(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1997 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Instruction selection for the Sparc processor *) open Misc open Cmm open Reg open Arch open Mach class selector = object (self) inherit Selectgen.selector_generic as super method is_immediate n = (n <= 4095) && (n >= -4096) method select_addressing = function Cconst_symbol s -> (Ibased(s, 0), Ctuple []) | Cop(Cadda, [Cconst_symbol s; Cconst_int n]) -> (Ibased(s, n), Ctuple []) | Cop(Cadda, [arg; Cconst_int n]) -> (Iindexed n, arg) | Cop(Cadda, [arg1; Cop(Caddi, [arg2; Cconst_int n])]) -> (Iindexed n, Cop(Cadda, [arg1; arg2])) | arg -> (Iindexed 0, arg) method select_operation op args = match (op, args) with (* Multiplication, division and modulus are turned into calls to C library routines, except if the dividend is a power of 2. *) (Cmuli, [arg; Cconst_int n]) when n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) -> (Iintop_imm(Ilsl, Misc.log2 n), [arg]) | (Cmuli, [Cconst_int n; arg]) when n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) -> (Iintop_imm(Ilsl, Misc.log2 n), [arg]) | (Cmuli, _) -> (Iextcall(".umul", false), args) | (Cdivi, [arg; Cconst_int n]) when self#is_immediate n && n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) -> (Iintop_imm(Idiv, n), [arg]) | (Cdivi, _) -> (Iextcall(".div", false), args) | (Cmodi, [arg; Cconst_int n]) when self#is_immediate n && n = 1 lsl (Misc.log2 n) -> (Iintop_imm(Imod, n), [arg]) | (Cmodi, _) -> (Iextcall(".rem", false), args) | _ -> super#select_operation op args (* Override insert_move_args to deal correctly with floating-point arguments being passed into pairs of integer registers. *) method insert_move_args arg loc stacksize = if stacksize <> 0 then self#insert (Iop(Istackoffset stacksize)) [||] [||]; let locpos = ref 0 in for i = 0 to Array.length arg - 1 do let src = arg.(i) in let dst = loc.(!locpos) in match (src, dst) with ({typ = Float}, {typ = Int}) -> let dst2 = loc.(!locpos + 1) in self#insert (Iop Imove) [|src|] [|dst; dst2|]; locpos := !locpos + 2 | (_, _) -> self#insert_move src dst; incr locpos done end let fundecl f = (new selector)#emit_fundecl f