{ (***********************************************************************) (* OCamldoc *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (** The lexer for string to build text structures. *) open Lexing open Odoc_text_parser let line_number = ref 0 let char_number = ref 0 let string_buffer = Buffer.create 32 (** Fonction de remise à zéro de la chaine de caractères tampon *) let reset_string_buffer () = Buffer.reset string_buffer (** Fonction d'ajout d'un caractère dans la chaine de caractères tampon *) let ajout_char_string = Buffer.add_char string_buffer (** Add a string to the buffer. *) let ajout_string = Buffer.add_string string_buffer let lecture_string () = Buffer.contents string_buffer (** the variable which will contain the description string. Is initialized when we encounter the start of a special comment. *) let description = ref "" let blank = "[ \013\009\012]" let print_DEBUG s = print_string s; print_newline () (** this flag indicates whether we're in a string between begin_code and end_code tokens, to remember the number of open '[' and handle ']' correctly. *) let open_brackets = ref 0 (** this flag indicates if we're in verbatim mode or not, to handle any special expression like a string when we're in verbatim mode.*) let verb_mode = ref false (** this flag indicates if we're in latex mode or not, to handle any special expression like a string when we're in latex mode.*) let latex_mode = ref false (** this flag indicates if we're in shortcut list mode or not, to handle end_shortcut_list correctly.*) let shortcut_list_mode = ref false (** this flag indicates if we're in an element reference. *) let ele_ref_mode = ref false (** this flag indicates if we're in a preformatted code string. *) let code_pre_mode = ref false let init () = open_brackets := 0; verb_mode := false; latex_mode := false; shortcut_list_mode := false; ele_ref_mode := false ; code_pre_mode := false ; line_number := 0 ; char_number := 0 let incr_cpts lexbuf = let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in let l = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp_string "\n") s in match List.rev l with [] -> () (* should not occur *) | [s2] -> (* no newline *) char_number := !char_number + (String.length s2) | s2 :: _ -> line_number := !line_number + ((List.length l) - 1) ; char_number := String.length s2 } (** html marks, to use as alternative possible special strings *) let html_bold = "<"('b'|'B')">" let html_end_bold = "" let html_italic = "<"('i'|'I')">" let html_end_italic = "" let html_title = "<"('h'|'H')(['0'-'9'])+">" let html_end_title = "" let html_list = "<"('u'|'U')('l'|'L')">" let html_end_list = "" let html_enum = "<"('o'|'O')('l'|'L')">" let html_end_enum = "" let html_item = "<"('l'|'L')('i'|'I')">" let html_end_item = "" let html_code = "<"('c'|'C')('o'|'O')('d'|'D')('e'|'E')">" let html_end_code = "" let html_center = "<"('c'|'C')('e'|'E')('n'|'N')('t'|'T')('e'|'E')('r'|'R')">" let html_end_center = "" let html_left = "<"('l'|'L')('e'|'E')('f'|'F')('t'|'T')">" let html_end_left = "" let html_right = "<"('r'|'R')('i'|'I')('g'|'G')('h'|'H')('t'|'T')">" let html_end_right = "" let blank = [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012'] let blank_nl = [' ' '\013' '\009' '\012' '\010'] let label = ['a'-'z']+['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z' '0'-'9' '_']* (** special strings *) let end = "}" | html_end_bold | html_end_italic | html_end_title | html_end_list | html_end_enum | html_end_item | html_end_center let begin_title = ("{" ['0'-'9']+(":"label)? blank_nl) | html_title let begin_bold = "{b"blank_nl | html_bold let begin_emp = "{e"blank_nl let begin_center = "{C"blank_nl | html_center let begin_left = "{L"blank_nl let begin_right = "{R"blank_nl let begin_italic = "{i"blank_nl | html_italic let begin_list = "{ul" | html_list let begin_enum = "{ol" | html_enum let begin_item = "{li"blank_nl | "{- " | html_item let begin_link = "{{:" let begin_latex = "{%"blank_nl let end_latex = "%}" let begin_code = "[" | html_code let end_code = "]" | html_end_code let begin_code_pre = "{[" let end_code_pre = "]}" let begin_verb = "{v"blank_nl let end_verb = blank_nl"v}" let begin_ele_ref = "{!"blank_nl | "{!" let begin_superscript = "{^"blank_nl | "{^" let begin_subscript = "{_"blank_nl | "{_" let shortcut_list_item = '\n'blank*"- " let shortcut_enum_item = '\n'blank*"+ " let end_shortcut_list = '\n'(blank*'\n')+ rule main = parse | "\\{" | "\\}" | "\\[" | "\\]" { incr_cpts lexbuf ; let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in Char (String.sub s 1 1) } | end { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else let _ = if !ele_ref_mode then ele_ref_mode := false in END } | begin_title { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in try (* chech if the "{..." or html_title mark was used. *) if s.[0] = '<' then let (n, l) = (2, (String.length s - 3)) in let s2 = String.sub s n l in Title (int_of_string s2, None) else let (n, l) = (1, (String.length s - 2)) in let s2 = String.sub s n l in try let i = String.index s2 ':' in let s_n = String.sub s2 0 i in let s_label = String.sub s2 (i+1) (l-i-1) in Title (int_of_string s_n, Some s_label) with Not_found -> Title (int_of_string s2, None) with _ -> Title (1, None) } | begin_bold { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else BOLD } | begin_italic { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ITALIC } | begin_link { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else LINK } | begin_emp { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else EMP } | begin_superscript { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else SUPERSCRIPT } | begin_subscript { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else SUBSCRIPT } | begin_center { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else CENTER } | begin_left { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else LEFT } | begin_right { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else RIGHT } | begin_list { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else LIST } | begin_enum { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ENUM } | begin_item { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ITEM } | begin_latex { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ( latex_mode := true; LATEX ) } | end_latex { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ( latex_mode := false; END_LATEX ) } | begin_code end_code { incr_cpts lexbuf ; Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | begin_code { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else if !open_brackets <= 0 then ( open_brackets := 1; CODE ) else ( incr open_brackets; Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ) } | end_code { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else if !open_brackets > 1 then ( decr open_brackets; Char "]" ) else ( open_brackets := 0; END_CODE ) } | begin_code_pre end_code_pre { incr_cpts lexbuf ; Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | begin_code_pre { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ( code_pre_mode := true; CODE_PRE ) } | end_code_pre { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else if !code_pre_mode then ( code_pre_mode := false; END_CODE_PRE ) else Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | begin_ele_ref end { incr_cpts lexbuf ; Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } | begin_ele_ref { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !verb_mode or !latex_mode or !code_pre_mode or !open_brackets >= 1 then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else if not !ele_ref_mode then ( ele_ref_mode := true; ELE_REF ) else ( Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) ) } | begin_verb { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ( verb_mode := true; VERB ) } | end_verb { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ( verb_mode := false; END_VERB ) } | shortcut_list_item { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !shortcut_list_mode then ( SHORTCUT_LIST_ITEM ) else ( shortcut_list_mode := true; BEGIN_SHORTCUT_LIST_ITEM ) } | shortcut_enum_item { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !shortcut_list_mode then SHORTCUT_ENUM_ITEM else ( shortcut_list_mode := true; BEGIN_SHORTCUT_ENUM_ITEM ) } | end_shortcut_list { incr_cpts lexbuf ; lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_abs_pos - 1; lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos - 1; lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos <- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_last_pos - 1; decr line_number ; if !shortcut_list_mode then ( shortcut_list_mode := false; (* go back one char to re-use the last '\n', so we can restart another shortcut-list with a single blank line, and not two.*) END_SHORTCUT_LIST ) else BLANK_LINE } | eof { EOF } | "{" { incr_cpts lexbuf ; if !latex_mode or (!open_brackets >= 1) or !code_pre_mode or !ele_ref_mode then Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) else ERROR } | _ { incr_cpts lexbuf ; Char (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) }