(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Pierre Chambart, OCamlPro *) (* Mark Shinwell and Leo White, Jane Street Europe *) (* *) (* Copyright 2013--2016 OCamlPro SAS *) (* Copyright 2014--2016 Jane Street Group LLC *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) module type Thing = sig type t include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t include Map.OrderedType with type t := t val output : out_channel -> t -> unit val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit end module type Set = sig module T : Set.OrderedType include Set.S with type elt = T.t and type t = Set.Make (T).t val output : out_channel -> t -> unit val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit val to_string : t -> string val of_list : elt list -> t val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t end module type Map = sig module T : Map.OrderedType include Map.S with type key = T.t and type 'a t = 'a Map.Make (T).t val of_list : (key * 'a) list -> 'a t val disjoint_union : ?eq:('a -> 'a -> bool) -> ?print:(Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val union_right : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val union_left : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val union_merge : ('a -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t val rename : key t -> key -> key val map_keys : (key -> key) -> 'a t -> 'a t val keys : 'a t -> Set.Make(T).t val data : 'a t -> 'a list val of_set : (key -> 'a) -> Set.Make(T).t -> 'a t val transpose_keys_and_data : key t -> key t val transpose_keys_and_data_set : key t -> Set.Make(T).t t val print : (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit end module type Tbl = sig module T : sig type t include Map.OrderedType with type t := t include Hashtbl.HashedType with type t := t end include Hashtbl.S with type key = T.t and type 'a t = 'a Hashtbl.Make (T).t val to_list : 'a t -> (T.t * 'a) list val of_list : (T.t * 'a) list -> 'a t val to_map : 'a t -> 'a Map.Make(T).t val of_map : 'a Map.Make(T).t -> 'a t val memoize : 'a t -> (key -> 'a) -> key -> 'a val map : 'a t -> ('a -> 'b) -> 'b t end module Pair (A : Thing) (B : Thing) : Thing with type t = A.t * B.t = struct type t = A.t * B.t let compare (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = let c = A.compare a1 a2 in if c <> 0 then c else B.compare b1 b2 let output oc (a, b) = Printf.fprintf oc " (%a, %a)" A.output a B.output b let hash (a, b) = Hashtbl.hash (A.hash a, B.hash b) let equal (a1, b1) (a2, b2) = A.equal a1 a2 && B.equal b1 b2 let print ppf (a, b) = Format.fprintf ppf " (%a, @ %a)" A.print a B.print b end module Make_map (T : Thing) = struct include Map.Make (T) let of_list l = List.fold_left (fun map (id, v) -> add id v map) empty l let disjoint_union ?eq ?print m1 m2 = union (fun id v1 v2 -> let ok = match eq with | None -> false | Some eq -> eq v1 v2 in if not ok then let err = match print with | None -> Format.asprintf "Map.disjoint_union %a" T.print id | Some print -> Format.asprintf "Map.disjoint_union %a => %a <> %a" T.print id print v1 print v2 in Misc.fatal_error err else Some v1) m1 m2 let union_right m1 m2 = merge (fun _id x y -> match x, y with | None, None -> None | None, Some v | Some v, None | Some _, Some v -> Some v) m1 m2 let union_left m1 m2 = union_right m2 m1 let union_merge f m1 m2 = let aux _ m1 m2 = match m1, m2 with | None, m | m, None -> m | Some m1, Some m2 -> Some (f m1 m2) in merge aux m1 m2 let rename m v = try find v m with Not_found -> v let map_keys f m = of_list (List.map (fun (k, v) -> f k, v) (bindings m)) let print f ppf s = let elts ppf s = iter (fun id v -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ (@[%a@ %a@])" T.print id f v) s in Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>{@[%a@ @]}@]" elts s module T_set = Set.Make (T) let keys map = fold (fun k _ set -> T_set.add k set) map T_set.empty let data t = List.map snd (bindings t) let of_set f set = T_set.fold (fun e map -> add e (f e) map) set empty let transpose_keys_and_data map = fold (fun k v m -> add v k m) map empty let transpose_keys_and_data_set map = fold (fun k v m -> let set = match find v m with | exception Not_found -> T_set.singleton k | set -> T_set.add k set in add v set m) map empty end module Make_set (T : Thing) = struct include Set.Make (T) let output oc s = Printf.fprintf oc " ( "; iter (fun v -> Printf.fprintf oc "%a " T.output v) s; Printf.fprintf oc ")" let print ppf s = let elts ppf s = iter (fun e -> Format.fprintf ppf "@ %a" T.print e) s in Format.fprintf ppf "@[<1>{@[%a@ @]}@]" elts s let to_string s = Format.asprintf "%a" print s let of_list l = match l with | [] -> empty | [t] -> singleton t | t :: q -> List.fold_left (fun acc e -> add e acc) (singleton t) q let map f s = of_list (List.map f (elements s)) end module Make_tbl (T : Thing) = struct include Hashtbl.Make (T) module T_map = Make_map (T) let to_list t = fold (fun key datum elts -> (key, datum)::elts) t [] let of_list elts = let t = create 42 in List.iter (fun (key, datum) -> add t key datum) elts; t let to_map v = fold T_map.add v T_map.empty let of_map m = let t = create (T_map.cardinal m) in T_map.iter (fun k v -> add t k v) m; t let memoize t f = fun key -> try find t key with | Not_found -> let r = f key in add t key r; r let map t f = of_map (T_map.map f (to_map t)) end module type S = sig type t module T : Thing with type t = t include Thing with type t := T.t module Set : Set with module T := T module Map : Map with module T := T module Tbl : Tbl with module T := T end module Make (T : Thing) = struct module T = T include T module Set = Make_set (T) module Map = Make_map (T) module Tbl = Make_tbl (T) end