open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *) (****************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *) (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *) (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the OCaml *) (* source tree. *) (* *) (****************************************************************************) (* Authors: * - Nao Hirokawa: initial version * - Nicolas Pouillard: revised syntax version *) module Id = struct value name = "Camlp4ListComprehension"; value version = Sys.ocaml_version; end; module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct open Sig; include Syntax; value rec loop n = fun [ [] -> None | [(x, _)] -> if n = 1 then Some x else None | [_ :: l] -> loop (n - 1) l ]; value stream_peek_nth n strm = loop n (Stream.npeek n strm); (* usual trick *) value test_patt_lessminus = Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_patt_lessminus" (fun strm -> let rec skip_patt n = match stream_peek_nth n strm with [ Some (KEYWORD "<-") -> n | Some (KEYWORD ("[" | "[<")) -> skip_patt (ignore_upto "]" (n + 1) + 1) | Some (KEYWORD "(") -> skip_patt (ignore_upto ")" (n + 1) + 1) | Some (KEYWORD "{") -> skip_patt (ignore_upto "}" (n + 1) + 1) | Some (KEYWORD ("as" | "::" | "," | "_")) | Some (LIDENT _ | UIDENT _) -> skip_patt (n + 1) | Some _ | None -> raise Stream.Failure ] and ignore_upto end_kwd n = match stream_peek_nth n strm with [ Some (KEYWORD prm) when prm = end_kwd -> n | Some (KEYWORD ("[" | "[<")) -> ignore_upto end_kwd (ignore_upto "]" (n + 1) + 1) | Some (KEYWORD "(") -> ignore_upto end_kwd (ignore_upto ")" (n + 1) + 1) | Some (KEYWORD "{") -> ignore_upto end_kwd (ignore_upto "}" (n + 1) + 1) | Some _ -> ignore_upto end_kwd (n + 1) | None -> raise Stream.Failure ] in skip_patt 1); value map _loc p e l = match (p, e) with [ (<:patt< $lid:x$ >>, <:expr< $lid:y$ >>) when x = y -> l | _ -> if Ast.is_irrefut_patt p then <:expr< (fun $p$ -> $e$) $l$ >> else <:expr< List.fold_right (fun [ $pat:p$ when True -> (fun x xs -> [ x :: xs ]) $e$ | _ -> (fun l -> l) ]) $l$ [] >> ]; value filter _loc p b l = if Ast.is_irrefut_patt p then <:expr< List.filter (fun $p$ -> $b$) $l$ >> else <:expr< List.filter (fun [ $p$ when True -> $b$ | _ -> False ]) $l$ >>; value concat _loc l = <:expr< List.concat $l$ >>; value rec compr _loc e = fun [ [`gen (p, l)] -> map _loc p e l | [`gen (p, l); `cond b :: items] -> compr _loc e [`gen (p, filter _loc p b l) :: items] | [`gen (p, l) :: ([ `gen (_, _) :: _ ] as is )] -> concat _loc (map _loc p (compr _loc e is) l) | _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]; DELETE_RULE Gram expr: "["; sem_expr_for_list; "]" END; value is_revised = try do { DELETE_RULE Gram expr: "["; sem_expr_for_list; "::"; expr; "]" END; True } with [ Struct.Grammar.Delete.Rule_not_found _ -> False ]; value comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list = "comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list"; EXTEND Gram GLOBAL: expr comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list; expr: LEVEL "simple" [ [ "["; e = comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list; "]" -> e ] ] ; comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list: [ [ e = expr LEVEL "top"; ";"; mk = sem_expr_for_list -> <:expr< [ $e$ :: $mk <:expr< [] >>$ ] >> | e = expr LEVEL "top"; ";" -> <:expr< [$e$] >> | e = expr LEVEL "top"; "|"; l = LIST1 item SEP ";" -> compr _loc e l | e = expr LEVEL "top" -> <:expr< [$e$] >> ] ] ; item: (* NP: These rules rely on being on this particular order. Which should be improved. *) [ [ p = TRY [p = patt; "<-" -> p] ; e = expr LEVEL "top" -> `gen (p, e) | e = expr LEVEL "top" -> `cond e ] ] ; END; if is_revised then EXTEND Gram GLOBAL: expr comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list; comprehension_or_sem_expr_for_list: [ [ e = expr LEVEL "top"; ";"; mk = sem_expr_for_list; "::"; last = expr -> <:expr< [ $e$ :: $mk last$ ] >> | e = expr LEVEL "top"; "::"; last = expr -> <:expr< [ $e$ :: $last$ ] >> ] ] ; END else (); end; let module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension Id Make in ();