(* A very simple slave: - read the string " Ping" on stdin, - then print the string "-pong" on stderr, - and send it back on stdout - until reading the string "stop" on stdin, - then print the string "!\n" on stderr, - send back the string "OK, bye!" on stdout, - and die. Use the communication module Test_scanf_io. *) open Tscanf2_io;; let ib = Scanf.Scanning.from_channel stdin;; let ob = Buffer.create 1024 and oc = stdout;; let send_string_pong ob = send_string ob oc "-pong";; let send_string_okbye ob = send_string ob oc "OK, bye!";; while true do let s = receive_string ib in match s with | " Ping" -> Printf.eprintf "-pong"; flush stderr; send_string_pong ob | "stop" -> Printf.eprintf "!\n"; flush stderr; send_string_okbye ob; exit 0 | s -> failwith ("Slave: unbound string " ^ s) done;;