( ( 0, 2, "Fuel", "EQ_FUEL", "Fuel for the witchspace engines.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; requires_non_full_fuel = true; } ), ( 1, 300, "Missile", "EQ_MISSILE", "Faulcon de Lacy HM3 homing missile, fast and accurate when used in conjunction with standard targeting scanners.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; /* NOTE: for reasons of backwards compatibility, this defaults to true for equipment whose key ends with MISSILE or MINE. */ requires_empty_pylon = true; /* NOTE: this is always zero for pylon-mounted equipment */ damage_probability = 0; } ), ( 1, 4000, "Large Cargo Bay", "EQ_CARGO_BAY", "Retro-fitted hull extensions permit the enclosure of a few extra tons of cargo capacity.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; damage_probability = 0; } ), ( 2, 6000, "E.C.M. System", "EQ_ECM", "High power disruptor circuits capable of remotely detonating inbound missiles.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 5, 5250, "Fuel Scoops", "EQ_FUEL_SCOOPS", "Wide cargo entrance and magnetic scoops enable in-flight capture of mined materials, fuel gasses from the solar corona, and salvage of space debris.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 6, 10000, "Escape Pod", "EQ_ESCAPE_POD", "A simple emergency capsule with a life-support system, purchase includes comprehensive insurance for your ship and systems.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), /* Removed entry since strict mode no longer exists. Internal code to make the item work remains, so re-enabling by OXP is straightforward */ /* ( 7, 9000, "Energy Bomb", "EQ_ENERGY_BOMB", "A one-shot super-weapon capable of destroying all small craft within range.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), */ ( 8, 15000, "Extra Energy Unit", "EQ_ENERGY_UNIT", "An improved efficiency energy recharge unit.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; incompatible_with_equipment = "EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT"; } ), /* condition script blocks this one from appearing normally */ ( 13, 500000, "Naval Energy Unit", "EQ_NAVAL_ENERGY_UNIT", "A special improved efficiency energy recharge unit, as supplied to Navy vessels.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } /* Special case: this eq MUST STAY COMPATIBLE with EQ_ENERGY_UNIT - It's all handled properly in code. Full details at http://developer.berlios.de/bugs/?func=detailbug&bug_id=13507&group_id=3577 Original fix made in rev 1544 and broken in rev 1686. Fixed once again in rev 2599. Kaks 20090925 */ ), ( 9, 15000, "Docking Computers", "EQ_DOCK_COMP", "A simple autopilot and in-system communication system interlocking with local station systems.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 10, 50000, "Galactic Hyperdrive", "EQ_GAL_DRIVE", "A one-shot overcharge for the witchspace engines, enabling inter-galactic travel.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; } ), ( 3, 4000, "Pulse Laser", "EQ_WEAPON_PULSE_LASER", "High powered pulse laser, a basic defense configuration.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; } ), ( 4, 10000, "Beam Laser", "EQ_WEAPON_BEAM_LASER", "Rapid cycle laser, delivers more energy in less time for more effective results.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; } ), ( 10, 8000, "Mining Laser", "EQ_WEAPON_MINING_LASER", "High power, slow recharge. Ideal for mineral extraction from large asteroids.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; } ), ( 10, 60000, "Military Laser", "EQ_WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER", "Increased power beam laser, developed for Naval use.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; } ), /* condition script blocks this one from appearing normally */ ( 15, 500000, "Cloaking Device", "EQ_CLOAKING_DEVICE", "Experimental Naval cloaking device.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; portable_between_ships = true; available_to_all = true; } ), ( /* Thargoid equipment, incompatible with non-thargoid ships. Not buyable because of its TL. */ 100, 1000, "Thargon", "thargon", "Alien drone ship.", { available_to_player = false; } ), ( /* Thargoid equipment, standardised name. Incompatible with non-thargoid ships. Not buyable because of its TL. */ 100, 1000, "Thargon", "EQ_THARGON", "Alien drone ship.", { available_to_player = false; } ), ( /* Cute, fluffy pet. Not buyable through usual channels, you'll have to find a specialist merchant. */ 100, 300, "Trumble", "EQ_TRUMBLE", "A cute alien pet.", { visible = false; // Hidden on status screen. damage_probability = 0; } ), ( /* Passenger Compartment, like missiles this can be bought multiple times */ 5, 8250, "Passenger Berth - takes up 5t of cargo space", "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH", "Provides life support, entertainment and comfort for a single passenger.", { available_to_all = true; available_to_NPCs = false; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; requires_cargo_space = 5; damage_probability = 0; } ), ( /* Passenger Compartment Removal */ 1, 1000, "Remove Passenger Berth - reclaims 5t of cargo space", "EQ_PASSENGER_BERTH_REMOVAL", "Removes a passenger berth.", { available_to_all = true; available_to_NPCs = false; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; requires_free_passenger_berth = true; } ), ( /* Missile Removal */ 1, 200, "Unmount and sell all pylon mounted weapons", "EQ_MISSILE_REMOVAL", "Unmounts, safes, and re-sells at full market value all missiles and mines currently mounted on your craft.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; requires_mounted_pylon = true; } ), ( /* ecm hardened missile */ 9, 3500, "ECM Hardened Missile", "EQ_HARDENED_MISSILE", "Faulcon de Lacy HMX5 homing missile - hardened against ECM.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; available_to_all = true; /* NOTE: for reasons of backwards compatibility, this defaults to true for equipment whose key ends with MISSILE or MINE. */ requires_empty_pylon = true; /* NOTE: this is always zero for pylon-mounted equipment */ damage_probability = 0; } ), ( 10, 6000, "Witchdrive Fuel Injectors", "EQ_FUEL_INJECTION", "A convertor added to your in-system drive that can inject unused witch-drive fuel into your exhaust, massively increasing your speed.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 11, 4500, "Scanner Targeting Enhancement", "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET", "Adds a visible indicator, range and legal status display around the target currently locked into your targeting computer.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 5, 3250, "Multi-Targeting System", "EQ_MULTI_TARGET", "Per-missile target memory, maintains multiple target locks.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 7, 6500, "Advanced Space Compass", "EQ_ADVANCED_COMPASS", "A Tyley-Feynman GW-99 astro-navigation compass with user-selectable target modes.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 6, 22500, "Advanced Navigational Array", "EQ_ADVANCED_NAVIGATIONAL_ARRAY", "Navigation Computer software upgrade, improving the functionality of the Galactic Chart and enabling efficient route planning.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 8, 12500, "Target System Memory Expansion", "EQ_TARGET_MEMORY", "A sixteen core target memory matrix. Allows selection of previous target locks.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 11, 15000, "Integrated Targeting System", "EQ_INTEGRATED_TARGETING_SYSTEM", "Integrates your target system memory expansion with your scanner targeting enhancement to provide visual tracking of secondary targets.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; requires_equipment = ("EQ_TARGET_MEMORY", "EQ_SCANNER_SHOW_MISSILE_TARGET"); } ), /* NPC equipment, incompatible with player ship. Not buyable because of its TL. */ ( 100, 150000, "Thargoid Laser", "EQ_WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER", "Captured Thargoid weapon, self-aiming.", { available_to_player = false; } ), ( 6, 25000, "Quirium Cascade Mine", "EQ_QC_MINE", "Tyley-Feynman Quirium cascade mine. Mounts in place of a missile, but deploys to the rear of your craft. Capable of massive destruction and triggering chain reactions in the witchdrives of ships caught in its blast range.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; /* NOTE: for reasons of backwards compatibility, this defaults to true for equipment whose key ends with MISSILE or MINE. */ requires_empty_pylon = true; /* NOTE: this is always zero for pylon-mounted equipment */ damage_probability = 0; } ), ( 10, 147500, "Shield Boosters", "EQ_SHIELD_BOOSTER", "Shield boosting technology dramatically increases the capability of standard defensive shields.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 13, 475500, "Military Shield Enhancement", "EQ_NAVAL_SHIELD_BOOSTER", "Military technology, used in conjunction with ordinary shields and shield boosting technology, further increases the capability of standard defensive shields.", { condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), /* next item was a test item */ ( 2, 2000, "Twin Plasma Cannon", "EQ_WEAPON_TWIN_PLASMA_CANNON", "Basic cannon delivering charged plasma bursts at sublight speed." ), /* new items */ ( 4, 15000, "External Heat Shielding", "EQ_HEAT_SHIELD", "Additional ceramid-fibre blanketing and tiles, no armour value but provides extra solar insulation.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), ( 9, 23950, "Wormhole Scanner", "EQ_WORMHOLE_SCANNER", "The Mössbauer-Krantz Works wormhole scanner integrates into your existing targeting system. It analyzes the residual energy of a wormhole and, in combination with your Galactic Map software, calculates the most likely target system.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), /* renovation price is a dummy value - calculated to be 1% of the value of a fully-maintained ship of that type and equipment */ ( 6, 1000, "Maintenance Overhaul", "EQ_RENOVATION", "Covers dry docking fees, cleaning and replating of damaged hull sections, shield and scoop system de-ionization, systems tune-up, repainting and detailed valeting.", { available_to_all = true; condition_script = "oolite-conditions.js"; } ), /* next item has a TL too high to be available */ ( 99, 1500000, "Military Anti-Scanner Countermeasures (MASC'M)", "EQ_MILITARY_JAMMER", "Developed from experimental cloaking prototypes, this jamming device stops enemy ships from scanning your craft." ), /* next item has a TL too high to be available */ ( 99, 250000, "Military Scanner Filtering", "EQ_MILITARY_SCANNER_FILTER", "Filters out the jamming signals from MASC'M devices." ), /* NPC equipment, incompatible with player ship. Not buyable because of its TL. */ ( 100, 147500, "Shield Enhancers", "EQ_SHIELD_ENHANCER", "Shield enhancing technology dramatically increases the capability of standard defensive shields.", { available_to_player = false; } ) )