open Camlp4.PreCast; module G = MakeGram Lexer; (* type t = [ A of Loc.t and t and t | B of Loc.t and string ]; *) value main = "main"; (* value rec length x acc = match x with [ A x y -> length x (length y acc) | B _ -> succ acc ]; value length _ _ = -1; *) EXTEND G GLOBAL: main; main: [ RIGHTA [ x = SELF; y = SELF -> let l = Loc.merge x y in if l = _loc then _loc else do { Format.eprintf "bad loc: %a <> %a + %a@." Loc.dump _loc Loc.dump x Loc.dump y; _loc } | i = ident -> i ] ]; ident: [ [ `LIDENT _ -> _loc ] ]; END; try let f = Sys.argv.(1) in Format.printf "%a@." Loc.dump (G.parse main ( f) (Stream.of_channel (open_in f))) with e -> Format.eprintf "error: %a@." Camlp4.ErrorHandler.print e;