open Lambda (* Input: a list of (key, action) pairs, where keys are integers. *) (* Output: a table of (low, high, offset) triples for Ktranslate an array of actions for Kswitch *) let make_decision_tree casei = (* Sort the cases by increasing keys *) let cases = Sort.list (fun (key1,act1) (key2,act2) -> key1 <= key2) casei in (* Extract the keys and the actions *) let keyv = Array.of_list ( fst cases) and actv = Array.of_list ( snd cases) in let n = Array.length keyv in (* Partition the set of keys keyv into maximal dense enough segments. A segment is dense enough if its span (max point - min point) is less than four times its size (number of points). *) let rec partition start = if start >= n then [] else let stop = ref (n-1) in while let span = keyv.(!stop) - keyv.(start) in span >= 256 or span > 4 * (!stop - start) do decr stop done; (* We've found a dense enough segment. In the worst case, !stop = start and the segment is a single point *) (* Record the segment and continue *) (start, !stop) :: partition (!stop + 1) in let part = partition 0 in (* Build the two tables *) let transl = (List.length part) (0, 0, 0) and switch = ref [] in let tr_pos = ref 0 and sw_ind = ref 1 in (* Slot 0 in switch is reserved for Lstaticfail *) List.iter (fun (start, stop) -> transl.(!tr_pos) <- (keyv.(start), keyv.(stop), !sw_ind); for i = start to stop do switch := (!sw_ind + keyv.(i) - keyv.(start), actv.(i)) :: !switch done; incr tr_pos; sw_ind := !sw_ind + keyv.(stop) - keyv.(start) + 1) part; (transl, !switch, !sw_ind)