(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy and Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Operations on core types *) open Misc open Asttypes open Types open Btype open Local_store (* Type manipulation after type inference ====================================== If one wants to manipulate a type after type inference (for instance, during code generation or in the debugger), one must first make sure that the type levels are correct, using the function [correct_levels]. Then, this type can be correctly manipulated by [apply], [expand_head] and [moregeneral]. *) (* General notes ============= - As much sharing as possible should be kept : it makes types smaller and better abbreviated. When necessary, some sharing can be lost. Types will still be printed correctly (+++ TO DO...), and abbreviations defined by a class do not depend on sharing thanks to constrained abbreviations. (Of course, even if some sharing is lost, typing will still be correct.) - All nodes of a type have a level : that way, one know whether a node need to be duplicated or not when instantiating a type. - Levels of a type are decreasing (generic level being considered as greatest). - The level of a type constructor is superior to the binding time of its path. - Recursive types without limitation should be handled (even if there is still an occur check). This avoid treating specially the case for objects, for instance. Furthermore, the occur check policy can then be easily changed. *) (**** Errors ****) module Unification_trace = struct type position = First | Second let swap_position = function | First -> Second | Second -> First type desc = { t: type_expr; expanded: type_expr option } type 'a diff = { got: 'a; expected: 'a} type 'a escape = | Constructor of Path.t | Univ of type_expr (* The type_expr argument of [Univ] is always a [Tunivar _], we keep a [type_expr] to track renaming in {!Printtyp} *) | Self | Module_type of Path.t | Equation of 'a type fixed_row_case = | Cannot_be_closed | Cannot_add_tags of string list type variant = | No_intersection | No_tags of position * (Asttypes.label * row_field) list | Incompatible_types_for of string | Fixed_row of position * fixed_row_case * fixed_explanation type obj = | Missing_field of position * string | Abstract_row of position | Self_cannot_be_closed type 'a elt = | Diff of 'a diff | Variant of variant | Obj of obj | Escape of {context:type_expr option; kind: 'a escape} | Incompatible_fields of {name:string; diff:type_expr diff } | Rec_occur of type_expr * type_expr type t = desc elt list let short t = { t; expanded = None } let map_diff f r = (* ordering is often meaningful when dealing with type_expr *) let got = f r.got in let expected = f r.expected in { got; expected} let diff got expected = Diff (map_diff short {got;expected}) let map_elt f = function | Diff x -> Diff (map_diff f x) | Escape {kind=Equation x; context} -> Escape {kind=Equation(f x); context} | Rec_occur (_,_) | Escape {kind=(Univ _ | Self|Constructor _ | Module_type _ ); _} | Variant _ | Obj _ | Incompatible_fields _ as x -> x let map f = List.map (map_elt f) (* Convert desc to type_expr * type_expr *) let flatten_desc f x = match x.expanded with | None -> f x.t x.t | Some expanded -> f x.t expanded let flatten f = map (flatten_desc f) (* Permute the expected and actual values *) let swap_diff x = { got = x.expected; expected = x.got } let swap_elt = function | Diff x -> Diff (swap_diff x) | Incompatible_fields {name;diff} -> Incompatible_fields { name; diff = swap_diff diff} | Obj (Missing_field(pos,s)) -> Obj(Missing_field(swap_position pos,s)) | Obj (Abstract_row pos) -> Obj(Abstract_row (swap_position pos)) | Variant (Fixed_row(pos,k,f)) -> Variant (Fixed_row(swap_position pos,k,f)) | Variant (No_tags(pos,f)) -> Variant (No_tags(swap_position pos,f)) | x -> x let swap x = List.map swap_elt x exception Unify of t let escape kind = Escape { kind; context = None} let scope_escape x = Unify[escape (Equation (short x))] let rec_occur x y = Unify[Rec_occur(x, y)] let incompatible_fields name got expected = Incompatible_fields {name; diff={got; expected} } let explain trace f = let rec explain = function | [] -> None | [h] -> f ~prev:None h | h :: (prev :: _ as rem) -> match f ~prev:(Some prev) h with | Some _ as m -> m | None -> explain rem in explain (List.rev trace) end module Trace = Unification_trace exception Unify = Trace.Unify exception Tags of label * label let () = Location.register_error_of_exn (function | Tags (l, l') -> Some Location. (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name) "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \ have the same hash value.@ Change one of them." l l' ) | _ -> None ) exception Subtype of Unification_trace.t * Unification_trace.t exception Cannot_expand exception Cannot_apply (**** Type level management ****) let current_level = s_ref 0 let nongen_level = s_ref 0 let global_level = s_ref 1 let saved_level = s_ref [] type levels = { current_level: int; nongen_level: int; global_level: int; saved_level: (int * int) list; } let save_levels () = { current_level = !current_level; nongen_level = !nongen_level; global_level = !global_level; saved_level = !saved_level } let set_levels l = current_level := l.current_level; nongen_level := l.nongen_level; global_level := l.global_level; saved_level := l.saved_level let get_current_level () = !current_level let init_def level = current_level := level; nongen_level := level let begin_def () = saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level; incr current_level; nongen_level := !current_level let begin_class_def () = saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level; incr current_level let raise_nongen_level () = saved_level := (!current_level, !nongen_level) :: !saved_level; nongen_level := !current_level let end_def () = let (cl, nl) = List.hd !saved_level in saved_level := List.tl !saved_level; current_level := cl; nongen_level := nl let create_scope () = init_def (!current_level + 1); !current_level let reset_global_level () = global_level := !current_level + 1 let increase_global_level () = let gl = !global_level in global_level := !current_level; gl let restore_global_level gl = global_level := gl (**** Whether a path points to an object type (with hidden row variable) ****) let is_object_type path = let name = match path with Path.Pident id -> Ident.name id | Path.Pdot(_, s) -> s | Path.Papply _ -> assert false in name.[0] = '#' (**** Control tracing of GADT instances *) let trace_gadt_instances = ref false let check_trace_gadt_instances env = not !trace_gadt_instances && Env.has_local_constraints env && (trace_gadt_instances := true; cleanup_abbrev (); true) let reset_trace_gadt_instances b = if b then trace_gadt_instances := false let wrap_trace_gadt_instances env f x = let b = check_trace_gadt_instances env in let y = f x in reset_trace_gadt_instances b; y (**** Abbreviations without parameters ****) (* Shall reset after generalizing *) let simple_abbrevs = ref Mnil let proper_abbrevs path tl abbrev = if tl <> [] || !trace_gadt_instances || !Clflags.principal || is_object_type path then abbrev else simple_abbrevs (**** Some type creators ****) (* Re-export generic type creators *) let newty2 = Btype.newty2 let newty desc = newty2 !current_level desc let newvar ?name () = newty2 !current_level (Tvar name) let newvar2 ?name level = newty2 level (Tvar name) let new_global_var ?name () = newty2 !global_level (Tvar name) let newobj fields = newty (Tobject (fields, ref None)) let newconstr path tyl = newty (Tconstr (path, tyl, ref Mnil)) let none = newty (Ttuple []) (* Clearly ill-formed type *) (**** Representative of a type ****) (* Re-export repr *) let repr = repr (**** Type maps ****) module TypePairs = Hashtbl.Make (struct type t = type_expr * type_expr let equal (t1, t1') (t2, t2') = (t1 == t2) && (t1' == t2') let hash (t, t') = t.id + 93 * t'.id end) (**** unification mode ****) type unification_mode = | Expression (* unification in expression *) | Pattern (* unification in pattern which may add local constraints *) type equations_generation = | Forbidden | Allowed of { equated_types : unit TypePairs.t } let umode = ref Expression let equations_generation = ref Forbidden let assume_injective = ref false let allow_recursive_equation = ref false let can_generate_equations () = match !equations_generation with | Forbidden -> false | _ -> true let set_mode_pattern ~generate ~injective ~allow_recursive f = Misc.protect_refs [ Misc.R (umode, Pattern); Misc.R (equations_generation, generate); Misc.R (assume_injective, injective); Misc.R (allow_recursive_equation, allow_recursive); ] f (*** Checks for type definitions ***) let in_current_module = function | Path.Pident _ -> true | Path.Pdot _ | Path.Papply _ -> false let in_pervasives p = in_current_module p && try ignore (Env.find_type p Env.initial_safe_string); true with Not_found -> false let is_datatype decl= match decl.type_kind with Type_record _ | Type_variant _ | Type_open -> true | Type_abstract -> false (**********************************************) (* Miscellaneous operations on object types *) (**********************************************) (* Note: We need to maintain some invariants: * cty_self must be a Tobject * ... *) (**** Object field manipulation. ****) let object_fields ty = match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (fields, _) -> fields | _ -> assert false let flatten_fields ty = let rec flatten l ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tfield(s, k, ty1, ty2) -> flatten ((s, k, ty1)::l) ty2 | _ -> (l, ty) in let (l, r) = flatten [] ty in (List.sort (fun (n, _, _) (n', _, _) -> compare n n') l, r) let build_fields level = List.fold_right (fun (s, k, ty1) ty2 -> newty2 level (Tfield(s, k, ty1, ty2))) let associate_fields fields1 fields2 = let rec associate p s s' = function (l, []) -> (List.rev p, (List.rev s) @ l, List.rev s') | ([], l') -> (List.rev p, List.rev s, (List.rev s') @ l') | ((n, k, t)::r, (n', k', t')::r') when n = n' -> associate ((n, k, t, k', t')::p) s s' (r, r') | ((n, k, t)::r, ((n', _k', _t')::_ as l')) when n < n' -> associate p ((n, k, t)::s) s' (r, l') | (((_n, _k, _t)::_ as l), (n', k', t')::r') (* when n > n' *) -> associate p s ((n', k', t')::s') (l, r') in associate [] [] [] (fields1, fields2) let rec has_dummy_method ty = match repr ty with {desc = Tfield (m, _, _, ty2)} -> m = dummy_method || has_dummy_method ty2 | _ -> false let is_self_type = function | Tobject (ty, _) -> has_dummy_method ty | _ -> false (**** Check whether an object is open ****) (* +++ The abbreviation should eventually be expanded *) let rec object_row ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tobject (t, _) -> object_row t | Tfield(_, _, _, t) -> object_row t | _ -> ty let opened_object ty = match (object_row ty).desc with | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ | Tconstr _ -> true | _ -> false let concrete_object ty = match (object_row ty).desc with | Tvar _ -> false | _ -> true (**** Close an object ****) let close_object ty = let rec close ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tvar _ -> link_type ty (newty2 ty.level Tnil); true | Tfield(lab, _, _, _) when lab = dummy_method -> false | Tfield(_, _, _, ty') -> close ty' | _ -> assert false in match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (ty, _) -> close ty | _ -> assert false (**** Row variable of an object type ****) let row_variable ty = let rec find ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tfield (_, _, _, ty) -> find ty | Tvar _ -> ty | _ -> assert false in match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (fi, _) -> find fi | _ -> assert false (**** Object name manipulation ****) (* +++ Bientot obsolete *) let set_object_name id rv params ty = match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (_fi, nm) -> set_name nm (Some (Path.Pident id, rv::params)) | _ -> assert false let remove_object_name ty = match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (_, nm) -> set_name nm None | Tconstr (_, _, _) -> () | _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.remove_object_name" (**** Hiding of private methods ****) let hide_private_methods ty = match (repr ty).desc with Tobject (fi, nm) -> nm := None; let (fl, _) = flatten_fields fi in List.iter (function (_, k, _) -> match field_kind_repr k with Fvar r -> set_kind r Fabsent | _ -> ()) fl | _ -> assert false (*******************************) (* Operations on class types *) (*******************************) let rec signature_of_class_type = function Cty_constr (_, _, cty) -> signature_of_class_type cty | Cty_signature sign -> sign | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty) -> signature_of_class_type cty let self_type cty = repr (signature_of_class_type cty).csig_self let rec class_type_arity = function Cty_constr (_, _, cty) -> class_type_arity cty | Cty_signature _ -> 0 | Cty_arrow (_, _, cty) -> 1 + class_type_arity cty (*******************************************) (* Miscellaneous operations on row types *) (*******************************************) let sort_row_fields = List.sort (fun (p,_) (q,_) -> compare p q) let rec merge_rf r1 r2 pairs fi1 fi2 = match fi1, fi2 with (l1,f1 as p1)::fi1', (l2,f2 as p2)::fi2' -> if l1 = l2 then merge_rf r1 r2 ((l1,f1,f2)::pairs) fi1' fi2' else if l1 < l2 then merge_rf (p1::r1) r2 pairs fi1' fi2 else merge_rf r1 (p2::r2) pairs fi1 fi2' | [], _ -> (List.rev r1, List.rev_append r2 fi2, pairs) | _, [] -> (List.rev_append r1 fi1, List.rev r2, pairs) let merge_row_fields fi1 fi2 = match fi1, fi2 with [], _ | _, [] -> (fi1, fi2, []) | [p1], _ when not (List.mem_assoc (fst p1) fi2) -> (fi1, fi2, []) | _, [p2] when not (List.mem_assoc (fst p2) fi1) -> (fi1, fi2, []) | _ -> merge_rf [] [] [] (sort_row_fields fi1) (sort_row_fields fi2) let rec filter_row_fields erase = function [] -> [] | (_l,f as p)::fi -> let fi = filter_row_fields erase fi in match row_field_repr f with Rabsent -> fi | Reither(_,_,false,e) when erase -> set_row_field e Rabsent; fi | _ -> p :: fi (**************************************) (* Check genericity of type schemes *) (**************************************) exception Non_closed of type_expr * bool let free_variables = ref [] let really_closed = ref None (* [free_vars_rec] collects the variables of the input type expression into the [free_variables] reference. It is used for several different things in the type-checker, with the following bells and whistles: - If [really_closed] is Some typing environment, types in the environment are expanded to check whether the apparently-free variable would vanish during expansion. - We collect both type variables and row variables, paired with a boolean that is [true] if we have a row variable. - We do not count "virtual" free variables -- free variables stored in the abbreviation of an object type that has been expanded (we store the abbreviations for use when displaying the type). The functions [free_vars] and [free_variables] below receive a typing environment as an optional [?env] parameter and set [really_closed] accordingly. [free_vars] returns a [(variable * bool) list], while [free_variables] drops the type/row information and only returns a [variable list]. *) let rec free_vars_rec real ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; begin match ty.desc, !really_closed with Tvar _, _ -> free_variables := (ty, real) :: !free_variables | Tconstr (path, tl, _), Some env -> begin try let (_, body, _) = Env.find_type_expansion path env in if (repr body).level <> generic_level then free_variables := (ty, real) :: !free_variables with Not_found -> () end; List.iter (free_vars_rec true) tl (* Do not count "virtual" free variables | Tobject(ty, {contents = Some (_, p)}) -> free_vars_rec false ty; List.iter (free_vars_rec true) p *) | Tobject (ty, _), _ -> free_vars_rec false ty | Tfield (_, _, ty1, ty2), _ -> free_vars_rec true ty1; free_vars_rec false ty2 | Tvariant row, _ -> let row = row_repr row in iter_row (free_vars_rec true) row; if not (static_row row) then free_vars_rec false row.row_more | _ -> iter_type_expr (free_vars_rec true) ty end; end let free_vars ?env ty = free_variables := []; really_closed := env; free_vars_rec true ty; let res = !free_variables in free_variables := []; really_closed := None; res let free_variables ?env ty = let tl = List.map fst (free_vars ?env ty) in unmark_type ty; tl let closed_type ty = match free_vars ty with [] -> () | (v, real) :: _ -> raise (Non_closed (v, real)) let closed_parameterized_type params ty = List.iter mark_type params; let ok = try closed_type ty; true with Non_closed _ -> false in List.iter unmark_type params; unmark_type ty; ok let closed_type_decl decl = try List.iter mark_type decl.type_params; begin match decl.type_kind with Type_abstract -> () | Type_variant v -> List.iter (fun {cd_args; cd_res; _} -> match cd_res with | Some _ -> () | None -> match cd_args with | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter closed_type l | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) l ) v | Type_record(r, _rep) -> List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) r | Type_open -> () end; begin match decl.type_manifest with None -> () | Some ty -> closed_type ty end; unmark_type_decl decl; None with Non_closed (ty, _) -> unmark_type_decl decl; Some ty let closed_extension_constructor ext = try List.iter mark_type ext.ext_type_params; begin match ext.ext_ret_type with | Some _ -> () | None -> iter_type_expr_cstr_args closed_type ext.ext_args end; unmark_extension_constructor ext; None with Non_closed (ty, _) -> unmark_extension_constructor ext; Some ty type closed_class_failure = CC_Method of type_expr * bool * string * type_expr | CC_Value of type_expr * bool * string * type_expr exception CCFailure of closed_class_failure let closed_class params sign = let ty = object_fields (repr sign.csig_self) in let (fields, rest) = flatten_fields ty in List.iter mark_type params; mark_type rest; List.iter (fun (lab, _, ty) -> if lab = dummy_method then mark_type ty) fields; try mark_type_node (repr sign.csig_self); List.iter (fun (lab, kind, ty) -> if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then try closed_type ty with Non_closed (ty0, real) -> raise (CCFailure (CC_Method (ty0, real, lab, ty)))) fields; mark_type_params (repr sign.csig_self); List.iter unmark_type params; unmark_class_signature sign; None with CCFailure reason -> mark_type_params (repr sign.csig_self); List.iter unmark_type params; unmark_class_signature sign; Some reason (**********************) (* Type duplication *) (**********************) (* Duplicate a type, preserving only type variables *) let duplicate_type ty = Subst.type_expr Subst.identity ty (* Same, for class types *) let duplicate_class_type ty = Subst.class_type Subst.identity ty (*****************************) (* Type level manipulation *) (*****************************) (* It would be a bit more efficient to remove abbreviation expansions rather than generalizing them: these expansions will usually not be used anymore. However, this is not possible in the general case, as [expand_abbrev] (via [subst]) requires these expansions to be preserved. Does it worth duplicating this code ? *) let rec generalize ty = let ty = repr ty in if (ty.level > !current_level) && (ty.level <> generic_level) then begin set_level ty generic_level; begin match ty.desc with Tconstr (_, _, abbrev) -> iter_abbrev generalize !abbrev | _ -> () end; iter_type_expr generalize ty end let generalize ty = simple_abbrevs := Mnil; generalize ty (* Generalize the structure and lower the variables *) let rec generalize_structure var_level ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level <> generic_level then begin if is_Tvar ty && ty.level > var_level then set_level ty var_level else if ty.level > !current_level && match ty.desc with Tconstr (p, _, abbrev) -> not (is_object_type p) && (abbrev := Mnil; true) | _ -> true then begin set_level ty generic_level; iter_type_expr (generalize_structure var_level) ty end end let generalize_structure ty = simple_abbrevs := Mnil; generalize_structure !current_level ty (* Generalize the spine of a function, if the level >= !current_level *) let rec generalize_spine ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level < !current_level || ty.level = generic_level then () else match ty.desc with Tarrow (_, ty1, ty2, _) -> set_level ty generic_level; generalize_spine ty1; generalize_spine ty2; | Tpoly (ty', _) -> set_level ty generic_level; generalize_spine ty' | Ttuple tyl | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) -> set_level ty generic_level; List.iter generalize_spine tyl | Tconstr (p, tyl, memo) when not (is_object_type p) -> set_level ty generic_level; memo := Mnil; List.iter generalize_spine tyl | _ -> () let forward_try_expand_once = (* Forward declaration *) ref (fun _env _ty -> raise Cannot_expand) (* Lower the levels of a type (assume [level] is not [generic_level]). *) let rec normalize_package_path env p = let t = try (Env.find_modtype p env).mtd_type with Not_found -> None in match t with | Some (Mty_ident p) -> normalize_package_path env p | Some (Mty_signature _ | Mty_functor _ | Mty_alias _) | None -> match p with Path.Pdot (p1, s) -> (* For module aliases *) let p1' = Env.normalize_module_path None env p1 in if Path.same p1 p1' then p else normalize_package_path env (Path.Pdot (p1', s)) | _ -> p let rec check_scope_escape env level ty = let mark ty = (* Mark visited types with [ty.level < lowest_level]. *) set_level ty (pivot_level - ty.level) in let ty = repr ty in (* If the type hasn't been marked, check it. Otherwise, we have already checked it. *) if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin if level < ty.scope then raise(Trace.scope_escape ty); begin match ty.desc with | Tconstr (p, _, _) when level < Path.scope p -> begin match !forward_try_expand_once env ty with | ty' -> mark ty; check_scope_escape env level ty' | exception Cannot_expand -> raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Constructor p)]) end | Tpackage (p, nl, tl) when level < Path.scope p -> let p' = normalize_package_path env p in if Path.same p p' then raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Module_type p)]); let orig_level = ty.level in mark ty; check_scope_escape env level (Btype.newty2 orig_level (Tpackage (p', nl, tl))) | _ -> mark ty; iter_type_expr (check_scope_escape env level) ty end; end let check_scope_escape env level ty = let snap = snapshot () in try check_scope_escape env level ty; backtrack snap with Unify [Trace.Escape x] -> backtrack snap; raise Trace.(Unify[Escape { x with context = Some ty }]) let update_scope scope ty = let ty = repr ty in let scope = max scope ty.scope in if ty.level < scope then raise (Trace.scope_escape ty); set_scope ty scope (* Note: the level of a type constructor must be greater than its binding time. That way, a type constructor cannot escape the scope of its definition, as would be the case in let x = ref [] module M = struct type t let _ = (x : t list ref) end (without this constraint, the type system would actually be unsound.) *) let rec update_level env level expand ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level > level then begin if level < ty.scope then raise (Trace.scope_escape ty); match ty.desc with Tconstr(p, _tl, _abbrev) when level < Path.scope p -> (* Try first to replace an abbreviation by its expansion. *) begin try link_type ty (!forward_try_expand_once env ty); update_level env level expand ty with Cannot_expand -> raise Trace.(Unify [escape(Constructor p)]) end | Tconstr(p, (_ :: _ as tl), _) -> let variance = try (Env.find_type p env).type_variance with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> Variance.unknown) tl in let needs_expand = expand || List.exists2 (fun var ty -> var = Variance.null && (repr ty).level > level) variance tl in begin try if not needs_expand then raise Cannot_expand; link_type ty (!forward_try_expand_once env ty); update_level env level expand ty with Cannot_expand -> set_level ty level; iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty end | Tpackage (p, nl, tl) when level < Path.scope p -> let p' = normalize_package_path env p in if Path.same p p' then raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Module_type p)]); set_type_desc ty (Tpackage (p', nl, tl)); update_level env level expand ty | Tobject(_, ({contents=Some(p, _tl)} as nm)) when level < Path.scope p -> set_name nm None; update_level env level expand ty | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in begin match row.row_name with | Some (p, _tl) when level < Path.scope p -> set_type_desc ty (Tvariant {row with row_name = None}) | _ -> () end; set_level ty level; iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty | Tfield(lab, _, ty1, _) when lab = dummy_method && (repr ty1).level > level -> raise Trace.(Unify [escape Self]) | _ -> set_level ty level; (* XXX what about abbreviations in Tconstr ? *) iter_type_expr (update_level env level expand) ty end (* First try without expanding, then expand everything, to avoid combinatorial blow-up *) let update_level env level ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level > level then begin let snap = snapshot () in try update_level env level false ty with Unify _ -> backtrack snap; update_level env level true ty end (* Lower level of type variables inside contravariant branches *) let rec lower_contravariant env var_level visited contra ty = let ty = repr ty in let must_visit = ty.level > var_level && match Hashtbl.find visited ty.id with | done_contra -> contra && not done_contra | exception Not_found -> true in if must_visit then begin Hashtbl.add visited ty.id contra; let lower_rec = lower_contravariant env var_level visited in match ty.desc with Tvar _ -> if contra then set_level ty var_level | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> () | Tconstr (path, tyl, _abbrev) -> let variance, maybe_expand = try let typ = Env.find_type path env in typ.type_variance, typ.type_kind = Type_abstract with Not_found -> (* See testsuite/tests/typing-missing-cmi-2 for an example *) List.map (fun _ -> Variance.unknown) tyl, false in if List.for_all ((=) Variance.null) variance then () else let not_expanded () = List.iter2 (fun v t -> if v = Variance.null then () else if Variance.(mem May_weak v) then lower_rec true t else lower_rec contra t) variance tyl in if maybe_expand then (* we expand cautiously to avoid missing cmis *) match !forward_try_expand_once env ty with | ty -> lower_rec contra ty | exception Cannot_expand -> not_expanded () else not_expanded () | Tpackage (_, _, tyl) -> List.iter (lower_rec true) tyl | Tarrow (_, t1, t2, _) -> lower_rec true t1; lower_rec contra t2 | _ -> iter_type_expr (lower_rec contra) ty end let lower_contravariant env ty = simple_abbrevs := Mnil; lower_contravariant env !nongen_level (Hashtbl.create 7) false ty (* Correct the levels of type [ty]. *) let correct_levels ty = duplicate_type ty (* Only generalize the type ty0 in ty *) let limited_generalize ty0 ty = let ty0 = repr ty0 in let graph = Hashtbl.create 17 in let idx = ref lowest_level in let roots = ref [] in let rec inverse pty ty = let ty = repr ty in if (ty.level > !current_level) || (ty.level = generic_level) then begin decr idx; Hashtbl.add graph !idx (ty, ref pty); if (ty.level = generic_level) || (ty == ty0) then roots := ty :: !roots; set_level ty !idx; iter_type_expr (inverse [ty]) ty end else if ty.level < lowest_level then begin let (_, parents) = Hashtbl.find graph ty.level in parents := pty @ !parents end and generalize_parents ty = let idx = ty.level in if idx <> generic_level then begin set_level ty generic_level; List.iter generalize_parents !(snd (Hashtbl.find graph idx)); (* Special case for rows: must generalize the row variable *) match ty.desc with Tvariant row -> let more = row_more row in let lv = more.level in if (lv < lowest_level || lv > !current_level) && lv <> generic_level then set_level more generic_level | _ -> () end in inverse [] ty; if ty0.level < lowest_level then iter_type_expr (inverse []) ty0; List.iter generalize_parents !roots; Hashtbl.iter (fun _ (ty, _) -> if ty.level <> generic_level then set_level ty !current_level) graph (* Compute statically the free univars of all nodes in a type *) (* This avoids doing it repeatedly during instantiation *) type inv_type_expr = { inv_type : type_expr; mutable inv_parents : inv_type_expr list } let rec inv_type hash pty ty = let ty = repr ty in try let inv = TypeHash.find hash ty in inv.inv_parents <- pty @ inv.inv_parents with Not_found -> let inv = { inv_type = ty; inv_parents = pty } in TypeHash.add hash ty inv; iter_type_expr (inv_type hash [inv]) ty let compute_univars ty = let inverted = TypeHash.create 17 in inv_type inverted [] ty; let node_univars = TypeHash.create 17 in let rec add_univar univ inv = match inv.inv_type.desc with Tpoly (_ty, tl) when List.memq univ (List.map repr tl) -> () | _ -> try let univs = TypeHash.find node_univars inv.inv_type in if not (TypeSet.mem univ !univs) then begin univs := TypeSet.add univ !univs; List.iter (add_univar univ) inv.inv_parents end with Not_found -> TypeHash.add node_univars inv.inv_type (ref(TypeSet.singleton univ)); List.iter (add_univar univ) inv.inv_parents in TypeHash.iter (fun ty inv -> if is_Tunivar ty then add_univar ty inv) inverted; fun ty -> try !(TypeHash.find node_univars ty) with Not_found -> TypeSet.empty let fully_generic ty = let rec aux acc ty = acc && let ty = repr ty in ty.level < lowest_level || ( ty.level = generic_level && ( mark_type_node ty; fold_type_expr aux true ty ) ) in let res = aux true ty in unmark_type ty; res (*******************) (* Instantiation *) (*******************) let rec find_repr p1 = function Mnil -> None | Mcons (Public, p2, ty, _, _) when Path.same p1 p2 -> Some ty | Mcons (_, _, _, _, rem) -> find_repr p1 rem | Mlink {contents = rem} -> find_repr p1 rem (* Generic nodes are duplicated, while non-generic nodes are left as-is. During instantiation, the description of a generic node is first replaced by a link to a stub ([Tsubst (newvar ())]). Once the copy is made, it replaces the stub. After instantiation, the description of generic node, which was stored by [save_desc], must be put back, using [cleanup_types]. *) let abbreviations = ref (ref Mnil) (* Abbreviation memorized. *) (* partial: we may not wish to copy the non generic types before we call type_pat *) let rec copy ?partial ?keep_names scope ty = let copy = copy ?partial ?keep_names scope in let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tsubst ty -> ty | _ -> if ty.level <> generic_level && partial = None then ty else (* We only forget types that are non generic and do not contain free univars *) let forget = if ty.level = generic_level then generic_level else match partial with None -> assert false | Some (free_univars, keep) -> if TypeSet.is_empty (free_univars ty) then if keep then ty.level else !current_level else generic_level in if forget <> generic_level then newty2 forget (Tvar None) else let desc = ty.desc in For_copy.save_desc scope ty desc; let t = newvar() in (* Stub *) set_scope t ty.scope; ty.desc <- Tsubst t; t.desc <- begin match desc with | Tconstr (p, tl, _) -> let abbrevs = proper_abbrevs p tl !abbreviations in begin match find_repr p !abbrevs with Some ty when repr ty != t -> Tlink ty | _ -> (* One must allocate a new reference, so that abbrevia- tions belonging to different branches of a type are independent. Moreover, a reference containing a [Mcons] must be shared, so that the memorized expansion of an abbrevi- ation can be released by changing the content of just one reference. *) Tconstr (p, List.map copy tl, ref (match !(!abbreviations) with Mcons _ -> Mlink !abbreviations | abbrev -> abbrev)) end | Tvariant row0 -> let row = row_repr row0 in let more = repr row.row_more in (* We must substitute in a subtle way *) (* Tsubst takes a tuple containing the row var and the variant *) begin match more.desc with Tsubst {desc = Ttuple [_;ty2]} -> (* This variant type has been already copied *) ty.desc <- Tsubst ty2; (* avoid Tlink in the new type *) Tlink ty2 | _ -> (* If the row variable is not generic, we must keep it *) let keep = more.level <> generic_level && partial = None in let more' = match more.desc with Tsubst ty -> ty | Tconstr _ | Tnil -> For_copy.save_desc scope more more.desc; copy more | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> For_copy.save_desc scope more more.desc; if keep then more else newty more.desc | _ -> assert false in let row = match repr more' with (* PR#6163 *) {desc=Tconstr (x,_,_)} when not (is_fixed row) -> {row with row_fixed = Some (Reified x)} | _ -> row in (* Open row if partial for pattern and contains Reither *) let more', row = match partial with Some (free_univars, false) -> let more' = if more.id != more'.id then more' else let lv = if keep then more.level else !current_level in newty2 lv (Tvar None) in let not_reither (_, f) = match row_field_repr f with Reither _ -> false | _ -> true in if row.row_closed && not (is_fixed row) && TypeSet.is_empty (free_univars ty) && not (List.for_all not_reither row.row_fields) then (more', {row_fields = List.filter not_reither row.row_fields; row_more = more'; row_bound = (); row_closed = false; row_fixed = None; row_name = None}) else (more', row) | _ -> (more', row) in (* Register new type first for recursion *) more.desc <- Tsubst(newgenty(Ttuple[more';t])); (* Return a new copy *) Tvariant (copy_row copy true row keep more') end | Tfield (_p, k, _ty1, ty2) -> begin match field_kind_repr k with Fabsent -> Tlink (copy ty2) | Fpresent -> copy_type_desc copy desc | Fvar r -> For_copy.dup_kind scope r; copy_type_desc copy desc end | Tobject (ty1, _) when partial <> None -> Tobject (copy ty1, ref None) | _ -> copy_type_desc ?keep_names copy desc end; t (**** Variants of instantiations ****) let instance ?partial sch = let partial = match partial with None -> None | Some keep -> Some (compute_univars sch, keep) in For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> copy ?partial scope sch) let generic_instance sch = let old = !current_level in current_level := generic_level; let ty = instance sch in current_level := old; ty let instance_list schl = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> List.map (fun t -> copy scope t) schl) let reified_var_counter = ref Vars.empty let reset_reified_var_counter () = reified_var_counter := Vars.empty (* names given to new type constructors. Used for existential types and local constraints *) let get_new_abstract_name s = let index = try Vars.find s !reified_var_counter + 1 with Not_found -> 0 in reified_var_counter := Vars.add s index !reified_var_counter; if index = 0 && s <> "" && s.[String.length s - 1] <> '$' then s else Printf.sprintf "%s%d" s index let new_declaration expansion_scope manifest = { type_params = []; type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Public; type_manifest = manifest; type_variance = []; type_separability = []; type_is_newtype = true; type_expansion_scope = expansion_scope; type_loc = Location.none; type_attributes = []; type_immediate = Unknown; type_unboxed = unboxed_false_default_false; type_uid = Uid.mk ~current_unit:(Env.get_unit_name ()); } let existential_name cstr ty = match repr ty with | {desc = Tvar (Some name)} -> "$" ^ cstr.cstr_name ^ "_'" ^ name | _ -> "$" ^ cstr.cstr_name let instance_constructor ?in_pattern cstr = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> begin match in_pattern with | None -> () | Some (env, expansion_scope) -> let process existential = let decl = new_declaration expansion_scope None in let name = existential_name cstr existential in let path = Path.Pident (Ident.create_scoped ~scope:expansion_scope (get_new_abstract_name name)) in let new_env = Env.add_local_type path decl !env in env := new_env; let to_unify = newty (Tconstr (path,[],ref Mnil)) in let tv = copy scope existential in assert (is_Tvar tv); link_type tv to_unify in List.iter process cstr.cstr_existentials end; let ty_res = copy scope cstr.cstr_res in let ty_args = List.map (copy scope) cstr.cstr_args in (ty_args, ty_res) ) let instance_parameterized_type ?keep_names sch_args sch = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> let ty_args = List.map (fun t -> copy ?keep_names scope t) sch_args in let ty = copy scope sch in (ty_args, ty) ) let instance_parameterized_type_2 sch_args sch_lst sch = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> let ty_args = List.map (copy scope) sch_args in let ty_lst = List.map (copy scope) sch_lst in let ty = copy scope sch in (ty_args, ty_lst, ty) ) let map_kind f = function | Type_abstract -> Type_abstract | Type_open -> Type_open | Type_variant cl -> Type_variant ( List.map (fun c -> {c with cd_args = map_type_expr_cstr_args f c.cd_args; cd_res = Option.map f c.cd_res }) cl) | Type_record (fl, rr) -> Type_record ( List.map (fun l -> {l with ld_type = f l.ld_type} ) fl, rr) let instance_declaration decl = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> {decl with type_params = List.map (copy scope) decl.type_params; type_manifest = Option.map (copy scope) decl.type_manifest; type_kind = map_kind (copy scope) decl.type_kind; } ) let generic_instance_declaration decl = let old = !current_level in current_level := generic_level; let decl = instance_declaration decl in current_level := old; decl let instance_class params cty = let rec copy_class_type scope = function | Cty_constr (path, tyl, cty) -> let tyl' = List.map (copy scope) tyl in let cty' = copy_class_type scope cty in Cty_constr (path, tyl', cty') | Cty_signature sign -> Cty_signature {csig_self = copy scope sign.csig_self; csig_vars = Vars.map (function (m, v, ty) -> (m, v, copy scope ty)) sign.csig_vars; csig_concr = sign.csig_concr; csig_inher = List.map (fun (p,tl) -> (p, List.map (copy scope) tl)) sign.csig_inher} | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) -> Cty_arrow (l, copy scope ty, copy_class_type scope cty) in For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> let params' = List.map (copy scope) params in let cty' = copy_class_type scope cty in (params', cty') ) (**** Instantiation for types with free universal variables ****) let rec diff_list l1 l2 = if l1 == l2 then [] else match l1 with [] -> invalid_arg "Ctype.diff_list" | a :: l1 -> a :: diff_list l1 l2 let conflicts free bound = let bound = List.map repr bound in TypeSet.exists (fun t -> List.memq (repr t) bound) free let delayed_copy = ref [] (* copying to do later *) (* Copy without sharing until there are no free univars left *) (* all free univars must be included in [visited] *) let rec copy_sep cleanup_scope fixed free bound visited ty = let ty = repr ty in let univars = free ty in if TypeSet.is_empty univars then if ty.level <> generic_level then ty else let t = newvar () in delayed_copy := lazy (t.desc <- Tlink (copy cleanup_scope ty)) :: !delayed_copy; t else try let t, bound_t = List.assq ty visited in let dl = if is_Tunivar ty then [] else diff_list bound bound_t in if dl <> [] && conflicts univars dl then raise Not_found; t with Not_found -> begin let t = newvar() in (* Stub *) let visited = match ty.desc with Tarrow _ | Ttuple _ | Tvariant _ | Tconstr _ | Tobject _ | Tpackage _ -> (ty,(t,bound)) :: visited | Tvar _ | Tfield _ | Tnil | Tpoly _ | Tunivar _ | Tlink _ | Tsubst _ -> visited in let copy_rec = copy_sep cleanup_scope fixed free bound visited in t.desc <- begin match ty.desc with | Tvariant row0 -> let row = row_repr row0 in let more = repr row.row_more in (* We shall really check the level on the row variable *) let keep = is_Tvar more && more.level <> generic_level in let more' = copy_rec more in let fixed' = fixed && (is_Tvar more || is_Tunivar more) in let row = copy_row copy_rec fixed' row keep more' in Tvariant row | Tpoly (t1, tl) -> let tl = List.map repr tl in let tl' = List.map (fun t -> newty t.desc) tl in let bound = tl @ bound in let visited = List.map2 (fun ty t -> ty,(t,bound)) tl tl' @ visited in Tpoly (copy_sep cleanup_scope fixed free bound visited t1, tl') | _ -> copy_type_desc copy_rec ty.desc end; t end let instance_poly' cleanup_scope ~keep_names fixed univars sch = let univars = List.map repr univars in let copy_var ty = match ty.desc with Tunivar name -> if keep_names then newty (Tvar name) else newvar () | _ -> assert false in let vars = List.map copy_var univars in let pairs = List.map2 (fun u v -> u, (v, [])) univars vars in delayed_copy := []; let ty = copy_sep cleanup_scope fixed (compute_univars sch) [] pairs sch in List.iter Lazy.force !delayed_copy; delayed_copy := []; vars, ty let instance_poly ?(keep_names=false) fixed univars sch = For_copy.with_scope (fun cleanup_scope -> instance_poly' cleanup_scope ~keep_names fixed univars sch ) let instance_label fixed lbl = For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> let ty_res = copy scope lbl.lbl_res in let vars, ty_arg = match repr lbl.lbl_arg with {desc = Tpoly (ty, tl)} -> instance_poly' scope ~keep_names:false fixed tl ty | _ -> [], copy scope lbl.lbl_arg in (vars, ty_arg, ty_res) ) (**** Instantiation with parameter substitution ****) let unify' = (* Forward declaration *) ref (fun _env _ty1 _ty2 -> raise (Unify [])) let subst env level priv abbrev ty params args body = if List.length params <> List.length args then raise (Unify []); let old_level = !current_level in current_level := level; try let body0 = newvar () in (* Stub *) begin match ty with None -> () | Some ({desc = Tconstr (path, tl, _)} as ty) -> let abbrev = proper_abbrevs path tl abbrev in memorize_abbrev abbrev priv path ty body0 | _ -> assert false end; abbreviations := abbrev; let (params', body') = instance_parameterized_type params body in abbreviations := ref Mnil; !unify' env body0 body'; List.iter2 (!unify' env) params' args; current_level := old_level; body' with Unify _ as exn -> current_level := old_level; raise exn (* Only the shape of the type matters, not whether it is generic or not. [generic_level] might be somewhat slower, but it ensures invariants on types are enforced (decreasing levels), and we don't care about efficiency here. *) let apply env params body args = try subst env generic_level Public (ref Mnil) None params args body with Unify _ -> raise Cannot_apply let () = Subst.ctype_apply_env_empty := apply Env.empty (****************************) (* Abbreviation expansion *) (****************************) (* If the environment has changed, memorized expansions might not be correct anymore, and so we flush the cache. This is safe but quite pessimistic: it would be enough to flush the cache when a type or module definition is overridden in the environment. *) let previous_env = ref Env.empty (*let string_of_kind = function Public -> "public" | Private -> "private"*) let check_abbrev_env env = if env != !previous_env then begin (* prerr_endline "cleanup expansion cache"; *) cleanup_abbrev (); previous_env := env end (* Expand an abbreviation. The expansion is memorized. *) (* Assume the level is greater than the path binding time of the expanded abbreviation. *) (* An abbreviation expansion will fail in either of these cases: 1. The type constructor does not correspond to a manifest type. 2. The type constructor is defined in an external file, and this file is not in the path (missing -I options). 3. The type constructor is not in the "local" environment. This can happens when a non-generic type variable has been instantiated afterwards to the not yet defined type constructor. (Actually, this cannot happen at the moment due to the strong constraints between type levels and constructor binding time.) 4. The expansion requires the expansion of another abbreviation, and this other expansion fails. *) let expand_abbrev_gen kind find_type_expansion env ty = check_abbrev_env env; match ty with {desc = Tconstr (path, args, abbrev); level = level; scope} -> let lookup_abbrev = proper_abbrevs path args abbrev in begin match find_expans kind path !lookup_abbrev with Some ty' -> (* prerr_endline ("found a "^string_of_kind kind^" expansion for "^Path.name path);*) if level <> generic_level then begin try update_level env level ty' with Unify _ -> (* XXX This should not happen. However, levels are not correctly restored after a typing error *) () end; begin try update_scope scope ty'; with Unify _ -> (* XXX This should not happen. However, levels are not correctly restored after a typing error *) () end; let ty' = repr ty' in (* assert (ty != ty'); *) (* PR#7324 *) ty' | None -> match find_type_expansion path env with | exception Not_found -> (* another way to expand is to normalize the path itself *) let path' = Env.normalize_type_path None env path in if Path.same path path' then raise Cannot_expand else newty2 level (Tconstr (path', args, abbrev)) | (params, body, lv) -> (* prerr_endline ("add a "^string_of_kind kind^" expansion for "^Path.name path);*) let ty' = subst env level kind abbrev (Some ty) params args body in (* For gadts, remember type as non exportable *) (* The ambiguous level registered for ty' should be the highest *) if !trace_gadt_instances then begin let scope = max lv ty.scope in if level < scope then raise (Trace.scope_escape ty); set_scope ty scope; set_scope ty' scope end; ty' end | _ -> assert false (* Expand respecting privacy *) let expand_abbrev env ty = expand_abbrev_gen Public Env.find_type_expansion env ty (* Expand once the head of a type *) let expand_head_once env ty = try expand_abbrev env (repr ty) with Cannot_expand -> assert false (* Check whether a type can be expanded *) let safe_abbrev env ty = let snap = Btype.snapshot () in try ignore (expand_abbrev env ty); true with Cannot_expand | Unify _ -> Btype.backtrack snap; false (* Expand the head of a type once. Raise Cannot_expand if the type cannot be expanded. May raise Unify, if a recursion was hidden in the type. *) let try_expand_once env ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tconstr _ -> repr (expand_abbrev env ty) | _ -> raise Cannot_expand (* This one only raises Cannot_expand *) let try_expand_safe env ty = let snap = Btype.snapshot () in try try_expand_once env ty with Unify _ -> Btype.backtrack snap; raise Cannot_expand (* Fully expand the head of a type. *) let rec try_expand_head try_once env ty = let ty' = try_once env ty in try try_expand_head try_once env ty' with Cannot_expand -> ty' (* Unsafe full expansion, may raise Unify. *) let expand_head_unif env ty = try try_expand_head try_expand_once env ty with Cannot_expand -> repr ty (* Safe version of expand_head, never fails *) let expand_head env ty = try try_expand_head try_expand_safe env ty with Cannot_expand -> repr ty let _ = forward_try_expand_once := try_expand_safe (* Expand until we find a non-abstract type declaration, use try_expand_safe to avoid raising "Unify _" when called on recursive types *) let rec extract_concrete_typedecl env ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tconstr (p, _, _) -> let decl = Env.find_type p env in if decl.type_kind <> Type_abstract then (p, p, decl) else let ty = try try_expand_safe env ty with Cannot_expand -> raise Not_found in let (_, p', decl) = extract_concrete_typedecl env ty in (p, p', decl) | _ -> raise Not_found (* Implementing function [expand_head_opt], the compiler's own version of [expand_head] used for type-based optimisations. [expand_head_opt] uses [Env.find_type_expansion_opt] to access the manifest type information of private abstract data types which is normally hidden to the type-checker out of the implementation module of the private abbreviation. *) let expand_abbrev_opt = expand_abbrev_gen Private Env.find_type_expansion_opt let try_expand_once_opt env ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tconstr _ -> repr (expand_abbrev_opt env ty) | _ -> raise Cannot_expand let rec try_expand_head_opt env ty = let ty' = try_expand_once_opt env ty in begin try try_expand_head_opt env ty' with Cannot_expand -> ty' end let expand_head_opt env ty = let snap = Btype.snapshot () in try try_expand_head_opt env ty with Cannot_expand | Unify _ -> (* expand_head shall never fail *) Btype.backtrack snap; repr ty (* Make sure that the type parameters of the type constructor [ty] respect the type constraints *) let enforce_constraints env ty = match ty with {desc = Tconstr (path, args, _abbrev); level = level} -> begin try let decl = Env.find_type path env in ignore (subst env level Public (ref Mnil) None decl.type_params args (newvar2 level)) with Not_found -> () end | _ -> assert false (* Recursively expand the head of a type. Also expand #-types. *) let full_expand env ty = let ty = repr (expand_head env ty) in match ty.desc with Tobject (fi, {contents = Some (_, v::_)}) when is_Tvar (repr v) -> newty2 ty.level (Tobject (fi, ref None)) | _ -> ty (* Check whether the abbreviation expands to a well-defined type. During the typing of a class, abbreviations for correspondings types expand to non-generic types. *) let generic_abbrev env path = try let (_, body, _) = Env.find_type_expansion path env in (repr body).level = generic_level with Not_found -> false let generic_private_abbrev env path = try match Env.find_type path env with {type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Private; type_manifest = Some body} -> (repr body).level = generic_level | _ -> false with Not_found -> false let is_contractive env p = try let decl = Env.find_type p env in in_pervasives p && decl.type_manifest = None || is_datatype decl with Not_found -> false (*****************) (* Occur check *) (*****************) exception Occur let rec occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0 = function | {desc=Tlink ty} -> occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0 ty | ty -> if ty == ty0 then raise Occur; match ty.desc with Tconstr(p, _tl, _abbrev) -> if allow_recursive && is_contractive env p then () else begin try if TypeSet.mem ty visited then raise Occur; let visited = TypeSet.add ty visited in iter_type_expr (occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0) ty with Occur -> try let ty' = try_expand_head try_expand_once env ty in (* This call used to be inlined, but there seems no reason for it. Message was referring to change in rev. 1.58 of the CVS repo. *) occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0 ty' with Cannot_expand -> raise Occur end | Tobject _ | Tvariant _ -> () | _ -> if allow_recursive || TypeSet.mem ty visited then () else begin let visited = TypeSet.add ty visited in iter_type_expr (occur_rec env allow_recursive visited ty0) ty end let type_changed = ref false (* trace possible changes to the studied type *) let merge r b = if b then r := true let occur env ty0 ty = let allow_recursive = !Clflags.recursive_types || !umode = Pattern && !allow_recursive_equation in let old = !type_changed in try while type_changed := false; occur_rec env allow_recursive TypeSet.empty ty0 ty; !type_changed do () (* prerr_endline "changed" *) done; merge type_changed old with exn -> merge type_changed old; match exn with | Occur -> raise (Trace.rec_occur ty0 ty) | _ -> raise exn let occur_in env ty0 t = try occur env ty0 t; false with Unify _ -> true (* Check that a local constraint is well-founded *) (* PR#6405: not needed since we allow recursion and work on normalized types *) (* PR#6992: we actually need it for contractiveness *) (* This is a simplified version of occur, only for the rectypes case *) let rec local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p ty = (*Format.eprintf "@[Check %s =@ %a@]@." (Path.name p) !Btype.print_raw ty;*) let ty = repr ty in if not (List.memq ty visited) then begin match ty.desc with Tconstr(p', args, _abbrev) -> if Path.same p p' then raise Occur; if allow_rec && not strict && is_contractive env p' then () else let visited = ty :: visited in begin try (* try expanding, since [p] could be hidden *) local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p (try_expand_head try_expand_once_opt env ty) with Cannot_expand -> let params = try (Env.find_type p' env).type_params with Not_found -> args in List.iter2 (fun tv ty -> let strict = strict || not (is_Tvar (repr tv)) in local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec strict visited env p ty) params args end | Tobject _ | Tvariant _ when not strict -> () | _ -> if strict || not allow_rec then (* PR#7374 *) let visited = ty :: visited in iter_type_expr (local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec true visited env p) ty end let local_non_recursive_abbrev env p ty = let allow_rec = !Clflags.recursive_types || !umode = Pattern && !allow_recursive_equation in try (* PR#7397: need to check trace_gadt_instances *) wrap_trace_gadt_instances env (local_non_recursive_abbrev ~allow_rec false [] env p) ty; true with Occur -> false (*****************************) (* Polymorphic Unification *) (*****************************) (* Since we cannot duplicate universal variables, unification must be done at meta-level, using bindings in univar_pairs *) let rec unify_univar t1 t2 = function (cl1, cl2) :: rem -> let find_univ t cl = try let (_, r) = List.find (fun (t',_) -> t == repr t') cl in Some r with Not_found -> None in begin match find_univ t1 cl1, find_univ t2 cl2 with Some {contents=Some t'2}, Some _ when t2 == repr t'2 -> () | Some({contents=None} as r1), Some({contents=None} as r2) -> set_univar r1 t2; set_univar r2 t1 | None, None -> unify_univar t1 t2 rem | _ -> raise (Unify []) end | [] -> raise (Unify []) (* Test the occurrence of free univars in a type *) (* that's way too expensive. Must do some kind of caching *) let occur_univar env ty = let visited = ref TypeMap.empty in let rec occur_rec bound ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level >= lowest_level && if TypeSet.is_empty bound then (ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; true) else try let bound' = TypeMap.find ty !visited in if TypeSet.exists (fun x -> not (TypeSet.mem x bound)) bound' then (visited := TypeMap.add ty (TypeSet.inter bound bound') !visited; true) else false with Not_found -> visited := TypeMap.add ty bound !visited; true then match ty.desc with Tunivar _ -> if not (TypeSet.mem ty bound) then raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Univ ty)]) | Tpoly (ty, tyl) -> let bound = List.fold_right TypeSet.add (List.map repr tyl) bound in occur_rec bound ty | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> () | Tconstr (p, tl, _) -> begin try let td = Env.find_type p env in List.iter2 (fun t v -> (* The null variance only occurs in type abbreviations and corresponds to type variables that do not occur in the definition (expansion would erase them completely). The type-checker consistently ignores type expressions in this position. Physical expansion, as done in `occur`, would be costly here, since we need to check inside object and variant types too. *) if not Variance.(eq v null) then occur_rec bound t) tl td.type_variance with Not_found -> List.iter (occur_rec bound) tl end | _ -> iter_type_expr (occur_rec bound) ty in Misc.try_finally (fun () -> occur_rec TypeSet.empty ty ) ~always:(fun () -> unmark_type ty) (* Grouping univars by families according to their binders *) let add_univars = List.fold_left (fun s (t,_) -> TypeSet.add (repr t) s) let get_univar_family univar_pairs univars = if univars = [] then TypeSet.empty else let insert s = function cl1, (_::_ as cl2) -> if List.exists (fun (t1,_) -> TypeSet.mem (repr t1) s) cl1 then add_univars s cl2 else s | _ -> s in let s = List.fold_right TypeSet.add univars TypeSet.empty in List.fold_left insert s univar_pairs (* Whether a family of univars escapes from a type *) let univars_escape env univar_pairs vl ty = let family = get_univar_family univar_pairs vl in let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in let rec occur t = let t = repr t in if TypeSet.mem t !visited then () else begin visited := TypeSet.add t !visited; match t.desc with Tpoly (t, tl) -> if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem (repr t) family) tl then () else occur t | Tunivar _ -> if TypeSet.mem t family then raise Trace.(Unify [escape(Univ t)]) | Tconstr (_, [], _) -> () | Tconstr (p, tl, _) -> begin try let td = Env.find_type p env in List.iter2 (* see occur_univar *) (fun t v -> if not Variance.(eq v null) then occur t) tl td.type_variance with Not_found -> List.iter occur tl end | _ -> iter_type_expr occur t end in occur ty (* Wrapper checking that no variable escapes and updating univar_pairs *) let enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 f = let old_univars = !univar_pairs in let known_univars = List.fold_left (fun s (cl,_) -> add_univars s cl) TypeSet.empty old_univars in let tl1 = List.map repr tl1 and tl2 = List.map repr tl2 in if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t known_univars) tl1 then univars_escape env old_univars tl1 (newty(Tpoly(t2,tl2))); if List.exists (fun t -> TypeSet.mem t known_univars) tl2 then univars_escape env old_univars tl2 (newty(Tpoly(t1,tl1))); let cl1 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl1 and cl2 = List.map (fun t -> t, ref None) tl2 in univar_pairs := (cl1,cl2) :: (cl2,cl1) :: old_univars; Misc.try_finally (fun () -> f t1 t2) ~always:(fun () -> univar_pairs := old_univars) let univar_pairs = ref [] (**** Instantiate a generic type into a poly type ***) let polyfy env ty vars = let subst_univar scope ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with | Tvar name when ty.level = generic_level -> For_copy.save_desc scope ty ty.desc; let t = newty (Tunivar name) in ty.desc <- Tsubst t; Some t | _ -> None in (* need to expand twice? cf. Ctype.unify2 *) let vars = List.map (expand_head env) vars in let vars = List.map (expand_head env) vars in For_copy.with_scope (fun scope -> let vars' = List.filter_map (subst_univar scope) vars in let ty = copy scope ty in let ty = newty2 ty.level (Tpoly(repr ty, vars')) in let complete = List.length vars = List.length vars' in ty, complete ) (* assumption: [ty] is fully generalized. *) let reify_univars env ty = let vars = free_variables ty in let ty, _ = polyfy env ty vars in ty (*****************) (* Unification *) (*****************) let rec has_cached_expansion p abbrev = match abbrev with Mnil -> false | Mcons(_, p', _, _, rem) -> Path.same p p' || has_cached_expansion p rem | Mlink rem -> has_cached_expansion p !rem (**** Transform error trace ****) (* +++ Move it to some other place ? *) let expand_trace env trace = let expand_desc x = match x.Trace.expanded with | None -> Trace.{ t = repr x.t; expanded= Some(full_expand env x.t) } | Some _ -> x in Unification_trace.map expand_desc trace (**** Unification ****) (* Return whether [t0] occurs in [ty]. Objects are also traversed. *) let deep_occur t0 ty = let rec occur_rec ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin if ty == t0 then raise Occur; ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; iter_type_expr occur_rec ty end in try occur_rec ty; unmark_type ty; false with Occur -> unmark_type ty; true (* 1. When unifying two non-abbreviated types, one type is made a link to the other. When unifying an abbreviated type with a non-abbreviated type, the non-abbreviated type is made a link to the other one. When unifying to abbreviated types, these two types are kept distincts, but they are made to (temporally) expand to the same type. 2. Abbreviations with at least one parameter are systematically expanded. The overhead does not seem too high, and that way abbreviations where some parameters does not appear in the expansion, such as ['a t = int], are correctly handled. In particular, for this example, unifying ['a t] with ['b t] keeps ['a] and ['b] distincts. (Is it really important ?) 3. Unifying an abbreviation ['a t = 'a] with ['a] should not yield ['a t as 'a]. Indeed, the type variable would otherwise be lost. This problem occurs for abbreviations expanding to a type variable, but also to many other constrained abbreviations (for instance, [(< x : 'a > -> unit) t = ]). The solution is that, if an abbreviation is unified with some subpart of its parameters, then the parameter actually does not get abbreviated. It would be possible to check whether some information is indeed lost, but it probably does not worth it. *) let gadt_equations_level = ref None let get_gadt_equations_level () = match !gadt_equations_level with | None -> assert false | Some x -> x (* a local constraint can be added only if the rhs of the constraint does not contain any Tvars. They need to be removed using this function *) let reify env t = let fresh_constr_scope = get_gadt_equations_level () in let create_fresh_constr lev name = let name = match name with Some s -> "$'"^s | _ -> "$" in let path = Path.Pident (Ident.create_scoped ~scope:fresh_constr_scope (get_new_abstract_name name)) in let decl = new_declaration fresh_constr_scope None in let new_env = Env.add_local_type path decl !env in let t = newty2 lev (Tconstr (path,[],ref Mnil)) in env := new_env; path, t in let visited = ref TypeSet.empty in let rec iterator ty = let ty = repr ty in if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else begin visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited; match ty.desc with Tvar o -> let path, t = create_fresh_constr ty.level o in link_type ty t; if ty.level < fresh_constr_scope then raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Constructor path)]) | Tvariant r -> let r = row_repr r in if not (static_row r) then begin if is_fixed r then iterator (row_more r) else let m = r.row_more in match m.desc with Tvar o -> let path, t = create_fresh_constr m.level o in let row = let row_fixed = Some (Reified path) in {r with row_fields=[]; row_fixed; row_more = t} in link_type m (newty2 m.level (Tvariant row)); if m.level < fresh_constr_scope then raise Trace.(Unify [escape (Constructor path)]) | _ -> assert false end; iter_row iterator r | Tconstr (p, _, _) when is_object_type p -> iter_type_expr iterator (full_expand !env ty) | _ -> iter_type_expr iterator ty end in iterator t let is_newtype env p = try let decl = Env.find_type p env in decl.type_expansion_scope <> Btype.lowest_level && decl.type_kind = Type_abstract && decl.type_private = Public with Not_found -> false let non_aliasable p decl = (* in_pervasives p || (subsumed by in_current_module) *) in_current_module p && not decl.type_is_newtype let is_instantiable env p = try let decl = Env.find_type p env in decl.type_kind = Type_abstract && decl.type_private = Public && decl.type_arity = 0 && decl.type_manifest = None && not (non_aliasable p decl) with Not_found -> false (* PR#7113: -safe-string should be a global property *) let compatible_paths p1 p2 = let open Predef in Path.same p1 p2 || Path.same p1 path_bytes && Path.same p2 path_string || Path.same p1 path_string && Path.same p2 path_bytes (* Check for datatypes carefully; see PR#6348 *) let rec expands_to_datatype env ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tconstr (p, _, _) -> begin try is_datatype (Env.find_type p env) || expands_to_datatype env (try_expand_once env ty) with Not_found | Cannot_expand -> false end | _ -> false (* mcomp type_pairs subst env t1 t2 does not raise an exception if it is possible that t1 and t2 are actually equal, assuming the types in type_pairs are equal and that the mapping subst holds. Assumes that both t1 and t2 do not contain any tvars and that both their objects and variants are closed *) let rec mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then () else let t1 = repr t1 in let t2 = repr t2 in if t1 == t2 then () else match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with | (Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) -> () | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> () | _ -> let t1' = expand_head_opt env t1 in let t2' = expand_head_opt env t2 in (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *) let t1' = repr t1' and t2' = repr t2' in if t1' == t2' then () else begin try TypePairs.find type_pairs (t1', t2') with Not_found -> TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2') (); match (t1'.desc, t2'.desc) with | (Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) -> () | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2 || not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) -> mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2; mcomp type_pairs env u1 u2; | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) -> mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2 | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) -> mcomp_type_decl type_pairs env p1 p2 tl1 tl2 | (Tconstr (p, _, _), _) | (_, Tconstr (p, _, _)) -> begin try let decl = Env.find_type p env in if non_aliasable p decl || is_datatype decl then raise (Unify []) with Not_found -> () end (* | (Tpackage (p1, n1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, n2, tl2)) when n1 = n2 -> mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2 *) | (Tpackage _, Tpackage _) -> () | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) -> mcomp_row type_pairs env row1 row2 | (Tobject (fi1, _), Tobject (fi2, _)) -> mcomp_fields type_pairs env fi1 fi2 | (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* Actually unused *) mcomp_fields type_pairs env t1' t2' | (Tnil, Tnil) -> () | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) -> mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) -> enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (mcomp type_pairs env) | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) -> unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs | (_, _) -> raise (Unify []) end and mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2 = if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then raise (Unify []); List.iter2 (mcomp type_pairs env) tl1 tl2 and mcomp_fields type_pairs env ty1 ty2 = if not (concrete_object ty1 && concrete_object ty2) then assert false; let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in let has_present = List.exists (fun (_, k, _) -> field_kind_repr k = Fpresent) in mcomp type_pairs env rest1 rest2; if has_present miss1 && (object_row ty2).desc = Tnil || has_present miss2 && (object_row ty1).desc = Tnil then raise (Unify []); List.iter (function (_n, k1, t1, k2, t2) -> mcomp_kind k1 k2; mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2) pairs and mcomp_kind k1 k2 = let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in match k1, k2 with (Fpresent, Fabsent) | (Fabsent, Fpresent) -> raise (Unify []) | _ -> () and mcomp_row type_pairs env row1 row2 = let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in let cannot_erase (_,f) = match row_field_repr f with Rpresent _ -> true | Rabsent | Reither _ -> false in if row1.row_closed && List.exists cannot_erase r2 || row2.row_closed && List.exists cannot_erase r1 then raise (Unify []); List.iter (fun (_,f1,f2) -> match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with | Rpresent None, (Rpresent (Some _) | Reither (_, _::_, _, _) | Rabsent) | Rpresent (Some _), (Rpresent None | Reither (true, _, _, _) | Rabsent) | (Reither (_, _::_, _, _) | Rabsent), Rpresent None | (Reither (true, _, _, _) | Rabsent), Rpresent (Some _) -> raise (Unify []) | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2 | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl2, _, _) -> List.iter (mcomp type_pairs env t1) tl2 | Reither(false, tl1, _, _), Rpresent(Some t2) -> List.iter (mcomp type_pairs env t2) tl1 | _ -> ()) pairs and mcomp_type_decl type_pairs env p1 p2 tl1 tl2 = try let decl = Env.find_type p1 env in let decl' = Env.find_type p2 env in if compatible_paths p1 p2 then begin let inj = try List.map Variance.(mem Inj) (Env.find_type p1 env).type_variance with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> false) tl1 in List.iter2 (fun i (t1,t2) -> if i then mcomp type_pairs env t1 t2) inj (List.combine tl1 tl2) end else if non_aliasable p1 decl && non_aliasable p2 decl' then raise (Unify []) else match decl.type_kind, decl'.type_kind with | Type_record (lst,r), Type_record (lst',r') when r = r' -> mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2; mcomp_record_description type_pairs env lst lst' | Type_variant v1, Type_variant v2 -> mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2; mcomp_variant_description type_pairs env v1 v2 | Type_open, Type_open -> mcomp_list type_pairs env tl1 tl2 | Type_abstract, Type_abstract -> () | Type_abstract, _ when not (non_aliasable p1 decl)-> () | _, Type_abstract when not (non_aliasable p2 decl') -> () | _ -> raise (Unify []) with Not_found -> () and mcomp_type_option type_pairs env t t' = match t, t' with None, None -> () | Some t, Some t' -> mcomp type_pairs env t t' | _ -> raise (Unify []) and mcomp_variant_description type_pairs env xs ys = let rec iter = fun x y -> match x, y with | c1 :: xs, c2 :: ys -> mcomp_type_option type_pairs env c1.cd_res c2.cd_res; begin match c1.cd_args, c2.cd_args with | Cstr_tuple l1, Cstr_tuple l2 -> mcomp_list type_pairs env l1 l2 | Cstr_record l1, Cstr_record l2 -> mcomp_record_description type_pairs env l1 l2 | _ -> raise (Unify []) end; if Ident.name c1.cd_id = Ident.name c2.cd_id then iter xs ys else raise (Unify []) | [],[] -> () | _ -> raise (Unify []) in iter xs ys and mcomp_record_description type_pairs env = let rec iter x y = match x, y with | l1 :: xs, l2 :: ys -> mcomp type_pairs env l1.ld_type l2.ld_type; if Ident.name l1.ld_id = Ident.name l2.ld_id && l1.ld_mutable = l2.ld_mutable then iter xs ys else raise (Unify []) | [], [] -> () | _ -> raise (Unify []) in iter let mcomp env t1 t2 = mcomp (TypePairs.create 4) env t1 t2 (* Real unification *) let find_lowest_level ty = let lowest = ref generic_level in let rec find ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin if ty.level < !lowest then lowest := ty.level; ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; iter_type_expr find ty end in find ty; unmark_type ty; !lowest let find_expansion_scope env path = (Env.find_type path env).type_expansion_scope let add_gadt_equation env source destination = (* Format.eprintf "@[add_gadt_equation %s %a@]@." (Path.name source) !Btype.print_raw destination; *) if local_non_recursive_abbrev !env source destination then begin let destination = duplicate_type destination in let expansion_scope = max (Path.scope source) (get_gadt_equations_level ()) in let decl = new_declaration expansion_scope (Some destination) in env := Env.add_local_type source decl !env; cleanup_abbrev () end let unify_eq_set = TypePairs.create 11 let order_type_pair t1 t2 = if t1.id <= t2.id then (t1, t2) else (t2, t1) let add_type_equality t1 t2 = TypePairs.add unify_eq_set (order_type_pair t1 t2) () let eq_package_path env p1 p2 = Path.same p1 p2 || Path.same (normalize_package_path env p1) (normalize_package_path env p2) let nondep_type' = ref (fun _ _ _ -> assert false) let package_subtype = ref (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -> assert false) exception Nondep_cannot_erase of Ident.t let rec concat_longident lid1 = let open Longident in function Lident s -> Ldot (lid1, s) | Ldot (lid2, s) -> Ldot (concat_longident lid1 lid2, s) | Lapply (lid2, lid) -> Lapply (concat_longident lid1 lid2, lid) let nondep_instance env level id ty = let ty = !nondep_type' env [id] ty in if level = generic_level then duplicate_type ty else let old = !current_level in current_level := level; let ty = instance ty in current_level := old; ty (* Find the type paths nl1 in the module type mty2, and add them to the list (nl2, tl2). raise Not_found if impossible *) let complete_type_list ?(allow_absent=false) env nl1 lv2 mty2 nl2 tl2 = (* This is morally WRONG: we're adding a (dummy) module without a scope in the environment. However no operation which cares about levels/scopes is going to happen while this module exists. The only operations that happen are: - Env.find_type_by_name - nondep_instance None of which check the scope. It'd be nice if we avoided creating such temporary dummy modules and broken environments though. *) let id2 = Ident.create_local "Pkg" in let env' = Env.add_module id2 Mp_present mty2 env in let rec complete nl1 ntl2 = match nl1, ntl2 with [], _ -> ntl2 | n :: nl, (n2, _ as nt2) :: ntl' when n >= n2 -> nt2 :: complete (if n = n2 then nl else nl1) ntl' | n :: nl, _ -> let lid = concat_longident (Longident.Lident "Pkg") n in match Env.find_type_by_name lid env' with | (_, {type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Public; type_manifest = Some t2}) -> begin match nondep_instance env' lv2 id2 t2 with | t -> (n, t) :: complete nl ntl2 | exception Nondep_cannot_erase _ -> if allow_absent then complete nl ntl2 else raise Exit end | (_, {type_arity = 0; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Public; type_manifest = None}) when allow_absent -> complete nl ntl2 | _ -> raise Exit | exception Not_found when allow_absent-> complete nl ntl2 in match complete nl1 (List.combine nl2 tl2) with | res -> res | exception Exit -> raise Not_found (* raise Not_found rather than Unify if the module types are incompatible *) let unify_package env unify_list lv1 p1 n1 tl1 lv2 p2 n2 tl2 = let ntl2 = complete_type_list env n1 lv2 (Mty_ident p2) n2 tl2 and ntl1 = complete_type_list env n2 lv1 (Mty_ident p1) n1 tl1 in unify_list (List.map snd ntl1) (List.map snd ntl2); if eq_package_path env p1 p2 || !package_subtype env p1 n1 tl1 p2 n2 tl2 && !package_subtype env p2 n2 tl2 p1 n1 tl1 then () else raise Not_found (* force unification in Reither when one side has a non-conjunctive type *) let rigid_variants = ref false let unify_eq t1 t2 = t1 == t2 || match !umode with | Expression -> false | Pattern -> try TypePairs.find unify_eq_set (order_type_pair t1 t2); true with Not_found -> false let unify1_var env t1 t2 = assert (is_Tvar t1); occur env t1 t2; occur_univar env t2; let d1 = t1.desc in link_type t1 t2; try update_level env t1.level t2; update_scope t1.scope t2 with Unify _ as e -> t1.desc <- d1; raise e (* Can only be called when generate_equations is true *) let record_equation t1 t2 = match !equations_generation with | Forbidden -> assert false | Allowed { equated_types } -> TypePairs.add equated_types (t1, t2) () let rec unify (env:Env.t ref) t1 t2 = (* First step: special cases (optimizations) *) if t1 == t2 then () else let t1 = repr t1 in let t2 = repr t2 in if unify_eq t1 t2 then () else let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances !env in try type_changed := true; begin match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with (Tvar _, Tconstr _) when deep_occur t1 t2 -> unify2 env t1 t2 | (Tconstr _, Tvar _) when deep_occur t2 t1 -> unify2 env t1 t2 | (Tvar _, _) -> unify1_var !env t1 t2 | (_, Tvar _) -> unify1_var !env t2 t1 | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) -> unify_univar t1 t2 !univar_pairs; update_level !env t1.level t2; update_scope t1.scope t2; link_type t1 t2 | (Tconstr (p1, [], a1), Tconstr (p2, [], a2)) when Path.same p1 p2 (* && actual_mode !env = Old *) (* This optimization assumes that t1 does not expand to t2 (and conversely), so we fall back to the general case when any of the types has a cached expansion. *) && not (has_cached_expansion p1 !a1 || has_cached_expansion p2 !a2) -> update_level !env t1.level t2; update_scope t1.scope t2; link_type t1 t2 | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Env.has_local_constraints !env && is_newtype !env p1 && is_newtype !env p2 -> (* Do not use local constraints more than necessary *) begin try if find_expansion_scope !env p1 > find_expansion_scope !env p2 then unify env t1 (try_expand_once !env t2) else unify env (try_expand_once !env t1) t2 with Cannot_expand -> unify2 env t1 t2 end | _ -> unify2 env t1 t2 end; reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing; with Unify trace -> reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing; raise( Unify (Trace.diff t1 t2 :: trace) ) and unify2 env t1 t2 = (* Second step: expansion of abbreviations *) (* Expansion may change the representative of the types. *) ignore (expand_head_unif !env t1); ignore (expand_head_unif !env t2); let t1' = expand_head_unif !env t1 in let t2' = expand_head_unif !env t2 in let lv = min t1'.level t2'.level in let scope = max t1'.scope t2'.scope in update_level !env lv t2; update_level !env lv t1; update_scope scope t2; update_scope scope t1; if unify_eq t1' t2' then () else let t1 = repr t1 and t2 = repr t2 in let t1, t2 = if !Clflags.principal && (find_lowest_level t1' < lv || find_lowest_level t2' < lv) then (* Expand abbreviations hiding a lower level *) (* Should also do it for parameterized types, after unification... *) (match t1.desc with Tconstr (_, [], _) -> t1' | _ -> t1), (match t2.desc with Tconstr (_, [], _) -> t2' | _ -> t2) else (t1, t2) in if unify_eq t1 t1' || not (unify_eq t2 t2') then unify3 env t1 t1' t2 t2' else try unify3 env t2 t2' t1 t1' with Unify trace -> raise (Unify (Trace.swap trace)) and unify3 env t1 t1' t2 t2' = (* Third step: truly unification *) (* Assumes either [t1 == t1'] or [t2 != t2'] *) let d1 = t1'.desc and d2 = t2'.desc in let create_recursion = (t2 != t2') && (deep_occur t1' t2) in begin match (d1, d2) with (* handle vars and univars specially *) (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) -> unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs; link_type t1' t2' | (Tvar _, _) -> occur !env t1' t2; occur_univar !env t2; link_type t1' t2; | (_, Tvar _) -> occur !env t2' t1; occur_univar !env t1; link_type t2' t1; | (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* special case for GADTs *) unify_fields env t1' t2' | _ -> begin match !umode with | Expression -> occur !env t1' t2'; if is_self_type d1 (* PR#7711: do not abbreviate self type *) then link_type t1' t2' else link_type t1' t2 | Pattern -> add_type_equality t1' t2' end; try begin match (d1, d2) with (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, c1), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, c2)) when l1 = l2 || (!Clflags.classic || !umode = Pattern) && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) -> unify env t1 t2; unify env u1 u2; begin match commu_repr c1, commu_repr c2 with Clink r, c2 -> set_commu r c2 | c1, Clink r -> set_commu r c1 | _ -> () end | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) -> unify_list env tl1 tl2 | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> if !umode = Expression || !equations_generation = Forbidden then unify_list env tl1 tl2 else if !assume_injective then set_mode_pattern ~generate:!equations_generation ~injective:false ~allow_recursive:!allow_recursive_equation (fun () -> unify_list env tl1 tl2) else if in_current_module p1 (* || in_pervasives p1 *) || List.exists (expands_to_datatype !env) [t1'; t1; t2] then unify_list env tl1 tl2 else let inj = try List.map Variance.(mem Inj) (Env.find_type p1 !env).type_variance with Not_found -> List.map (fun _ -> false) tl1 in List.iter2 (fun i (t1, t2) -> if i then unify env t1 t2 else set_mode_pattern ~generate:Forbidden ~injective:false ~allow_recursive:!allow_recursive_equation begin fun () -> let snap = snapshot () in try unify env t1 t2 with Unify _ -> backtrack snap; reify env t1; reify env t2 end) inj (List.combine tl1 tl2) | (Tconstr (path,[],_), Tconstr (path',[],_)) when is_instantiable !env path && is_instantiable !env path' && can_generate_equations () -> let source, destination = if Path.scope path > Path.scope path' then path , t2' else path', t1' in record_equation t1' t2'; add_gadt_equation env source destination | (Tconstr (path,[],_), _) when is_instantiable !env path && can_generate_equations () -> reify env t2'; record_equation t1' t2'; add_gadt_equation env path t2' | (_, Tconstr (path,[],_)) when is_instantiable !env path && can_generate_equations () -> reify env t1'; record_equation t1' t2'; add_gadt_equation env path t1' | (Tconstr (_,_,_), _) | (_, Tconstr (_,_,_)) when !umode = Pattern -> reify env t1'; reify env t2'; if can_generate_equations () then ( mcomp !env t1' t2'; record_equation t1' t2' ) | (Tobject (fi1, nm1), Tobject (fi2, _)) -> unify_fields env fi1 fi2; (* Type [t2'] may have been instantiated by [unify_fields] *) (* XXX One should do some kind of unification... *) begin match (repr t2').desc with Tobject (_, {contents = Some (_, va::_)}) when (match (repr va).desc with Tvar _|Tunivar _|Tnil -> true | _ -> false) -> () | Tobject (_, nm2) -> set_name nm2 !nm1 | _ -> () end | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) -> if !umode = Expression then unify_row env row1 row2 else begin let snap = snapshot () in try unify_row env row1 row2 with Unify _ -> backtrack snap; reify env t1'; reify env t2'; if can_generate_equations () then ( mcomp !env t1' t2'; record_equation t1' t2' ) end | (Tfield(f,kind,_,rem), Tnil) | (Tnil, Tfield(f,kind,_,rem)) -> begin match field_kind_repr kind with Fvar r when f <> dummy_method -> set_kind r Fabsent; if d2 = Tnil then unify env rem t2' else unify env (newty2 rem.level Tnil) rem | _ -> if f = dummy_method then raise (Unify Trace.[Obj Self_cannot_be_closed]) else if d1 = Tnil then raise (Unify Trace.[Obj(Missing_field (First, f))]) else raise (Unify Trace.[Obj(Missing_field (Second, f))]) end | (Tnil, Tnil) -> () | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) -> unify env t1 t2 | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) -> enter_poly !env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (unify env) | (Tpackage (p1, n1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, n2, tl2)) -> begin try unify_package !env (unify_list env) t1.level p1 n1 tl1 t2.level p2 n2 tl2 with Not_found -> if !umode = Expression then raise (Unify []); List.iter (reify env) (tl1 @ tl2); (* if !generate_equations then List.iter2 (mcomp !env) tl1 tl2 *) end | (Tnil, Tconstr _ ) -> raise (Unify Trace.[Obj(Abstract_row Second)]) | (Tconstr _, Tnil ) -> raise (Unify Trace.[Obj(Abstract_row First)]) | (_, _) -> raise (Unify []) end; (* XXX Commentaires + changer "create_recursion" ||| Comments + change "create_recursion" *) if create_recursion then match t2.desc with Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) -> forget_abbrev abbrev p; let t2'' = expand_head_unif !env t2 in if not (closed_parameterized_type tl t2'') then link_type (repr t2) (repr t2') | _ -> () (* t2 has already been expanded by update_level *) with Unify trace -> t1'.desc <- d1; raise (Unify trace) end and unify_list env tl1 tl2 = if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then raise (Unify []); List.iter2 (unify env) tl1 tl2 (* Build a fresh row variable for unification *) and make_rowvar level use1 rest1 use2 rest2 = let set_name ty name = match ty.desc with Tvar None -> set_type_desc ty (Tvar name) | _ -> () in let name = match rest1.desc, rest2.desc with Tvar (Some _ as name1), Tvar (Some _ as name2) -> if rest1.level <= rest2.level then name1 else name2 | Tvar (Some _ as name), _ -> if use2 then set_name rest2 name; name | _, Tvar (Some _ as name) -> if use1 then set_name rest2 name; name | _ -> None in if use1 then rest1 else if use2 then rest2 else newvar2 ?name level and unify_fields env ty1 ty2 = (* Optimization *) let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in let l1 = (repr ty1).level and l2 = (repr ty2).level in let va = make_rowvar (min l1 l2) (miss2=[]) rest1 (miss1=[]) rest2 in let d1 = rest1.desc and d2 = rest2.desc in try unify env (build_fields l1 miss1 va) rest2; unify env rest1 (build_fields l2 miss2 va); List.iter (fun (n, k1, t1, k2, t2) -> unify_kind k1 k2; try if !trace_gadt_instances then begin update_level !env va.level t1; update_scope va.scope t1 end; unify env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> raise( Unify (Trace.incompatible_fields n t1 t2 :: trace) ) ) pairs with exn -> set_type_desc rest1 d1; set_type_desc rest2 d2; raise exn and unify_kind k1 k2 = let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in if k1 == k2 then () else match k1, k2 with (Fvar r, (Fvar _ | Fpresent)) -> set_kind r k2 | (Fpresent, Fvar r) -> set_kind r k1 | (Fpresent, Fpresent) -> () | _ -> assert false and unify_row env row1 row2 = let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in let rm1 = row_more row1 and rm2 = row_more row2 in if unify_eq rm1 rm2 then () else let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in if r1 <> [] && r2 <> [] then begin let ht = Hashtbl.create (List.length r1) in List.iter (fun (l,_) -> Hashtbl.add ht (hash_variant l) l) r1; List.iter (fun (l,_) -> try raise (Tags(l, Hashtbl.find ht (hash_variant l))) with Not_found -> ()) r2 end; let fixed1 = fixed_explanation row1 and fixed2 = fixed_explanation row2 in let more = match fixed1, fixed2 with | Some _, Some _ -> if rm2.level < rm1.level then rm2 else rm1 | Some _, None -> rm1 | None, Some _ -> rm2 | None, None -> newty2 (min rm1.level rm2.level) (Tvar None) in let fixed = merge_fixed_explanation fixed1 fixed2 and closed = row1.row_closed || row2.row_closed in let keep switch = List.for_all (fun (_,f1,f2) -> let f1, f2 = switch f1 f2 in row_field_repr f1 = Rabsent || row_field_repr f2 <> Rabsent) pairs in let empty fields = List.for_all (fun (_,f) -> row_field_repr f = Rabsent) fields in (* Check whether we are going to build an empty type *) if closed && (empty r1 || row2.row_closed) && (empty r2 || row1.row_closed) && List.for_all (fun (_,f1,f2) -> row_field_repr f1 = Rabsent || row_field_repr f2 = Rabsent) pairs then raise Trace.( Unify [Variant No_intersection] ); let name = if row1.row_name <> None && (row1.row_closed || empty r2) && (not row2.row_closed || keep (fun f1 f2 -> f1, f2) && empty r1) then row1.row_name else if row2.row_name <> None && (row2.row_closed || empty r1) && (not row1.row_closed || keep (fun f1 f2 -> f2, f1) && empty r2) then row2.row_name else None in let row0 = {row_fields = []; row_more = more; row_bound = (); row_closed = closed; row_fixed = fixed; row_name = name} in let set_more row rest = let rest = if closed then filter_row_fields row.row_closed rest else rest in begin match fixed_explanation row with | None -> if rest <> [] && row.row_closed then let pos = if row == row1 then Trace.First else Trace.Second in raise Trace.(Unify [Variant (No_tags(pos,rest))]) | Some fixed -> let pos = if row == row1 then Trace.First else Trace.Second in if closed && not row.row_closed then raise Trace.(Unify [Variant(Fixed_row(pos,Cannot_be_closed,fixed))]) else if rest <> [] then let case = Trace.Cannot_add_tags (List.map fst rest) in raise Trace.(Unify [Variant(Fixed_row(pos,case,fixed))]) end; (* The following test is not principal... should rather use Tnil *) let rm = row_more row in (*if !trace_gadt_instances && rm.desc = Tnil then () else*) if !trace_gadt_instances then update_level !env rm.level (newgenty (Tvariant row)); if row_fixed row then if more == rm then () else if is_Tvar rm then link_type rm more else unify env rm more else let ty = newgenty (Tvariant {row0 with row_fields = rest}) in update_level !env rm.level ty; update_scope rm.scope ty; link_type rm ty in let md1 = rm1.desc and md2 = rm2.desc in begin try set_more row2 r1; set_more row1 r2; List.iter (fun (l,f1,f2) -> try unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2 with Unify trace -> raise Trace.( Unify( Variant (Incompatible_types_for l) :: trace )) ) pairs; if static_row row1 then begin let rm = row_more row1 in if is_Tvar rm then link_type rm (newty2 rm.level Tnil) end with exn -> set_type_desc rm1 md1; set_type_desc rm2 md2; raise exn end and unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2 = let f1 = row_field_repr f1 and f2 = row_field_repr f2 in let if_not_fixed (pos,fixed) f = match fixed with | None -> f () | Some fix -> let tr = Trace.[ Variant (Fixed_row (pos,Cannot_add_tags [l],fix)) ] in raise (Unify tr) in let first = Trace.First, fixed1 and second = Trace.Second, fixed2 in let either_fixed = match fixed1, fixed2 with | None, None -> false | _ -> true in if f1 == f2 then () else match f1, f2 with Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> unify env t1 t2 | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> () | Reither(c1, tl1, m1, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, e2) -> if e1 == e2 then () else if either_fixed && not (c1 || c2) && List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then begin (* PR#7496 *) let f = Reither (c1 || c2, [], m1 || m2, ref None) in set_row_field e1 f; set_row_field e2 f; List.iter2 (unify env) tl1 tl2 end else let redo = (m1 || m2 || either_fixed || !rigid_variants && (List.length tl1 = 1 || List.length tl2 = 1)) && begin match tl1 @ tl2 with [] -> false | t1 :: tl -> if c1 || c2 then raise (Unify []); List.iter (unify env t1) tl; !e1 <> None || !e2 <> None end in if redo then unify_row_field env fixed1 fixed2 rm1 rm2 l f1 f2 else let tl1 = List.map repr tl1 and tl2 = List.map repr tl2 in let rec remq tl = function [] -> [] | ty :: tl' -> if List.memq ty tl then remq tl tl' else ty :: remq tl tl' in let tl1' = remq tl2 tl1 and tl2' = remq tl1 tl2 in (* PR#6744 *) let split_univars = List.partition (fun ty -> try occur_univar !env ty; true with Unify _ -> false) in let (tl1',tlu1) = split_univars tl1' and (tl2',tlu2) = split_univars tl2' in begin match tlu1, tlu2 with [], [] -> () | (tu1::tlu1), _ :: _ -> (* Attempt to merge all the types containing univars *) List.iter (unify env tu1) (tlu1@tlu2) | (tu::_, []) | ([], tu::_) -> occur_univar !env tu end; (* Is this handling of levels really principal? *) List.iter (fun ty -> let rm = repr rm2 in update_level !env rm.level ty; update_scope rm.scope ty; ) tl1'; List.iter (fun ty -> let rm = repr rm1 in update_level !env rm.level ty; update_scope rm.scope ty; ) tl2'; let e = ref None in let f1' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl2', m1 || m2, e) and f2' = Reither(c1 || c2, tl1', m1 || m2, e) in set_row_field e1 f1'; set_row_field e2 f2'; | Reither(_, _, false, e1), Rabsent -> if_not_fixed first (fun () -> set_row_field e1 f2) | Rabsent, Reither(_, _, false, e2) -> if_not_fixed second (fun () -> set_row_field e2 f1) | Rabsent, Rabsent -> () | Reither(false, tl, _, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> if_not_fixed first (fun () -> set_row_field e1 f2; let rm = repr rm1 in update_level !env rm.level t2; update_scope rm.scope t2; (try List.iter (fun t1 -> unify env t1 t2) tl with exn -> e1 := None; raise exn) ) | Rpresent(Some t1), Reither(false, tl, _, e2) -> if_not_fixed second (fun () -> set_row_field e2 f1; let rm = repr rm2 in update_level !env rm.level t1; update_scope rm.scope t1; (try List.iter (unify env t1) tl with exn -> e2 := None; raise exn) ) | Reither(true, [], _, e1), Rpresent None -> if_not_fixed first (fun () -> set_row_field e1 f2) | Rpresent None, Reither(true, [], _, e2) -> if_not_fixed second (fun () -> set_row_field e2 f1) | _ -> raise (Unify []) let unify env ty1 ty2 = let snap = Btype.snapshot () in try unify env ty1 ty2 with Unify trace -> undo_compress snap; raise (Unify (expand_trace !env trace)) let unify_gadt ~equations_level:lev ~allow_recursive (env:Env.t ref) ty1 ty2 = try univar_pairs := []; gadt_equations_level := Some lev; let equated_types = TypePairs.create 0 in set_mode_pattern ~generate:(Allowed { equated_types }) ~injective:true ~allow_recursive (fun () -> unify env ty1 ty2); gadt_equations_level := None; TypePairs.clear unify_eq_set; equated_types with e -> gadt_equations_level := None; TypePairs.clear unify_eq_set; raise e let unify_var env t1 t2 = let t1 = repr t1 and t2 = repr t2 in if t1 == t2 then () else match t1.desc, t2.desc with Tvar _, Tconstr _ when deep_occur t1 t2 -> unify (ref env) t1 t2 | Tvar _, _ -> let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances env in begin try occur env t1 t2; update_level env t1.level t2; update_scope t1.scope t2; link_type t1 t2; reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing; with Unify trace -> reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing; let expanded_trace = expand_trace env @@ Trace.diff t1 t2 :: trace in raise (Unify expanded_trace) end | _ -> unify (ref env) t1 t2 let _ = unify' := unify_var let unify_pairs env ty1 ty2 pairs = univar_pairs := pairs; unify env ty1 ty2 let unify env ty1 ty2 = unify_pairs (ref env) ty1 ty2 [] (**** Special cases of unification ****) let expand_head_trace env t = let reset_tracing = check_trace_gadt_instances env in let t = expand_head_unif env t in reset_trace_gadt_instances reset_tracing; t (* Unify [t] and [l:'a -> 'b]. Return ['a] and ['b]. In label mode, label mismatch is accepted when (1) the requested label is "" (2) the original label is not optional *) let filter_arrow env t l = let t = expand_head_trace env t in match t.desc with Tvar _ -> let lv = t.level in let t1 = newvar2 lv and t2 = newvar2 lv in let t' = newty2 lv (Tarrow (l, t1, t2, Cok)) in link_type t t'; (t1, t2) | Tarrow(l', t1, t2, _) when l = l' || !Clflags.classic && l = Nolabel && not (is_optional l') -> (t1, t2) | _ -> raise (Unify []) (* Used by [filter_method]. *) let rec filter_method_field env name priv ty = let ty = expand_head_trace env ty in match ty.desc with Tvar _ -> let level = ty.level in let ty1 = newvar2 level and ty2 = newvar2 level in let ty' = newty2 level (Tfield (name, begin match priv with Private -> Fvar (ref None) | Public -> Fpresent end, ty1, ty2)) in link_type ty ty'; ty1 | Tfield(n, kind, ty1, ty2) -> let kind = field_kind_repr kind in if (n = name) && (kind <> Fabsent) then begin if priv = Public then unify_kind kind Fpresent; ty1 end else filter_method_field env name priv ty2 | _ -> raise (Unify []) (* Unify [ty] and [< name : 'a; .. >]. Return ['a]. *) let filter_method env name priv ty = let ty = expand_head_trace env ty in match ty.desc with Tvar _ -> let ty1 = newvar () in let ty' = newobj ty1 in update_level env ty.level ty'; update_scope ty.scope ty'; link_type ty ty'; filter_method_field env name priv ty1 | Tobject(f, _) -> filter_method_field env name priv f | _ -> raise (Unify []) let check_filter_method env name priv ty = ignore(filter_method env name priv ty) let filter_self_method env lab priv meths ty = let ty' = filter_method env lab priv ty in try Meths.find lab !meths with Not_found -> let pair = (Ident.create_local lab, ty') in meths := Meths.add lab pair !meths; pair (***********************************) (* Matching between type schemes *) (***********************************) (* Update the level of [ty]. First check that the levels of generic variables from the subject are not lowered. *) let moregen_occur env level ty = let rec occur ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level > level then begin if is_Tvar ty && ty.level >= generic_level - 1 then raise Occur; ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; iter_type_expr occur ty end in begin try occur ty; unmark_type ty with Occur -> unmark_type ty; raise (Unify []) end; (* also check for free univars *) occur_univar env ty; update_level env level ty let may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 = if inst_nongen then t1.level <> generic_level - 1 else t1.level = generic_level let rec moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then () else let t1 = repr t1 in let t2 = repr t2 in if t1 == t2 then () else try match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with (Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1 -> moregen_occur env t1.level t2; update_scope t1.scope t2; occur env t1 t2; link_type t1 t2 | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> () | _ -> let t1' = expand_head env t1 in let t2' = expand_head env t2 in (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *) let t1' = repr t1' and t2' = repr t2' in if t1' == t2' then () else begin try TypePairs.find type_pairs (t1', t2') with Not_found -> TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2') (); match (t1'.desc, t2'.desc) with (Tvar _, _) when may_instantiate inst_nongen t1' -> moregen_occur env t1'.level t2; update_scope t1'.scope t2; link_type t1' t2 | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2 || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2; moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env u1 u2 | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) -> moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2 | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2 | (Tpackage (p1, n1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, n2, tl2)) -> begin try unify_package env (moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env) t1'.level p1 n1 tl1 t2'.level p2 n2 tl2 with Not_found -> raise (Unify []) end | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) -> moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2 | (Tobject (fi1, _nm1), Tobject (fi2, _nm2)) -> moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env fi1 fi2 | (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* Actually unused *) moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env t1' t2' | (Tnil, Tnil) -> () | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) -> enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) -> unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs | (_, _) -> raise (Unify []) end with Unify trace -> raise( Unify ( Trace.diff t1 t2 :: trace ) ) and moregen_list inst_nongen type_pairs env tl1 tl2 = if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then raise (Unify []); List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2 and moregen_fields inst_nongen type_pairs env ty1 ty2 = let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in if miss1 <> [] then raise (Unify []); moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env rest1 (build_fields (repr ty2).level miss2 rest2); List.iter (fun (n, k1, t1, k2, t2) -> moregen_kind k1 k2; try moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> let e = Trace.diff (newty (Tfield(n, k1, t1, rest2))) (newty (Tfield(n, k2, t2, rest2))) in raise( Unify ( e :: trace ) ) ) pairs and moregen_kind k1 k2 = let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in if k1 == k2 then () else match k1, k2 with (Fvar r, (Fvar _ | Fpresent)) -> set_kind r k2 | (Fpresent, Fpresent) -> () | _ -> raise (Unify []) and moregen_row inst_nongen type_pairs env row1 row2 = let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in let rm1 = repr row1.row_more and rm2 = repr row2.row_more in if rm1 == rm2 then () else let may_inst = is_Tvar rm1 && may_instantiate inst_nongen rm1 || rm1.desc = Tnil in let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in let r1, r2 = if row2.row_closed then filter_row_fields may_inst r1, filter_row_fields false r2 else r1, r2 in if r1 <> [] || row1.row_closed && (not row2.row_closed || r2 <> []) then raise (Unify []); begin match rm1.desc, rm2.desc with Tunivar _, Tunivar _ -> unify_univar rm1 rm2 !univar_pairs | Tunivar _, _ | _, Tunivar _ -> raise (Unify []) | _ when static_row row1 -> () | _ when may_inst -> let ext = newgenty (Tvariant {row2 with row_fields = r2; row_name = None}) in moregen_occur env rm1.level ext; update_scope rm1.scope ext; link_type rm1 ext | Tconstr _, Tconstr _ -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env rm1 rm2 | _ -> raise (Unify []) end; List.iter (fun (_l,f1,f2) -> let f1 = row_field_repr f1 and f2 = row_field_repr f2 in if f1 == f2 then () else match f1, f2 with Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2 | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> () | Reither(false, tl1, _, e1), Rpresent(Some t2) when may_inst -> set_row_field e1 f2; List.iter (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2) tl1 | Reither(c1, tl1, _, e1), Reither(c2, tl2, m2, e2) -> if e1 != e2 then begin if c1 && not c2 then raise(Unify []); set_row_field e1 (Reither (c2, [], m2, e2)); if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then List.iter2 (moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env) tl1 tl2 else match tl2 with t2 :: _ -> List.iter (fun t1 -> moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env t1 t2) tl1 | [] -> if tl1 <> [] then raise (Unify []) end | Reither(true, [], _, e1), Rpresent None when may_inst -> set_row_field e1 f2 | Reither(_, _, _, e1), Rabsent when may_inst -> set_row_field e1 f2 | Rabsent, Rabsent -> () | _ -> raise (Unify [])) pairs (* Must empty univar_pairs first *) let moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj = univar_pairs := []; moregen inst_nongen type_pairs env patt subj (* Non-generic variable can be instantiated only if [inst_nongen] is true. So, [inst_nongen] should be set to false if the subject might contain non-generic variables (and we do not want them to be instantiated). Usually, the subject is given by the user, and the pattern is unimportant. So, no need to propagate abbreviations. *) let moregeneral env inst_nongen pat_sch subj_sch = let old_level = !current_level in current_level := generic_level - 1; (* Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance]. So, their levels are lowered to [generic_level - 1]. The subject is then copied with [duplicate_type]. That way, its levels won't be changed. *) let subj = duplicate_type (instance subj_sch) in current_level := generic_level; (* Duplicate generic variables *) let patt = instance pat_sch in let res = try moregen inst_nongen (TypePairs.create 13) env patt subj; true with Unify _ -> false in current_level := old_level; res (* Alternative approach: "rigidify" a type scheme, and check validity after unification *) (* Simpler, no? *) let rec rigidify_rec vars ty = let ty = repr ty in if ty.level >= lowest_level then begin ty.level <- pivot_level - ty.level; match ty.desc with | Tvar _ -> if not (List.memq ty !vars) then vars := ty :: !vars | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let more = repr row.row_more in if is_Tvar more && not (row_fixed row) then begin let more' = newty2 more.level more.desc in let row' = {row with row_fixed=Some Rigid; row_fields=[]; row_more=more'} in link_type more (newty2 ty.level (Tvariant row')) end; iter_row (rigidify_rec vars) row; (* only consider the row variable if the variant is not static *) if not (static_row row) then rigidify_rec vars (row_more row) | _ -> iter_type_expr (rigidify_rec vars) ty end let rigidify ty = let vars = ref [] in rigidify_rec vars ty; unmark_type ty; !vars let all_distinct_vars env vars = let tyl = ref [] in List.for_all (fun ty -> let ty = expand_head env ty in if List.memq ty !tyl then false else (tyl := ty :: !tyl; is_Tvar ty)) vars let matches env ty ty' = let snap = snapshot () in let vars = rigidify ty in cleanup_abbrev (); let ok = try unify env ty ty'; all_distinct_vars env vars with Unify _ -> false in backtrack snap; ok (*********************************************) (* Equivalence between parameterized types *) (*********************************************) let expand_head_rigid env ty = let old = !rigid_variants in rigid_variants := true; let ty' = expand_head env ty in rigid_variants := old; ty' let normalize_subst subst = if List.exists (function {desc=Tlink _}, _ | _, {desc=Tlink _} -> true | _ -> false) !subst then subst := List.map (fun (t1,t2) -> repr t1, repr t2) !subst let rec eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 = if t1 == t2 then () else let t1 = repr t1 in let t2 = repr t2 in if t1 == t2 then () else try match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename -> begin try normalize_subst subst; if List.assq t1 !subst != t2 then raise (Unify []) with Not_found -> if List.exists (fun (_, t) -> t == t2) !subst then raise (Unify []); subst := (t1, t2) :: !subst end | (Tconstr (p1, [], _), Tconstr (p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> () | _ -> let t1' = expand_head_rigid env t1 in let t2' = expand_head_rigid env t2 in (* Expansion may have changed the representative of the types... *) let t1' = repr t1' and t2' = repr t2' in if t1' == t2' then () else begin try TypePairs.find type_pairs (t1', t2') with Not_found -> TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1', t2') (); match (t1'.desc, t2'.desc) with (Tvar _, Tvar _) when rename -> begin try normalize_subst subst; if List.assq t1' !subst != t2' then raise (Unify []) with Not_found -> if List.exists (fun (_, t) -> t == t2') !subst then raise (Unify []); subst := (t1', t2') :: !subst end | (Tarrow (l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow (l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2 || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2; eqtype rename type_pairs subst env u1 u2; | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) -> eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 | (Tconstr (p1, tl1, _), Tconstr (p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 | (Tpackage (p1, n1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, n2, tl2)) -> begin try unify_package env (eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env) t1'.level p1 n1 tl1 t2'.level p2 n2 tl2 with Not_found -> raise (Unify []) end | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) -> eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2 | (Tobject (fi1, _nm1), Tobject (fi2, _nm2)) -> eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env fi1 fi2 | (Tfield _, Tfield _) -> (* Actually unused *) eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env t1' t2' | (Tnil, Tnil) -> () | (Tpoly (t1, []), Tpoly (t2, [])) -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 | (Tpoly (t1, tl1), Tpoly (t2, tl2)) -> enter_poly env univar_pairs t1 tl1 t2 tl2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) | (Tunivar _, Tunivar _) -> unify_univar t1' t2' !univar_pairs | (_, _) -> raise (Unify []) end with Unify trace -> raise ( Unify (Trace.diff t1 t2 :: trace) ) and eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 = if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then raise (Unify []); List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2 and eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2 = let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in (* First check if same row => already equal *) let same_row = rest1 == rest2 || TypePairs.mem type_pairs (rest1,rest2) || (rename && List.mem (rest1, rest2) !subst) in if same_row then () else (* Try expansion, needed when called from Includecore.type_manifest *) match expand_head_rigid env rest2 with {desc=Tobject(ty2,_)} -> eqtype_fields rename type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2 | _ -> let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in eqtype rename type_pairs subst env rest1 rest2; if (miss1 <> []) || (miss2 <> []) then raise (Unify []); List.iter (function (n, k1, t1, k2, t2) -> eqtype_kind k1 k2; try eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> let e = Trace.diff (newty (Tfield(n, k1, t1, rest2))) (newty (Tfield(n, k2, t2, rest2))) in raise ( Unify ( e :: trace ) ) ) pairs and eqtype_kind k1 k2 = let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in match k1, k2 with (Fvar _, Fvar _) | (Fpresent, Fpresent) -> () | _ -> raise (Unify []) and eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2 = (* Try expansion, needed when called from Includecore.type_manifest *) match expand_head_rigid env (row_more row2) with {desc=Tvariant row2} -> eqtype_row rename type_pairs subst env row1 row2 | _ -> let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in if row1.row_closed <> row2.row_closed || not row1.row_closed && (r1 <> [] || r2 <> []) || filter_row_fields false (r1 @ r2) <> [] then raise (Unify []); if not (static_row row1) then eqtype rename type_pairs subst env row1.row_more row2.row_more; List.iter (fun (_,f1,f2) -> match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 | Reither(c1, [], _, _), Reither(c2, [], _, _) when c1 = c2 -> () | Reither(c1, t1::tl1, _, _), Reither(c2, t2::tl2, _, _) when c1 = c2 -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2; if List.length tl1 = List.length tl2 then (* if same length allow different types (meaning?) *) List.iter2 (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env) tl1 tl2 else begin (* otherwise everything must be equal *) List.iter (eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1) tl2; List.iter (fun t1 -> eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2) tl1 end | Rpresent None, Rpresent None -> () | Rabsent, Rabsent -> () | _ -> raise (Unify [])) pairs (* Must empty univar_pairs first *) let eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2 = univar_pairs := []; let snap = Btype.snapshot () in Misc.try_finally ~always:(fun () -> backtrack snap) (fun () -> eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env tl1 tl2) let eqtype rename type_pairs subst env t1 t2 = eqtype_list rename type_pairs subst env [t1] [t2] (* Two modes: with or without renaming of variables *) let equal env rename tyl1 tyl2 = try eqtype_list rename (TypePairs.create 11) (ref []) env tyl1 tyl2; true with Unify _ -> false (*************************) (* Class type matching *) (*************************) type class_match_failure = CM_Virtual_class | CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch of int * int | CM_Type_parameter_mismatch of Env.t * Unification_trace.t | CM_Class_type_mismatch of Env.t * class_type * class_type | CM_Parameter_mismatch of Env.t * Unification_trace.t | CM_Val_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * Unification_trace.t | CM_Meth_type_mismatch of string * Env.t * Unification_trace.t | CM_Non_mutable_value of string | CM_Non_concrete_value of string | CM_Missing_value of string | CM_Missing_method of string | CM_Hide_public of string | CM_Hide_virtual of string * string | CM_Public_method of string | CM_Private_method of string | CM_Virtual_method of string exception Failure of class_match_failure list let rec moregen_clty trace type_pairs env cty1 cty2 = try match cty1, cty2 with Cty_constr (_, _, cty1), _ -> moregen_clty true type_pairs env cty1 cty2 | _, Cty_constr (_, _, cty2) -> moregen_clty true type_pairs env cty1 cty2 | Cty_arrow (l1, ty1, cty1'), Cty_arrow (l2, ty2, cty2') when l1 = l2 -> begin try moregen true type_pairs env ty1 ty2 with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Parameter_mismatch (env, expand_trace env trace)]) end; moregen_clty false type_pairs env cty1' cty2' | Cty_signature sign1, Cty_signature sign2 -> let ty1 = object_fields (repr sign1.csig_self) in let ty2 = object_fields (repr sign2.csig_self) in let (fields1, _rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 and (fields2, _rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (pairs, _miss1, _miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in List.iter (fun (lab, _k1, t1, _k2, t2) -> begin try moregen true type_pairs env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Meth_type_mismatch (lab, env, expand_trace env trace)]) end) pairs; Vars.iter (fun lab (_mut, _v, ty) -> let (_mut', _v', ty') = Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars in try moregen true type_pairs env ty' ty with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Val_type_mismatch (lab, env, expand_trace env trace)])) sign2.csig_vars | _ -> raise (Failure []) with Failure error when trace || error = [] -> raise (Failure (CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2)::error)) let match_class_types ?(trace=true) env pat_sch subj_sch = let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in let old_level = !current_level in current_level := generic_level - 1; (* Generic variables are first duplicated with [instance]. So, their levels are lowered to [generic_level - 1]. The subject is then copied with [duplicate_type]. That way, its levels won't be changed. *) let (_, subj_inst) = instance_class [] subj_sch in let subj = duplicate_class_type subj_inst in current_level := generic_level; (* Duplicate generic variables *) let (_, patt) = instance_class [] pat_sch in let res = let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt in let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj in let t1 = repr sign1.csig_self in let t2 = repr sign2.csig_self in TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1, t2) (); let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields (object_fields t1) and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields (object_fields t2) in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in let error = List.fold_right (fun (lab, k, _) err -> let err = let k = field_kind_repr k in begin match k with Fvar r -> set_kind r Fabsent; err | _ -> CM_Hide_public lab::err end in if lab = dummy_method || Concr.mem lab sign1.csig_concr then err else CM_Hide_virtual ("method", lab) :: err) miss1 [] in let missing_method = List.map (fun (m, _, _) -> m) miss2 in let error = (List.map (fun m -> CM_Missing_method m) missing_method) @ error in (* Always succeeds *) moregen true type_pairs env rest1 rest2; let error = List.fold_right (fun (lab, k1, _t1, k2, _t2) err -> try moregen_kind k1 k2; err with Unify _ -> CM_Public_method lab::err) pairs error in let error = Vars.fold (fun lab (mut, vr, _ty) err -> try let (mut', vr', _ty') = Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars in if mut = Mutable && mut' <> Mutable then CM_Non_mutable_value lab::err else if vr = Concrete && vr' <> Concrete then CM_Non_concrete_value lab::err else err with Not_found -> CM_Missing_value lab::err) sign2.csig_vars error in let error = Vars.fold (fun lab (_,vr,_) err -> if vr = Virtual && not (Vars.mem lab sign2.csig_vars) then CM_Hide_virtual ("instance variable", lab) :: err else err) sign1.csig_vars error in let error = List.fold_right (fun e l -> if List.mem e missing_method then l else CM_Virtual_method e::l) (Concr.elements (Concr.diff sign2.csig_concr sign1.csig_concr)) error in match error with [] -> begin try moregen_clty trace type_pairs env patt subj; [] with Failure r -> r end | error -> CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, patt, subj)::error in current_level := old_level; res let rec equal_clty trace type_pairs subst env cty1 cty2 = try match cty1, cty2 with Cty_constr (_, _, cty1), Cty_constr (_, _, cty2) -> equal_clty true type_pairs subst env cty1 cty2 | Cty_constr (_, _, cty1), _ -> equal_clty true type_pairs subst env cty1 cty2 | _, Cty_constr (_, _, cty2) -> equal_clty true type_pairs subst env cty1 cty2 | Cty_arrow (l1, ty1, cty1'), Cty_arrow (l2, ty2, cty2') when l1 = l2 -> begin try eqtype true type_pairs subst env ty1 ty2 with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Parameter_mismatch (env, expand_trace env trace)]) end; equal_clty false type_pairs subst env cty1' cty2' | Cty_signature sign1, Cty_signature sign2 -> let ty1 = object_fields (repr sign1.csig_self) in let ty2 = object_fields (repr sign2.csig_self) in let (fields1, _rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 and (fields2, _rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (pairs, _miss1, _miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in List.iter (fun (lab, _k1, t1, _k2, t2) -> begin try eqtype true type_pairs subst env t1 t2 with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Meth_type_mismatch (lab, env, expand_trace env trace)]) end) pairs; Vars.iter (fun lab (_, _, ty) -> let (_, _, ty') = Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars in try eqtype true type_pairs subst env ty' ty with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Val_type_mismatch (lab, env, expand_trace env trace)])) sign2.csig_vars | _ -> raise (Failure (if trace then [] else [CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2)])) with Failure error when trace -> raise (Failure (CM_Class_type_mismatch (env, cty1, cty2)::error)) let match_class_declarations env patt_params patt_type subj_params subj_type = let type_pairs = TypePairs.create 53 in let subst = ref [] in let sign1 = signature_of_class_type patt_type in let sign2 = signature_of_class_type subj_type in let t1 = repr sign1.csig_self in let t2 = repr sign2.csig_self in TypePairs.add type_pairs (t1, t2) (); let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields (object_fields t1) and (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields (object_fields t2) in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in let error = List.fold_right (fun (lab, k, _) err -> let err = let k = field_kind_repr k in begin match k with Fvar _ -> err | _ -> CM_Hide_public lab::err end in if Concr.mem lab sign1.csig_concr then err else CM_Hide_virtual ("method", lab) :: err) miss1 [] in let missing_method = List.map (fun (m, _, _) -> m) miss2 in let error = (List.map (fun m -> CM_Missing_method m) missing_method) @ error in (* Always succeeds *) eqtype true type_pairs subst env rest1 rest2; let error = List.fold_right (fun (lab, k1, _t1, k2, _t2) err -> let k1 = field_kind_repr k1 in let k2 = field_kind_repr k2 in match k1, k2 with (Fvar _, Fvar _) | (Fpresent, Fpresent) -> err | (Fvar _, Fpresent) -> CM_Private_method lab::err | (Fpresent, Fvar _) -> CM_Public_method lab::err | _ -> assert false) pairs error in let error = Vars.fold (fun lab (mut, vr, _ty) err -> try let (mut', vr', _ty') = Vars.find lab sign1.csig_vars in if mut = Mutable && mut' <> Mutable then CM_Non_mutable_value lab::err else if vr = Concrete && vr' <> Concrete then CM_Non_concrete_value lab::err else err with Not_found -> CM_Missing_value lab::err) sign2.csig_vars error in let error = Vars.fold (fun lab (_,vr,_) err -> if vr = Virtual && not (Vars.mem lab sign2.csig_vars) then CM_Hide_virtual ("instance variable", lab) :: err else err) sign1.csig_vars error in let error = List.fold_right (fun e l -> if List.mem e missing_method then l else CM_Virtual_method e::l) (Concr.elements (Concr.diff sign2.csig_concr sign1.csig_concr)) error in match error with [] -> begin try let lp = List.length patt_params in let ls = List.length subj_params in if lp <> ls then raise (Failure [CM_Parameter_arity_mismatch (lp, ls)]); List.iter2 (fun p s -> try eqtype true type_pairs subst env p s with Unify trace -> raise (Failure [CM_Type_parameter_mismatch (env, expand_trace env trace)])) patt_params subj_params; (* old code: equal_clty false type_pairs subst env patt_type subj_type; *) equal_clty false type_pairs subst env (Cty_signature sign1) (Cty_signature sign2); (* Use moregeneral for class parameters, need to recheck everything to keeps relationships (PR#4824) *) let clty_params = List.fold_right (fun ty cty -> Cty_arrow (Labelled "*",ty,cty)) in match_class_types ~trace:false env (clty_params patt_params patt_type) (clty_params subj_params subj_type) with Failure r -> r end | error -> error (***************) (* Subtyping *) (***************) (**** Build a subtype of a given type. ****) (* build_subtype: [visited] traces traversed object and variant types [loops] is a mapping from variables to variables, to reproduce positive loops in a class type [posi] true if the current variance is positive [level] number of expansions/enlargement allowed on this branch *) let warn = ref false (* whether double coercion might do better *) let pred_expand n = if n mod 2 = 0 && n > 0 then pred n else n let pred_enlarge n = if n mod 2 = 1 then pred n else n type change = Unchanged | Equiv | Changed let collect l = List.fold_left (fun c1 (_, c2) -> max c1 c2) Unchanged l let rec filter_visited = function [] -> [] | {desc=Tobject _|Tvariant _} :: _ as l -> l | _ :: l -> filter_visited l let memq_warn t visited = if List.memq t visited then (warn := true; true) else false let find_cltype_for_path env p = let cl_abbr = Env.find_hash_type p env in match cl_abbr.type_manifest with Some ty -> begin match (repr ty).desc with Tobject(_,{contents=Some(p',_)}) when Path.same p p' -> cl_abbr, ty | _ -> raise Not_found end | None -> assert false let has_constr_row' env t = has_constr_row (expand_abbrev env t) let rec build_subtype env visited loops posi level t = let t = repr t in match t.desc with Tvar _ -> if posi then try let t' = List.assq t loops in warn := true; (t', Equiv) with Not_found -> (t, Unchanged) else (t, Unchanged) | Tarrow(l, t1, t2, _) -> if memq_warn t visited then (t, Unchanged) else let visited = t :: visited in let (t1', c1) = build_subtype env visited loops (not posi) level t1 in let (t2', c2) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t2 in let c = max c1 c2 in if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tarrow(l, t1', t2', Cok)), c) else (t, Unchanged) | Ttuple tlist -> if memq_warn t visited then (t, Unchanged) else let visited = t :: visited in let tlist' = List.map (build_subtype env visited loops posi level) tlist in let c = collect tlist' in if c > Unchanged then (newty (Ttuple (List.map fst tlist')), c) else (t, Unchanged) | Tconstr(p, tl, abbrev) when level > 0 && generic_abbrev env p && safe_abbrev env t && not (has_constr_row' env t) -> let t' = repr (expand_abbrev env t) in let level' = pred_expand level in begin try match t'.desc with Tobject _ when posi && not (opened_object t') -> let cl_abbr, body = find_cltype_for_path env p in let ty = subst env !current_level Public abbrev None cl_abbr.type_params tl body in let ty = repr ty in let ty1, tl1 = match ty.desc with Tobject(ty1,{contents=Some(p',tl1)}) when Path.same p p' -> ty1, tl1 | _ -> raise Not_found in (* Fix PR#4505: do not set ty to Tvar when it appears in tl1, as this occurrence might break the occur check. XXX not clear whether this correct anyway... *) if List.exists (deep_occur ty) tl1 then raise Not_found; ty.desc <- Tvar None; let t'' = newvar () in let loops = (ty, t'') :: loops in (* May discard [visited] as level is going down *) let (ty1', c) = build_subtype env [t'] loops posi (pred_enlarge level') ty1 in assert (is_Tvar t''); let nm = if c > Equiv || deep_occur ty ty1' then None else Some(p,tl1) in t''.desc <- Tobject (ty1', ref nm); (try unify_var env ty t with Unify _ -> assert false); (t'', Changed) | _ -> raise Not_found with Not_found -> let (t'',c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t' in if c > Unchanged then (t'',c) else (t, Unchanged) end | Tconstr(p, tl, _abbrev) -> (* Must check recursion on constructors, since we do not always expand them *) if memq_warn t visited then (t, Unchanged) else let visited = t :: visited in begin try let decl = Env.find_type p env in if level = 0 && generic_abbrev env p && safe_abbrev env t && not (has_constr_row' env t) then warn := true; let tl' = List.map2 (fun v t -> let (co,cn) = Variance.get_upper v in if cn then if co then (t, Unchanged) else build_subtype env visited loops (not posi) level t else if co then build_subtype env visited loops posi level t else (newvar(), Changed)) decl.type_variance tl in let c = collect tl' in if c > Unchanged then (newconstr p (List.map fst tl'), c) else (t, Unchanged) with Not_found -> (t, Unchanged) end | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in if memq_warn t visited || not (static_row row) then (t, Unchanged) else let level' = pred_enlarge level in let visited = t :: if level' < level then [] else filter_visited visited in let fields = filter_row_fields false row.row_fields in let fields = List.map (fun (l,f as orig) -> match row_field_repr f with Rpresent None -> if posi then (l, Reither(true, [], false, ref None)), Unchanged else orig, Unchanged | Rpresent(Some t) -> let (t', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t in let f = if posi && level > 0 then Reither(false, [t'], false, ref None) else Rpresent(Some t') in (l, f), c | _ -> assert false) fields in let c = collect fields in let row = { row_fields = List.map fst fields; row_more = newvar(); row_bound = (); row_closed = posi; row_fixed = None; row_name = if c > Unchanged then None else row.row_name } in (newty (Tvariant row), Changed) | Tobject (t1, _) -> if memq_warn t visited || opened_object t1 then (t, Unchanged) else let level' = pred_enlarge level in let visited = t :: if level' < level then [] else filter_visited visited in let (t1', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level' t1 in if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tobject (t1', ref None)), c) else (t, Unchanged) | Tfield(s, _, t1, t2) (* Always present *) -> let (t1', c1) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t1 in let (t2', c2) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t2 in let c = max c1 c2 in if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tfield(s, Fpresent, t1', t2')), c) else (t, Unchanged) | Tnil -> if posi then let v = newvar () in (v, Changed) else begin warn := true; (t, Unchanged) end | Tsubst _ | Tlink _ -> assert false | Tpoly(t1, tl) -> let (t1', c) = build_subtype env visited loops posi level t1 in if c > Unchanged then (newty (Tpoly(t1', tl)), c) else (t, Unchanged) | Tunivar _ | Tpackage _ -> (t, Unchanged) let enlarge_type env ty = warn := false; (* [level = 4] allows 2 expansions involving objects/variants *) let (ty', _) = build_subtype env [] [] true 4 ty in (ty', !warn) (**** Check whether a type is a subtype of another type. ****) (* During the traversal, a trace of visited types is maintained. It is printed in case of error. Constraints (pairs of types that must be equals) are accumulated rather than being enforced straight. Indeed, the result would otherwise depend on the order in which these constraints are enforced. A function enforcing these constraints is returned. That way, type variables can be bound to their actual values before this function is called (see Typecore). Only well-defined abbreviations are expanded (hence the tests [generic_abbrev ...]). *) let subtypes = TypePairs.create 17 let subtype_error env trace = raise (Subtype (expand_trace env (List.rev trace), [])) let rec subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs = let t1 = repr t1 in let t2 = repr t2 in if t1 == t2 then cstrs else begin try TypePairs.find subtypes (t1, t2); cstrs with Not_found -> TypePairs.add subtypes (t1, t2) (); match (t1.desc, t2.desc) with (Tvar _, _) | (_, Tvar _) -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs | (Tarrow(l1, t1, u1, _), Tarrow(l2, t2, u2, _)) when l1 = l2 || !Clflags.classic && not (is_optional l1 || is_optional l2) -> let cstrs = subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t2 t1::trace) t2 t1 cstrs in subtype_rec env (Trace.diff u1 u2::trace) u1 u2 cstrs | (Ttuple tl1, Ttuple tl2) -> subtype_list env trace tl1 tl2 cstrs | (Tconstr(p1, [], _), Tconstr(p2, [], _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> cstrs | (Tconstr(p1, _tl1, _abbrev1), _) when generic_abbrev env p1 && safe_abbrev env t1 -> subtype_rec env trace (expand_abbrev env t1) t2 cstrs | (_, Tconstr(p2, _tl2, _abbrev2)) when generic_abbrev env p2 && safe_abbrev env t2 -> subtype_rec env trace t1 (expand_abbrev env t2) cstrs | (Tconstr(p1, tl1, _), Tconstr(p2, tl2, _)) when Path.same p1 p2 -> begin try let decl = Env.find_type p1 env in List.fold_left2 (fun cstrs v (t1, t2) -> let (co, cn) = Variance.get_upper v in if co then if cn then (trace, newty2 t1.level (Ttuple[t1]), newty2 t2.level (Ttuple[t2]), !univar_pairs) :: cstrs else subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs else if cn then subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t2 t1::trace) t2 t1 cstrs else cstrs) cstrs decl.type_variance (List.combine tl1 tl2) with Not_found -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs end | (Tconstr(p1, _, _), _) when generic_private_abbrev env p1 -> subtype_rec env trace (expand_abbrev_opt env t1) t2 cstrs (* | (_, Tconstr(p2, _, _)) when generic_private_abbrev false env p2 -> subtype_rec env trace t1 (expand_abbrev_opt env t2) cstrs *) | (Tobject (f1, _), Tobject (f2, _)) when is_Tvar (object_row f1) && is_Tvar (object_row f2) -> (* Same row variable implies same object. *) (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs | (Tobject (f1, _), Tobject (f2, _)) -> subtype_fields env trace f1 f2 cstrs | (Tvariant row1, Tvariant row2) -> begin try subtype_row env trace row1 row2 cstrs with Exit -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs end | (Tpoly (u1, []), Tpoly (u2, [])) -> subtype_rec env trace u1 u2 cstrs | (Tpoly (u1, tl1), Tpoly (u2, [])) -> let _, u1' = instance_poly false tl1 u1 in subtype_rec env trace u1' u2 cstrs | (Tpoly (u1, tl1), Tpoly (u2,tl2)) -> begin try enter_poly env univar_pairs u1 tl1 u2 tl2 (fun t1 t2 -> subtype_rec env trace t1 t2 cstrs) with Unify _ -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs end | (Tpackage (p1, nl1, tl1), Tpackage (p2, nl2, tl2)) -> begin try let ntl1 = complete_type_list env nl2 t1.level (Mty_ident p1) nl1 tl1 and ntl2 = complete_type_list env nl1 t2.level (Mty_ident p2) nl2 tl2 ~allow_absent:true in let cstrs' = List.map (fun (n2,t2) -> (trace, List.assoc n2 ntl1, t2, !univar_pairs)) ntl2 in if eq_package_path env p1 p2 then cstrs' @ cstrs else begin (* need to check module subtyping *) let snap = Btype.snapshot () in try List.iter (fun (_, t1, t2, _) -> unify env t1 t2) cstrs'; if !package_subtype env p1 nl1 tl1 p2 nl2 tl2 then (Btype.backtrack snap; cstrs' @ cstrs) else raise (Unify []) with Unify _ -> Btype.backtrack snap; raise Not_found end with Not_found -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs end | (_, _) -> (trace, t1, t2, !univar_pairs)::cstrs end and subtype_list env trace tl1 tl2 cstrs = if List.length tl1 <> List.length tl2 then subtype_error env trace; List.fold_left2 (fun cstrs t1 t2 -> subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs) cstrs tl1 tl2 and subtype_fields env trace ty1 ty2 cstrs = (* Assume that either rest1 or rest2 is not Tvar *) let (fields1, rest1) = flatten_fields ty1 in let (fields2, rest2) = flatten_fields ty2 in let (pairs, miss1, miss2) = associate_fields fields1 fields2 in let cstrs = if rest2.desc = Tnil then cstrs else if miss1 = [] then subtype_rec env (Trace.diff rest1 rest2::trace) rest1 rest2 cstrs else (trace, build_fields (repr ty1).level miss1 rest1, rest2, !univar_pairs) :: cstrs in let cstrs = if miss2 = [] then cstrs else (trace, rest1, build_fields (repr ty2).level miss2 (newvar ()), !univar_pairs) :: cstrs in List.fold_left (fun cstrs (_, _k1, t1, _k2, t2) -> (* These fields are always present *) subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs) cstrs pairs and subtype_row env trace row1 row2 cstrs = let row1 = row_repr row1 and row2 = row_repr row2 in let r1, r2, pairs = merge_row_fields row1.row_fields row2.row_fields in let r1 = if row2.row_closed then filter_row_fields false r1 else r1 in let r2 = if row1.row_closed then filter_row_fields false r2 else r2 in let more1 = repr row1.row_more and more2 = repr row2.row_more in match more1.desc, more2.desc with Tconstr(p1,_,_), Tconstr(p2,_,_) when Path.same p1 p2 -> subtype_rec env (Trace.diff more1 more2::trace) more1 more2 cstrs | (Tvar _|Tconstr _|Tnil), (Tvar _|Tconstr _|Tnil) when row1.row_closed && r1 = [] -> List.fold_left (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) -> match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with (Rpresent None|Reither(true,_,_,_)), Rpresent None -> cstrs | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) -> subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs | Reither(false, t1::_, _, _), Rpresent(Some t2) -> subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs | Rabsent, _ -> cstrs | _ -> raise Exit) cstrs pairs | Tunivar _, Tunivar _ when row1.row_closed = row2.row_closed && r1 = [] && r2 = [] -> let cstrs = subtype_rec env (Trace.diff more1 more2::trace) more1 more2 cstrs in List.fold_left (fun cstrs (_,f1,f2) -> match row_field_repr f1, row_field_repr f2 with Rpresent None, Rpresent None | Reither(true,[],_,_), Reither(true,[],_,_) | Rabsent, Rabsent -> cstrs | Rpresent(Some t1), Rpresent(Some t2) | Reither(false,[t1],_,_), Reither(false,[t2],_,_) -> subtype_rec env (Trace.diff t1 t2::trace) t1 t2 cstrs | _ -> raise Exit) cstrs pairs | _ -> raise Exit let subtype env ty1 ty2 = TypePairs.clear subtypes; univar_pairs := []; (* Build constraint set. *) let cstrs = subtype_rec env [Trace.diff ty1 ty2] ty1 ty2 [] in TypePairs.clear subtypes; (* Enforce constraints. *) function () -> List.iter (function (trace0, t1, t2, pairs) -> try unify_pairs (ref env) t1 t2 pairs with Unify trace -> raise (Subtype (expand_trace env (List.rev trace0), List.tl trace))) (List.rev cstrs) (*******************) (* Miscellaneous *) (*******************) (* Utility for printing. The resulting type is not used in computation. *) let rec unalias_object ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tfield (s, k, t1, t2) -> newty2 ty.level (Tfield (s, k, t1, unalias_object t2)) | Tvar _ | Tnil -> newty2 ty.level ty.desc | Tunivar _ -> ty | Tconstr _ -> newvar2 ty.level | _ -> assert false let unalias ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> ty | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let more = row.row_more in newty2 ty.level (Tvariant {row with row_more = newty2 more.level more.desc}) | Tobject (ty, nm) -> newty2 ty.level (Tobject (unalias_object ty, nm)) | _ -> newty2 ty.level ty.desc (* Return the arity (as for curried functions) of the given type. *) let rec arity ty = match (repr ty).desc with Tarrow(_, _t1, t2, _) -> 1 + arity t2 | _ -> 0 (* Check whether an abbreviation expands to itself. *) let cyclic_abbrev env id ty = let rec check_cycle seen ty = let ty = repr ty in match ty.desc with Tconstr (p, _tl, _abbrev) -> p = Path.Pident id || List.memq ty seen || begin try check_cycle (ty :: seen) (expand_abbrev_opt env ty) with Cannot_expand -> false | Unify _ -> true end | _ -> false in check_cycle [] ty (* Check for non-generalizable type variables *) exception Non_closed0 let visited = ref TypeSet.empty let rec closed_schema_rec env ty = let ty = repr ty in if TypeSet.mem ty !visited then () else begin visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited; match ty.desc with Tvar _ when ty.level <> generic_level -> raise Non_closed0 | Tconstr _ -> let old = !visited in begin try iter_type_expr (closed_schema_rec env) ty with Non_closed0 -> try visited := old; closed_schema_rec env (try_expand_head try_expand_safe env ty) with Cannot_expand -> raise Non_closed0 end | Tfield(_, kind, t1, t2) -> if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then closed_schema_rec env t1; closed_schema_rec env t2 | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in iter_row (closed_schema_rec env) row; if not (static_row row) then closed_schema_rec env row.row_more | _ -> iter_type_expr (closed_schema_rec env) ty end (* Return whether all variables of type [ty] are generic. *) let closed_schema env ty = visited := TypeSet.empty; try closed_schema_rec env ty; visited := TypeSet.empty; true with Non_closed0 -> visited := TypeSet.empty; false (* Normalize a type before printing, saving... *) (* Cannot use mark_type because deep_occur uses it too *) let rec normalize_type_rec env visited ty = let ty = repr ty in if not (TypeSet.mem ty !visited) then begin visited := TypeSet.add ty !visited; let tm = row_of_type ty in begin if not (is_Tconstr ty) && is_constr_row ~allow_ident:false tm then match tm.desc with (* PR#7348 *) Tconstr (Path.Pdot(m,i), tl, _abbrev) -> let i' = String.sub i 0 (String.length i - 4) in set_type_desc ty (Tconstr(Path.Pdot(m,i'), tl, ref Mnil)) | _ -> assert false else match ty.desc with | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let fields = List.map (fun (l,f0) -> let f = row_field_repr f0 in l, match f with Reither(b, ty::(_::_ as tyl), m, e) -> let tyl' = List.fold_left (fun tyl ty -> if List.exists (fun ty' -> equal env false [ty] [ty']) tyl then tyl else ty::tyl) [ty] tyl in if f != f0 || List.length tyl' < List.length tyl then Reither(b, List.rev tyl', m, e) else f | _ -> f) row.row_fields in let fields = List.sort (fun (p,_) (q,_) -> compare p q) (List.filter (fun (_,fi) -> fi <> Rabsent) fields) in set_type_desc ty (Tvariant {row with row_fields = fields}) | Tobject (fi, nm) -> begin match !nm with | None -> () | Some (n, v :: l) -> if deep_occur ty (newgenty (Ttuple l)) then (* The abbreviation may be hiding something, so remove it *) set_name nm None else let v' = repr v in begin match v'.desc with | Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> if v' != v then set_name nm (Some (n, v' :: l)) | Tnil -> set_type_desc ty (Tconstr (n, l, ref Mnil)) | _ -> set_name nm None end | _ -> fatal_error "Ctype.normalize_type_rec" end; let fi = repr fi in if fi.level < lowest_level then () else let fields, row = flatten_fields fi in let fi' = build_fields fi.level fields row in set_type_desc fi fi'.desc | _ -> () end; iter_type_expr (normalize_type_rec env visited) ty end let normalize_type env ty = normalize_type_rec env (ref TypeSet.empty) ty (*************************) (* Remove dependencies *) (*************************) (* Variables are left unchanged. Other type nodes are duplicated, with levels set to generic level. We cannot use Tsubst here, because unification may be called by expand_abbrev. *) let nondep_hash = TypeHash.create 47 let nondep_variants = TypeHash.create 17 let clear_hash () = TypeHash.clear nondep_hash; TypeHash.clear nondep_variants let rec nondep_type_rec ?(expand_private=false) env ids ty = let expand_abbrev env t = if expand_private then expand_abbrev_opt env t else expand_abbrev env t in match ty.desc with Tvar _ | Tunivar _ -> ty | Tlink ty -> nondep_type_rec env ids ty | _ -> try TypeHash.find nondep_hash ty with Not_found -> let ty' = newgenvar () in (* Stub *) TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty'; ty'.desc <- begin match ty.desc with | Tconstr(p, tl, _abbrev) -> begin match Path.find_free_opt ids p with | Some id -> begin try Tlink (nondep_type_rec ~expand_private env ids (expand_abbrev env (newty2 ty.level ty.desc))) (* The [Tlink] is important. The expanded type may be a variable, or may not be completely copied yet (recursive type), so one cannot just take its description. *) with Cannot_expand | Unify _ -> raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id) end | None -> Tconstr(p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tl, ref Mnil) end | Tpackage(p, nl, tl) when Path.exists_free ids p -> let p' = normalize_package_path env p in begin match Path.find_free_opt ids p' with | Some id -> raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id) | None -> Tpackage (p', nl, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tl) end | Tobject (t1, name) -> Tobject (nondep_type_rec env ids t1, ref (match !name with None -> None | Some (p, tl) -> if Path.exists_free ids p then None else Some (p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tl))) | Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in let more = repr row.row_more in (* We must keep sharing according to the row variable *) begin try let ty2 = TypeHash.find nondep_variants more in (* This variant type has been already copied *) TypeHash.add nondep_hash ty ty2; Tlink ty2 with Not_found -> (* Register new type first for recursion *) TypeHash.add nondep_variants more ty'; let static = static_row row in let more' = if static then newgenty Tnil else more in (* Return a new copy *) let row = copy_row (nondep_type_rec env ids) true row true more' in match row.row_name with Some (p, _tl) when Path.exists_free ids p -> Tvariant {row with row_name = None} | _ -> Tvariant row end | _ -> copy_type_desc (nondep_type_rec env ids) ty.desc end; ty' let nondep_type env id ty = try let ty' = nondep_type_rec env id ty in clear_hash (); ty' with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn -> clear_hash (); raise exn let () = nondep_type' := nondep_type (* Preserve sharing inside type declarations. *) let nondep_type_decl env mid is_covariant decl = try let params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env mid) decl.type_params in let tk = try map_kind (nondep_type_rec env mid) decl.type_kind with Nondep_cannot_erase _ when is_covariant -> Type_abstract and tm, priv = match decl.type_manifest with | None -> None, decl.type_private | Some ty -> try Some (nondep_type_rec env mid ty), decl.type_private with Nondep_cannot_erase _ when is_covariant -> clear_hash (); try Some (nondep_type_rec ~expand_private:true env mid ty), Private with Nondep_cannot_erase _ -> None, decl.type_private in clear_hash (); let priv = match tm with | Some ty when Btype.has_constr_row ty -> Private | _ -> priv in { type_params = params; type_arity = decl.type_arity; type_kind = tk; type_manifest = tm; type_private = priv; type_variance = decl.type_variance; type_separability = decl.type_separability; type_is_newtype = false; type_expansion_scope = Btype.lowest_level; type_loc = decl.type_loc; type_attributes = decl.type_attributes; type_immediate = decl.type_immediate; type_unboxed = decl.type_unboxed; type_uid = decl.type_uid; } with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn -> clear_hash (); raise exn (* Preserve sharing inside extension constructors. *) let nondep_extension_constructor env ids ext = try let type_path, type_params = match Path.find_free_opt ids ext.ext_type_path with | Some id -> begin let ty = newgenty (Tconstr(ext.ext_type_path, ext.ext_type_params, ref Mnil)) in let ty' = nondep_type_rec env ids ty in match (repr ty').desc with Tconstr(p, tl, _) -> p, tl | _ -> raise (Nondep_cannot_erase id) end | None -> let type_params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_type_params in ext.ext_type_path, type_params in let args = map_type_expr_cstr_args (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_args in let ret_type = Option.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) ext.ext_ret_type in clear_hash (); { ext_type_path = type_path; ext_type_params = type_params; ext_args = args; ext_ret_type = ret_type; ext_private = ext.ext_private; ext_attributes = ext.ext_attributes; ext_loc = ext.ext_loc; ext_uid = ext.ext_uid; } with Nondep_cannot_erase _ as exn -> clear_hash (); raise exn (* Preserve sharing inside class types. *) let nondep_class_signature env id sign = { csig_self = nondep_type_rec env id sign.csig_self; csig_vars = Vars.map (function (m, v, t) -> (m, v, nondep_type_rec env id t)) sign.csig_vars; csig_concr = sign.csig_concr; csig_inher = List.map (fun (p,tl) -> (p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env id) tl)) sign.csig_inher } let rec nondep_class_type env ids = function Cty_constr (p, _, cty) when Path.exists_free ids p -> nondep_class_type env ids cty | Cty_constr (p, tyl, cty) -> Cty_constr (p, List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) tyl, nondep_class_type env ids cty) | Cty_signature sign -> Cty_signature (nondep_class_signature env ids sign) | Cty_arrow (l, ty, cty) -> Cty_arrow (l, nondep_type_rec env ids ty, nondep_class_type env ids cty) let nondep_class_declaration env ids decl = assert (not (Path.exists_free ids decl.cty_path)); let decl = { cty_params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) decl.cty_params; cty_variance = decl.cty_variance; cty_type = nondep_class_type env ids decl.cty_type; cty_path = decl.cty_path; cty_new = begin match decl.cty_new with None -> None | Some ty -> Some (nondep_type_rec env ids ty) end; cty_loc = decl.cty_loc; cty_attributes = decl.cty_attributes; cty_uid = decl.cty_uid; } in clear_hash (); decl let nondep_cltype_declaration env ids decl = assert (not (Path.exists_free ids decl.clty_path)); let decl = { clty_params = List.map (nondep_type_rec env ids) decl.clty_params; clty_variance = decl.clty_variance; clty_type = nondep_class_type env ids decl.clty_type; clty_path = decl.clty_path; clty_loc = decl.clty_loc; clty_attributes = decl.clty_attributes; clty_uid = decl.clty_uid; } in clear_hash (); decl (* collapse conjunctive types in class parameters *) let rec collapse_conj env visited ty = let ty = repr ty in if List.memq ty visited then () else let visited = ty :: visited in match ty.desc with Tvariant row -> let row = row_repr row in List.iter (fun (_l,fi) -> match row_field_repr fi with Reither (c, t1::(_::_ as tl), m, e) -> List.iter (unify env t1) tl; set_row_field e (Reither (c, [t1], m, ref None)) | _ -> ()) row.row_fields; iter_row (collapse_conj env visited) row | _ -> iter_type_expr (collapse_conj env visited) ty let collapse_conj_params env params = List.iter (collapse_conj env []) params let same_constr env t1 t2 = let t1 = expand_head env t1 in let t2 = expand_head env t2 in match t1.desc, t2.desc with | Tconstr (p1, _, _), Tconstr (p2, _, _) -> Path.same p1 p2 | _ -> false let () = Env.same_constr := same_constr let is_immediate = function | Type_immediacy.Unknown -> false | Type_immediacy.Always -> true | Type_immediacy.Always_on_64bits -> (* In bytecode, we don't know at compile time whether we are targeting 32 or 64 bits. *) !Clflags.native_code && Sys.word_size = 64 let immediacy env typ = match (repr typ).desc with | Tconstr(p, _args, _abbrev) -> begin try let type_decl = Env.find_type p env in type_decl.type_immediate with Not_found -> Type_immediacy.Unknown (* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options, causing some .cmi files to be unavailable. Maybe we should emit a warning. *) end | Tvariant row -> let row = Btype.row_repr row in (* if all labels are devoid of arguments, not a pointer *) if not row.row_closed || List.exists (function | _, (Rpresent (Some _) | Reither (false, _, _, _)) -> true | _ -> false) row.row_fields then Type_immediacy.Unknown else Type_immediacy.Always | _ -> Type_immediacy.Unknown let maybe_pointer_type env typ = not (is_immediate (immediacy env typ))