BOOT=_boot OCAMLSRC=ocaml-src CONFIG=$(OCAMLSRC)/config/Makefile OCAMLRUN=$(OCAMLSRC)/byterun/ocamlrun GENERATED=$(OCAMLSRC)/bytecomp/ $(OCAMLRUN): $(CONFIG) touch $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun/.depend && $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun depend $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun all touch $(OCAMLSRC)/asmrun/.depend && $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/asmrun depend $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/asmrun all .PHONY: configure-ocaml configure-ocaml: rm -f $(OCAMLSRC)/boot/ocamlc $(OCAMLSRC)/boot/ocamllex find $(OCAMLSRC) -iname .depend | xargs rm -f touch $(OCAMLSRC)/.depend $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib/.depend $(OCAMLSRC)/lex/.depend cd $(OCAMLSRC) && bash configure $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC) ocamlyacc && cp $(OCAMLSRC)/yacc/ocamlyacc $(OCAMLSRC)/boot $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/lex # Here, including $(CONFIG) would provide $(ARCH), but it leads to a recursive # dependency because its rule has a dependency that reloads this Makefile. .PHONY: ocaml-generated-files ocaml-generated-files: $(OCAMLRUN) lex make_opcodes cvt_emit $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC) utils/ $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC) parsing/ cd $(OCAMLSRC); ../miniml/interp/ parsing/lexer.mll $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC) bytecomp/ miniml/interp/ -opcodes < $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun/caml/instruct.h > $(OCAMLSRC)/bytecomp/ $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC) asmcomp/ asmcomp/ asmcomp/ asmcomp/ asmcomp/ asmcomp/ miniml/interp/ < $(OCAMLSRC)/asmcomp/$(shell cat $(CONFIG) | grep '^ARCH=' | cut -f2 -d=)/emit.mlp > $(OCAMLSRC)/asmcomp/ .PHONY: lex lex: $(OCAMLRUN) touch miniml/interp/.depend $(MAKE) -C miniml/interp lex.byte .PHONY: make_opcodes make_opcodes: $(OCAMLRUN) lex $(MAKE) -C miniml/interp make_opcodes.byte .PHONY: cvt_emit cvt_emit: $(OCAMLRUN) lex $(MAKE) -C miniml/interp cvt_emit.byte .PHONY: makedepend makedepend: $(OCAMLRUN) lex $(MAKE) -C miniml/interp makedepend.byte .PHONY: clean-ocaml-config clean-ocaml-config: cd $(OCAMLSRC) && make distclean # this dependency is fairly coarse-grained, so feel free to # use clean-ocaml-config if make a small change to $(OCAMLSRC) # that you believe does require re-configuring. $(CONFIG): $(OCAMLSRC)/VERSION $(MAKE) configure-ocaml $(GENERATED): $(OCAMLRUN) lex make_opcodes $(MAKE) ocaml-generated-files $(BOOT)/driver: $(OCAMLSRC)/driver $(OCAMLSRC)/otherlibs/dynlink $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ cp $(OCAMLSRC)/otherlibs/dynlink/dynlink.mli $@/compdynlink.mli grep -v 'REMOVE_ME for ../../debugger/' \ $(OCAMLSRC)/otherlibs/dynlink/ > $@/compdynlink.mlbyte $(BOOT)/byterun: $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ $(BOOT)/bytecomp: $(OCAMLSRC)/bytecomp $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ $(BOOT)/typing: $(OCAMLSRC)/typing $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ $(BOOT)/parsing: $(OCAMLSRC)/parsing $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) patches/parsetree.patch lex mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ #patch $(BOOT)/parsing/parsetree.mli patches/parsetree.patch $(BOOT)/utils: $(OCAMLSRC)/utils $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) patches/disable-profiling.patch mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ cp $(BOOT)/utils/ $(BOOT)/utils/ patch $(BOOT)/utils/ patches/disable-profiling.patch $(BOOT)/stdlib: $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib $(CONFIG) $(GENERATED) patches/compflags.patch mkdir -p $(BOOT) rm -rf $@ cp -r $< $@ patch $(BOOT)/stdlib/Compflags patches/compflags.patch awk -f $(BOOT)/stdlib/expand_module_aliases.awk < $(BOOT)/stdlib/stdlib.mli > $(BOOT)/stdlib/stdlib.pp.mli awk -f $(BOOT)/stdlib/expand_module_aliases.awk < $(BOOT)/stdlib/ > $(BOOT)/stdlib/ cp $(OCAMLSRC)/asmrun/libasmrun.a $(BOOT)/stdlib/ cp Makefile.stdlib $(BOOT)/stdlib/Makefile COPY_TARGETS=\ $(BOOT)/bytecomp \ $(BOOT)/byterun \ $(BOOT)/driver \ $(BOOT)/parsing \ $(BOOT)/stdlib \ $(BOOT)/typing \ $(BOOT)/utils .PHONY: copy copy: $(COPY_TARGETS) cp Makefile.ocamlc $(BOOT)/Makefile .PHONY: ocamlrun ocamlrun: $(OCAMLRUN) $(BOOT)/ocamlc: copy makedepend $(MAKE) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/yacc all $(MAKE) -C miniml/interp depend ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C miniml/interp interpopt.opt touch _boot/stdlib/.depend && $(MAKE) -C _boot/stdlib depend touch _boot/.depend && $(MAKE) -C _boot depend ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C _boot/stdlib all # cd $(BOOT)/stdlib && ../../ ../../ mkdir -p $(BOOT)/compilerlibs ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C _boot ocamlc # cd $(BOOT) && ../ ../ # Remove dependency on $(BOOT)/ocamlc, because it seems to cause ocamlc to be rebuilt even if it was just built fullboot: cp $(BOOT)/ocamlc $(OCAMLSRC)/boot/ cp miniml/interp/lex.byte $(OCAMLSRC)/boot/ocamllex cp $(OCAMLSRC)/byterun/ocamlrun $(OCAMLSRC)/boot/ocamlrun$(EXE) touch $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib/.depend && ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib CAMLDEP="../boot/ocamlc -depend" depend ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib COMPILER="" CAMLC="../boot/ocamlc -use-prims ../byterun/primitives" all cd $(OCAMLSRC)/stdlib; cp stdlib.cma std_exit.cmo *.cmi camlheader ../boot cd $(OCAMLSRC)/boot; ln -sf ../byterun/libcamlrun.a . touch $(OCAMLSRC)/tools/.depend && ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/tools CAMLC="../boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../byterun/primitives -I .." make_opcodes cvt_emit touch $(OCAMLSRC)/lex/.depend && ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/lex CAMLDEP="../boot/ocamlc -depend" depend ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC) CAMLDEP="boot/ocamlc -depend" depend ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC) CAMLC="boot/ocamlc -nostdlib -I boot -use-prims byterun/primitives" ocamlc ./ $(MAKE) $(MAKEFLAGS) -C $(OCAMLSRC)/lex CAMLC="../boot/ocamlc -strict-sequence -nostdlib -I ../boot -use-prims ../byterun/primitives" all .PHONY: test-compiler test-compiler: $(OCAMLRUN) $(MAKE) -C miniml/compiler/test all OCAMLRUN=../../../$(OCAMLRUN) .PHONY: test-compiler-promote test-compiler-promote: $(OCAMLRUN) $(MAKE) -C miniml/compiler/test promote OCAMLRUN=../../../$(OCAMLRUN)