[ new MagicPermanentActivation( [MagicConditionFactory.ManaCost("{X}{B}{B}")], new MagicActivationHints(MagicTiming.Removal), "Pump" ) { @Override public MagicEvent[] getCostEvent(final MagicPermanent source) { return [new MagicPayManaCostEvent(source,"{X}{B}{B}")]; } @Override public MagicEvent getPermanentEvent(final MagicPermanent source,final MagicPayedCost payedCost) { final int amount = payedCost.getX(); return new MagicEvent( source, MagicTargetChoice.TARGET_CREATURE, new MagicWeakenTargetPicker(0,amount), amount, this, "Target creature\$ gets -0/-RN until end of turn and " + "SN gets +RN/+0 until end of turn." ); } @Override public void executeEvent(final MagicGame game, final MagicEvent event) { final int amount=event.getRefInt(); event.processTargetPermanent(game,new MagicPermanentAction() { public void doAction(final MagicPermanent creature) { game.doAction(new MagicChangeTurnPTAction(creature,0,-amount)); game.doAction(new MagicChangeTurnPTAction(event.getPermanent(),amount,0)); } }); } } ]