/* This file controls the visibility of various error messages and groups of error messages, or “message classes”. It can be selectively overridden using a dictionary called “logging-enable” in Oolite’s preferences which allows you to reduce the flow of log messages to a more managable quantity. classes which are related, but not hierarchically, can be controlled using metaclasses, whose names start with a $. See $error etc. below for examples. Log output can be modified using the following preference keys: logging-show-app-name logging-show-class logging-show-function logging-show-file-and-line logging-echo-to-stderr “logging-show-class” defaults to YES. The others default to NO. “logging-echo-to-stderr” is specific to Mac OS X and causes log information to be printed to the standard error file (generally viewable in the Console utility) in addition to the log file. NOTE: the GNUstep plist parser cannot parse this file, presumably because of the $s. Until this is properly analyzed, an XML version is used instead. The XML version is automatically generated from this version when building with Xcode under OS X. */ { /*** Special message classes ***/ _default = yes; // Fallback value for otherwise undefined classes. Must be yes or no. // _override = yes; // Use to force display of all messages (or suppress all messages). Must be yes or no. /*** Metaclasses ***/ $error = yes; // Most errors, ranging from minor to major. Should probably always be enabled. $scriptError = $error; $aiError = $scriptError; $shaderError = $error; $troubleShootingDump = yes; $entityState = no; $scriptDebugOn = no; // This metaclass is set by the debugOn and debugOff script actions. $shaderDebugOn = no; // Enabled by 's' key while paused, disabled by 'n' while paused. /*** Common programming problems ***/ general.error = $error; general.error.subclassResponsibility = inherit; general.error.parameterError = inherit; general.error.deprecatedMethod = inherit; general.error.inconsistentState = inherit; exception = yes; files.notFound = $error; // Failure to load a file. files.notLoaded = $error; // A file should have been loaded at some earlier point, but wasn’t. /*** Old-style logging calls ***/ unclassified = inherit; /*** Module-specific message classes ***/ ai = yes; // AI messages are sent if a ship's reportAIMessages property is set, for instance through the JavaScript console. ai.message.receive = inherit; ai.takeAction.takeAction = inherit; ai.takeAction.noAction = inherit; ai.takeAction.orphaned = $error; ai.takeAction.debugMessage = inherit; ai.takeAction.badSelector = inherit; ai.pop = inherit; ai.error.recursion = $aiError; ai.setTakeOffFromPlanet.noPlanet = $aiError; ai.suggestEscort = inherit; ai.suggestEscort.refused = inherit; ai.rollD.invalidValue = $aiError; ai.syntax.setCoordinates = $aiError; beacon.list = $scriptDebugOn; beacon.list.flightTraining = inherit; character = inherit; character.load.unknownSystem = inherit; $dataCacheStatus = yes; $dataCacheError = $error; $dataCacheDebug = no; dataCache.found = no; // $dataCacheStatus; // Generally redundant since it will be folllowed by .upToDate or .rebuild.* dataCache.upToDate = $dataCacheStatus; dataCache.notFound = $dataCacheError; dataCache.rebuild = $dataCacheStatus; dataCache.rebuild.pathsChanged = inherit; dataCache.rebuild.datesChanged = inherit; dataCache.rebuild.explicitFlush = inherit; dataCache.removedOld = $dataCacheStatus; dataCache.write.success = $dataCacheStatus; dataCache.write.buildPath.failed = $dataCacheError; dataCache.write.failed = $dataCacheError; dataCache.write.serialize.failed = $dataCacheError; dataCache.retrieve.success = $dataCacheDebug; dataCache.retrieve.failed = $dataCacheDebug; dataCache.set.success = $dataCacheDebug; dataCache.set.failed = $dataCacheError; dataCache.remove.success = $dataCacheDebug; dataCache.clear.success = $dataCacheDebug; dataCache.prune = $dataCacheDebug; display.modes.noneFound = $error; display.context.create.failed = $error; display.mode.found = no; display.mode.found.failed = $error; display.mode.list = no; display.mode.list.none = $error; display.mode.list.native.failed = $error; display.mode.switch.failed = $error; display.mode.unknown = $error; display.initGL = no; $linkedListError = $error; entity.behaviour.changed = $entityState; entity.linkedList = inherit; // Management/verification of the lists used to track the relative position of entities. entity.linkedList.add = inherit; entity.linkedList.add.error = $linkedListError; entity.linkedList.remove = inherit; entity.linkedList.remove.error = $linkedListError; entity.linkedList.verify = no; //$linkedListError; // Non-fatal errors that look scary. entity.linkedList.verify.error = inherit; entity.linkedList.verify.rebuild = inherit; entity.linkedList.update.error = $linkedListError; equip.buy.mounted = no; equip.buy.mounted.failed = $scriptError; gui.reset = no; input.keyMapping.codeOutOfRange = inherit; input.keyMapping.keyPress = no; input.keyMapping.keyPress.keyDown = inherit; input.keyMapping.keyPress.keyUp = inherit; iTunesIntegration.failed = $error; joystickHandler.init = yes; mesh.load.error = $error; mesh.load.error.fileNotFound = inherit; mesh.load.error.tooManyVertices = inherit; mesh.load.error.tooManyFaces = inherit; mesh.load.octree.size = no; oxp.versionMismatch = $error; $plistError = $error; plist.parse.foundation.failed = $plistError; plist.wrongType = $plistError; plist.homebrew.badEncoding = $plistError; plist.homebrew.exception = $plistError; plist.homebrew.parseError = $plistError; plist.homebrew.parseWarning = $plistError; plist.homebrew.tokenize.trace = no; // Log details of first stage of homebrew parsing. Extremely verbose! plist.homebrew.interpret.trace = no; // Log details of second stage of homebrew parsing. Also extremely verbose! plist.homebrew.success = yes; rendering.opengl.error = no; // Test for and display OpenGL errors rendering.opengl.version = $troubleShootingDump; // Display renderer version information at startup rendering.opengl.extensions = $troubleShootingDump; // List OpenGL extensions at startup rendering.opengl.shader.support = $troubleShootingDump; // Messages about factors influencing availability of OpenGL shaders rendering.opengl.stateDump = yes; // Dump of OpenGL state (debug tool, currently unused) rendering.opengl.shader.uniform = $shaderDebugOn; resourceManager.foundFile = off; // Tells you where all assets (models, textures, sounds) are found. Very verbose! save.failed = yes; save.success = no; quickSave.failed = yes; load.failed = yes; setup.ship.badEntry.subentities = inherit; script.addShips.failed = $scriptError; script.missionDescription.noMissionText = inherit; script.missionDescription.noMissionKey = inherit; script.debug = $scriptDebugOn; script.debug.message = inherit; // debugMessage: script action script.debug.onOff = inherit; // debugOn/debugOff script actions script.debug.processSceneString.addScene = inherit; script.debug.processSceneString.addModel = inherit; script.debug.processSceneString.addLocalPlanet = inherit; script.debug.processSceneString.addTargetPlanet = inherit; script.debug.processSceneString.addBillboard = inherit; script.debug.setSunNovaIn = inherit; script.debug.note = inherit; script.debug.note.awardCargo = inherit; script.debug.note.removeAllCargo = inherit; script.debug.note.useSpecialCargo = inherit; script.debug.note.addShips = inherit; script.debug.note.set = inherit; script.debug.note.showShipyardModel = inherit; script.debug.note.showShipModel = inherit; script.debug.note.setFuelLeak = inherit; script.debug.note.addPlanet = inherit; script.debug.note.replaceVariablesInString = inherit; script.debug.note.processSceneString = inherit; script.debug.note.testCondition = no; script.debug.trace = off; // Trace messages are very verbose, printing at least one message per script action. They are not available at all in release versions. script.debug.trace.scriptAction = inherit; // Messages for each legacy script action executed. script.debug.trace.testCondition = inherit; // Messages for each legacy script condition evaluated. script.debug.trace.testCondition.checkingVariable = inherit; // Messages for tests of mission/local variables in script conditions. script.debug.trace.testCondition.testValues = inherit; // Messages for string and number comparisons. script.debug.trace.testCondition.oneOf = inherit; // Messages for "oneof" tests. script.debug.syntax = $scriptError; // Messages relating to script formatting script.debug.syntax.badConditional = inherit; script.debug.syntax.badComparison = inherit; script.debug.syntax.action = inherit; script.debug.syntax.action.noneSpecified = inherit; script.debug.syntax.action.badSelector = inherit; script.debug.syntax.action.badElement = inherit; script.debug.syntax.scriptCondition.noneSpecified = inherit; script.debug.syntax.setPlanetInfo = inherit; script.debug.syntax.awardCargo = inherit; script.debug.syntax.messageShipAIs = inherit; script.debug.syntax.addShips = inherit; script.debug.syntax.set = inherit; script.debug.syntax.reset = inherit; script.debug.syntax.subtract = inherit; script.error = $scriptError; script.error.removeAllCargo.notDocked = inherit; script.error.addPlanet.keyNotFound = inherit; script.error.addPlanet.noPosition = inherit; script.error.exception = inherit; script.javaScript.load.success = no; script.javaScript.load.failed = $scriptError; script.javaScript.init.success = no; script.javaScript.init.error = $error; // Fatal start-up error script.javaScript.call.badSelector = $scriptError; script.javaScript.error = $scriptError; script.javaScript.exception = $scriptError; script.javaScript.warning = $scriptError; script.javaScript.badParameter = $scriptError; script.javaScript.context.create = no; script.load = no; script.load.badName = $scriptError; script.load.notFound = $scriptError; script.load.parseOK = inherit; script.load.unnamed = $scriptError; script.load.exception = $error; script.load.world.listAll = $troubleShootingDump; // List names and versions of all loaded world scripts at startup. script.plist.run.badTarget = $error; script.trace = no; script.trace.runWorld = inherit; script.trace.plist.run = inherit; script.trace.javaScript.call = inherit; // Prints selector and parameter string on Player.call() script.deprecated.scriptActionOnTarget = $scriptError; // Warning not to use scriptActionOnTarget: sdl.init = no; sdl.init.failed = $error; sdl.init.audio.failed = $error; searchPaths.dumpAll = $troubleShootingDump; $shaderDebug = $shaderDebugOn; $shaderError = $error; shader.load.noShader = $error; shader.uniform = $shaderDebug; shader.uniform.set = inherit; // Successfully set a uniform. shader.uniform.unSet = inherit; // A uniform went unset or was cleared (either because there was no matching uniform in the shader, or the new uniform could not be set up). shader.uniform.badDescription = inherit; // A uniform specified in shipdata.plist could not be set up, because the configuration could not be understood. shader.uniform.bind.failed = inherit; // Problem setting up uniform bound to an object property. shader.vessel.init = $shaderDebug; shader.compile.vertex.failure = $shaderError; shader.compile.fragment.failure = $shaderError; shader.link.failure = $shaderError; ship.noPrimaryRole = no; ship.escort.reject = no; shipData.load.shipyard.unknown = no; // Warning for when shipyard.plist entries do not have matching shipdata.plist entry, disabled by default for Realistic Shipyards OXP. shipData.load.begin = yes; shipData.load.done = no; sky.setup = no; sounds.customSounds.recursion = $error; // Circular dependency in customsounds.plist, e.g. [foo] = [bar], [bar] = [foo]. strings.conversion = $scriptError; // Conversion of text to values (vectors, quaternions etc) strings.conversion.vector = inherit; strings.conversion.quaternion = inherit; strings.conversion.vectorAndQuaternion = inherit; strings.conversion.randomSeed = inherit; sun.nova = no; // Debug messages for nova texture.planet.generate = inherit; $textureDebug = no; texture.load.noName = $error; texture.dealloc = $textureDebug; texture.upload = $textureDebug; textureCache = $textureDebug; textureLoader.asyncLoad = $textureDebug; textureLoader.asyncLoad.done = inherit; textureLoader.asyncLoad.exception = $error; textureLoader.block = $textureDebug; textureLoader.block.done = inherit; textureLoader.detachThreads.failed = $error; textureLoader.queueTask.inconsistency = $error; textureLoader.unknownType = $error; universe.populate = no; // “Populating a system with…” message when generating a star system universe.populate.witchspace = inherit; universe.setup.badStation = $scriptError; // Message generated if the main station turns out not to be a station (for instance, this could happen if a non-station ship had the role coriolis). verifyOXP.verbose = no; /*** Mac OS X/Cocoa-specific ***/ growl.error = $error; growl.debug = no; $soundError = $error; $soundDebug = no; $soundDebugVerbose = $soundDebug; sound.channel.cleanup.success = $soundDebugVerbose; sound.channel.cleanup.failed = $soundError; sound.channel.cleanup.failed.broken = inherit; sound.channel.cleanup.failed.badState = inherit; sound.channel.machPortError = $soundError; sound.initialization = inherit; sound.initialization.error = $soundError; sound.load.success = $soundDebug; sound.load.failed = $soundError; sound.mixer.outOfChannels = $soundError; sound.mixer.inspector.loadFailed = $soundError; sound.mixer.replacingBrokenChannel = $soundDebug; sound.mixer.failedToConnectChannel = $soundError; sound.play.success = $soundDebugVerbose; sound.play.failed = $soundError; sound.play.failed.badReuse = inherit; sound.play.failed.setupFailed = inherit; sound.play.failed.auError = inherit; sound.render.undexpectedNull = $soundError; sound.streaming.refill = $soundDebugVerbose; sound.streaming.loop = $soundDebug; sound.streaming.underflow = $soundError; sound.virtualringbuffer = $soundError; sound.streaming.releaseContext = $soundDebug; sound.invalidBeep = inherit; }