= Contributing to the standard library For guidelines about standard library content, see link:../CONTRIBUTING.md#contributing-to-the-standard-library[]. Note: All paths are given relative to the root of the repository. First, build the compiler. Run `./configure`, then `make`. See link:../HACKING.adoc[]. To add a new module, you must: * Create new `.mli` and `.ml` files for the modules, obviously. * Define the module in `stdlib/stdlib.mli` and `stdlib/stdlib.ml` in the section of the code commented "MODULE_ALIASES". Please maintain the same style as the rest of the code, in particular the alphabetical ordering and whitespace alignment of module aliases. * Add `module_name` to the definition of `STDLIB_MODS` in `stdlib/StdlibModules`. You must keep the list sorted in dependency order. * Run `make alldepend` to update all the `.depend` files. These files are not edited by hand. * Run `make clean` or `make partialclean`, then `make`. If you are adding multiple modules, follow the steps above and rebuild the compiler after adding each module. If you add multiple modules before rebuilding, the build may fail.