package magic; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import; import; import; import; import; import magic.exception.handler.ConsoleExceptionHandler; import magic.headless.HeadlessGameController; import magic.model.DuelPlayerConfig; import magic.model.MagicDeckProfile; import magic.model.MagicDuel; import magic.model.MagicGame; import magic.model.MagicRandom; import magic.model.player.AiProfile; import magic.utility.DeckUtils; import magic.utility.MagicSystem; import magic.utility.ProgressReporter; public class AiStrCal { private static int games = 10; private static int repeat = 1; private static int life = 20; private static int seed; private static String profile = "**"; private static List deckPool; private static String[] deck = {"", ""}; private static MagicAIImpl[] ai = {MagicAIImpl.MMAB, MagicAIImpl.MMAB}; private static int[] str = {6, 6}; private static int winTotal = 0; private static int gamesTotal = 0; private static boolean verifyFlip = false; // Command line parsing. private static boolean parseArguments(final String[] args) { boolean validArgs = true; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) { final String curr = args[i]; final String next = args[i+1]; if ("--games".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option games = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! number of games not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--str1".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option str[0] = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! AI strength not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--str2".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option str[1] = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! AI strength not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--deck1".equals(curr)) { deck[0] = next; } else if ("--deck2".equals(curr)) { deck[1] = next; } else if ("--deckpool".equals(curr)) { try (Stream paths = Files.walk(Paths.get(next))) { deckPool = paths .filter(Files::isRegularFile) .map(Path::toString) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }catch(Exception e){ System.err.println("Error reading from "+ next); } } else if ("--profile".equals(curr)) { profile = next; } else if ("--verify".equals(curr)) { verifyFlip = true; } else if ("--ai1".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option ai[0] = MagicAIImpl.valueOf(next); // ai[0].getAI().setMaxThreads(2); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { System.err.println("Error: " + next + " is not valid AI"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--ai2".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option ai[1] = MagicAIImpl.valueOf(next); // ai[1].getAI().setMaxThreads(2); } catch (final IllegalArgumentException ex) { System.err.println("Error: " + next + " is not valid AI"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--life".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option life = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! starting life is not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--repeat".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option repeat = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! repeat is not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else if ("--seed".equals(curr)) { try { //parse CLI option seed = Integer.parseInt(next); } catch (final NumberFormatException ex) { System.err.println("ERROR! seed is not an integer"); validArgs = false; } } else { System.err.println("Error: unknown option " + curr); validArgs = false; } } for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if(deckPool != null){ System.err.println("Using decklists from pool"); } else if (deck[i].length() == 0) { System.err.println("Using profile " + profile + " to generate deck " + (i+1)); } else if (!(new File(deck[i])).exists()) { System.err.println("Error: file " + deck[i] + " does not exist"); validArgs = false; } } return validArgs; } private static MagicDuel setupDuel() { // Set the random seed if (seed != 0) { MagicRandom.setRNGState(seed); seed = MagicRandom.nextRNGInt() + 1; } // Set number of games. final DuelConfig config=new DuelConfig(); config.setNrOfGames(games); config.setStartLife(life); // Set difficulty. final MagicDuel testDuel=new MagicDuel(config); testDuel.initialize(); // Create players final DuelPlayerConfig[] players = new DuelPlayerConfig[2]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { players[i] = new DuelPlayerConfig( AiProfile.create(ai[i], str[i]), MagicDeckProfile.getDeckProfile(profile) ); } testDuel.setPlayers(players); // Set the deck. for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (deck[i].length() > 0) { DeckUtils.loadAndSetPlayerDeck(deck[i], players[i]); } else { DeckGenerators.setRandomDeck(players[i]); } } return testDuel; } public static void main(final String[] args) { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new ConsoleExceptionHandler()); if (!parseArguments(args)) { System.err.println("Usage: java -cp magic.DeckStrCal --deck1 <.dec file> --deck2 <.dec file> [options]"); System.err.println("Options:"); System.err.println("--ai1 [MMAB|MMABC|MCTS|RND] (AI for player 1, default MMAB)"); System.err.println("--ai2 [MMAB|MMABC|MCTS|RND] (AI for player 2, default MMAB)"); System.err.println("--strength <1-8> (level of AI, default 6)"); System.err.println("--games <1-*> (number of games to play, default 10)"); System.err.println("--deckpool (directory from where to read deck lists)"); System.err.println("--verify true (verify the hands of players are equal after flip)"); System.exit(1); } MagicSystem.initialize(new ProgressReporter()); ArrayList reversePool = new ArrayList(deckPool); Collections.reverse(reversePool); for (int i = 0; i < repeat; i++) { if(deckPool == null) { runDuel(); }else{ for(String deck1: reversePool){ for(String deck2: deckPool){ deck[0] = deck1; deck[1] = deck2; runDuel(); } } } } } private static void compareHands(String expected, String actual){ if(!expected.equals(actual)){ System.err.println("Hands to not match"); System.err.println(expected); System.err.println("----"); System.err.println(actual); } } private static void runDuel() { final MagicDuel testDuel = setupDuel(); System.out.println( padDeckLeft("deck1") + "\t"+padAILeft("ai1") + "\tstr1" + "\t"+padDeckLeft("deck2") + "\t"+padAILeft("ai2") + "\tstr2" + "\tgames" + "\td1win"+ "\td1lose" ); int played = 0; int p1Seed = 1234; int p2Seed = 4321; String hand1 =""; String hand2 =""; while (testDuel.getGamesPlayed() < testDuel.getGamesTotal()) { if(played % 2 == 0){ p1Seed = MagicRandom.nextRNGInt(); p2Seed = MagicRandom.nextRNGInt(); }else{ int tmp = p1Seed; p1Seed = p2Seed; p2Seed = tmp; } final MagicGame game=testDuel.nextGame(p1Seed, p2Seed, played != 0); if(verifyFlip) { if (played % 2 == 0) { hand1 = game.getPlayer(0).getHand().toString(); hand2 = game.getPlayer(1).getHand().toString(); } else { compareHands(hand2, game.getPlayer(0).getHand().toString()); compareHands(hand1, game.getPlayer(1).getHand().toString()); } } game.setArtificial(true); //maximum duration of a game is 60 minutes final HeadlessGameController controller = new HeadlessGameController(game, 3600000); controller.runGame(); if (testDuel.getGamesPlayed() > played) { System.err.println( padDeckLeft(deckName(deck[played % 2])) + "\t" + padAILeft(ai[0].toString()) + "\t" + str[0] + "\t" + padDeckLeft(deckName(deck[(played+1) % 2])) + "\t" + padAILeft(ai[1].toString()) + "\t" + str[1] + "\t" + testDuel.getGamesTotal() + "\t" + testDuel.getGamesWon() + "\t" + (testDuel.getGamesPlayed() - testDuel.getGamesWon()) ); played = testDuel.getGamesPlayed(); } } winTotal += testDuel.getGamesWon(); gamesTotal += testDuel.getGamesTotal(); System.out.println( padDeckLeft("all")+ "\t" + padAILeft(ai[0].toString()) + "\t" + str[0] + "\t" + padDeckLeft("all") + "\t" + padAILeft(ai[1].toString()) + "\t" + str[1] + "\t" + gamesTotal + "\t" + winTotal + "\t" + (gamesTotal - winTotal) + "\t" + (100*winTotal/gamesTotal)+"%" ); } private static String deckName(String path){ String[] bits = path.split("/"); return bits[bits.length-1]; } public static String padAILeft(String s) { int n = 25; return String.format("%1$" + n + "s", s.substring(0, Math.min(s.length(), n))); } public static String padDeckLeft(String s) { int n = 25; return String.format("%1$" + n + "s", s.substring(0, Math.min(s.length(), n))); } }