oolite (1.73) unstable; urgency=low * -- Michael Werle Fri, 07 Nov 2008 01:00:00 +0100 oolite (1.72.1-1) testing; urgency=low * Fixed crash-bug with no sound-device. * Fixed some compiler warnings. * Tweaks to build rules. -- Michael Werle Wed, 05 Nov 2008 07:14:00 +0100 oolite (1.72~svn-1) testing; urgency=low * Many build changes... * Build-depend on debhelper. * Build using internal libjs; oolite doesn't like libmozjs :-\ (New patch 02_libjs_linkage: we want the static lib.) * Updated patch 01_oolite.desktop to point at the "correct" image. * Imported oolite.menu, oolite.6 & oolite-logo1.xpm into debian/ from 1.65-6 (in Debian lenny). * Don't include SVN directories in the .debs. * Clean up properly after building. -- Darren Salt Fri, 04 Jul 2008 15:00:02 +0100 oolite (1.69-1) testing; urgency=low * Initial creation of debian build rules. * Fixed missing libpng and libmozjs hooks for the Linux build. -- Chris Crowther Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:50:06 +0100