/* This is a schema for a single entry in a shipdata.plist file (not the file as a whole). */ { type = "dictionary"; requiredKeys = ( "model", "name", "roles" ); schema = { like_ship = "$shipRole"; is_template = "boolean"; is_external_dependency = "boolean"; max_flight_speed = "positiveFloat"; max_flight_roll = "positiveFloat"; max_flight_pitch = "positiveFloat"; max_flight_yaw = "positiveFloat"; thrust = "positiveFloat"; accuracy = "float"; max_energy = "positiveFloat"; energy_recharge_rate = "positiveFloat"; forward_weapon_type = "$weaponType"; aft_weapon_type = "$weaponType"; weapon_energy = "positiveFloat"; scanner_range = "positiveFloat"; fuel_charge_rate = "positiveFloat"; missiles = "positiveInteger"; has_ecm = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_scoop = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_escape_pod = "positiveInteger"; has_energy_bomb = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_fuel_injection = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_cloaking_device = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_military_jammer = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_military_scanner_filter = "fuzzyBoolean"; 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cloak_passive = "boolean"; debris_role = "$shipRole"; has_scoop_message = "boolean"; rotating = "boolean"; defense_ship = "$shipKey"; defense_ship_role = "$shipRole"; has_npc_traffic = "fuzzyBoolean"; has_shipyard = "$hasShipyard"; hasShipyard = "$hasShipyard"; port_radius = "positiveFloat"; port_dimensions = "$portDimensions"; equivalent_tech_level = "integer"; max_scavengers = "positiveInteger"; max_defense_ships = "positiveInteger"; max_police = "positiveInteger"; equipment_price_factor = "positiveFloat"; requires_docking_clearance = "boolean"; docking_pattern_model = "$modelName"; market = "string"; extra_equipment = "$extraEquipmentDictionary"; hud = "$hudFileName"; view_position_forward = "vector"; view_position_aft = "vector"; view_position_port = "vector"; view_position_starboard = "vector"; custom_views = { type = "array"; valueType = "$customViewSpec"; }; }; $definitions = { // "Special" types referred to above. $weaponType = { type = "enumeration"; values = ( "WEAPON_NONE", "WEAPON_PLASMA_CANNON", "WEAPON_PULSE_LASER", "WEAPON_BEAM_LASER", "WEAPON_MINING_LASER", "WEAPON_MILITARY_LASER", "WEAPON_THARGOID_LASER" ); 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