import scala.xml.pull._ import scala.xml._ import Console.err.println("loading effects from " + args(0)) val effects = Source.fromFile(args(0)).getLines.toList Console.err.println("loading cards from " + args(1)) val src = XML.load(args(1)) Console.err.println("begin analysis") for (card <- src \ "card") { val name = (card \ "name").text val cost = (card \ "cost").text val loyalty = (card \ "loyalty").text val pow = (card \ "pow").text val tgh = (card \ "tgh").text val types = card \ "typelist" \ "type" val rules = card \ "rulelist" \ "rule" var scriptable = rules .filter(_.text.trim() != "") .forall(x => isScriptable(name, x.text)) if (scriptable) { Console.println(">" + name); Console.println("value=?") Console.println("rarity=?") val typeStr = types .filter(x => (x \ "@type").text == "card" || (x \ "@type").text == "super") .map(_.text) .mkString(",") Console.println("type=" + typeStr); val subtypeStr = types .filter(x => (x \ "@type").text == "sub") .map(_.text) .mkString(",") Console.println("subtype=" + subtypeStr) Console.println("color=?") Console.println("converted=?") Console.println("cost=" + cost) Console.println("power=" + pow ) Console.println("toughness=" + tgh) Console.println("timing=?") for (rule <- rules if rule.text.trim != "") { Console.println("ability=" + rule.text) } Console.println() } } def isScriptable(name:String, rule:String):Boolean = { //normalize the rule text //replace name with @ //remove cost val norm = rule.trim.replace(name, "@").replaceAll("^[^\\\"]*: ", "") //check if this is in the engine if (effects.exists(x => x.equalsIgnoreCase(norm))) { return true } //if not, print it out //Console.err.println(norm + "\t" + name); return false } /* Contains the information about the cards that is needed to play the game. ... ... ... ... */