(**************************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) (* Xavier Leroy, projet Cristal, INRIA Rocquencourt *) (* *) (* Copyright 1996 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *) (* en Automatique. *) (* *) (* All rights reserved. This file is distributed under the terms of *) (* the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1, with the *) (* special exception on linking described in the file LICENSE. *) (* *) (**************************************************************************) (* Second intermediate language (machine independent) *) type machtype_component = | Val | Addr | Int | Float (* - [Val] denotes a valid OCaml value: either a pointer to the beginning of a heap block, an infix pointer if it is preceded by the correct infix header, or a 2n+1 encoded integer. - [Int] is for integers (not necessarily 2n+1 encoded) and for pointers outside the heap. - [Addr] denotes pointers that are neither [Val] nor [Int], i.e. pointers into the heap that point in the middle of a heap block. Such derived pointers are produced by e.g. array indexing. - [Float] is for unboxed floating-point numbers. The purpose of these types is twofold. First, they guide register allocation: type [Float] goes in FP registers, the other types go into integer registers. Second, they determine how local variables are tracked by the GC: - Variables of type [Val] are GC roots. If they are pointers, the GC will not deallocate the addressed heap block, and will update the local variable if the heap block moves. - Variables of type [Int] and [Float] are ignored by the GC. The GC does not change their values. - Variables of type [Addr] must never be live across an allocation point or function call. They cannot be given as roots to the GC because they don't point after a well-formed block header of the kind that the GC needs. However, the GC may move the block pointed into, invalidating the value of the [Addr] variable. *) type machtype = machtype_component array val typ_void: machtype val typ_val: machtype val typ_addr: machtype val typ_int: machtype val typ_float: machtype (** Least upper bound of two [machtype_component]s. *) val lub_component : machtype_component -> machtype_component -> machtype_component (** Returns [true] iff the first supplied [machtype_component] is greater than or equal to the second under the relation used by [lub_component]. *) val ge_component : machtype_component -> machtype_component -> bool type exttype = | XInt (**r OCaml value, word-sized integer *) | XInt32 (**r 32-bit integer *) | XInt64 (**r 64-bit integer *) | XFloat (**r double-precision FP number *) (** A variant of [machtype] used to describe arguments to external C functions *) val machtype_of_exttype: exttype -> machtype val machtype_of_exttype_list: exttype list -> machtype type integer_comparison = Lambda.integer_comparison = | Ceq | Cne | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge val negate_integer_comparison: integer_comparison -> integer_comparison val swap_integer_comparison: integer_comparison -> integer_comparison type float_comparison = Lambda.float_comparison = | CFeq | CFneq | CFlt | CFnlt | CFgt | CFngt | CFle | CFnle | CFge | CFnge val negate_float_comparison: float_comparison -> float_comparison val swap_float_comparison: float_comparison -> float_comparison type label = int val new_label: unit -> label val set_label: label -> unit val cur_label: unit -> label type rec_flag = Nonrecursive | Recursive type phantom_defining_expr = (* CR-soon mshinwell: Convert this to [Targetint.OCaml.t] (or whatever the representation of "target-width OCaml integers of type [int]" becomes when merged). *) | Cphantom_const_int of Targetint.t (** The phantom-let-bound variable is a constant integer. The argument must be the tagged representation of an integer within the range of type [int] on the target. (Analogously to [Cconst_int].) *) | Cphantom_const_symbol of string (** The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for a symbol. *) | Cphantom_var of Backend_var.t (** The phantom-let-bound variable is an alias for another variable. The aliased variable must not be a bound by a phantom let. *) | Cphantom_offset_var of { var : Backend_var.t; offset_in_words : int; } (** The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is defined by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier. *) | Cphantom_read_field of { var : Backend_var.t; field : int; } (** The phantom-let-bound-variable's value is found by adding the given number of words to the pointer contained in the given identifier, then dereferencing. *) | Cphantom_read_symbol_field of { sym : string; field : int; } (** As for [Uphantom_read_var_field], but with the pointer specified by a symbol. *) | Cphantom_block of { tag : int; fields : Backend_var.t list; } (** The phantom-let-bound variable points at a block with the given structure. *) type memory_chunk = Byte_unsigned | Byte_signed | Sixteen_unsigned | Sixteen_signed | Thirtytwo_unsigned | Thirtytwo_signed | Word_int (* integer or pointer outside heap *) | Word_val (* pointer inside heap or encoded int *) | Single | Double (* 64-bit-aligned 64-bit float *) | Double_u (* word-aligned 64-bit float *) and operation = Capply of machtype | Cextcall of string * machtype * exttype list * bool (** The [machtype] is the machine type of the result. The [exttype list] describes the unboxing types of the arguments. An empty list means "all arguments are machine words [XInt]". *) | Cload of memory_chunk * Asttypes.mutable_flag | Calloc | Cstore of memory_chunk * Lambda.initialization_or_assignment | Caddi | Csubi | Cmuli | Cmulhi | Cdivi | Cmodi | Cand | Cor | Cxor | Clsl | Clsr | Casr | Ccmpi of integer_comparison | Caddv (* pointer addition that produces a [Val] (well-formed Caml value) *) | Cadda (* pointer addition that produces a [Addr] (derived heap pointer) *) | Ccmpa of integer_comparison | Cnegf | Cabsf | Caddf | Csubf | Cmulf | Cdivf | Cfloatofint | Cintoffloat | Ccmpf of float_comparison | Craise of Lambda.raise_kind | Ccheckbound (* Takes two arguments : first the bound to check against, then the index. It results in a bounds error if the index is greater than or equal to the bound. *) (** Every basic block should have a corresponding [Debuginfo.t] for its beginning. *) and expression = Cconst_int of int * Debuginfo.t | Cconst_natint of nativeint * Debuginfo.t | Cconst_float of float * Debuginfo.t | Cconst_symbol of string * Debuginfo.t | Cvar of Backend_var.t | Clet of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * expression | Clet_mut of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype * expression * expression | Cphantom_let of Backend_var.With_provenance.t * phantom_defining_expr option * expression (* Cassign must refer to a variable bound by Clet_mut *) | Cassign of Backend_var.t * expression | Ctuple of expression list | Cop of operation * expression list * Debuginfo.t | Csequence of expression * expression | Cifthenelse of expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t * expression * Debuginfo.t | Cswitch of expression * int array * (expression * Debuginfo.t) array * Debuginfo.t | Ccatch of rec_flag * (int * (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list * expression * Debuginfo.t) list * expression | Cexit of int * expression list | Ctrywith of expression * Backend_var.With_provenance.t * expression * Debuginfo.t type codegen_option = | Reduce_code_size | No_CSE type fundecl = { fun_name: string; fun_args: (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list; fun_body: expression; fun_codegen_options : codegen_option list; fun_dbg : Debuginfo.t; } type data_item = Cdefine_symbol of string | Cglobal_symbol of string | Cint8 of int | Cint16 of int | Cint32 of nativeint | Cint of nativeint | Csingle of float | Cdouble of float | Csymbol_address of string | Cstring of string | Cskip of int | Calign of int type phrase = Cfunction of fundecl | Cdata of data_item list val ccatch : int * (Backend_var.With_provenance.t * machtype) list * expression * expression * Debuginfo.t -> expression val reset : unit -> unit val iter_shallow_tail: (expression -> unit) -> expression -> bool (** Either apply the callback to all immediate sub-expressions that can produce the final result for the expression and return [true], or do nothing and return [false]. Note that the notion of "tail" sub-expression used here does not match the one used to trigger tail calls; in particular, try...with handlers are considered to be in tail position (because their result become the final result for the expression). *) val map_tail: (expression -> expression) -> expression -> expression (** Apply the transformation to an expression, trying to push it to all inner sub-expressions that can produce the final result. Same disclaimer as for [iter_shallow_tail] about the notion of "tail" sub-expression. *) val map_shallow: (expression -> expression) -> expression -> expression (** Apply the transformation to each immediate sub-expression. *)