package magic; import; import; import; import; import magic.model.FiremindGameReport; import magic.model.MagicDuel; import magic.model.MagicGame; import magic.model.MagicGameLog; import magic.model.MagicRandom; import magic.ui.GameController; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Date; import firemind.Duel; import firemind.FiremindClient; public class FiremindQueueWorker { private static int games; private static int str1 = 2; private static int str2 = 2; private static int life = 20; private static int seed; private static String deck1 = ""; private static String deck2 = ""; private static MagicAIImpl ai1 = MagicAIImpl.MCTS; private static MagicAIImpl ai2 = MagicAIImpl.MCTS; private static Duel currentDuel; private static String env; private static int gameCount = 0; private static MagicDuel setupDuel() { // Set the random seed if (seed != 0) { MagicRandom.setRNGState(seed); seed = MagicRandom.nextRNGInt(Integer.MAX_VALUE) + 1; } // Set number of games. final DuelConfig config = new DuelConfig(); config.setNrOfGames(games); config.setStartLife(life); // Set difficulty. final MagicDuel testDuel = new MagicDuel(config); testDuel.initialize(); testDuel.setDifficulty(0, str1); testDuel.setDifficulty(1, str2); // Set the AI testDuel.setAIs(new MagicAI[] { ai1.getAI(), ai2.getAI() }); testDuel.getPlayer(0).setArtificial(true); testDuel.getPlayer(1).setArtificial(true); // Set the deck. if (deck1.length() > 0) { DeckUtils.loadDeck(deck1, testDuel.getPlayer(0)); } if (deck2.length() > 0) { DeckUtils.loadDeck(deck2, testDuel.getPlayer(1)); } return testDuel; } public static void main(final String[] args) { try { if ( .equals("mike-AndroidDev")) { env = "development"; } else { env = "production"; } } catch (UnknownHostException e1) { env = "production"; } if (env == "production") { FiremindClient.setFiremindHost(""); } else { FiremindClient.setFiremindHost(""); } MagicMain.initializeEngine(); while (true) { Duel duel = FiremindClient.popDeckJob(); if (duel != null) { final FiremindGameReport reporter = new FiremindGameReport(; Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(reporter); System.out.println(duel.games_to_play + " Games to run"); File theDir = new File("duels/" +; theDir.mkdir(); deck1 = saveDeckFile("duels/" + + "/" + "deck1", duel.deck1_text); deck2 = saveDeckFile("duels/" + + "/" + "deck2", duel.deck2_text); currentDuel = duel; games = duel.games_to_play; Thread.currentThread().setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); runDuel(); if (gameCount > 25) { System.out .println("Exceeded max number of games. Shutting down."); return; } } else { try { Thread.sleep(5000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { System.out.println("Woken"); } } } } private static String saveDeckFile(String name, String content) { try { File deckFile = new File(name + ".dec"); deckFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); deckFile.createNewFile(); FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(deckFile.getAbsoluteFile()); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); bw.write(content); bw.close(); return deckFile.getPath(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } private static void runDuel() { if (env == "production") { FiremindClient.setFiremindHost(""); } else { FiremindClient.setFiremindHost(""); } int played = 0; int wins = 0; MagicGameLog.initialize(); final MagicDuel testDuel = setupDuel(); Date baseDate = new Date(); baseDate.setTime(0); long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (testDuel.getGamesPlayed() < testDuel.getGamesTotal()) { final MagicGame game = testDuel.nextGame(false); game.setArtificial(true); final GameController controller = new GameController(game); // maximum duration of a game is 60 minutes controller.setMaxTestGameDuration(3600000); controller.runGame(); if (testDuel.getGamesPlayed() > played) { gameCount++; played = testDuel.getGamesPlayed(); long diff = System.currentTimeMillis() - started; String[] vers = MagicMain.VERSION.split("\\."); String log = MagicGameLog.getLogFileName(); FiremindClient.postGame(, played, new Date( baseDate.getTime() + diff), testDuel.getGamesWon() > wins, Integer .parseInt(vers[0]), Integer.parseInt(vers[1]), log); wins = testDuel.getGamesWon(); started = System.currentTimeMillis(); MagicGameLog.initialize(); } } System.out.println("Duel finished " + played + " of " + testDuel.getGamesTotal() + " run"); } }