(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Caml Special Light *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Lexing type t = { loc_start: int; loc_end: int } let none = { loc_start = -1; loc_end = -1 } let symbol_loc () = { loc_start = Parsing.symbol_start(); loc_end = Parsing.symbol_end() } let rhs_loc n = { loc_start = Parsing.rhs_start n; loc_end = Parsing.rhs_end n } let input_name = ref "" let input_lexbuf = ref (None : lexbuf option) (* Determine line numbers and position of beginning of lines in a file *) let line_pos_file filename loc = let ic = open_in_bin filename in let pos = ref 0 and linenum = ref 1 and linebeg = ref 0 in begin try while !pos < loc do incr pos; if input_char ic = '\n' then begin incr linenum; linebeg := !pos end done with End_of_file -> () end; close_in ic; (!linenum, !linebeg) (* Terminal info *) type terminal_info_status = Unknown | Bad_term | Good_term let status = ref Unknown and num_lines = ref 0 and cursor_up = ref "" and cursor_down = ref "" and start_standout = ref "" and end_standout = ref "" let setup_terminal_info() = try Terminfo.setupterm(); num_lines := Terminfo.getnum "li"; cursor_up := Terminfo.getstr "up"; cursor_down := Terminfo.getstr "do"; begin try start_standout := Terminfo.getstr "us"; end_standout := Terminfo.getstr "ue" with Not_found -> start_standout := Terminfo.getstr "so"; end_standout := Terminfo.getstr "se" end; status := Good_term with _ -> status := Bad_term (* Print the location using standout mode. *) let num_loc_lines = ref 0 (* number of lines already printed after input *) let rec highlight_location loc = match !status with Unknown -> setup_terminal_info(); highlight_location loc | Bad_term -> false | Good_term -> match !input_lexbuf with None -> false | Some lb -> (* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *) let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in (* Do nothing if the buffer does not contain the whole phrase. *) if pos0 < 0 then false else begin (* Count number of lines in phrase *) let lines = ref !num_loc_lines in for i = pos0 to String.length lb.lex_buffer - 1 do if lb.lex_buffer.[i] = '\n' then incr lines done; (* If too many lines, give up *) if !lines >= !num_lines - 2 then false else begin (* Move cursor up that number of lines *) for i = 1 to !lines do Terminfo.puts stdout !cursor_up 1 done; (* Print the input, switching to standout for the location *) let bol = ref true in for pos = 0 to String.length lb.lex_buffer - pos0 - 1 do if !bol then (print_char '#'; bol := false); if pos = loc.loc_start then Terminfo.puts stdout !start_standout 1; if pos = loc.loc_end then Terminfo.puts stdout !end_standout 1; let c = lb.lex_buffer.[pos + pos0] in print_char c; bol := (c = '\n') done; (* Position cursor back to original location *) for i = 1 to !num_loc_lines do Terminfo.puts stdout !cursor_down 1 done; true end end (* Print the location in some way or another *) open Format let reset () = num_loc_lines := 0 let print loc = if String.length !input_name = 0 then if highlight_location loc then () else begin print_string "Characters "; print_int loc.loc_start; print_string "-"; print_int loc.loc_end; print_string ":"; force_newline() end else begin let (linenum, linebeg) = line_pos_file !input_name loc.loc_start in print_string "File \""; print_string !input_name; print_string "\", line "; print_int linenum; print_string ", characters "; print_int (loc.loc_start - linebeg); print_string "-"; print_int (loc.loc_end - linebeg); print_string ":"; force_newline() end let print_warning loc msg = print loc; print_string "Warning: "; print_string msg; print_newline(); incr num_loc_lines