ratio r) let div_ratio_int r i = div_ratio r (ratio_of_int i) let div_big_int_ratio bi r = verify_null_denominator r; mult_big_int_ratio bi (inverse_ratio r) let div_ratio_big_int r bi = div_ratio r (ratio_of_big_int bi) (* Functions on type string *) (* giving floating point approximations of rational numbers *) let only_zeros s i l = let res = ref true in for j = i to i + l - 1 do if s.[j] <> '0' then res := false done; !res (* Position of the leading digit of the decimal expansion *) (* of a strictly positive rational number *) (* if the decimal expansion of a non null rational r is equal to *) (* sigma for k=-P to N of r_k*10^k then msd_ratio r = N *) (* Nota : for a big_int we have msd_ratio = nums_digits_big_int -1 *) let msd_ratio r = cautious_normalize_ratio r; if null_denominator r then failwith_zero "msd_ratio" else if sign_big_int r.numerator = 0 then 0 else begin let str_num = string_of_big_int r.numerator and str_den = string_of_big_int r.denominator in let size_num = String.length str_num and size_den = String.length str_den in let rec msd_rec str_num nnum str_den nden i m = if i > nnum then if i > nden or only_zeros str_den i (nden - i) then m else pred m else if i > nden then m else match compare_int (Char.code (String.get str_num i)) (Char.code (String.get str_den i)) with 0 -> msd_rec str_num nnum str_den nden (succ i) m | 1 -> m | _ -> pred m in msd_rec str_num (pred size_num) str_den (pred size_den) 0 (size_num - size_den) end (* Decimal approximations of rational numbers *) (* Approximation with fix decimal point *) (* This is an odd function and the last digit is round off *) (* Format integer_part . decimal_part_with_n_digits *) let approx_ratio_fix n r = (* Don't need to normalize *) if (null_denominator r) then failwith_zero "approx_ratio_fix" else let sign_r = sign_ratio r in if sign_r = 0 then "+0" (* r = 0 *) else (* r.numerator and r.denominator are not null numbers s contains one more digit than desired for the round off operation and to have enough room in s when including the decimal point *) if n >= 0 then let s = let nat = (nat_of_big_int (div_big_int (base_power_big_int 10 (succ n) (abs_big_int r.numerator)) r.denominator)) in (if sign_r = -1 then "-" else "+") ^ string_of_nat nat in let l = String.length s in if round_futur_last_digit s 1 (pred l) then begin (* if one more char is needed in s *) let str = (String.make (succ l) '0') in String.set str 0 (if sign_r = -1 then '-' else '+'); String.set str 1 '1'; String.set str (l - n) '.'; str end else (* s can contain the final result *) if l > n + 2 then begin (* |r| >= 1, set decimal point *) let l2 = (pred l) - n in String.blit s l2 s (succ l2) n; String.set s l2 '.'; s end else begin (* |r| < 1, there must be 0-characters *) (* before the significant development, *) (* with care to the sign of the number *) let size = n + 3 in let m = size - l + 2 and str = String.make size '0' in (String.blit (if sign_r = 1 then "+0." else "-0.") 0 str 0 3); (String.blit s 1 str m (l - 2)); str end else begin let s = string_of_big_int (div_big_int (abs_big_int r.numerator) (base_power_big_int 10 (-n) r.denominator)) in let len = succ (String.length s) in let s' = String.make len '0' in String.set s' 0 (if sign_r = -1 then '-' else '+'); String.blit s 0 s' 1 (pred len); s' end (* Number of digits of the decimal representation of an int *) let num_decimal_digits_int n = String.length (string_of_int n) (* Approximation with floating decimal point *) (* This is an odd function and the last digit is round off *) (* Format (+/-)(0. n_first_digits e msd)/(1. n_zeros e (msd+1) *) let approx_ratio_exp n r = (* Don't need to normalize *) if (null_denominator r) then failwith_zero "approx_ratio_exp" else if n <= 0 then invalid_arg "approx_ratio_exp" else let sign_r = sign_ratio r and i = ref (n + 3) in if sign_r = 0 then let s = String.make (n + 5) '0' in (String.blit "+0." 0 s 0 3); (String.blit "e0" 0 s !i 2); s else let msd = msd_ratio (abs_ratio r) in let k = n - msd in let s = (let nat = nat_of_big_int (if k < 0 then div_big_int (abs_big_int r.numerator) (base_power_big_int 10 (-k) r.denominator) else div_big_int (base_power_big_int 10 k (abs_big_int r.numerator)) r.denominator) in string_of_nat nat) in if (round_futur_last_digit s 0 (String.length s)) then let m = num_decimal_digits_int (succ msd) in let str = String.make (n + m + 4) '0' in (String.blit (if sign_r = -1 then "-1." else "+1.") 0 str 0 3); String.set str !i ('e'); incr i; (if m = 0 then String.set str !i '0' else String.blit (string_of_int (succ msd)) 0 str !i m); str else let m = num_decimal_digits_int (succ msd) and p = n + 3 in let str = String.make (succ (m + p)) '0' in (String.blit (if sign_r = -1 then "-0." else "+0.") 0 str 0 3); (String.blit s 0 str 3 n); String.set str p 'e'; (if m = 0 then String.set str (succ p) '0' else (String.blit (string_of_int (succ msd)) 0 str (succ p) m)); str (* String approximation of a rational with a fixed number of significant *) (* digits printed *) let float_of_rational_string r = let s = approx_ratio_exp !floating_precision r in if String.get s 0 = '+' then (String.sub s 1 (pred (String.length s))) else s (* Coercions with type string *) let string_of_ratio r = cautious_normalize_ratio_when_printing r; if !approx_printing_flag then float_of_rational_string r else string_of_big_int r.numerator ^ "/" ^ string_of_big_int r.denominator (* XL: j'ai puissamment simplifie "ratio_of_string" en virant la notation scientifique. *) let ratio_of_string s = let n = index_char s '/' 0 in if n = -1 then { numerator = big_int_of_string s; denominator = unit_big_int; normalized = true } else create_ratio (sys_big_int_of_string s 0 n) (sys_big_int_of_string s (n+1) (String.length s - n - 1)) (* Coercion with type float *) let float_of_ratio r = float_of_string (float_of_rational_string r) (* XL: suppression de ratio_of_float *) let power_ratio_positive_int r n = create_ratio (power_big_int_positive_int (r.numerator) n) (power_big_int_positive_int (r.denominator) n) let power_ratio_positive_big_int r bi = create_ratio (power_big_int_positive_big_int (r.numerator) bi) (power_big_int_positive_big_int (r.denominator) bi)