(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml *) (* *) (* Luc Maranget, Jerome Vouillon projet Cristal, *) (* INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 2002 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *) (* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *) (* *) (***********************************************************************) type t = (int * int) list let empty = [] let is_empty = function | [] -> true | _ -> false let singleton c = [c,c] let interval c1 c2 = if c1 <= c2 then [c1,c2] else [c2,c1] let rec union s1 s2 = match s1,s2 with | [],_ -> s2 | _,[] -> s1 | (c1,d1) as p1::r1, (c2,d2)::r2 -> if c1 > c2 then union s2 s1 else begin (* c1 <= c2 *) if d1+1 < c2 then p1::union r1 s2 else if d1 < d2 then union ((c1,d2)::r2) r1 else union s1 r2 end let rec inter l l' = match l, l' with _, [] -> [] | [], _ -> [] | (c1, c2)::r, (c1', c2')::r' -> if c2 < c1' then inter r l' else if c2' < c1 then inter l r' else if c2 < c2' then (max c1 c1', c2)::inter r l' else (max c1 c1', c2')::inter l r' let rec diff l l' = match l, l' with _, [] -> l | [], _ -> [] | (c1, c2)::r, (c1', c2')::r' -> if c2 < c1' then (c1, c2)::diff r l' else if c2' < c1 then diff l r' else let r'' = if c2' < c2 then (c2' + 1, c2) :: r else r in if c1 < c1' then (c1, c1' - 1)::diff r'' r' else diff r'' r' let eof = singleton 256 and all_chars = interval 0 255 and all_chars_eof = interval 0 256 let complement s = diff all_chars s let env_to_array env = match env with | [] -> assert false | (_,x)::rem -> let res = Array.create 257 x in List.iter (fun (c,y) -> List.iter (fun (i,j) -> for k=i to j do res.(k) <- y done) c) rem ; res