{ "constrictor-mission-thief" = { "random_seed" = "1 3 5 7 11 13"; // fix the name and details, but use the key to keep it secret bounty = 1000; // not actually used, we do the reward in the script origin = 7; // system number seven (Lave in Galaxy 0) "script_actions" = ( /* check if docked print congratulatory message from the Imperial Navy award a special bounty */ { conditions = ( "status_string equal STATUS_DOCKED" ); do = ( { conditions = ( "gui_screen_string notequal GUI_SCREEN_MISSION" ); do = ( "setMissionMusic: none", "setMissionImage: none", "showShipModel: none", "setGuiToMissionScreen" ); }, "awardCredits: 1000", "addMissionText: conhunt-thief-captured" ); } ); }; }