(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Jerome Vouillon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Objective Caml port by John Malecki and Xavier Leroy *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Primitives open Misc open Input_handling open Command_line open Debugger_config open Checkpoints open Time_travel open Parameters open Program_management open Frames open Show_information let line_buffer = Lexing.from_function read_user_input let rec loop () = line_loop line_buffer; if !loaded & (not (yes_or_no "The program is running. Quit anyway")) then loop () let rec protect cont = try cont () with End_of_file -> protect (function () -> forget_process !current_checkpoint.c_fd !current_checkpoint.c_pid; flush stdout; stop_user_input (); loop ()) | Toplevel -> protect (function () -> flush stdout; stop_user_input (); loop ()) | Sys.Break -> protect (function () -> print_endline "Interrupted."; Exec.protected (function () -> flush stdout; stop_user_input (); if !loaded then begin try_select_frame 0; show_current_event () end); loop ()) | Current_checkpoint_lost -> protect (function () -> print_endline "Trying to recover..."; flush stdout; stop_user_input (); recover (); try_select_frame 0; show_current_event (); loop ()) | x -> kill_program (); raise x let toplevel_loop () = protect loop (* Parsing of command-line arguments *) exception Found_program_name let anonymous s = program_name := s; raise Found_program_name let add_include d = default_load_path := d :: !default_load_path let set_socket s = socket_name := s let set_checkpoints n = checkpoint_max_count := n let set_directory dir = Sys.chdir dir let set_emacs () = emacs := true let speclist = ["-I", Arg.String add_include, " Add to the list of include directories"; "-s", Arg.String set_socket, " Set the name of the communication socket"; "-c", Arg.Int set_checkpoints, " Set max number of checkpoints kept"; "-cd", Arg.String set_directory, " Change working directory"; "-emacs", Arg.Unit set_emacs, "For running the debugger under emacs"] let main () = try socket_name := "/tmp/camldebug" ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ())); begin try Arg.parse speclist anonymous ""; Arg.usage speclist "No program name specified\n\ Usage: ocamldebug [options] [arguments]\n\ Options are:"; exit 2 with Found_program_name -> for j = !Arg.current + 1 to Array.length Sys.argv - 1 do arguments := Printf.sprintf "%s '%s'" !arguments Sys.argv.(j) done end; current_prompt := debugger_prompt; print_string "\tObjective Caml Debugger version "; print_string Config.version; print_newline(); print_newline(); Config.load_path := !default_load_path; toplevel_loop (); (* Toplevel. *) kill_program (); exit 0 with Toplevel -> exit 2 let _ = Printexc.catch (Unix.handle_unix_error main) ()