(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Caml Special Light *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1995 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* The lexer generator. Command-line parsing. *) open Syntax open Scanner open Grammar open Lexgen open Output let main () = if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2 then begin prerr_string "Usage: camllex \n"; exit 2 end; let source_name = Sys.argv.(1) in let dest_name = if Filename.check_suffix source_name ".mll" then Filename.chop_suffix source_name ".mll" ^ ".ml" else source_name ^ ".ml" in ic := open_in source_name; oc := open_out dest_name; let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel !ic in let (Lexdef(header,_) as def) = try Grammar.lexer_definition Scanner.main lexbuf with Parsing.Parse_error -> prerr_string "Syntax error around char "; prerr_int (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf); prerr_endline "."; exit 2 | Scan_aux.Lexical_error s -> prerr_string "Lexical error around char "; prerr_int (Lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf); prerr_string ": "; prerr_string s; prerr_endline "."; exit 2 in let ((init, states, acts) as dfa) = make_dfa def in output_lexdef header dfa; close_in !ic; close_out !oc let _ = main(); exit 0 (***** let main () = ic := stdin; oc := stdout; let lexbuf = lexing.from_channel ic in let (Lexdef(header,_) as def) = try grammar.lexer_definition scanner.main lexbuf with parsing.Parse_error x -> prerr_string "Syntax error around char "; prerr_int (lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf); prerr_endline "."; sys.exit 2 | scan_aux.Lexical_error s -> prerr_string "Lexical error around char "; prerr_int (lexing.lexeme_start lexbuf); prerr_string ": "; prerr_string s; prerr_endline "."; sys.exit 2 in let ((init, states, acts) as dfa) = make_dfa def in output_lexdef header dfa ****) (**** let debug_scanner lexbuf = let tok = scanner.main lexbuf in begin match tok with Tident s -> prerr_string "Tident "; prerr_string s | Tchar c -> prerr_string "Tchar "; prerr_char c | Tstring s -> prerr_string "Tstring "; prerr_string s | Taction(Location(i1,i2)) -> prerr_string "Taction "; prerr_int i1; prerr_string "-"; prerr_int i2 | Trule -> prerr_string "Trule" | Tparse -> prerr_string "Tparse" | Tand -> prerr_string "Tand" | Tequal -> prerr_string "Tequal" | Tend -> prerr_string "Tend" | Tor -> prerr_string "Tor" | Tunderscore -> prerr_string "Tunderscore" | Teof -> prerr_string "Teof" | Tlbracket -> prerr_string "Tlbracket" | Trbracket -> prerr_string "Trbracket" | Tstar -> prerr_string "Tstar" | Tmaybe -> prerr_string "Tmaybe" | Tplus -> prerr_string "Tplus" | Tlparen -> prerr_string "Tlparen" | Trparen -> prerr_string "Trparen" | Tcaret -> prerr_string "Tcaret" | Tdash -> prerr_string "Tdash" end; prerr_newline(); tok ****)