[ new MagicWhenDamageIsDealtTrigger() { @Override public MagicEvent executeTrigger(final MagicGame game,final MagicPermanent permanent,final MagicDamage damage) { return (damage.getSource()==permanent && damage.getTarget().isPlayer() && damage.isCombat()) ? new MagicEvent( permanent, new MagicMayChoice( new MagicPayManaCostChoice(MagicManaCost.create("{2}{U}")), MagicColorChoice.UNSUMMON_INSTANCE ), this, "You may\$ pay {2}{U}\$. If you do, choose a color\$. " + "Return all creatures of that color to their owner's hand." ): MagicEvent.NONE; } @Override public void executeEvent(final MagicGame game, final MagicEvent event) { if (event.isYes()) { final MagicColor color=event.getChosenColor(); final Collection targets=game.filterPermanents(event.getPlayer(),MagicTargetFilter.TARGET_CREATURE); for (final MagicPermanent creature : targets) { if (creature.hasColor(color)) { game.doAction(new MagicRemoveFromPlayAction(creature,MagicLocationType.OwnersHand)); } } } } } ]