(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Misc open Parsetree open Asttypes open Types open Typedtree open Typecore open Typetexp open Format type error = Unconsistent_constraint of (type_expr * type_expr) list | Method_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list | Structure_expected of class_type | Cannot_apply of class_type | Apply_wrong_label of label | Pattern_type_clash of type_expr | Repeated_parameter | Unbound_class of Longident.t | Unbound_class_2 of Longident.t | Unbound_class_type of Longident.t | Unbound_class_type_2 of Longident.t | Abbrev_type_clash of type_expr * type_expr * type_expr | Constructor_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list | Virtual_class of bool * string list | Parameter_arity_mismatch of Longident.t * int * int | Parameter_mismatch of (type_expr * type_expr) list | Bad_parameters of Ident.t * type_expr * type_expr | Class_match_failure of Ctype.class_match_failure list | Unbound_val of string | Unbound_type_var of (formatter -> unit) * Ctype.closed_class_failure | Make_nongen_seltype of type_expr | Non_generalizable_class of Ident.t * Types.class_declaration exception Error of Location.t * error (**********************) (* Useful constants *) (**********************) (* Self type have a dummy private method, thus preventing it to become closed. *) let dummy_method = "*dummy method*" (* Path associated to the temporary class type of a class being typed (its constructor is not available). *) let unbound_class = Path.Pident (Ident.create "") (************************************) (* Some operations on class types *) (************************************) (* Fully expand the head of a class type *) let rec scrape_class_type = function Tcty_constr (_, _, cty) -> scrape_class_type cty | cty -> cty (* Generalize a class type *) let rec generalize_class_type = function Tcty_constr (_, params, cty) -> List.iter Ctype.generalize params; generalize_class_type cty | Tcty_signature {cty_self = sty; cty_vars = vars } -> Ctype.generalize sty; Vars.iter (fun _ (_, ty) -> Ctype.generalize ty) vars | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> Ctype.generalize ty; generalize_class_type cty (* Return the virtual methods of a class type *) let virtual_methods cty = let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cty in let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.fold_left (fun virt (lab, _, _) -> if lab = dummy_method then virt else if Concr.mem lab sign.cty_concr then virt else lab::virt) [] fields (* Return the constructor type associated to a class type *) let rec constructor_type constr cty = match cty with Tcty_constr (_, _, cty) -> constructor_type constr cty | Tcty_signature sign -> constr | Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) -> Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, ty, constructor_type constr cty, Cok)) let rec class_body cty = match cty with Tcty_constr (_, _, cty') -> cty (* Only class bodies can be abbreviated *) | Tcty_signature sign -> cty | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> class_body cty let rec extract_constraints cty = let sign = Ctype.signature_of_class_type cty in (Vars.fold (fun lab _ vars -> lab :: vars) sign.cty_vars [], begin let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields sign.cty_self) in List.fold_left (fun meths (lab, _, _) -> if lab = dummy_method then meths else lab::meths) [] fields end, sign.cty_concr) let rec abbreviate_class_type path params cty = match cty with Tcty_constr (_, _, _) | Tcty_signature _ -> Tcty_constr (path, params, cty) | Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) -> Tcty_fun (l, ty, abbreviate_class_type path params cty) let rec closed_class_type = function Tcty_constr (_, params, _) -> List.for_all Ctype.closed_schema params | Tcty_signature sign -> Ctype.closed_schema sign.cty_self && Vars.fold (fun _ (_, ty) cc -> Ctype.closed_schema ty && cc) sign.cty_vars true | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> Ctype.closed_schema ty && closed_class_type cty let closed_class cty = List.for_all Ctype.closed_schema cty.cty_params && closed_class_type cty.cty_type let rec limited_generalize rv = function Tcty_constr (path, params, cty) -> List.iter (Ctype.limited_generalize rv) params; limited_generalize rv cty | Tcty_signature sign -> Ctype.limited_generalize rv sign.cty_self; Vars.iter (fun _ (_, ty) -> Ctype.limited_generalize rv ty) sign.cty_vars | Tcty_fun (_, ty, cty) -> Ctype.limited_generalize rv ty; limited_generalize rv cty (***********************************) (* Primitives for typing classes *) (***********************************) (* Enter a value in the method environment only *) let enter_met_env lab kind ty val_env met_env par_env = let (id, val_env) = Env.enter_value lab {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_unbound} val_env in (id, val_env, Env.add_value id {val_type = ty; val_kind = kind} met_env, Env.add_value id {val_type = ty; val_kind = Val_unbound} par_env) (* Enter an instance variable in the environment *) let enter_val cl_num vars lab mut ty val_env met_env par_env = let (id, val_env, met_env, par_env) as result = enter_met_env lab (Val_ivar (mut, cl_num)) ty val_env met_env par_env in vars := Vars.add lab (id, mut, ty) !vars; result let inheritance impl self_type env concr_meths loc parent = match scrape_class_type parent with Tcty_signature cl_sig -> (* Methods *) begin try Ctype.unify env self_type cl_sig.cty_self with Ctype.Unify trace -> match trace with _::_::_::({desc = Tfield(n, _, _, _)}, _)::rem -> raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (n, rem))) | _ -> assert false end; if impl then begin let overridings = Concr.inter cl_sig.cty_concr concr_meths in if not (Concr.is_empty overridings) then begin Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Method_override (Concr.elements overridings)) end end; let concr_meths = Concr.union cl_sig.cty_concr concr_meths in (cl_sig, concr_meths) | _ -> raise(Error(loc, Structure_expected parent)) let virtual_method val_env meths self_type lab priv sty loc = let (_, ty') = Ctype.filter_self_method val_env lab priv meths self_type in let ty = transl_simple_type val_env false sty in try Ctype.unify val_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(loc, Method_type_mismatch (lab, trace))) let type_constraint val_env sty sty' loc = let ty = transl_simple_type val_env false sty in let ty' = transl_simple_type val_env false sty' in try Ctype.unify val_env ty ty' with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(loc, Unconsistent_constraint trace)) let mkpat d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = Location.none } let make_method cl_num expr = { pexp_desc = Pexp_function ("", None, [mkpat (Ppat_alias (mkpat(Ppat_var "self-*"), "self-" ^ cl_num)), expr]); pexp_loc = expr.pexp_loc } (*******************************) let rec class_type_field env self_type meths (val_sig, concr_meths) = function Pctf_inher sparent -> let parent = class_type env sparent in let (cl_sig, concr_meths) = inheritance false self_type env concr_meths sparent.pcty_loc parent in let val_sig = Vars.fold (fun lab (mut, ty) val_sig -> Vars.add lab (mut, ty) val_sig) cl_sig.cty_vars val_sig in (val_sig, concr_meths) | Pctf_val (lab, mut, sty_opt, loc) -> let (mut, ty) = match sty_opt with None -> let (mut', ty) = try Vars.find lab val_sig with Not_found -> raise(Error(loc, Unbound_val lab)) in (if mut = Mutable then mut' else Immutable), ty | Some sty -> mut, transl_simple_type env false sty in (Vars.add lab (mut, ty) val_sig, concr_meths) | Pctf_virt (lab, priv, sty, loc) -> virtual_method env meths self_type lab priv sty loc; (val_sig, concr_meths) | Pctf_meth (lab, priv, sty, loc) -> virtual_method env meths self_type lab priv sty loc; (val_sig, Concr.add lab concr_meths) | Pctf_cstr (sty, sty', loc) -> type_constraint env sty sty' loc; (val_sig, concr_meths) and class_signature env sty sign = let meths = ref Meths.empty in let self_type = transl_simple_type env false sty in (* Check that the binder is a correct type, and introduce a dummy method preventing self type from being closed. *) begin try Ctype.unify env (Ctype.filter_method env dummy_method Private self_type) (Ctype.newty (Ttuple [])) with Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Pattern_type_clash self_type)) end; (* Class type fields *) let (val_sig, concr_meths) = List.fold_left (class_type_field env self_type meths) (Vars.empty, Concr.empty) sign in {cty_self = self_type; cty_vars = val_sig; cty_concr = concr_meths } and class_type env scty = match scty.pcty_desc with Pcty_constr (lid, styl) -> let (path, decl) = try Env.lookup_cltype lid env with Not_found -> raise(Error(scty.pcty_loc, Unbound_class_type lid)) in if Path.same decl.clty_path unbound_class then raise(Error(scty.pcty_loc, Unbound_class_type_2 lid)); let (params, clty) = Ctype.instance_class decl.clty_params decl.clty_type in let sty = Ctype.self_type clty in if List.length params <> List.length styl then raise(Error(scty.pcty_loc, Parameter_arity_mismatch (lid, List.length params, List.length styl))); List.iter2 (fun sty ty -> let ty' = transl_simple_type env false sty in try Ctype.unify env ty' ty with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(sty.ptyp_loc, Parameter_mismatch trace))) styl params; Tcty_constr (path, params, clty) | Pcty_signature (sty, sign) -> Tcty_signature (class_signature env sty sign) | Pcty_fun (l, sty, scty) -> let ty = transl_simple_type env false sty in let cty = class_type env scty in Tcty_fun (l, ty, cty) (*******************************) module StringSet = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end) let rec class_field cl_num self_type meths vars (val_env, met_env, par_env, fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) = function Pcf_inher (sparent, super) -> let parent = class_expr cl_num val_env par_env sparent in let (cl_sig, concr_meths) = inheritance true self_type val_env concr_meths sparent.pcl_loc parent.cl_type in (* Variables *) let (val_env, met_env, par_env, inh_vars, inh_vals) = Vars.fold (fun lab (mut, ty) (val_env, met_env, par_env, inh_vars, inh_vals) -> let (id, val_env, met_env, par_env) = enter_val cl_num vars lab mut ty val_env met_env par_env in if StringSet.mem lab inh_vals then Location.prerr_warning sparent.pcl_loc (Warnings.Hide_instance_variable lab); (val_env, met_env, par_env, (lab, id) :: inh_vars, StringSet.add lab inh_vals)) cl_sig.cty_vars (val_env, met_env, par_env, [], inh_vals) in (* Inherited concrete methods *) let inh_meths = Concr.fold (fun lab rem -> (lab, Ident.create lab)::rem) cl_sig.cty_concr [] in (* Super *) let (val_env, met_env, par_env) = match super with None -> (val_env, met_env, par_env) | Some name -> let (id, val_env, met_env, par_env) = enter_met_env name (Val_anc (inh_meths, cl_num)) self_type val_env met_env par_env in (val_env, met_env, par_env) in (val_env, met_env, par_env, lazy(Cf_inher (parent, inh_vars, inh_meths))::fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_val (lab, mut, sexp, loc) -> if StringSet.mem lab inh_vals then Location.prerr_warning loc (Warnings.Hide_instance_variable lab); let exp = try type_exp val_env sexp with Ctype.Unify [(ty, _)] -> raise(Error(loc, Make_nongen_seltype ty)) in let (id, val_env, met_env, par_env) = enter_val cl_num vars lab mut exp.exp_type val_env met_env par_env in (val_env, met_env, par_env, lazy(Cf_val (lab, id, exp)) :: fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_virt (lab, priv, sty, loc) -> virtual_method val_env meths self_type lab priv sty loc; (val_env, met_env, par_env, fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_meth (lab, priv, expr, loc) -> let meth_expr = make_method cl_num expr in Ctype.raise_nongen_level (); let (_, ty) = Ctype.filter_self_method val_env lab priv meths self_type in let meth_type = Ctype.newvar () in let (obj_ty, res_ty) = Ctype.filter_arrow val_env meth_type "" in Ctype.unify val_env obj_ty self_type; Ctype.unify val_env res_ty ty; let ty' = type_approx met_env expr in begin try Ctype.unify met_env ty' res_ty with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Typecore.Error(expr.pexp_loc, Expr_type_clash(trace))) end; Ctype.end_def (); let field = lazy begin Ctype.raise_nongen_level (); let texp = type_expect met_env meth_expr meth_type in Ctype.end_def (); Cf_meth (lab, texp) end in (val_env, met_env, par_env, field::fields, Concr.add lab concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_cstr (sty, sty', loc) -> type_constraint val_env sty sty' loc; (val_env, met_env, par_env, fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_let (rec_flag, sdefs, loc) -> let (defs, val_env) = try Typecore.type_let val_env rec_flag sdefs with Ctype.Unify [(ty, _)] -> raise(Error(loc, Make_nongen_seltype ty)) in let (vals, met_env, par_env) = List.fold_right (fun id (vals, met_env, par_env) -> let expr = Typecore.type_exp val_env {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident (Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)); pexp_loc = Location.none} in let desc = {val_type = expr.exp_type; val_kind = Val_ivar (Immutable, cl_num)} in let id' = Ident.create (Ident.name id) in ((id', expr) :: vals, Env.add_value id' desc met_env, Env.add_value id' desc par_env)) (let_bound_idents defs) ([], met_env, par_env) in (val_env, met_env, par_env, lazy(Cf_let(rec_flag, defs, vals))::fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) | Pcf_init expr -> let expr = make_method cl_num expr in let field = lazy begin Ctype.raise_nongen_level (); let meth_type = Ctype.newvar () in let (obj_ty, res_ty) = Ctype.filter_arrow val_env meth_type "" in Ctype.unify val_env obj_ty self_type; Ctype.unify val_env res_ty (Ctype.instance Predef.type_unit); let texp = type_expect met_env expr meth_type in Ctype.end_def (); Cf_init texp end in (val_env, met_env, par_env, field::fields, concr_meths, inh_vals) and class_structure cl_num val_env met_env (spat, str) = (* Environment for substructures *) let par_env = met_env in (* Self binder *) let (pat, meths, vars, val_env, meth_env, par_env) = type_self_pattern cl_num val_env met_env par_env spat in let self_type = pat.pat_type in (* Check that the binder has a correct type, and introduce a dummy method preventing self type from being closed. *) let ty = Ctype.newvar () in Ctype.unify val_env (Ctype.filter_method val_env dummy_method Private ty) (Ctype.newty (Ttuple [])); begin try Ctype.unify val_env self_type ty with Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(spat.ppat_loc, Pattern_type_clash self_type)) end; (* Class fields *) let (_, _, _, fields, concr_meths, _) = List.fold_left (class_field cl_num self_type meths vars) (val_env, meth_env, par_env, [], Concr.empty, StringSet.empty) str in let fields = List.map Lazy.force (List.rev fields) in {cl_field = fields; cl_meths = Meths.map (function (id, ty) -> id) !meths}, {cty_self = self_type; cty_vars = Vars.map (function (id, mut, ty) -> (mut, ty)) !vars; cty_concr = concr_meths } and class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl = match scl.pcl_desc with Pcl_constr (lid, styl) -> let (path, decl) = try Env.lookup_class lid val_env with Not_found -> raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, Unbound_class lid)) in if Path.same decl.cty_path unbound_class then raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, Unbound_class_2 lid)); let tyl = List.map (fun sty -> transl_simple_type val_env false sty, sty.ptyp_loc) styl in let (params, clty) = Ctype.instance_class decl.cty_params decl.cty_type in let clty' = abbreviate_class_type path params clty in if List.length params <> List.length tyl then raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, Parameter_arity_mismatch (lid, List.length params, List.length tyl))); List.iter2 (fun (ty',loc) ty -> try Ctype.unify val_env ty' ty with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(loc, Parameter_mismatch trace))) tyl params; let cl = {cl_desc = Tclass_ident path; cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = clty'} in let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in {cl_desc = Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concrs); cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = clty'} | Pcl_structure cl_str -> let (desc, ty) = class_structure cl_num val_env met_env cl_str in {cl_desc = Tclass_structure desc; cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = Tcty_signature ty} | Pcl_fun (l, Some default, spat, sbody) -> let loc = default.pexp_loc in let scases = [{ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_construct(Longident.Lident"Some", Some{ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_var"*sth*"}, false)}, {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = Pexp_ident(Longident.Lident"*sth*")}; {ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_construct(Longident.Lident"None", None, false)}, default] in let smatch = {pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = Pexp_match({pexp_loc = loc; pexp_desc = Pexp_ident(Longident.Lident"*opt*")}, scases)} in let sfun = {pcl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; pcl_desc = Pcl_fun(l, None, {ppat_loc = loc; ppat_desc = Ppat_var"*opt*"}, {pcl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; pcl_desc = Pcl_let(Default, [spat, smatch], sbody)})} in class_expr cl_num val_env met_env sfun | Pcl_fun (l, _, spat, scl') -> let (pat, pv, val_env, met_env) = Typecore.type_class_arg_pattern cl_num val_env met_env l spat in let pv = List.map (function (id, id', ty) -> (id, Typecore.type_exp val_env {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident (Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)); pexp_loc = Location.none})) pv in let rec all_labeled = function Tcty_fun ("", _, _) -> false | Tcty_fun (l, _, ty_fun) -> l.[0] <> '?' && all_labeled ty_fun | _ -> true in let partial = Parmatch.check_partial val_env pat.pat_loc [pat, (* Dummy expression *) {exp_desc = Texp_constant (Asttypes.Const_int 1); exp_loc = Location.none; exp_type = Ctype.none; exp_env = Env.empty }] in Ctype.raise_nongen_level (); let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in Ctype.end_def (); if Btype.is_optional l && all_labeled cl.cl_type then Location.prerr_warning pat.pat_loc (Warnings.Other "This optional argument cannot be erased"); {cl_desc = Tclass_fun (pat, pv, cl, partial); cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = Tcty_fun (l, pat.pat_type, cl.cl_type)} | Pcl_apply (scl', sargs) -> let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in let rec nonopt_labels ls ty_fun = match ty_fun with | Tcty_fun (l, _, ty_res) -> if Btype.is_optional l then nonopt_labels ls ty_res else nonopt_labels (l::ls) ty_res | _ -> ls in let ignore_labels = !Clflags.classic || let labels = nonopt_labels [] cl.cl_type in List.length labels = List.length sargs && List.for_all (fun (l,_) -> l = "") sargs && List.exists (fun l -> l <> "") labels && begin Location.prerr_warning cl.cl_loc Warnings.Labels_omitted; true end in let rec type_args args omitted ty_fun sargs more_sargs = match ty_fun with | Tcty_fun (l, ty, ty_fun) when sargs <> [] || more_sargs <> [] -> let name = Btype.label_name l and optional = if Btype.is_optional l then Optional else Required in let sargs, more_sargs, arg = if ignore_labels && not (Btype.is_optional l) then begin match sargs, more_sargs with (l', sarg0)::_, _ -> raise(Error(sarg0.pexp_loc, Apply_wrong_label(l'))) | _, (l', sarg0)::more_sargs -> if l <> l' && l' <> "" then raise(Error(sarg0.pexp_loc, Apply_wrong_label l')) else ([], more_sargs, Some(type_argument val_env sarg0 ty)) | _ -> assert false end else try let (l', sarg0, sargs, more_sargs) = try let (l', sarg0, sargs1, sargs2) = Btype.extract_label name sargs in (l', sarg0, sargs1 @ sargs2, more_sargs) with Not_found -> let (l', sarg0, sargs1, sargs2) = Btype.extract_label name more_sargs in (l', sarg0, sargs @ sargs1, sargs2) in sargs, more_sargs, if Btype.is_optional l' || not (Btype.is_optional l) then Some (type_argument val_env sarg0 ty) else let arg = type_argument val_env sarg0 (extract_option_type val_env ty) in Some (option_some arg) with Not_found -> sargs, more_sargs, if Btype.is_optional l && (List.mem_assoc "" sargs || List.mem_assoc "" more_sargs) then Some (option_none ty Location.none) else None in let omitted = if arg = None then (l,ty) :: omitted else omitted in type_args ((arg,optional)::args) omitted ty_fun sargs more_sargs | _ -> match sargs @ more_sargs with (l, sarg0)::_ -> if omitted <> [] then raise(Error(sarg0.pexp_loc, Apply_wrong_label l)) else raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Cannot_apply cl.cl_type)) | [] -> (List.rev args, List.fold_left (fun ty_fun (l,ty) -> Tcty_fun(l,ty,ty_fun)) ty_fun omitted) in let (args, cty) = if ignore_labels then type_args [] [] cl.cl_type [] sargs else type_args [] [] cl.cl_type sargs [] in {cl_desc = Tclass_apply (cl, args); cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = cty} | Pcl_let (rec_flag, sdefs, scl') -> let (defs, val_env) = try Typecore.type_let val_env rec_flag sdefs with Ctype.Unify [(ty, _)] -> raise(Error(scl.pcl_loc, Make_nongen_seltype ty)) in let (vals, met_env) = List.fold_right (fun id (vals, met_env) -> Ctype.begin_def (); let expr = Typecore.type_exp val_env {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident (Longident.Lident (Ident.name id)); pexp_loc = Location.none} in Ctype.end_def (); Ctype.generalize expr.exp_type; let desc = {val_type = expr.exp_type; val_kind = Val_ivar (Immutable, cl_num)} in let id' = Ident.create (Ident.name id) in ((id', expr) :: vals, Env.add_value id' desc met_env)) (let_bound_idents defs) ([], met_env) in let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in {cl_desc = Tclass_let (rec_flag, defs, vals, cl); cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = cl.cl_type} | Pcl_constraint (scl', scty) -> Ctype.begin_class_def (); Typetexp.narrow (); let cl = class_expr cl_num val_env met_env scl' in Typetexp.widen (); Typetexp.narrow (); let clty = class_type val_env scty in Typetexp.widen (); Ctype.end_def (); limited_generalize (Ctype.row_variable (Ctype.self_type cl.cl_type)) cl.cl_type; limited_generalize (Ctype.row_variable (Ctype.self_type clty)) clty; begin match Includeclass.class_types val_env cl.cl_type clty with [] -> () | error -> raise(Error(cl.cl_loc, Class_match_failure error)) end; let (vals, meths, concrs) = extract_constraints clty in {cl_desc = Tclass_constraint (cl, vals, meths, concrs); cl_loc = scl.pcl_loc; cl_type = snd (Ctype.instance_class [] clty)} (*******************************) (* Approximate the type of the constructor to allow recursive use *) (* of optional parameters *) let var_option = Predef.type_option (Btype.newgenvar ()) let rec approx_declaration cl = match cl.pcl_desc with Pcl_fun (l, _, _, cl) -> let arg = if Btype.is_optional l then Ctype.instance var_option else Ctype.newvar () in Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, arg, approx_declaration cl, Cok)) | Pcl_let (_, _, cl) -> approx_declaration cl | Pcl_constraint (cl, _) -> approx_declaration cl | _ -> Ctype.newvar () let rec approx_description ct = match ct.pcty_desc with Pcty_fun (l, _, ct) -> let arg = if Btype.is_optional l then Ctype.instance var_option else Ctype.newvar () in Ctype.newty (Tarrow (l, arg, approx_description ct, Cok)) | _ -> Ctype.newvar () (*******************************) let temp_abbrev env id arity = let params = ref [] in for i = 1 to arity do params := Ctype.newvar () :: !params done; let ty = Ctype.newobj (Ctype.newvar ()) in let env = Env.add_type id {type_params = !params; type_arity = arity; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = Some ty; type_variance = List.map (fun _ -> true, true) !params} env in (!params, ty, env) let rec initial_env define_class approx (res, env) (cl, id, ty_id, obj_id, cl_id) = (* Temporary abbreviations *) let arity = List.length (fst cl.pci_params) in let (obj_params, obj_ty, env) = temp_abbrev env obj_id arity in let (cl_params, cl_ty, env) = temp_abbrev env cl_id arity in (* Temporary type for the class constructor *) let constr_type = approx cl.pci_expr in let dummy_cty = Tcty_signature { cty_self = Ctype.newvar (); cty_vars = Vars.empty; cty_concr = Concr.empty } in let dummy_class = {cty_params = []; (* Dummy value *) cty_type = dummy_cty; (* Dummy value *) cty_path = unbound_class; cty_new = match cl.pci_virt with Virtual -> None | Concrete -> Some constr_type} in let env = Env.add_cltype ty_id {clty_params = []; (* Dummy value *) clty_type = dummy_cty; (* Dummy value *) clty_path = unbound_class} ( if define_class then Env.add_class id dummy_class env else env) in ((cl, id, ty_id, obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty, cl_id, cl_params, cl_ty, constr_type, dummy_class)::res, env) let class_infos define_class kind (cl, id, ty_id, obj_id, obj_params, obj_ty, cl_id, cl_params, cl_ty, constr_type, dummy_class) (res, env) = reset_type_variables (); Ctype.begin_class_def (); (* Introduce class parameters *) let params = try List.map (enter_type_variable true) (fst cl.pci_params) with Already_bound -> raise(Error(snd cl.pci_params, Repeated_parameter)) in (* Type the class expression *) let (expr, typ) = kind env cl.pci_expr in Ctype.end_def (); let sty = Ctype.self_type typ in (* Generalize the row variable *) let rv = Ctype.row_variable sty in List.iter (Ctype.limited_generalize rv) params; limited_generalize rv typ; (* Check the abbreviation for the object type *) let (obj_params', obj_type) = Ctype.instance_class params typ in let constr = Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident obj_id) obj_params in begin let ty = Ctype.self_type obj_type in Ctype.hide_private_methods ty; Ctype.close_object ty; begin try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) obj_params obj_params' with Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Bad_parameters (obj_id, constr, Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident obj_id) obj_params'))) end; begin try Ctype.unify env ty constr with Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Abbrev_type_clash (constr, ty, Ctype.expand_head env constr))) end end; (* Check the other temporary abbreviation (#-type) *) begin let (cl_params', cl_type) = Ctype.instance_class params typ in let ty = Ctype.self_type cl_type in Ctype.hide_private_methods ty; Ctype.set_object_name obj_id (Ctype.row_variable ty) cl_params ty; begin try List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) cl_params cl_params' with Ctype.Unify _ -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Bad_parameters (cl_id, Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident cl_id) cl_params, Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident cl_id) cl_params'))) end; begin try Ctype.unify env ty cl_ty with Ctype.Unify _ -> let constr = Ctype.newconstr (Path.Pident cl_id) params in raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Abbrev_type_clash (constr, ty, cl_ty))) end end; (* Type of the class constructor *) begin try Ctype.unify env (constructor_type constr obj_type) constr_type with Ctype.Unify trace -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Constructor_type_mismatch (cl.pci_name, trace))) end; (* Class and class type temporary definitions *) let cltydef = {clty_params = params; clty_type = class_body typ; clty_path = Path.Pident obj_id} and clty = {cty_params = params; cty_type = typ; cty_path = Path.Pident obj_id; cty_new = match cl.pci_virt with Virtual -> None | Concrete -> Some constr_type} in dummy_class.cty_type <- typ; let env = Env.add_cltype ty_id cltydef ( if define_class then Env.add_class id clty env else env) in if cl.pci_virt = Concrete then begin match virtual_methods typ with [] -> () | mets -> raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Virtual_class(define_class, mets))) end; (* Misc. *) let arity = Ctype.class_type_arity typ in let pub_meths = let (fields, _) = Ctype.flatten_fields (Ctype.object_fields (Ctype.expand_head env obj_ty)) in List.map (function (lab, _, _) -> lab) fields in (* Final definitions *) let (params', typ') = Ctype.instance_class params typ in let cltydef = {clty_params = params'; clty_type = class_body typ'; clty_path = Path.Pident obj_id} and clty = {cty_params = params'; cty_type = typ'; cty_path = Path.Pident obj_id; cty_new = match cl.pci_virt with Virtual -> None | Concrete -> Some constr_type} in let obj_abbr = {type_params = obj_params; type_arity = List.length obj_params; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = Some obj_ty; type_variance = List.map (fun _ -> true, true) obj_params} in let (cl_params, cl_ty) = Ctype.instance_parameterized_type params (Ctype.self_type typ) in Ctype.hide_private_methods cl_ty; Ctype.set_object_name obj_id (Ctype.row_variable cl_ty) cl_params cl_ty; let cl_abbr = {type_params = cl_params; type_arity = List.length cl_params; type_kind = Type_abstract; type_manifest = Some cl_ty; type_variance = List.map (fun _ -> true, true) cl_params} in ((cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr) :: res, env) let final_decl define_class (cl, id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr) = List.iter Ctype.generalize clty.cty_params; generalize_class_type clty.cty_type; begin match clty.cty_new with None -> () | Some ty -> Ctype.generalize ty end; List.iter Ctype.generalize obj_abbr.type_params; begin match obj_abbr.type_manifest with None -> () | Some ty -> Ctype.generalize ty end; List.iter Ctype.generalize cl_abbr.type_params; begin match cl_abbr.type_manifest with None -> () | Some ty -> Ctype.generalize ty end; if not (closed_class clty) then raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Non_generalizable_class (id, clty))); begin match Ctype.closed_class clty.cty_params (Ctype.signature_of_class_type clty.cty_type) with None -> () | Some reason -> let printer = if define_class then function ppf -> Printtyp.class_declaration id ppf clty else function ppf -> Printtyp.cltype_declaration id ppf cltydef in raise(Error(cl.pci_loc, Unbound_type_var(printer, reason))) end; (id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr, (cl.pci_variance, cl.pci_loc)) let extract_type_decls (id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr, required) decls = ((obj_id, obj_abbr), required) :: ((cl_id, cl_abbr), required) :: decls let rec compact = function [] -> [] | a :: b :: l -> (a,b) :: compact l | _ -> fatal_error "Typeclass.compact" let merge_type_decls (id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, _obj_id, _obj_abbr, _cl_id, _cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr, req) ((obj_id, obj_abbr), (cl_id, cl_abbr)) = (id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr) let final_env define_class env (id, clty, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, arity, pub_meths, expr) = Env.add_type obj_id obj_abbr ( Env.add_type cl_id cl_abbr ( Env.add_cltype ty_id cltydef ( if define_class then Env.add_class id clty env else env))) (*******************************) let type_classes define_class approx kind env cls = let cls = List.map (function cl -> (cl, Ident.create cl.pci_name, Ident.create cl.pci_name, Ident.create cl.pci_name, Ident.create ("#" ^ cl.pci_name))) cls in Ctype.init_def (Ident.current_time ()); Ctype.begin_class_def (); let (res, env) = List.fold_left (initial_env define_class approx) ([], env) cls in let (res, env) = List.fold_right (class_infos define_class kind) res ([], env) in Ctype.end_def (); let res = List.rev_map (final_decl define_class) res in let decls = List.fold_right extract_type_decls res [] in let decls = Typedecl.compute_variance_decls env decls in let res = List.map2 merge_type_decls res (compact decls) in let env = List.fold_left (final_env define_class) env res in (res, env) let class_num = ref 0 let class_declaration env sexpr = incr class_num; let expr = class_expr (string_of_int !class_num) env env sexpr in (expr, expr.cl_type) let class_description env sexpr = let expr = class_type env sexpr in (expr, expr) let class_declarations env cls = type_classes true approx_declaration class_declaration env cls let class_descriptions env cls = type_classes true approx_description class_description env cls let class_type_declarations env cls = let (decl, env) = type_classes false approx_description class_description env cls in (List.map (function (_, _, ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr, _, _, _) -> (ty_id, cltydef, obj_id, obj_abbr, cl_id, cl_abbr)) decl, env) (*******************************) (* Error report *) open Format let report_error ppf = function | Repeated_parameter -> fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times" | Unconsistent_constraint trace -> Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "The class constraints are not consistent : type") (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "is not compatible with type") | Method_type_mismatch (m, trace) -> Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "The method %s@ has type" m) (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "but is expected to have type") | Structure_expected clty -> fprintf ppf "@[This class expression is not a class structure; it has type@ %a@]" Printtyp.class_type clty | Cannot_apply clty -> fprintf ppf "This class expression is not a class function, it cannot be applied" | Apply_wrong_label l -> let mark_label = function | "" -> "out label" | l -> sprintf " label ~%s" l in fprintf ppf "This argument cannot be applied with%s" (mark_label l) | Pattern_type_clash ty -> (* XXX Trace *) (* XXX Revoir message d'erreur *) fprintf ppf "@[This pattern cannot match self: \ it only matches values of type@ %a@]" Printtyp.type_expr ty | Unbound_class cl -> fprintf ppf "Unbound class@ %a" Printtyp.longident cl | Unbound_class_2 cl -> fprintf ppf "The class@ %a@ is not yet completely defined" Printtyp.longident cl | Unbound_class_type cl -> fprintf ppf "Unbound class type@ %a" Printtyp.longident cl | Unbound_class_type_2 cl -> fprintf ppf "The class type@ %a@ is not yet completely defined" Printtyp.longident cl | Abbrev_type_clash (abbrev, actual, expected) -> (* XXX Afficher une trace ? *) Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [abbrev; actual; expected]; fprintf ppf "@[The abbreviation@ %a@ expands to type@ %a@ \ but is used with type@ %a@]" Printtyp.type_expr abbrev Printtyp.type_expr actual Printtyp.type_expr expected | Constructor_type_mismatch (c, trace) -> Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "The expression \"new %s\" has type" c) (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "but is used with type") | Virtual_class (cl, mets) -> let print_mets ppf mets = List.iter (function met -> fprintf ppf "@ %s" met) mets in let cl_mark = if cl then " type" else "" in fprintf ppf "@[This class %s should be virtual@ \ @[<2>The following methods are undefined :%a@] @]" cl_mark print_mets mets | Parameter_arity_mismatch(lid, expected, provided) -> fprintf ppf "@[The class constructor %a@ expects %i type argument(s),@ \ but is here applied to %i type argument(s)@]" Printtyp.longident lid expected provided | Parameter_mismatch trace -> Printtyp.report_unification_error ppf trace (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "The type parameter") (function ppf -> fprintf ppf "does not meet its constraint: it should be") | Bad_parameters (id, params, cstrs) -> Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [params; cstrs]; fprintf ppf "@[The abbreviation %a@ is used with parameters@ %a@ \ wich are incompatible with constraints@ %a@]" Printtyp.ident id Printtyp.type_expr params Printtyp.type_expr cstrs | Class_match_failure error -> Includeclass.report_error ppf error | Unbound_val lab -> fprintf ppf "Unbound instance variable %s" lab | Unbound_type_var (printer, reason) -> let print_labty real ppf ty = if real then Printtyp.type_expr ppf ty else fprintf ppf ".." in let print_reason ppf = function | Ctype.CC_Method (ty0, real, lab, ty) -> Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [ty; ty0]; fprintf ppf "The method %s@ has type@;<1 2>%a@ where@ %a@ is unbound" lab Printtyp.type_expr ty (print_labty real) ty0 | Ctype.CC_Value (ty0, real, lab, ty) -> Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [ty; ty0]; fprintf ppf "The instance variable %s@ has type@;<1 2>%a@ \ where@ %a@ is unbound" lab Printtyp.type_expr ty (print_labty real) ty0 in Printtyp.reset (); fprintf ppf "@[@[Some type variables are unbound in this type:@;<1 2>%t@]@ \ @[%a@]@]" printer print_reason reason | Make_nongen_seltype ty -> fprintf ppf "@[@[Self type should not occur in the non-generic type@;<1 2>\ %a@]@,\ It would escape the scope of its class@]" Printtyp.type_scheme ty | Non_generalizable_class (id, clty) -> fprintf ppf "@[The type of this class,@ %a,@ \ contains type variables that cannot be generalized@]" (Printtyp.class_declaration id) clty