(*************************************************************************) (* *) (* Objective Caml LablTk library *) (* *) (* Francois Rouaix, Francois Pessaux and Jun Furuse *) (* projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* Jacques Garrigue, Kyoto University RIMS *) (* *) (* Copyright 1999 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique and Kyoto University. All rights reserved. *) (* This file is distributed under the terms of the GNU Library *) (* General Public License. *) (* *) (*************************************************************************) (* $Id$ *) open Tables open Printer open Compile open Intf let flag_verbose = ref false let verbose_string s = if !flag_verbose then prerr_string s let verbose_endline s = if !flag_verbose then prerr_endline s let input_name = ref "Widgets.src" let output_dir = ref "lib" let destfile f = Filename.concat !output_dir f let usage () = prerr_string "Usage: tkcompiler input.src\n"; flush stderr; exit 1 let prerr_error_header () = prerr_string "File \""; prerr_string !input_name; prerr_string "\", line "; prerr_string (string_of_int !Lexer.current_line); prerr_string ": " let parse_file filename = let ic = open_in_bin filename in try let lexbuf = Lexing.from_channel ic in while true do Parser.entry Lexer.main lexbuf done with Parsing.Parse_error -> close_in ic; prerr_error_header(); prerr_string "Syntax error \n"; exit 1 | Lexer.Lexical_error s -> close_in ic; prerr_error_header(); prerr_string "Lexical error ("; prerr_string s; prerr_string ")\n"; exit 1 | Duplicate_Definition (s,s') -> close_in ic; prerr_error_header(); prerr_string s; prerr_string " "; prerr_string s'; prerr_string " is defined twice.\n"; exit 1 | Compiler_Error s -> close_in ic; prerr_error_header(); prerr_string "Internal error: "; prerr_string s; prerr_string "\n"; prerr_string "Please report bug\n"; exit 1 | End_of_file -> close_in ic (* The hack to provoke the production of cCAMLtoTKoptions_constrs *) (* Auxiliary function: the list of all the elements associated to keys in an hash table. *) let elements t = let elems = ref [] in Hashtbl.iter ~f:(fun ~key:_ ~data:d -> elems := d :: !elems) t; !elems;; (* Verifies that duplicated clauses are semantically equivalent and returns a unique set of clauses. *) let uniq_clauses = function | [] -> [] | l -> let check_constr constr1 constr2 = if constr1.template <> constr2.template then begin let code1, vars11, vars12, opts1 = code_of_template ~context_widget:"dummy" constr1.template in let code2, vars12, vars22, opts2 = code_of_template ~context_widget:"dummy" constr2.template in let err = Printf.sprintf "uncompatible redondant clauses for variant %s:\n %s\n and\n %s" constr1.var_name code1 code2 in Format.print_newline(); print_fullcomponent constr1; Format.print_newline(); print_fullcomponent constr2; Format.print_newline(); prerr_endline err; fatal_error err end in let t = Hashtbl.create 11 in List.iter l ~f:(fun constr -> let c = constr.var_name in if Hashtbl.mem t c then (check_constr constr (Hashtbl.find t c)) else Hashtbl.add t ~key:c ~data:constr); elements t;; let option_hack oc = if Hashtbl.mem types_table "options" then let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table "options" in let hack = { parser_arity = OneToken; constructors = begin let constrs = List.map typdef.constructors ~f: begin fun c -> { component = Constructor; ml_name = c.ml_name; var_name = c.var_name; (* as variants *) template = begin match c.template with ListArg (x :: _) -> x | _ -> fatal_error "bogus hack" end; result = UserDefined "options_constrs"; safe = true } end in uniq_clauses constrs end; subtypes = []; requires_widget_context = false; variant = false } in write_CAMLtoTK ~w:(output_string oc) ~def:hack ~safetype:false "options_constrs" let compile () = verbose_endline "Creating tkgen.ml ..."; let oc = open_out_bin (destfile "tkgen.ml") in let oc' = open_out_bin (destfile "tkigen.ml") in let oc'' = open_out_bin (destfile "tkfgen.ml") in let sorted_types = Tsort.sort types_order in verbose_endline " writing types ..."; List.iter sorted_types ~f: begin fun typname -> verbose_string (" " ^ typname ^ " "); try let typdef = Hashtbl.find types_table typname in verbose_string "type "; write_type ~intf:(output_string oc) ~impl:(output_string oc') typname ~def:typdef; verbose_string "C2T "; write_CAMLtoTK ~w:(output_string oc') typname ~def:typdef; verbose_string "T2C "; if List.mem typname !types_returned then write_TKtoCAML ~w:(output_string oc') typname ~def:typdef; verbose_string "CO "; write_catch_optionals ~w:(output_string oc') typname ~def:typdef; verbose_endline "." with Not_found -> if not (List.mem_assoc typname !types_external) then begin verbose_string "Type "; verbose_string typname; verbose_string " is undeclared external or undefined\n" end else verbose_endline "." end; verbose_endline " option hacking ..."; option_hack oc'; verbose_endline " writing functions ..."; List.iter ~f:(write_function ~w:(output_string oc'')) !function_table; close_out oc; close_out oc'; close_out oc''; (* Write the interface for public functions *) (* this interface is used only for documentation *) verbose_endline "Creating tkgen.mli ..."; let oc = open_out_bin (destfile "tkgen.mli") in List.iter (sort_components !function_table) ~f:(write_function_type ~w:(output_string oc)); close_out oc; verbose_endline "Creating other ml, mli ..."; Hashtbl.iter module_table ~f: begin fun ~key:wname ~data:wdef -> verbose_endline (" "^wname); let modname = wname in let oc = open_out_bin (destfile (modname ^ ".ml")) and oc' = open_out_bin (destfile (modname ^ ".mli")) in begin match wdef.module_type with Widget -> output_string oc' ("(* The "^wname^" widget *)\n") | Family -> output_string oc' ("(* The "^wname^" commands *)\n") end; output_string oc "open Protocol\n"; List.iter ~f:(fun s -> output_string oc s; output_string oc' s) [ "open Tk\n"; "open Tkintf\n"; "open Widget\n"; "open Textvariable\n" ]; begin match wdef.module_type with Widget -> write_create ~w:(output_string oc) wname; write_create_p ~w:(output_string oc') wname | Family -> () end; List.iter ~f:(write_function ~w:(output_string oc)) (sort_components wdef.commands); List.iter ~f:(write_function_type ~w:(output_string oc')) (sort_components wdef.commands); List.iter ~f:(write_external ~w:(output_string oc)) (sort_components wdef.externals); List.iter ~f:(write_external_type ~w:(output_string oc')) (sort_components wdef.externals); close_out oc; close_out oc' end; (* write the module list for the Makefile *) (* and hack to death until it works *) let oc = open_out_bin (destfile "modules") in output_string oc "WIDGETOBJS="; Hashtbl.iter module_table ~f:(fun ~key:name ~data:_ -> output_string oc name; output_string oc ".cmo "); output_string oc "\n"; Hashtbl.iter module_table ~f:(fun ~key:name ~data:_ -> output_string oc name; output_string oc ".ml "); output_string oc ": tkgen.ml\n\n"; Hashtbl.iter module_table ~f: begin fun ~key:name ~data:_ -> output_string oc name; output_string oc ".cmo : "; output_string oc name; output_string oc ".ml\n"; output_string oc name; output_string oc ".cmi : "; output_string oc name; output_string oc ".mli\n" end; close_out oc let main () = Arg.parse ~keywords:[ "-verbose", Arg.Unit (fun () -> flag_verbose := true), "Make output verbose" ] ~others:(fun filename -> input_name := filename) ~errmsg:"Usage: tkcompiler " ; try verbose_string "Parsing... "; parse_file !input_name; verbose_string "Compiling... "; compile (); verbose_string "Finished"; exit 0 with | Lexer.Lexical_error s -> prerr_string "Invalid lexical character: "; prerr_endline s; exit 1 | Duplicate_Definition (s, s') -> prerr_string s; prerr_string " "; prerr_string s'; prerr_endline " is redefined illegally"; exit 1 | Invalid_implicit_constructor c -> prerr_string "Constructor "; prerr_string c; prerr_endline " is used implicitly before defined"; exit 1 | Tsort.Cyclic -> prerr_endline "Cyclic dependency of types"; exit 1 let () = Printexc.catch main ()