#include "quakedef.h" #include "image.h" #include "jpeg.h" #include "image_png.h" #include "r_shadow.h" int image_width; int image_height; static void Image_CopyAlphaFromBlueBGRA(unsigned char *outpixels, const unsigned char *inpixels, int w, int h) { int i, n; n = w * h; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) outpixels[4*i+3] = inpixels[4*i]; // blue channel } #if 1 // written by LordHavoc in a readable way, optimized by Vic, further optimized by LordHavoc (the non-special index case), readable version preserved below this void Image_CopyMux(unsigned char *outpixels, const unsigned char *inpixels, int inputwidth, int inputheight, qboolean inputflipx, qboolean inputflipy, qboolean inputflipdiagonal, int numoutputcomponents, int numinputcomponents, int *outputinputcomponentindices) { int index, c, x, y; const unsigned char *in, *line; int row_inc = (inputflipy ? -inputwidth : inputwidth) * numinputcomponents, col_inc = (inputflipx ? -1 : 1) * numinputcomponents; int row_ofs = (inputflipy ? (inputheight - 1) * inputwidth * numinputcomponents : 0), col_ofs = (inputflipx ? (inputwidth - 1) * numinputcomponents : 0); for (c = 0; c < numoutputcomponents; c++) if (outputinputcomponentindices[c] & 0x80000000) break; if (c < numoutputcomponents) { // special indices used if (inputflipdiagonal) { for (x = 0, line = inpixels + col_ofs; x < inputwidth; x++, line += col_inc) for (y = 0, in = line + row_ofs; y < inputheight; y++, in += row_inc, outpixels += numoutputcomponents) for (c = 0; c < numoutputcomponents; c++) outpixels[c] = ((index = outputinputcomponentindices[c]) & 0x80000000) ? index : in[index]; } else { for (y = 0, line = inpixels + row_ofs; y < inputheight; y++, line += row_inc) for (x = 0, in = line + col_ofs; x < inputwidth; x++, in += col_inc, outpixels += numoutputcomponents) for (c = 0; c < numoutputcomponents; c++) outpixels[c] = ((index = outputinputcomponentindices[c]) & 0x80000000) ? index : in[index]; } } else { // special indices not used if (inputflipdiagonal) { for (x = 0, line = inpixels + col_ofs; x < inputwidth; x++, line += col_inc) for (y = 0, in = line + row_ofs; y < inputheight; y++, in += row_inc, outpixels += numoutputcomponents) for (c = 0; c < numoutputcomponents; c++) outpixels[c] = in[outputinputcomponentindices[c]]; } else { for (y = 0, line = inpixels + row_ofs; y < inputheight; y++, line += row_inc) for (x = 0, in = line + col_ofs; x < inputwidth; x++, in += col_inc, outpixels += numoutputcomponents) for (c = 0; c < numoutputcomponents; c++) outpixels[c] = in[outputinputcomponentindices[c]]; } } } #else // intentionally readable version void Image_CopyMux(unsigned char *outpixels, const unsigned char *inpixels, int inputwidth, int inputheight, qboolean inputflipx, qboolean inputflipy, qboolean inputflipdiagonal, int numoutputcomponents, int numinputcomponents, int *outputinputcomponentindices) { int index, c, x, y; const unsigned char *in, *inrow, *incolumn; if (inputflipdiagonal) { for (x = 0;x < inputwidth;x++) { for (y = 0;y < inputheight;y++) { in = inpixels + ((inputflipy ? inputheight - 1 - y : y) * inputwidth + (inputflipx ? inputwidth - 1 - x : x)) * numinputcomponents; for (c = 0;c < numoutputcomponents;c++) { index = outputinputcomponentindices[c]; if (index & 0x80000000) *outpixels++ = index; else *outpixels++ = in[index]; } } } } else { for (y = 0;y < inputheight;y++) { for (x = 0;x < inputwidth;x++) { in = inpixels + ((inputflipy ? inputheight - 1 - y : y) * inputwidth + (inputflipx ? inputwidth - 1 - x : x)) * numinputcomponents; for (c = 0;c < numoutputcomponents;c++) { index = outputinputcomponentindices[c]; if (index & 0x80000000) *outpixels++ = index; else *outpixels++ = in[index]; } } } } } #endif void Image_GammaRemapRGB(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int pixels, const unsigned char *gammar, const unsigned char *gammag, const unsigned char *gammab) { while (pixels--) { out[0] = gammar[in[0]]; out[1] = gammag[in[1]]; out[2] = gammab[in[2]]; in += 3; out += 3; } } // note: pal must be 32bit color void Image_Copy8bitBGRA(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int pixels, const unsigned int *pal) { int *iout = (int *)out; while (pixels >= 8) { iout[0] = pal[in[0]]; iout[1] = pal[in[1]]; iout[2] = pal[in[2]]; iout[3] = pal[in[3]]; iout[4] = pal[in[4]]; iout[5] = pal[in[5]]; iout[6] = pal[in[6]]; iout[7] = pal[in[7]]; in += 8; iout += 8; pixels -= 8; } if (pixels & 4) { iout[0] = pal[in[0]]; iout[1] = pal[in[1]]; iout[2] = pal[in[2]]; iout[3] = pal[in[3]]; in += 4; iout += 4; } if (pixels & 2) { iout[0] = pal[in[0]]; iout[1] = pal[in[1]]; in += 2; iout += 2; } if (pixels & 1) iout[0] = pal[in[0]]; } /* ================================================================= PCX Loading ================================================================= */ typedef struct pcx_s { char manufacturer; char version; char encoding; char bits_per_pixel; unsigned short xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax; unsigned short hres,vres; unsigned char palette[48]; char reserved; char color_planes; unsigned short bytes_per_line; unsigned short palette_type; char filler[58]; } pcx_t; /* ============ LoadPCX ============ */ static unsigned char* LoadPCX_BGRA (const unsigned char *f, int filesize, int *miplevel) { pcx_t pcx; unsigned char *a, *b, *image_buffer, *pbuf; const unsigned char *palette, *fin, *enddata; int x, y, x2, dataByte; if (filesize < (int)sizeof(pcx) + 768) { Con_Print("Bad pcx file\n"); return NULL; } fin = f; memcpy(&pcx, fin, sizeof(pcx)); fin += sizeof(pcx); // LordHavoc: big-endian support ported from QF newtree pcx.xmax = LittleShort (pcx.xmax); pcx.xmin = LittleShort (pcx.xmin); pcx.ymax = LittleShort (pcx.ymax); pcx.ymin = LittleShort (pcx.ymin); pcx.hres = LittleShort (pcx.hres); pcx.vres = LittleShort (pcx.vres); pcx.bytes_per_line = LittleShort (pcx.bytes_per_line); pcx.palette_type = LittleShort (pcx.palette_type); image_width = pcx.xmax + 1 - pcx.xmin; image_height = pcx.ymax + 1 - pcx.ymin; if (pcx.manufacturer != 0x0a || pcx.version != 5 || pcx.encoding != 1 || pcx.bits_per_pixel != 8 || image_width > 32768 || image_height > 32768 || image_width <= 0 || image_height <= 0) { Con_Print("Bad pcx file\n"); return NULL; } palette = f + filesize - 768; image_buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, image_width*image_height*4); if (!image_buffer) { Con_Printf("LoadPCX: not enough memory for %i by %i image\n", image_width, image_height); return NULL; } pbuf = image_buffer + image_width*image_height*3; enddata = palette; for (y = 0;y < image_height && fin < enddata;y++) { a = pbuf + y * image_width; for (x = 0;x < image_width && fin < enddata;) { dataByte = *fin++; if(dataByte >= 0xC0) { if (fin >= enddata) break; x2 = x + (dataByte & 0x3F); dataByte = *fin++; if (x2 > image_width) x2 = image_width; // technically an error while(x < x2) a[x++] = dataByte; } else a[x++] = dataByte; } while(x < image_width) a[x++] = 0; } a = image_buffer; b = pbuf; for(x = 0;x < image_width*image_height;x++) { y = *b++ * 3; *a++ = palette[y+2]; *a++ = palette[y+1]; *a++ = palette[y]; *a++ = 255; } return image_buffer; } /* ============ LoadPCX ============ */ qboolean LoadPCX_QWSkin(const unsigned char *f, int filesize, unsigned char *pixels, int outwidth, int outheight) { pcx_t pcx; unsigned char *a; const unsigned char *fin, *enddata; int x, y, x2, dataByte, pcxwidth, pcxheight; if (filesize < (int)sizeof(pcx) + 768) return false; image_width = outwidth; image_height = outheight; fin = f; memcpy(&pcx, fin, sizeof(pcx)); fin += sizeof(pcx); // LordHavoc: big-endian support ported from QF newtree pcx.xmax = LittleShort (pcx.xmax); pcx.xmin = LittleShort (pcx.xmin); pcx.ymax = LittleShort (pcx.ymax); pcx.ymin = LittleShort (pcx.ymin); pcx.hres = LittleShort (pcx.hres); pcx.vres = LittleShort (pcx.vres); pcx.bytes_per_line = LittleShort (pcx.bytes_per_line); pcx.palette_type = LittleShort (pcx.palette_type); pcxwidth = pcx.xmax + 1 - pcx.xmin; pcxheight = pcx.ymax + 1 - pcx.ymin; if (pcx.manufacturer != 0x0a || pcx.version != 5 || pcx.encoding != 1 || pcx.bits_per_pixel != 8 || pcxwidth > 4096 || pcxheight > 4096 || pcxwidth <= 0 || pcxheight <= 0) return false; enddata = f + filesize - 768; for (y = 0;y < outheight && fin < enddata;y++) { a = pixels + y * outwidth; // pad the output with blank lines if needed if (y >= pcxheight) { memset(a, 0, outwidth); continue; } for (x = 0;x < pcxwidth;) { if (fin >= enddata) return false; dataByte = *fin++; if(dataByte >= 0xC0) { x2 = x + (dataByte & 0x3F); if (fin >= enddata) return false; if (x2 > pcxwidth) return false; dataByte = *fin++; for (;x < x2;x++) if (x < outwidth) a[x] = dataByte; } else { if (x < outwidth) // truncate to destination width a[x] = dataByte; x++; } } while(x < outwidth) a[x++] = 0; } return true; } /* ========================================================= TARGA LOADING ========================================================= */ typedef struct _TargaHeader { unsigned char id_length, colormap_type, image_type; unsigned short colormap_index, colormap_length; unsigned char colormap_size; unsigned short x_origin, y_origin, width, height; unsigned char pixel_size, attributes; } TargaHeader; static void PrintTargaHeader(TargaHeader *t) { Con_Printf("TargaHeader:\nuint8 id_length = %i;\nuint8 colormap_type = %i;\nuint8 image_type = %i;\nuint16 colormap_index = %i;\nuint16 colormap_length = %i;\nuint8 colormap_size = %i;\nuint16 x_origin = %i;\nuint16 y_origin = %i;\nuint16 width = %i;\nuint16 height = %i;\nuint8 pixel_size = %i;\nuint8 attributes = %i;\n", t->id_length, t->colormap_type, t->image_type, t->colormap_index, t->colormap_length, t->colormap_size, t->x_origin, t->y_origin, t->width, t->height, t->pixel_size, t->attributes); } /* ============= LoadTGA ============= */ unsigned char *LoadTGA_BGRA (const unsigned char *f, int filesize, int *miplevel) { int x, y, pix_inc, row_inci, runlen, alphabits; unsigned char *image_buffer; unsigned int *pixbufi; const unsigned char *fin, *enddata; TargaHeader targa_header; unsigned int palettei[256]; union { unsigned int i; unsigned char b[4]; } bgra; if (filesize < 19) return NULL; enddata = f + filesize; targa_header.id_length = f[0]; targa_header.colormap_type = f[1]; targa_header.image_type = f[2]; targa_header.colormap_index = f[3] + f[4] * 256; targa_header.colormap_length = f[5] + f[6] * 256; targa_header.colormap_size = f[7]; targa_header.x_origin = f[8] + f[9] * 256; targa_header.y_origin = f[10] + f[11] * 256; targa_header.width = image_width = f[12] + f[13] * 256; targa_header.height = image_height = f[14] + f[15] * 256; targa_header.pixel_size = f[16]; targa_header.attributes = f[17]; if (image_width > 32768 || image_height > 32768 || image_width <= 0 || image_height <= 0) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: invalid size\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } // advance to end of header fin = f + 18; // skip TARGA image comment (usually 0 bytes) fin += targa_header.id_length; // read/skip the colormap if present (note: according to the TARGA spec it // can be present even on truecolor or greyscale images, just not used by // the image data) if (targa_header.colormap_type) { if (targa_header.colormap_length > 256) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: only up to 256 colormap_length supported\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } if (targa_header.colormap_index) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: colormap_index not supported\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } if (targa_header.colormap_size == 24) { for (x = 0;x < targa_header.colormap_length;x++) { bgra.b[0] = *fin++; bgra.b[1] = *fin++; bgra.b[2] = *fin++; bgra.b[3] = 255; palettei[x] = bgra.i; } } else if (targa_header.colormap_size == 32) { memcpy(palettei, fin, targa_header.colormap_length*4); fin += targa_header.colormap_length * 4; } else { Con_Print("LoadTGA: Only 32 and 24 bit colormap_size supported\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } } // check our pixel_size restrictions according to image_type switch (targa_header.image_type & ~8) { case 2: if (targa_header.pixel_size != 24 && targa_header.pixel_size != 32) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: only 24bit and 32bit pixel sizes supported for type 2 and type 10 images\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } break; case 3: // set up a palette to make the loader easier for (x = 0;x < 256;x++) { bgra.b[0] = bgra.b[1] = bgra.b[2] = x; bgra.b[3] = 255; palettei[x] = bgra.i; } // fall through to colormap case case 1: if (targa_header.pixel_size != 8) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: only 8bit pixel size for type 1, 3, 9, and 11 images supported\n"); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } break; default: Con_Printf("LoadTGA: Only type 1, 2, 3, 9, 10, and 11 targa RGB images supported, image_type = %i\n", targa_header.image_type); PrintTargaHeader(&targa_header); return NULL; } if (targa_header.attributes & 0x10) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: origin must be in top left or bottom left, top right and bottom right are not supported\n"); return NULL; } // number of attribute bits per pixel, we only support 0 or 8 alphabits = targa_header.attributes & 0x0F; if (alphabits != 8 && alphabits != 0) { Con_Print("LoadTGA: only 0 or 8 attribute (alpha) bits supported\n"); return NULL; } image_buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, image_width * image_height * 4); if (!image_buffer) { Con_Printf("LoadTGA: not enough memory for %i by %i image\n", image_width, image_height); return NULL; } // If bit 5 of attributes isn't set, the image has been stored from bottom to top if ((targa_header.attributes & 0x20) == 0) { pixbufi = (unsigned int*)image_buffer + (image_height - 1)*image_width; row_inci = -image_width*2; } else { pixbufi = (unsigned int*)image_buffer; row_inci = 0; } pix_inc = 1; if ((targa_header.image_type & ~8) == 2) pix_inc = (targa_header.pixel_size + 7) / 8; switch (targa_header.image_type) { case 1: // colormapped, uncompressed case 3: // greyscale, uncompressed if (fin + image_width * image_height * pix_inc > enddata) break; for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++, pixbufi += row_inci) for (x = 0;x < image_width;x++) *pixbufi++ = palettei[*fin++]; break; case 2: // BGR or BGRA, uncompressed if (fin + image_width * image_height * pix_inc > enddata) break; if (targa_header.pixel_size == 32 && alphabits) { for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++) memcpy(pixbufi + y * (image_width + row_inci), fin + y * image_width * pix_inc, image_width*4); } else { for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++, pixbufi += row_inci) { for (x = 0;x < image_width;x++, fin += pix_inc) { bgra.b[0] = fin[0]; bgra.b[1] = fin[1]; bgra.b[2] = fin[2]; bgra.b[3] = 255; *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } } } break; case 9: // colormapped, RLE case 11: // greyscale, RLE for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++, pixbufi += row_inci) { for (x = 0;x < image_width;) { if (fin >= enddata) break; // error - truncated file runlen = *fin++; if (runlen & 0x80) { // RLE - all pixels the same color runlen += 1 - 0x80; if (fin + pix_inc > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width bgra.i = palettei[*fin++]; for (;runlen--;x++) *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } else { // uncompressed - all pixels different color runlen++; if (fin + pix_inc * runlen > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width for (;runlen--;x++) *pixbufi++ = palettei[*fin++]; } } if (x != image_width) { // pixbufi is useless now Con_Printf("LoadTGA: corrupt file\n"); break; } } break; case 10: // BGR or BGRA, RLE if (targa_header.pixel_size == 32 && alphabits) { for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++, pixbufi += row_inci) { for (x = 0;x < image_width;) { if (fin >= enddata) break; // error - truncated file runlen = *fin++; if (runlen & 0x80) { // RLE - all pixels the same color runlen += 1 - 0x80; if (fin + pix_inc > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width bgra.b[0] = fin[0]; bgra.b[1] = fin[1]; bgra.b[2] = fin[2]; bgra.b[3] = fin[3]; fin += pix_inc; for (;runlen--;x++) *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } else { // uncompressed - all pixels different color runlen++; if (fin + pix_inc * runlen > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width for (;runlen--;x++) { bgra.b[0] = fin[0]; bgra.b[1] = fin[1]; bgra.b[2] = fin[2]; bgra.b[3] = fin[3]; fin += pix_inc; *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } } } if (x != image_width) { // pixbufi is useless now Con_Printf("LoadTGA: corrupt file\n"); break; } } } else { for (y = 0;y < image_height;y++, pixbufi += row_inci) { for (x = 0;x < image_width;) { if (fin >= enddata) break; // error - truncated file runlen = *fin++; if (runlen & 0x80) { // RLE - all pixels the same color runlen += 1 - 0x80; if (fin + pix_inc > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width bgra.b[0] = fin[0]; bgra.b[1] = fin[1]; bgra.b[2] = fin[2]; bgra.b[3] = 255; fin += pix_inc; for (;runlen--;x++) *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } else { // uncompressed - all pixels different color runlen++; if (fin + pix_inc * runlen > enddata) break; // error - truncated file if (x + runlen > image_width) break; // error - line exceeds width for (;runlen--;x++) { bgra.b[0] = fin[0]; bgra.b[1] = fin[1]; bgra.b[2] = fin[2]; bgra.b[3] = 255; fin += pix_inc; *pixbufi++ = bgra.i; } } } if (x != image_width) { // pixbufi is useless now Con_Printf("LoadTGA: corrupt file\n"); break; } } } break; default: // unknown image_type break; } return image_buffer; } typedef struct q2wal_s { char name[32]; unsigned width, height; unsigned offsets[MIPLEVELS]; // four mip maps stored char animname[32]; // next frame in animation chain int flags; int contents; int value; } q2wal_t; static unsigned char *LoadWAL_BGRA (const unsigned char *f, int filesize, int *miplevel) { unsigned char *image_buffer; const q2wal_t *inwal = (const q2wal_t *)f; if (filesize < (int) sizeof(q2wal_t)) { Con_Print("LoadWAL: invalid WAL file\n"); return NULL; } image_width = LittleLong(inwal->width); image_height = LittleLong(inwal->height); if (image_width > 32768 || image_height > 32768 || image_width <= 0 || image_height <= 0) { Con_Printf("LoadWAL: invalid size %ix%i\n", image_width, image_height); return NULL; } if (filesize < (int) sizeof(q2wal_t) + (int) LittleLong(inwal->offsets[0]) + image_width * image_height) { Con_Print("LoadWAL: invalid WAL file\n"); return NULL; } image_buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, image_width * image_height * 4); if (!image_buffer) { Con_Printf("LoadWAL: not enough memory for %i by %i image\n", image_width, image_height); return NULL; } Image_Copy8bitBGRA(f + LittleLong(inwal->offsets[0]), image_buffer, image_width * image_height, palette_bgra_complete); return image_buffer; } void Image_StripImageExtension (const char *in, char *out, size_t size_out) { const char *ext; if (size_out == 0) return; ext = FS_FileExtension(in); if (ext && (!strcmp(ext, "tga") || !strcmp(ext, "pcx") || !strcmp(ext, "lmp") || !strcmp(ext, "png") || !strcmp(ext, "jpg"))) FS_StripExtension(in, out, size_out); else strlcpy(out, in, size_out); } static unsigned char image_linearfromsrgb[256]; static unsigned char image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[256]; void Image_MakeLinearColorsFromsRGB(unsigned char *pout, const unsigned char *pin, int numpixels) { int i; // this math from http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/EXT/texture_sRGB.txt if (!image_linearfromsrgb[255]) for (i = 0;i < 256;i++) image_linearfromsrgb[i] = (unsigned char)floor(Image_LinearFloatFromsRGB(i) * 255.0f + 0.5f); for (i = 0;i < numpixels;i++) { pout[i*4+0] = image_linearfromsrgb[pin[i*4+0]]; pout[i*4+1] = image_linearfromsrgb[pin[i*4+1]]; pout[i*4+2] = image_linearfromsrgb[pin[i*4+2]]; pout[i*4+3] = pin[i*4+3]; } } void Image_MakesRGBColorsFromLinear_Lightmap(unsigned char *pout, const unsigned char *pin, int numpixels) { int i; // this math from http://www.opengl.org/registry/specs/EXT/texture_sRGB.txt if (!image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[255]) for (i = 0;i < 256;i++) image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[i] = (unsigned char)floor(bound(0.0f, Image_sRGBFloatFromLinear_Lightmap(i), 1.0f) * 255.0f + 0.5f); for (i = 0;i < numpixels;i++) { pout[i*4+0] = image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[pin[i*4+0]]; pout[i*4+1] = image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[pin[i*4+1]]; pout[i*4+2] = image_srgbfromlinear_lightmap[pin[i*4+2]]; pout[i*4+3] = pin[i*4+3]; } } typedef struct imageformat_s { const char *formatstring; unsigned char *(*loadfunc)(const unsigned char *f, int filesize, int *miplevel); } imageformat_t; // GAME_TENEBRAE only imageformat_t imageformats_tenebrae[] = { {"override/%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"override/%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"override/%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"override/%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; imageformat_t imageformats_nopath[] = { {"override/%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"override/%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"override/%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"textures/%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"textures/%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"textures/%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; // GAME_DELUXEQUAKE only // VorteX: the point why i use such messy texture paths is // that GtkRadiant can't detect normal/gloss textures // and exclude them from texture browser // so i just use additional folder to store this textures imageformat_t imageformats_dq[] = { {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"texturemaps/%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"texturemaps/%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; imageformat_t imageformats_textures[] = { {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {"%s.wal", LoadWAL_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; imageformat_t imageformats_gfx[] = { {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; imageformat_t imageformats_other[] = { {"%s.tga", LoadTGA_BGRA}, {"%s.png", PNG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.jpg", JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA}, {"%s.pcx", LoadPCX_BGRA}, {NULL, NULL} }; int fixtransparentpixels(unsigned char *data, int w, int h); unsigned char *loadimagepixelsbgra (const char *filename, qboolean complain, qboolean allowFixtrans, qboolean convertsRGB, int *miplevel) { fs_offset_t filesize; imageformat_t *firstformat, *format; unsigned char *f, *data = NULL, *data2 = NULL; char basename[MAX_QPATH], name[MAX_QPATH], name2[MAX_QPATH], *c; char vabuf[1024]; //if (developer_memorydebug.integer) // Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal(); if (developer_texturelogging.integer) Log_Printf("textures.log", "%s\n", filename); Image_StripImageExtension(filename, basename, sizeof(basename)); // strip filename extensions to allow replacement by other types // replace *'s with #, so commandline utils don't get confused when dealing with the external files for (c = basename;*c;c++) if (*c == '*') *c = '#'; name[0] = 0; if (strchr(basename, '/')) { int i; for (i = 0;i < (int)sizeof(name)-1 && basename[i] != '/';i++) name[i] = basename[i]; name[i] = 0; } if (gamemode == GAME_TENEBRAE) firstformat = imageformats_tenebrae; else if (gamemode == GAME_DELUXEQUAKE) firstformat = imageformats_dq; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "textures")) firstformat = imageformats_textures; else if (!strcasecmp(name, "gfx")) firstformat = imageformats_gfx; else if (!strchr(basename, '/')) firstformat = imageformats_nopath; else firstformat = imageformats_other; // now try all the formats in the selected list for (format = firstformat;format->formatstring;format++) { dpsnprintf (name, sizeof(name), format->formatstring, basename); f = FS_LoadFile(name, tempmempool, true, &filesize); if (f) { int mymiplevel = miplevel ? *miplevel : 0; data = format->loadfunc(f, (int)filesize, &mymiplevel); Mem_Free(f); if (data) { if(format->loadfunc == JPEG_LoadImage_BGRA) // jpeg can't do alpha, so let's simulate it by loading another jpeg { dpsnprintf (name2, sizeof(name2), format->formatstring, va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s_alpha", basename)); f = FS_LoadFile(name2, tempmempool, true, &filesize); if(f) { int mymiplevel2 = miplevel ? *miplevel : 0; data2 = format->loadfunc(f, (int)filesize, &mymiplevel2); if(data2 && mymiplevel == mymiplevel2) Image_CopyAlphaFromBlueBGRA(data, data2, image_width, image_height); else Con_Printf("loadimagepixelsrgba: corrupt or invalid alpha image %s_alpha\n", basename); if(data2) Mem_Free(data2); Mem_Free(f); } } if (developer_loading.integer) Con_TimePrintf("loaded image %s (%dx%d)\n", name, image_width, image_height); if(miplevel) *miplevel = mymiplevel; //if (developer_memorydebug.integer) // Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal(); if(allowFixtrans && r_fixtrans_auto.integer) { int n = fixtransparentpixels(data, image_width, image_height); if(n) { Con_Printf("- had to fix %s (%d pixels changed)\n", name, n); if(r_fixtrans_auto.integer >= 2) { char outfilename[MAX_QPATH], buf[MAX_QPATH]; Image_StripImageExtension(name, buf, sizeof(buf)); dpsnprintf(outfilename, sizeof(outfilename), "fixtrans/%s.tga", buf); Image_WriteTGABGRA(outfilename, image_width, image_height, data); Con_Printf("- %s written.\n", outfilename); } } } if (convertsRGB) Image_MakeLinearColorsFromsRGB(data, data, image_width * image_height); return data; } else Con_DPrintf("Error loading image %s (file loaded but decode failed)\n", name); } } if (complain) { Con_Printf("Couldn't load %s using ", filename); for (format = firstformat;format->formatstring;format++) { dpsnprintf (name, sizeof(name), format->formatstring, basename); Con_Printf(format == firstformat ? "\"%s\"" : (format[1].formatstring ? ", \"%s\"" : " or \"%s\".\n"), format->formatstring); } } // texture loading can take a while, so make sure we're sending keepalives CL_KeepaliveMessage(false); //if (developer_memorydebug.integer) // Mem_CheckSentinelsGlobal(); return NULL; } extern cvar_t gl_picmip; rtexture_t *loadtextureimage (rtexturepool_t *pool, const char *filename, qboolean complain, int flags, qboolean allowFixtrans, qboolean sRGB) { unsigned char *data; rtexture_t *rt; int miplevel = R_PicmipForFlags(flags); if (!(data = loadimagepixelsbgra (filename, complain, allowFixtrans, false, &miplevel))) return 0; rt = R_LoadTexture2D(pool, filename, image_width, image_height, data, sRGB ? TEXTYPE_SRGB_BGRA : TEXTYPE_BGRA, flags, miplevel, NULL); Mem_Free(data); return rt; } int fixtransparentpixels(unsigned char *data, int w, int h) { int const FIXTRANS_NEEDED = 1; int const FIXTRANS_HAS_L = 2; int const FIXTRANS_HAS_R = 4; int const FIXTRANS_HAS_U = 8; int const FIXTRANS_HAS_D = 16; int const FIXTRANS_FIXED = 32; unsigned char *fixMask = (unsigned char *) Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, w * h); int fixPixels = 0; int changedPixels = 0; int x, y; #define FIXTRANS_PIXEL (y*w+x) #define FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U (((y+h-1)%h)*w+x) #define FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D (((y+1)%h)*w+x) #define FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L (y*w+((x+w-1)%w)) #define FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R (y*w+((x+1)%w)) memset(fixMask, 0, w * h); for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < w; ++x) { if(data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 3] == 0) { fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] |= FIXTRANS_NEEDED; ++fixPixels; } else { fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_U; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_D; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_L; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_R; } } if(fixPixels == w * h) return 0; // sorry, can't do anything about this while(fixPixels) { for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < w; ++x) if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_NEEDED) { unsigned int sumR = 0, sumG = 0, sumB = 0, sumA = 0, sumRA = 0, sumGA = 0, sumBA = 0, cnt = 0; unsigned char r, g, b, a, r0, g0, b0; if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_HAS_U) { r = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U * 4 + 2]; g = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U * 4 + 1]; b = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U * 4 + 0]; a = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U * 4 + 3]; sumR += r; sumG += g; sumB += b; sumA += a; sumRA += r*a; sumGA += g*a; sumBA += b*a; ++cnt; } if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_HAS_D) { r = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D * 4 + 2]; g = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D * 4 + 1]; b = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D * 4 + 0]; a = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D * 4 + 3]; sumR += r; sumG += g; sumB += b; sumA += a; sumRA += r*a; sumGA += g*a; sumBA += b*a; ++cnt; } if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_HAS_L) { r = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L * 4 + 2]; g = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L * 4 + 1]; b = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L * 4 + 0]; a = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L * 4 + 3]; sumR += r; sumG += g; sumB += b; sumA += a; sumRA += r*a; sumGA += g*a; sumBA += b*a; ++cnt; } if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_HAS_R) { r = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R * 4 + 2]; g = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R * 4 + 1]; b = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R * 4 + 0]; a = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R * 4 + 3]; sumR += r; sumG += g; sumB += b; sumA += a; sumRA += r*a; sumGA += g*a; sumBA += b*a; ++cnt; } if(!cnt) continue; r0 = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 2]; g0 = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 1]; b0 = data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 0]; if(sumA) { // there is a surrounding non-alpha pixel r = (sumRA + sumA / 2) / sumA; g = (sumGA + sumA / 2) / sumA; b = (sumBA + sumA / 2) / sumA; } else { // need to use a "regular" average r = (sumR + cnt / 2) / cnt; g = (sumG + cnt / 2) / cnt; b = (sumB + cnt / 2) / cnt; } if(r != r0 || g != g0 || b != b0) ++changedPixels; data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 2] = r; data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 1] = g; data[FIXTRANS_PIXEL * 4 + 0] = b; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] |= FIXTRANS_FIXED; } for(y = 0; y < h; ++y) for(x = 0; x < w; ++x) if(fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] & FIXTRANS_FIXED) { fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL] &= ~(FIXTRANS_NEEDED | FIXTRANS_FIXED); fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_D] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_U; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_U] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_D; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_R] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_L; fixMask[FIXTRANS_PIXEL_L] |= FIXTRANS_HAS_R; --fixPixels; } } return changedPixels; } void Image_FixTransparentPixels_f(void) { const char *filename, *filename_pattern; fssearch_t *search; int i, n; char outfilename[MAX_QPATH], buf[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned char *data; if(Cmd_Argc() != 2) { Con_Printf("Usage: %s imagefile\n", Cmd_Argv(0)); return; } filename_pattern = Cmd_Argv(1); search = FS_Search(filename_pattern, true, true); if(!search) return; for(i = 0; i < search->numfilenames; ++i) { filename = search->filenames[i]; Con_Printf("Processing %s... ", filename); Image_StripImageExtension(filename, buf, sizeof(buf)); dpsnprintf(outfilename, sizeof(outfilename), "fixtrans/%s.tga", buf); if(!(data = loadimagepixelsbgra(filename, true, false, false, NULL))) return; if((n = fixtransparentpixels(data, image_width, image_height))) { Image_WriteTGABGRA(outfilename, image_width, image_height, data); Con_Printf("%s written (%d pixels changed).\n", outfilename, n); } else Con_Printf("unchanged.\n"); Mem_Free(data); } FS_FreeSearch(search); } qboolean Image_WriteTGABGR_preflipped (const char *filename, int width, int height, const unsigned char *data) { qboolean ret; unsigned char buffer[18]; const void *buffers[2]; fs_offset_t sizes[2]; memset (buffer, 0, 18); buffer[2] = 2; // uncompressed type buffer[12] = (width >> 0) & 0xFF; buffer[13] = (width >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[14] = (height >> 0) & 0xFF; buffer[15] = (height >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[16] = 24; // pixel size buffers[0] = buffer; sizes[0] = 18; buffers[1] = data; sizes[1] = width*height*3; ret = FS_WriteFileInBlocks(filename, buffers, sizes, 2); return ret; } qboolean Image_WriteTGABGRA (const char *filename, int width, int height, const unsigned char *data) { int y; unsigned char *buffer, *out; const unsigned char *in, *end; qboolean ret; buffer = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, width*height*4 + 18); memset (buffer, 0, 18); buffer[2] = 2; // uncompressed type buffer[12] = (width >> 0) & 0xFF; buffer[13] = (width >> 8) & 0xFF; buffer[14] = (height >> 0) & 0xFF; buffer[15] = (height >> 8) & 0xFF; for (y = 3;y < width*height*4;y += 4) if (data[y] < 255) break; if (y < width*height*4) { // save the alpha channel buffer[16] = 32; // pixel size buffer[17] = 8; // 8 bits of alpha // flip upside down out = buffer + 18; for (y = height - 1;y >= 0;y--) { memcpy(out, data + y * width * 4, width * 4); out += width*4; } } else { // save only the color channels buffer[16] = 24; // pixel size buffer[17] = 0; // 8 bits of alpha // truncate bgra to bgr and flip upside down out = buffer + 18; for (y = height - 1;y >= 0;y--) { in = data + y * width * 4; end = in + width * 4; for (;in < end;in += 4) { *out++ = in[0]; *out++ = in[1]; *out++ = in[2]; } } } ret = FS_WriteFile (filename, buffer, out - buffer); Mem_Free(buffer); return ret; } static void Image_Resample32LerpLine (const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int inwidth, int outwidth) { int j, xi, oldx = 0, f, fstep, endx, lerp; fstep = (int) (inwidth*65536.0f/outwidth); endx = (inwidth-1); for (j = 0,f = 0;j < outwidth;j++, f += fstep) { xi = f >> 16; if (xi != oldx) { in += (xi - oldx) * 4; oldx = xi; } if (xi < endx) { lerp = f & 0xFFFF; *out++ = (unsigned char) ((((in[4] - in[0]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[0]); *out++ = (unsigned char) ((((in[5] - in[1]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[1]); *out++ = (unsigned char) ((((in[6] - in[2]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[2]); *out++ = (unsigned char) ((((in[7] - in[3]) * lerp) >> 16) + in[3]); } else // last pixel of the line has no pixel to lerp to { *out++ = in[0]; *out++ = in[1]; *out++ = in[2]; *out++ = in[3]; } } } #define LERPBYTE(i) r = resamplerow1[i];out[i] = (unsigned char) ((((resamplerow2[i] - r) * lerp) >> 16) + r) static void Image_Resample32Lerp(const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight) { int i, j, r, yi, oldy, f, fstep, lerp, endy = (inheight-1), inwidth4 = inwidth*4, outwidth4 = outwidth*4; unsigned char *out; const unsigned char *inrow; unsigned char *resamplerow1; unsigned char *resamplerow2; out = (unsigned char *)outdata; fstep = (int) (inheight*65536.0f/outheight); resamplerow1 = (unsigned char *)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, outwidth*4*2); resamplerow2 = resamplerow1 + outwidth*4; inrow = (const unsigned char *)indata; oldy = 0; Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, resamplerow1, inwidth, outwidth); Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow + inwidth4, resamplerow2, inwidth, outwidth); for (i = 0, f = 0;i < outheight;i++,f += fstep) { yi = f >> 16; if (yi < endy) { lerp = f & 0xFFFF; if (yi != oldy) { inrow = (unsigned char *)indata + inwidth4*yi; if (yi == oldy+1) memcpy(resamplerow1, resamplerow2, outwidth4); else Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, resamplerow1, inwidth, outwidth); Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow + inwidth4, resamplerow2, inwidth, outwidth); oldy = yi; } j = outwidth - 4; while(j >= 0) { LERPBYTE( 0); LERPBYTE( 1); LERPBYTE( 2); LERPBYTE( 3); LERPBYTE( 4); LERPBYTE( 5); LERPBYTE( 6); LERPBYTE( 7); LERPBYTE( 8); LERPBYTE( 9); LERPBYTE(10); LERPBYTE(11); LERPBYTE(12); LERPBYTE(13); LERPBYTE(14); LERPBYTE(15); out += 16; resamplerow1 += 16; resamplerow2 += 16; j -= 4; } if (j & 2) { LERPBYTE( 0); LERPBYTE( 1); LERPBYTE( 2); LERPBYTE( 3); LERPBYTE( 4); LERPBYTE( 5); LERPBYTE( 6); LERPBYTE( 7); out += 8; resamplerow1 += 8; resamplerow2 += 8; } if (j & 1) { LERPBYTE( 0); LERPBYTE( 1); LERPBYTE( 2); LERPBYTE( 3); out += 4; resamplerow1 += 4; resamplerow2 += 4; } resamplerow1 -= outwidth4; resamplerow2 -= outwidth4; } else { if (yi != oldy) { inrow = (unsigned char *)indata + inwidth4*yi; if (yi == oldy+1) memcpy(resamplerow1, resamplerow2, outwidth4); else Image_Resample32LerpLine (inrow, resamplerow1, inwidth, outwidth); oldy = yi; } memcpy(out, resamplerow1, outwidth4); } } Mem_Free(resamplerow1); resamplerow1 = NULL; resamplerow2 = NULL; } static void Image_Resample32Nolerp(const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight) { int i, j; unsigned frac, fracstep; // relies on int being 4 bytes int *inrow, *out; out = (int *)outdata; fracstep = inwidth*0x10000/outwidth; for (i = 0;i < outheight;i++) { inrow = (int *)indata + inwidth*(i*inheight/outheight); frac = fracstep >> 1; j = outwidth - 4; while (j >= 0) { out[0] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out[1] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out[2] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out[3] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out += 4; j -= 4; } if (j & 2) { out[0] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out[1] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out += 2; } if (j & 1) { out[0] = inrow[frac >> 16];frac += fracstep; out += 1; } } } /* ================ Image_Resample ================ */ void Image_Resample32(const void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, int indepth, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight, int outdepth, int quality) { if (indepth != 1 || outdepth != 1) { Con_Printf ("Image_Resample: 3D resampling not supported\n"); return; } if (quality) Image_Resample32Lerp(indata, inwidth, inheight, outdata, outwidth, outheight); else Image_Resample32Nolerp(indata, inwidth, inheight, outdata, outwidth, outheight); } // in can be the same as out void Image_MipReduce32(const unsigned char *in, unsigned char *out, int *width, int *height, int *depth, int destwidth, int destheight, int destdepth) { const unsigned char *inrow; int x, y, nextrow; if (*depth != 1 || destdepth != 1) { Con_Printf ("Image_Resample: 3D resampling not supported\n"); if (*width > destwidth) *width >>= 1; if (*height > destheight) *height >>= 1; if (*depth > destdepth) *depth >>= 1; return; } // note: if given odd width/height this discards the last row/column of // pixels, rather than doing a proper box-filter scale down inrow = in; nextrow = *width * 4; if (*width > destwidth) { *width >>= 1; if (*height > destheight) { // reduce both *height >>= 1; for (y = 0;y < *height;y++, inrow += nextrow * 2) { for (in = inrow, x = 0;x < *width;x++) { out[0] = (unsigned char) ((in[0] + in[4] + in[nextrow ] + in[nextrow+4]) >> 2); out[1] = (unsigned char) ((in[1] + in[5] + in[nextrow+1] + in[nextrow+5]) >> 2); out[2] = (unsigned char) ((in[2] + in[6] + in[nextrow+2] + in[nextrow+6]) >> 2); out[3] = (unsigned char) ((in[3] + in[7] + in[nextrow+3] + in[nextrow+7]) >> 2); out += 4; in += 8; } } } else { // reduce width for (y = 0;y < *height;y++, inrow += nextrow) { for (in = inrow, x = 0;x < *width;x++) { out[0] = (unsigned char) ((in[0] + in[4]) >> 1); out[1] = (unsigned char) ((in[1] + in[5]) >> 1); out[2] = (unsigned char) ((in[2] + in[6]) >> 1); out[3] = (unsigned char) ((in[3] + in[7]) >> 1); out += 4; in += 8; } } } } else { if (*height > destheight) { // reduce height *height >>= 1; for (y = 0;y < *height;y++, inrow += nextrow * 2) { for (in = inrow, x = 0;x < *width;x++) { out[0] = (unsigned char) ((in[0] + in[nextrow ]) >> 1); out[1] = (unsigned char) ((in[1] + in[nextrow+1]) >> 1); out[2] = (unsigned char) ((in[2] + in[nextrow+2]) >> 1); out[3] = (unsigned char) ((in[3] + in[nextrow+3]) >> 1); out += 4; in += 4; } } } else Con_Printf ("Image_MipReduce: desired size already achieved\n"); } } void Image_HeightmapToNormalmap_BGRA(const unsigned char *inpixels, unsigned char *outpixels, int width, int height, int clamp, float bumpscale) { int x, y, x1, x2, y1, y2; const unsigned char *b, *row[3]; int p[5]; unsigned char *out; float ibumpscale, n[3]; ibumpscale = (255.0f * 6.0f) / bumpscale; out = outpixels; for (y = 0, y1 = height-1;y < height;y1 = y, y++) { y2 = y + 1;if (y2 >= height) y2 = 0; row[0] = inpixels + (y1 * width) * 4; row[1] = inpixels + (y * width) * 4; row[2] = inpixels + (y2 * width) * 4; for (x = 0, x1 = width-1;x < width;x1 = x, x++) { x2 = x + 1;if (x2 >= width) x2 = 0; // left, right b = row[1] + x1 * 4;p[0] = (b[0] + b[1] + b[2]); b = row[1] + x2 * 4;p[1] = (b[0] + b[1] + b[2]); // above, below b = row[0] + x * 4;p[2] = (b[0] + b[1] + b[2]); b = row[2] + x * 4;p[3] = (b[0] + b[1] + b[2]); // center b = row[1] + x * 4;p[4] = (b[0] + b[1] + b[2]); // calculate a normal from the slopes n[0] = p[0] - p[1]; n[1] = p[3] - p[2]; n[2] = ibumpscale; VectorNormalize(n); // turn it into a dot3 rgb vector texture out[2] = (int)(128.0f + n[0] * 127.0f); out[1] = (int)(128.0f + n[1] * 127.0f); out[0] = (int)(128.0f + n[2] * 127.0f); out[3] = (p[4]) / 3; out += 4; } } }