{ /* Sound keys starting with @ are (by convention) only used within customsounds.plist, not directly by the game. */ // Interface sounds "[@beep]" = "beep.ogg"; // positive beep "[@boop]" = "boop.ogg"; // negative beep "[@click]" = "guiclick.ogg"; "[@witchabort]" = "witchabort.ogg"; "[@switch-on]" = "[@beep]"; "[@switch-off]" = "[@boop]"; "[ident-on]" = "[@switch-on]"; // Turned on ident "[ident-off]" = "[@switch-off]"; // Turned off ident "[ident-locked-on]" = "[@beep]"; // Ident targeted ship "[missile-locked-on]" = "[@beep]"; "[missile-launched]" = "missile.ogg"; "[missile-armed]" = "[@beep]"; "[mine-armed]" = "[@beep]"; "[missile-safe]" = "[@boop]"; "[next-equipment-selected]" = "[@click]"; "[next-missile-selected]" = "[@click]"; "[weapons-online]" = "[@beep]"; "[weapons-offline]" = "[@boop]"; "[save-overwrite-yes]" = "[@beep]"; // Player selects Overwrite on "are you sure you want to overwrite?" alert on save screen "[save-overwrite-no]" = "[@boop]"; // Player selects Cancel on "are you sure you want to overwrite?" alert on save screen "[buy-commodity]" = "buy.ogg"; "[buy-ship]" = "[buy-commodity]"; "[sell-commodity]" = "sell.ogg"; "[could-not-buy-commodity]" = "[@boop]"; "[could-not-sell-commodity]" = "[@boop]"; "[could-not-buy-ship]" = "[could-not-buy-commodity]"; "[contract-accepted]" = "[buy-commodity]"; "[contract-rejected]" = "[could-not-buy-commodity]"; "[cargo-jettisoned]" = "[@beep]"; "[autopilot-on]" = "[@switch-on]"; "[autopilot-off]" = "[@switch-off]"; "[autopilot-out-of-range]" = "[@switch-off]"; "[autopilot-cannot-dock-with-target]" = "[@boop]"; "[hold-full]" = "[@boop]"; "[target-lost]" = "[@boop]"; "[no-target-in-memory]" = "[@boop]"; "[jump-mass-locked]" = "[@boop]"; // Target memory expansion could not be used "[target-switched]" = "[@click]"; // Target memory expansion used successfully "[cloaking-device-on]" = "[@switch-on]"; "[cloaking-device-off]" = "[@switch-off]"; "[cloaking-device-insufficent-energy]" = "[@boop]"; "[menu-navigation-up]" = "[@click]"; "[menu-navigation-down]" = "[@click]"; // "[menu-navigation-not]" = ""; // Attempt to go past end of a menu; no sound by default "[menu-next-page]" = "[@click]"; "[menu-previous-page]" = "[@click]"; "[dismissed-report-screen]" = "[@click]"; "[dismissed-mission-screen]" = "[@click]"; // No way to differentiate between mission options "[changed-option]" = "[@click]"; // Player made a change on options screen "[scoop]" = "scoop.ogg"; // Hyperspace "[hyperspace-countdown-begun]" = "[@beep]"; "[galactic-hyperspace-countdown-begun]" = "[@beep]"; "[hyperspace-countdown-aborted]" = "[@boop]"; "[witch-no-target]" = "[@boop]"; "[witch-no-fuel]" = "[@boop]"; "[witch-blocked-by-@]" = "[@witchabort]"; "[witch-too-far]" = "[@witchabort]"; "[witch-no-fuel]" = "[@witchabort]"; // Damage "[player-hit-by-weapon]" = "hit.ogg"; // Hit by weapon "[player-direct-hit]" = "hullbang.ogg"; // Hit by weapon while shield down ([player-hit-by-weapon] and [player-direct-hit] play at once) "[player-scrape-damage]" = "hullbang.ogg"; // Touched another ship (or docking bay) // Outgoing weapons fire "[player-laser-hit]" = "laserhits.ogg"; "[player-laser-miss]" = "laser.ogg"; "[energy-bomb-fired]" = "bigbang.ogg"; // Warnings "[@warning]" = "warning.ogg"; // Not used directly by game, only by references below. "[hostile-warning]" = "[@warning]"; "[alert-condition-red]" = "[@warning]"; "[incoming-missile]" = "[@warning]"; // Help, help, they're shooting at us // "[energy-low]" = ""; // Energy below 25% - may occur repeatedly "[autopilot-denied]" = "[@warning]"; // Station refuses docking clearance "[witchdrive-malfunction]" = "ecm.ogg"; // Misjump (3/4 witchjump malfunctions) "[witchdrive-failure]" = "[@warning]"; // Jump failed, internal damage (1/8 witchjump malfunctions; other 1/8 is fuel leak, see [fuel-leak]) "[fuel-leak]" = "[@warning]"; // Tunnel effects "[@breakpattern]" = "breakpattern.ogg"; // Not used directly by game, only by references below. "[player-launch-from-station]" = "[@breakpattern]"; "[player-dock-with-station]" = "[@breakpattern]"; "[player-exit-witchspace]" = "[@breakpattern]"; // ECM "[player-fired-ecm]" = "ecm.ogg"; "[player-hit-by-ecm]" = "ecm.ogg"; "[game-over]" = "bigbang.ogg"; // Trumbles "[trumble-idle]" = "trumble.ogg"; "[trumble-squeal]" = "trumblesqueal.ogg"; /* The following can also be used: "[aegis-planet]" = ""; "[aegis-station]" = ""; "[escape-pod-scooped]" = ""; "[mine-launched]" = ""; "[weapon-overheat]" = ""; "[wormhole-created]" = ""; */ }