package magic.utility; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import; import; import magic.exception.InvalidDeckException; import magic.model.DuelPlayerConfig; import magic.model.MagicCardDefinition; import magic.model.MagicColor; import magic.model.MagicDeck; import magic.model.MagicDeckProfile; import magic.model.MagicRandom; import magic.utility.MagicFileSystem.DataPath; import; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.file.FileVisitOption.FOLLOW_LINKS; public class DeckUtils { public static final String DECK_EXTENSION=".dec"; private static final String[] CARD_TYPES={"creatures","spells","lands"}; public static Path getDecksFolder() { return MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(DataPath.DECKS); } public static Path getPrebuiltDecksFolder() { Path decksPath = getDecksFolder().resolve("prebuilt"); MagicFileSystem.verifyDirectoryPath(decksPath); return decksPath; } public static Path getFiremindDecksFolder() { Path decksPath = getDecksFolder().resolve("firemind"); MagicFileSystem.verifyDirectoryPath(decksPath); return decksPath; } public static void createDeckFolder() { final File deckFolderFile = getDecksFolder().toFile(); if (!deckFolderFile.exists() && !deckFolderFile.mkdir()) { System.err.println("WARNING. Unable to create " + getDecksFolder()); } } public static boolean saveDeck(final String filename, final MagicDeck deck) { final List> cardMaps=new ArrayList<>(); boolean isSuccessful = true; for (int count=3;count>0;count--) { cardMaps.add(new TreeMap<>()); } for (final MagicCardDefinition cardDefinition : deck) { final String name = cardDefinition.getAsciiName(); final int index; if (cardDefinition.isLand()) { index=2; } else if (cardDefinition.isCreature()) { index=0; } else { index=1; } final SortedMap cardMap=cardMaps.get(index); final Integer count=cardMap.get(name); cardMap.put(name,count==null?Integer.valueOf(1):Integer.valueOf(count+1)); } //save deck try (final BufferedWriter writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(Paths.get(filename), UTF_8)) { for (int index=0;index<=2;index++) { final SortedMap cardMap=cardMaps.get(index); if (!cardMap.isEmpty()) { writer.write("# "+cardMap.size()+" "+CARD_TYPES[index]); writer.newLine(); for (final Map.Entry entry : cardMap.entrySet()) { writer.write(entry.getValue()+" "+entry.getKey()); writer.newLine(); } writer.newLine(); } } final String description = deck.getDescription(); if (description != null) { writer.write(">" + description.replaceAll("(\\r|\\n|\\r\\n)", "\\\\n")); } } catch (final IOException ex) { isSuccessful = false; System.err.println("Invalid deck : " + deck.getFilename() + " - " + ex.getMessage()); } return isSuccessful; } /** * reads deck file into list of strings where each string represents a line * in the file. If getDeckFileContent() generates an IOException then it is * an invalid or corrupt deck file but this method should not handle the exception * as it is called from multiple locations which may want to handle an invalid * file in different ways. * * @param filename * @return */ private static List getDeckFileContent(final String filename) { try { return FileIO.toStrList(new File(filename)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new InvalidDeckException("Invalid deck (\".dec\") file: " + filename, ex); } } private static long getDeckFileChecksum(final Path deckFilePath) { try ( InputStream fis = new FileInputStream(deckFilePath.toFile()); InputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(fis); ) { CRC32 crc = new CRC32(); int cnt; while ((cnt = != -1) { crc.update(cnt); } return crc.getValue(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DeckUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.WARNING, null, ex); return 0; } } public static long getDeckFileChecksum(String name, DeckType deckType) { Path deckPath = DeckType.getDeckFolder(deckType); Path deckFile = deckPath.resolve(name + ".dec"); return deckFile.toFile().exists() ? getDeckFileChecksum(deckFile) : -1; } public static long getDeckFileChecksum(MagicDeck aDeck) { return getDeckFileChecksum(aDeck.getName(), aDeck.getDeckType()); } private static boolean isSamePath(Path p1, Path p2) { try { return Files.isSameFile(p1, p2); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(DeckUtils.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return false; } } private static DeckType getDeckType(Path deckFilePath) { Path deckFolder = Paths.get(FilenameUtils.getFullPath(deckFilePath.toString())); if (isSamePath(deckFolder, getPrebuiltDecksFolder())) { return DeckType.Preconstructed; } if (isSamePath(deckFolder, getFiremindDecksFolder())) { return DeckType.Firemind; } if (isSamePath(deckFolder, MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(DataPath.DECKS))) { return DeckType.Custom; } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to determine deck type from " + deckFilePath); } /** * Loads a deck file into a new MagicDeck instance. *

* @param deckFilePath full path of deck file to load. * @return */ public static MagicDeck loadDeckFromFile(final Path deckFilePath) { if (deckFilePath == null || !deckFilePath.toFile().exists()) { throw new InvalidDeckException("File " + deckFilePath + " does not exist"); } final List lines = getDeckFileContent(deckFilePath.toString()); final MagicDeck deck = DeckParser.parseLines(lines); deck.setFilename(deckFilePath.getFileName().toString()); deck.setDeckFileChecksum(getDeckFileChecksum(deckFilePath)); deck.setDeckType(getDeckType(deckFilePath)); return deck; } public static MagicDeck loadDeckFromFile(String name, DeckType deckType) { Path deckPath = DeckType.getDeckFolder(deckType); return loadDeckFromFile(deckPath.resolve(name + ".dec")); } public static void loadAndSetPlayerDeck(final String filename, final DuelPlayerConfig player) { final MagicDeck deck = loadDeckFromFile(Paths.get(filename)); if (deck.isValid()) { player.setDeck(deck); player.setDeckProfile(getDeckProfile(deck)); } else { throw new InvalidDeckException(deck); } } private static MagicDeckProfile getDeckProfile(MagicDeck deck) { final MagicDeckProfile profile = new MagicDeckProfile(getDeckColor(deck)); profile.setPreConstructed(); return profile; } private static int[] getDeckColorCount(final MagicDeck deck) { final int[] colorCount = new int[MagicColor.NR_COLORS]; for (MagicCardDefinition cardDef : deck) { final int colorFlags = cardDef.getColorFlags(); for (final MagicColor color : MagicColor.values()) { if (color.hasColor(colorFlags)) { colorCount[color.ordinal()]++; } } } return colorCount; } /** * Find up to 3 of the most common colors in the deck. */ public static String getDeckColor(final MagicDeck deck) { final int[] colorCount = getDeckColorCount(deck); final StringBuilder colorText = new StringBuilder(); while (colorText.length() < 3) { int maximum=0; int index=0; for (int i = 0; i < colorCount.length; i++) { if (colorCount[i] > maximum) { maximum = colorCount[i]; index = i; } } if (maximum == 0) { break; } colorText.append(MagicColor.values()[index].getSymbol()); colorCount[index]=0; } return colorText.toString(); } public static List getDeckFiles() { try { DeckFileVisitor dfv = new DeckFileVisitor(); Files.walkFileTree(MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(DataPath.DECKS), Collections.singleton(FOLLOW_LINKS), Integer.MAX_VALUE, dfv); return dfv.getFiles(); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } /** * Load a deck randomly chosen from the "decks" directory. * (includes both custom & prebuilt decks). */ public static void loadRandomDeckFile(final DuelPlayerConfig player) { List deckFiles = getDeckFiles(); if (deckFiles.isEmpty()) { // Creates a simple default deck. final MagicDeck deck = player.getDeck(); deck.setFilename("Default.dec"); final MagicCardDefinition creature = CardDefinitions.getCard("Elite Vanguard"); final MagicCardDefinition land = CardDefinitions.getCard("Plains"); for (int count = 24; count > 0; count--) { deck.add(creature); } for (int count = 16; count > 0; count--) { deck.add(land); } player.setDeckProfile(new MagicDeckProfile("w")); } else { loadAndSetPlayerDeck(deckFiles.get(MagicRandom.nextRNGInt(deckFiles.size())).toString(), player); } } /** * Extracts the name of a deck from its filename. */ public static String getDeckNameFromFilename(final String deckFilename) { if (deckFilename.indexOf(DECK_EXTENSION) > 0) { return deckFilename.substring(0, deckFilename.lastIndexOf(DECK_EXTENSION)); } else { return deckFilename; } } /** * Gets the name of a deck file without the extension. */ public static String getDeckNameFromFile(final Path deckFile) { return getDeckNameFromFilename(deckFile.getFileName().toString()); } public static MagicCardDefinition getCard(final String name) { try { return CardDefinitions.getCard(name); } catch (final RuntimeException e) { final MagicCardDefinition cardDefinition = new MagicCardDefinition(); cardDefinition.setName(name); cardDefinition.setDistinctName(name); cardDefinition.setInvalid(); return cardDefinition; } } public static List getDecksContainingCard(final MagicCardDefinition cardDef) { final List matchingDeckFiles = new ArrayList<>(); if (cardDef != null) { for (File deckFile : getDeckFiles()) { try (final BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(deckFile), "UTF-8"))) { String line; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { if (!line.startsWith("#")) { if (line.contains(cardDef.getName())) { matchingDeckFiles.add(deckFile); break; } } } } catch (IOException ex) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } } return matchingDeckFiles; } public static Set getDistinctCards(final MagicDeck aDeck) { final Set distinctCards = new HashSet<>(); distinctCards.addAll(aDeck); return distinctCards; } public static Path getDeckPath(MagicDeck deck) { Path deckPath = DeckType.getDeckFolder(deck.getDeckType()); return deckPath.resolve(deck.getName() + ".dec"); } static Path getPlayerDecksFolder() { return MagicFileSystem.getDataPath(MagicFileSystem.DataPath.DECKS); } static boolean isValidDeckFolder(Path dir) throws IOException { return Files.isSameFile(dir, getPlayerDecksFolder()) || Files.isSameFile(dir, getPrebuiltDecksFolder()) || Files.isSameFile(dir, getFiremindDecksFolder()); } /** * Returns string as {@code filename}.dec */ public static String getNormalizedFilename(String filename) { return filename.endsWith(".dec") ? filename : filename + ".dec"; } /** * Searches for a deck file and returns the first matching file * in the \decks\* folder structure. */ public static File findDeckFile(String filename) { String target = getNormalizedFilename(filename); for (File deckFile : DeckUtils.getDeckFiles()) { if (target.equals(deckFile.getName())) { return deckFile; } } return null; } }