(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Maxence Guesdon, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2001 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** Top modules dependencies. *) module Module = Odoc_module module Type = Odoc_type module String = Misc.Stdlib.String let set_to_list s = let l = ref [] in String.Set.iter (fun e -> l := e :: !l) s; !l let impl_dependencies ast = Depend.free_structure_names := String.Set.empty; Depend.add_use_file String.Map.empty [Parsetree.Ptop_def ast]; set_to_list !Depend.free_structure_names let intf_dependencies ast = Depend.free_structure_names := String.Set.empty; Depend.add_signature String.Map.empty ast; set_to_list !Depend.free_structure_names module Dep = struct type id = string let set_to_list s = let l = ref [] in String.Set.iter (fun e -> l := e :: !l) s; !l type node = { id : id ; mutable near : String.Set.t ; (** direct children *) mutable far : (id * String.Set.t) list ; (** indirect children, from which children path *) reflex : bool ; (** reflexive or not, we keep information here to remove the node itself from its direct children *) } type graph = node list let make_node s children = let set = List.fold_right String.Set.add children String.Set.empty in { id = s; near = String.Set.remove s set ; far = [] ; reflex = List.mem s children ; } let get_node graph s = try List.find (fun n -> n.id = s) graph with Not_found -> make_node s [] let rec trans_closure graph acc n = if String.Set.mem n.id acc then acc else (* potential optimisation: use far field if nonempty? *) String.Set.fold (fun child -> fun acc2 -> trans_closure graph acc2 (get_node graph child)) n.near (String.Set.add n.id acc) let node_trans_closure graph n = let far = List.map (fun child -> let set = trans_closure graph String.Set.empty (get_node graph child) in (child, set) ) (set_to_list n.near) in n.far <- far let compute_trans_closure graph = List.iter (node_trans_closure graph) graph let prune_node graph node = String.Set.iter (fun child -> let set_reachables = List.fold_left (fun acc -> fun (ch, reachables) -> if child = ch then acc else String.Set.union acc reachables ) String.Set.empty node.far in let set = String.Set.remove node.id set_reachables in if String.Set.exists (fun n2 -> String.Set.mem child (get_node graph n2).near) set then ( node.near <- String.Set.remove child node.near ; node.far <- List.filter (fun (ch,_) -> ch <> child) node.far ) else () ) node.near; if node.reflex then node.near <- String.Set.add node.id node.near else () let kernel graph = (* compute transitive closure *) compute_trans_closure graph ; (* remove edges to keep a transitive kernel *) List.iter (prune_node graph) graph; graph end (** [type_deps t] returns the list of fully qualified type names [t] depends on. *) let type_deps t = let module T = Odoc_type in let l = ref [] in let re = Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)" in let f s = let s2 = Str.matched_string s in l := s2 :: !l ; s2 in let ty t = let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t in ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s) in (match t.T.ty_kind with T.Type_abstract -> () | T.Type_variant cl -> List.iter (fun c -> match c.T.vc_args with | T.Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter ty l | T.Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.rf_type) l ) cl | T.Type_record rl -> List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.rf_type) rl | T.Type_open -> () ); (match t.T.ty_manifest with None -> () | Some (T.Object_type fields) -> List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.of_type) fields | Some (T.Other e) -> ty e ); !l (** Modify the module dependencies of the given list of modules, to get the minimum transitivity kernel. *) let kernel_deps_of_modules modules = let graph = List.map (fun m -> Dep.make_node m.Module.m_name m.Module.m_top_deps) modules in let k = Dep.kernel graph in List.iter (fun m -> let node = Dep.get_node k m.Module.m_name in m.Module.m_top_deps <- List.filter (fun m2 -> String.Set.mem m2 node.Dep.near) m.Module.m_top_deps) modules (** Return the list of dependencies between the given types, in the form of a list [(type, names of types it depends on)]. @param kernel indicates if we must keep only the transitivity kernel of the dependencies. Default is [false]. *) let deps_of_types ?(kernel=false) types = let deps_pre = List.map (fun t -> (t, type_deps t)) types in if kernel then ( let graph = List.map (fun (t, names) -> Dep.make_node t.Type.ty_name names) deps_pre in let k = Dep.kernel graph in List.map (fun t -> let node = Dep.get_node k t.Type.ty_name in (t, Dep.set_to_list node.Dep.near) ) types ) else deps_pre