(* TEST flags = "-g" *) open Gc.Memprof let alloc_tracker on_alloc = { null_tracker with alloc_minor = (fun info -> on_alloc info; None); alloc_major = (fun info -> on_alloc info; None); } type t = I of int | II of int * int | Cons of t let rec t_of_len = function | len when len <= 1 -> assert false | 2 -> I 1 | 3 -> II (2, 3) | len -> Cons (t_of_len (len - 2)) let marshalled_data = Hashtbl.create 17 let[@inline never] get_marshalled_data len : t = Marshal.from_string (Hashtbl.find marshalled_data len) 0 let precompute_marshalled_data lo hi = for len = lo to hi do if not (Hashtbl.mem marshalled_data len) then Hashtbl.add marshalled_data len (Marshal.to_string (t_of_len len) []) done let root = ref [] let[@inline never] do_intern lo hi cnt keep = for j = 0 to cnt-1 do for i = lo to hi do root := get_marshalled_data i :: !root done; if not keep then root := [] done let check_nosample () = Printf.printf "check_nosample\n%!"; precompute_marshalled_data 2 3000; let fail_on_alloc _ = Printf.printf "Callback called with sampling_rate = 0\n"; assert(false) in start ~callstack_size:10 ~sampling_rate:0. (alloc_tracker fail_on_alloc); do_intern 2 3000 1 false; stop () let () = check_nosample () let check_counts_full_major force_promote = Printf.printf "check_counts_full_major\n%!"; precompute_marshalled_data 2 3000; let nalloc_minor = ref 0 in let nalloc_major = ref 0 in let enable = ref true in let npromote = ref 0 in let ndealloc_minor = ref 0 in let ndealloc_major = ref 0 in start ~callstack_size:10 ~sampling_rate:0.01 { alloc_minor = (fun _ -> if not !enable then None else Some (incr nalloc_minor) ); alloc_major = (fun _ -> if not !enable then None else Some (incr nalloc_major) ); promote = (fun _ -> Some (incr npromote) ); dealloc_minor = (fun _ -> incr ndealloc_minor ); dealloc_major = (fun _ -> incr ndealloc_major ); }; do_intern 2 3000 1 true; enable := false; assert (!ndealloc_minor = 0 && !ndealloc_major = 0); if force_promote then begin Gc.full_major (); assert (!ndealloc_minor = 0 && !ndealloc_major = 0 && !npromote = !nalloc_minor); root := []; Gc.full_major (); assert (!ndealloc_minor = 0 && !ndealloc_major = !nalloc_minor + !nalloc_major); end else begin root := []; Gc.minor (); Gc.full_major (); Gc.full_major (); assert (!nalloc_minor = !ndealloc_minor + !npromote && !ndealloc_major = !npromote + !nalloc_major) end; stop () let () = check_counts_full_major false; check_counts_full_major true let check_no_nested () = Printf.printf "check_no_nested\n%!"; precompute_marshalled_data 2 300; let in_callback = ref false in let cb _ = assert (not !in_callback); in_callback := true; do_intern 100 200 1 false; in_callback := false; () in let cb' _ = cb (); Some () in start ~callstack_size:10 ~sampling_rate:1. { alloc_minor = cb'; alloc_major = cb'; promote = cb'; dealloc_minor = cb; dealloc_major = cb; }; do_intern 100 200 1 false; stop () let () = check_no_nested () let check_distrib lo hi cnt rate = Printf.printf "check_distrib %d %d %d %f\n%!" lo hi cnt rate; precompute_marshalled_data lo hi; let smp = ref 0 in let alloc info = (* We also allocate the list constructor in the minor heap, so we filter that out. *) if info.source = Marshal then begin assert (info.size = 1 || info.size = 2); assert (info.n_samples > 0); smp := !smp + info.n_samples end; in start ~callstack_size:10 ~sampling_rate:rate (alloc_tracker alloc); do_intern lo hi cnt false; stop (); (* The probability distribution of the number of samples follows a binomial distribution of parameters tot_alloc and rate. Given that tot_alloc*rate and tot_alloc*(1-rate) are large (i.e., > 100), this distribution is approximately equal to a normal distribution. We compute a 1e-8 confidence interval for !smp using quantiles of the normal distribution, and check that we are in this confidence interval. *) let tot_alloc = cnt*(lo+hi)*(hi-lo+1)/2 in assert (float tot_alloc *. rate > 100. && float tot_alloc *. (1. -. rate) > 100.); let mean = float tot_alloc *. rate in let stddev = sqrt (float tot_alloc *. rate *. (1. -. rate)) in (* This assertion has probability to fail close to 1e-8. *) assert (abs_float (mean -. float !smp) <= stddev *. 5.7) let () = check_distrib 2 3000 3 0.00001; check_distrib 2 3000 1 0.0001; check_distrib 2 2000 1 0.01; check_distrib 2 2000 1 0.9; check_distrib 300000 300000 20 0.1 let () = Printf.printf "OK !\n"