(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* From lambda to assembly code *) open Format open Config open Clflags open Misc open Cmm type error = Assembler_error of string exception Error of error let liveness ppf phrase = Liveness.fundecl ppf phrase; phrase let dump_if ppf flag message phrase = if !flag then Printmach.phase message ppf phrase let pass_dump_if ppf flag message phrase = dump_if ppf flag message phrase; phrase let pass_dump_linear_if ppf flag message phrase = if !flag then fprintf ppf "*** %s@.%a@." message Printlinear.fundecl phrase; phrase let rec regalloc ppf round fd = if round > 50 then fatal_error(fd.Mach.fun_name ^ ": function too complex, cannot complete register allocation"); dump_if ppf dump_live "Liveness analysis" fd; Interf.build_graph fd; if !dump_interf then Printmach.interferences ppf (); if !dump_prefer then Printmach.preferences ppf (); Coloring.allocate_registers(); dump_if ppf dump_regalloc "After register allocation" fd; let (newfd, redo_regalloc) = Reload.fundecl fd in dump_if ppf dump_reload "After insertion of reloading code" newfd; if redo_regalloc then begin Reg.reinit(); Liveness.fundecl ppf newfd; regalloc ppf (round + 1) newfd end else newfd let (++) x f = f x let compile_fundecl (ppf : formatter) fd_cmm = Reg.reset(); fd_cmm ++ Selection.fundecl ++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_selection "After instruction selection" ++ Comballoc.fundecl ++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_combine "After allocation combining" ++ liveness ppf ++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_live "Liveness analysis" ++ Spill.fundecl ++ liveness ppf ++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_spill "After spilling" ++ Split.fundecl ++ pass_dump_if ppf dump_split "After live range splitting" ++ liveness ppf ++ regalloc ppf 1 ++ Linearize.fundecl ++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf dump_linear "Linearized code" ++ Scheduling.fundecl ++ pass_dump_linear_if ppf dump_scheduling "After instruction scheduling" ++ Emit.fundecl let compile_phrase ppf p = if !dump_cmm then fprintf ppf "%a@." Printcmm.phrase p; match p with | Cfunction fd -> compile_fundecl ppf fd | Cdata dl -> Emit.data dl let compile_implementation prefixname ppf (size, lam) = let asmfile = if !keep_asm_file then prefixname ^ ext_asm else Filename.temp_file "camlasm" ext_asm in let oc = open_out asmfile in begin try Emitaux.output_channel := oc; Emit.begin_assembly(); Closure.intro size lam ++ Cmmgen.compunit size ++ List.iter (compile_phrase ppf) ++ (fun () -> ()); Emit.end_assembly(); close_out oc with x -> close_out oc; if !keep_asm_file then () else remove_file asmfile; raise x end; if Proc.assemble_file asmfile (prefixname ^ ext_obj) <> 0 then raise(Error(Assembler_error asmfile)); if !keep_asm_file then () else remove_file asmfile (* Error report *) let report_error ppf = function | Assembler_error file -> fprintf ppf "Assembler error, input left in file %s" file