import scala.xml.pull._ import scala.xml._ import /* reads the metadata for cards A Display of My Dark Power ARC C 8 Jim Nelson "What would you say is my greatest attribute? Is it my gluttonous lust for power?" ... */ /* Reads cards.txt and fix rarity >Scion of the Wild url= image= value=3 rarity=R type=Creature subtype=Avatar color=g converted=3 cost={1}{G}{G} timing=smain */ var arg_idx = 0 Console.err.println("loading meta.xml from " + args(arg_idx)) val meta = XML.load(args(arg_idx)) arg_idx += 1 Console.err.println("loading cards.txt from " + args(arg_idx)) val cards = Source.fromFile(args(arg_idx)).getLines.toList var name2rarity = new scala.collection.mutable.HashMap[String, String]() Console.err.println("reading rarity from meta.xml") for (card <- meta \ "card") { val name_node = card \ "name" val name = name_node.text.replace("Æ", "AE").replace("û","u").replace("ö","o"); val instance = card \ "instance" val rarity_node = instance \ "rarity" name2rarity += (name -> rarity_node.text) } Console.err.println("reading cards.txt") var curr_name = "" for (line <- cards) { if (line startsWith ">") { //card name curr_name = line.substring(1); } if (line startsWith "rarity=") { //rarity char val curr_rarity = line charAt 7 if (!name2rarity.contains(curr_name)) { Console.err.println(curr_name + " NOT FOUND in meta.xml"); } else { val rarity_node = name2rarity(curr_name) val real_rarity = rarity_node.filter(x => "LCMRU".indexOf(x) >= 0) charAt 0 if (real_rarity != curr_rarity) { Console.err.println(curr_name + " Curr: " + curr_rarity + " Real: " + real_rarity) Console.println("rarity=" + real_rarity) } else { Console.println(line) } } } else { Console.println(line) } }