(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. Distributed only by permission. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) (* Combine heap allocations occurring in the same basic block *) open Mach type allocation_state = No_alloc (* no allocation is pending *) | Pending_alloc of Reg.t * int (* an allocation is pending *) (* The arguments of Pending_alloc(reg, ofs) are: reg the register holding the result of the last allocation ofs the alloc position in the allocated block *) let allocated_size = function No_alloc -> 0 | Pending_alloc(reg, ofs) -> ofs let rec combine i allocstate = match i.desc with Iend | Ireturn | Iexit | Iraise -> (i, allocated_size allocstate) | Iop(Ialloc sz) -> begin match allocstate with No_alloc -> let (newnext, newsz) = combine i.next (Pending_alloc(i.res.(0), sz)) in (instr_cons (Iop(Ialloc newsz)) i.arg i.res newnext, 0) | Pending_alloc(reg, ofs) -> if ofs + sz < Config.max_young_wosize then begin let (newnext, newsz) = combine i.next (Pending_alloc(reg, ofs + sz)) in (instr_cons (Iop(Iintop_imm(Iadd, ofs))) [| reg |] i.res newnext, newsz) end else begin let (newnext, newsz) = combine i.next (Pending_alloc(i.res.(0), sz)) in (instr_cons (Iop(Ialloc newsz)) i.arg i.res newnext, ofs) end end | Iop(Icall_ind | Icall_imm _ | Iextcall(_, _) | Itailcall_ind | Itailcall_imm _) -> let newnext = combine_restart i.next in (instr_cons i.desc i.arg i.res newnext, allocated_size allocstate) | Iop op -> let (newnext, sz) = combine i.next allocstate in (instr_cons i.desc i.arg i.res newnext, sz) | Iifthenelse(test, ifso, ifnot) -> let newifso = combine_restart ifso in let newifnot = combine_restart ifnot in let newnext = combine_restart i.next in (instr_cons (Iifthenelse(test, newifso, newifnot)) i.arg i.res newnext, allocated_size allocstate) | Iswitch(table, cases) -> let newcases = Array.map combine_restart cases in let newnext = combine_restart i.next in (instr_cons (Iswitch(table, newcases)) i.arg i.res newnext, allocated_size allocstate) | Iloop(body) -> let newbody = combine_restart body in (instr_cons (Iloop(newbody)) i.arg i.res i.next, allocated_size allocstate) | Icatch(body, handler) -> let (newbody, sz) = combine body allocstate in let newhandler = combine_restart handler in let newnext = combine_restart i.next in (instr_cons (Icatch(newbody, newhandler)) i.arg i.res newnext, sz) | Itrywith(body, handler) -> let (newbody, sz) = combine body allocstate in let newhandler = combine_restart handler in let newnext = combine_restart i.next in (instr_cons (Itrywith(newbody, newhandler)) i.arg i.res newnext, sz) and combine_restart i = let (newi, _) = combine i No_alloc in newi let fundecl f = {f with fun_body = combine_restart f.fun_body}