package magic.utility; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.FutureTask; import; import; import; import; import; import magic.model.MagicGameLog; import magic.utility.MagicFileSystem.DataPath; final public class MagicSystem { private MagicSystem() {} public static final boolean IS_WINDOWS_OS = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase().startsWith("windows"); private static final ProgressReporter reporter = new ProgressReporter(); private static final boolean IS_DEV_MODE = Boolean.getBoolean("devMode") || Boolean.getBoolean("debug"); // Load card definitions in the background so that it does not delay the // loading of the UI. Override done() to ensure exceptions not suppressed. private static final FutureTask loadCards = new FutureTask(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { initializeEngine(reporter); } }, null) { @Override protected void done() { try { if (!isCancelled()) { get(); } } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex.getCause()); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { // Shouldn't happen, we're invoked when computation is finished throw new AssertionError(ex); } } }; public static void setIsTestGame(boolean b) { System.setProperty("testGame", b ? "Y" : ""); } public static boolean isTestGame() { return (System.getProperty("testGame") != null && !System.getProperty("testGame").isEmpty()); } public static boolean isDevMode() { return IS_DEV_MODE; } public static boolean isDebugMode() { return Boolean.getBoolean("debug"); } /** * add "-DparseMissing=true" VM argument for parsing scripts_missing folder. */ public static boolean isParseMissing() { return Boolean.getBoolean("parseMissing"); } /** * add "-DselfMode=true" VM argument for AI vs AI mode. */ public static boolean isAiVersusAi() { return Boolean.getBoolean("selfMode"); } /** * add "-DshowStats=true" to output startup statistics to console. */ public static boolean showStartupStats() { return Boolean.getBoolean("showStats"); } public static String getHeapUtilizationStats() { final int mb = 1024*1024; final Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); return "Used Memory: " + (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / mb + "M" + "\nFree Memory: " + runtime.freeMemory() / mb + "M" + "\nTotal Memory: " + runtime.totalMemory() / mb + "M" + "\nMax Memory: " + runtime.maxMemory() / mb + "M"; } /** * Gets VM arguments. */ public static String getRuntimeParameters() { RuntimeMXBean bean = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean(); List aList = bean.getInputArguments(); String params = ""; for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i++) { params += aList.get(i) + "\n"; } return params; } public static String getLoadingProgress() { return reporter.getMessage(); } public static void waitForAllCards() { if (loadCards.isDone()) { return; } else { try { loadCards.get(); } catch (final InterruptedException|ExecutionException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } private static void initializeEngine(final ProgressReporter reporter) { if (isParseMissing()) { UnimplementedParser.parseScriptsMissing(reporter); reporter.setMessage("Parsing card abilities..."); UnimplementedParser.parseCardAbilities(); } CardDefinitions.loadCardDefinitions(reporter); } public static void initialize(final ProgressReporter reporter) { // must load config here otherwise annotated card image theme-specifc // icons are not loaded before the AbilityIcon class is initialized // and you end up with the default icons instead. GeneralConfig.getInstance().load(); final File gamePathFile = MagicFileSystem.getDataPath().toFile(); if (!gamePathFile.exists() && !gamePathFile.mkdir()) { System.err.println("Unable to create directory " + gamePathFile.toString()); } final File modsPathFile = MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(DataPath.MODS).toFile(); if (!modsPathFile.exists() && !modsPathFile.mkdir()) { System.err.println("Unable to create directory " + modsPathFile.toString()); } DeckUtils.createDeckFolder(); // setup the game log reporter.setMessage("Initializing log..."); MagicGameLog.initialize(); // start a separate thread to load cards final ExecutorService background = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(); background.execute(loadCards); background.execute(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { CardDefinitions.postCardDefinitions(); } }); background.shutdown(); // if parse scripts missing or pre-load abilities then load cards synchronously if (isParseMissing() || isDebugMode()) { waitForAllCards(); } if (isDebugMode()) { reporter.setMessage("Loading card abilities..."); CardDefinitions.loadCardAbilities(); } reporter.setMessage("Loading cube definitions..."); MagicCustomFormat.loadCustomFormats(); reporter.setMessage("Loading deck generators..."); DeckGenerators.getInstance().loadDeckGenerators(); } public static File getJarFile() throws URISyntaxException { CodeSource codeSource = MagicSystem.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource(); File jarFile = new File(codeSource.getLocation().toURI()); if (jarFile.isFile() && jarFile.exists()) { return jarFile; } else if (System.getProperty("jarFile") != null) { jarFile = new File(System.getProperty("jarFile")); return jarFile; } return null; } /** * Restart the current Java application. *

* Should also work when JAR is not available (eg. when running from IDE). */ public static void restart() throws URISyntaxException, IOException { final List command = new ArrayList<>(); final String javaBin = System.getProperty("java.home") + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "java"; command.add(javaBin); // vm arguments final List vmArguments = ManagementFactory.getRuntimeMXBean().getInputArguments(); for (final String arg : vmArguments) { // if it's the agent argument : we ignore it otherwise the // address of the old application and the new one will be in conflict if (!arg.contains("-agentlib")) { command.add(arg); } } final File jarFile = getJarFile(); if (jarFile != null) { command.add("-jar"); command.add(jarFile.getPath()); } else { // Sun property pointing to the main class and its arguments. // Might not be defined on non Hotspot VM implementations. command.add("-cp \""); command.add(System.getProperty("java.class.path")); command.add("\" "); command.add(System.getProperty("").split(" ")[0]); } // execute the command in a shutdown hook, to be sure that all the // resources have been disposed before restarting the application Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { @Override public void run() { try { final ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(command); builder.start(); } catch (final IOException ex) { System.err.println(ex); } } }); System.exit(0); } public static boolean isNewInstall() { return Files.exists(MagicFileSystem.getDataPath().resolve(GeneralConfig.CONFIG_FILENAME)) == false; } }