open Camlp4.PreCast ; module G = Camlp4.PreCast.Gram ; value exp = "exp" ; value prog = "prog" ; EXTEND G exp: [ "apply" [ e1 = SELF; e2 = SELF -> let p = Loc.dump in let () = Format.eprintf "e1: %a,@.e2: %a,@.e1-e2: %a,@._loc: %a@." p e1 p e2 p (Loc.merge e1 e2) p _loc in _loc ] | "simple" [ _ = LIDENT -> _loc ] ]; prog: [[ e = exp; `EOI -> e ]]; END ; (* and the following function: *) value parse_string entry s = try G.parse_string entry ( "") s with [ Loc.Exc_located loc exn -> begin print_endline (Loc.to_string loc); print_endline (Printexc.to_string exn); failwith "Syntax Error" end ] ; parse_string prog "f x";