condition Docked Green Yellow Red economy Rich Industrial Average Industrial Poor Industrial Mainly Industrial Mainly Agricultural Rich Agricultural Average Agricultural Poor Agricultural government Anarchy Feudal Multi-Government Dictatorship Communist Confederacy Democracy Corporate State inhabitants Large Fierce Small Green Red Yellow Blue Black Harmless Slimy Bug-Eyed Horned Bony Fat Furry Rodent Frog Lizard Lobster Bird Humanoid Feline Insect legal_status Clean Offender Fugitive rating Harmless Mostly Harmless Poor Average Above Average Competent Dangerous Deadly ---- E L I T E ---- system_description fabled notable well known famous noted very mildly most reasonably ancient [20] great vast pink [29] [28] plantations mountains [27] [19] forests oceans shyness silliness mating traditions loathing of [5] love for [5] food blenders tourists poetry discos [13] talking tree crab bat lobst %R beset plagued ravaged cursed scourged [21] civil war [26] [23] [24]s a [26] disease [21] earthquakes [21] solar activity its [2] [3] the %I [23] [24] its inhabitants' [25] [4] [32] its [12] [13] juice brandy water brew gargle blasters %R %I [24] %I %R %I [26] [26] %R fabulous exotic hoopy unusual exciting cuisine night life casinos sit coms [32] %H The planet %H The world %H This planet This world n unremarkable boring dull tedious revolting planet world place little planet dump wasp moth grub ant %R poet arts graduate yak snail slug tropical dense rain impenetrable exuberant funny weird unusual strange peculiar frequent occasional unpredictable dreadful deadly [1] [0] for [9] [1] [0] for [9] and [9] [7] by [8] [1] [0] for [9] but [7] by [8] a [15] [16] [26] mountain edible tree spotted [30] [31] [6]oid [18] [17] ancient exceptional eccentric ingrained [20] killer deadly evil lethal vicious parking meters dust clouds ice bergs rock formations volcanoes plant tulip banana corn %Rweed %R %I %R %I [26] inhabitant %I %R shrew beast bison snake wolf leopard cat monkey goat fish [11] [10] %I [30] [33] its [12] [31] [33] [34] [35] [11] [10] meat cutlet steak burgers soup ice mud Zero-G vacuum %I ultra hockey cricket karate polo tennis weapon_name none Twin Plasma Cannon Pulse Laser Beam Laser Mining Laser Military Laser digrams ABOUSEITILETSTONLONUTHNOALLEXEGEZACEBISOUSESARMAINDIREA'ERATENBERALAVETIEDORQUANTEISRION phonograms AEb=UW==sEH=IHt=IHl=EHt=st==AAn=lOW=nUW=T===nOW=AEl=lEY=hEY=JEH=zEY=sEH=bIY=sOW=UHs=EHz=AEr=mAE=IHn=dIY=rEY=EH==UXr=AEt=EHn=bEH=rAX=lAX=vEH=tIY=EHd=AAr=kw==AXn=tEY=IHz=rIY=AAn= bounty-d Bounty: %d total-f-credits Total: %.1f Cr right-on-commander Right On, Commander! autopilot-on Autopilot engaged. autopilot-off Autopilot disengaged. autopilot-out-of-range Could not contact station for docking instructions. autopilot-denied Station refuses to issue docking instructions. witch-to-@-in-f-seconds Witchspace to %@ in %.0f s. witch-no-target No target system set. witch-no-fuel Insufficient fuel for witchspace jump. witch-engine-malfunction Witchspace engine malfunction! witch-galactic-in-f-seconds Intergalactic jump in %.0f s. game-paused Game paused. game-saved Game saved. mouse-on Mouse control on. mouse-off Mouse control off. target-lost Target lost. @-locked-onto-@ %@ locked onto %@. ecm-on ECM system activated. ecm-out-of-juice ECM system deactivated (no energy left). jump-mass-locked Hyperspeed mass-locked. fuel-inject-on Fuel injection engaged. fuel-out Witchdrive fuel exhausted. ident-on Ident system active. ident-off Ident system deactivated. missile-locked-onto-@ Missile locked onto %@. missile-armed Missile armed. mine-armed Mine armed. missile-safe Missiles on safety. incoming-missile Incoming missile. energy-low Energy low. energy-bomb-activated Energy bomb triggered. weapon-overheat Weapon system overheated. weapon-out-of-juice Weapon system inactive (no energy left). escape-sequence Escape sequence active. @-ejected %@ ejected. @-scooped %@ scooped. cloak-on Cloaking device activated. cloak-off Cloaking device deactivated. cloak-low-juice Not enough energy to activate cloaking device. hold-full Cargo holds full. beg-for-mercy No! Help! Anyone! Our systems are failing, please let us flee! Leave us alone! Don't shoot, please! Please stop! Have mercy! Please don't kill us! I beg you! S.O.S. ... S.O.S. ... S.O.S. ... describe-pirate brigand pirate hostile vessel marauder criminal describe-Pirate Brigand Pirate Hostile vessel Marauder Criminal distress-call We are [7] by [describe-pirate]s! Please help! Our vessel is under attack, please help us. [describe-Pirate]s are attacking us. Please assist! Help! Anyone! Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We are under attack. Help! They're firing on us! Mayday! Please assist. Mayday! Please assist. S.O.S. ... S.O.S. ... S.O.S. ... buoy-distress-call You have attacked a Navigational Beacon. This is an illegal act. %H Navigational Beacon reports an illegal act of vandalism. %H Navigational Beacon to attacking craft. Please desist. Attacking a Navigational Beacon is illegal. Police are on their way. thanks-for-assist Thank you for the assistance. Thanks!. %R bless you! Oh thank you! Help at last! police-thanks-for-assist Thank you for the assistance. %H Police thank you for your assistance. thargoid_curses Guard your [4], human [18]-[31]! Eat [6], [5]! We'll use your [20] [27] for our [33]! %R! %R! %R! police-warning Offender vessel, this is %H Police. You have been scanned and will face penalties if you choose to dock here. [describe-Pirate], this is %H Police. Fines will be imposed if you dock here. This is the police. Docking at %H will require legal compensation for your offences. This is the police. %H Station will fine you for your offences when you dock. police-attack-warning Offender, your craft will be destroyed under GalCop codes. Please slow your engines and do not attempt to dodge our lasers, [describe-pirate]! %R! Leave now, or face Police retribution. [describe-Pirate], you are not welcome in this system. Offender vessel, this is %H Police. Leave now or be fired upon. [describe-Pirate], you have been scheduled for termination. Leave %H now or be destroyed. %H Police. Offending ship targeted. Moving to intercept. docking-welcome Docking systems active. Docking permission granted. We have uploaded docking instructions to your flight console. docking-begin-final-aproach You are on final approach. Beginning final approach sequence. station-welcome Welcome to %H space dock. Docking systems active. Welcome to %H. Welcome to %H. Please have your ship manifest ready for inspection upon docking %H Station here. We have uploaded docking instructions to your flight console. Salutations spacefarer! Welcome to %H. %H welcomes you. Docking procedures should take no more than a few minutes, please stand by. Welcome to %H. Please be patient while we guide your ship into space dock. Greetings! %H Station traffic control welcomes you. station-begin-final-aproach You are on final approach to %H Station. Now entering %H space dock. Beginning final approach sequence. Entering final approach to %H Station. station-hold-position Please be patient - you are being held in a docking queue. Docking sequence will recommence shortly. Thank you for your patience. Traffic is heavy, please continue to hold until we can clear an approach for you. You are being queued for docking. Thank you for your patience. station-docking-refused-to-fugitive %H Station does NOT welcome fugitives! fined You have been fined %d credits. You have been fined %d credits, and made to pick up litter in the main hanger deck. You have been fined %d credits, and are forced to clean up after the [6]oids. You have been fined %d credits, and sent for 'attitude adjustment'. nova-system-description The %I sun has gone nova, destroying the planet and all life here. Beware of navigational and radiological hazards in this system.