# Ignore general *~ ._* *.bak /.* # Except this stuff !.gitattributes !.gitignore !.github # Ignore subdirs with their own Git roots. PC Facade and Core module are bundled with the main repo. extensions /facades/* !/facades/PC !/facades/TeraEd !/facades/subprojects.gradle /modules/* !/modules/Core !/modules/CoreSampleGameplay !/modules/BuilderSampleGameplay !/modules/subprojects.gradle /meta/* !/meta/subprojects.gradle /libs/* !/libs/subprojects.gradle # Ignore Gradle, including local override properties (template file available under /templates) build/ gradle.properties # Ignore IntelliJ - could use "/**/*.iml" to catch all .iml files, but that requires a somewhat recent Git version /out/ modules/Core/Core.iml modules/CoreSampleGameplay/CoreSampleGameplay.iml modules/BuilderSampleGameplay/BuilderSampleGameplay.iml facades/PC/PC.iml facades/TeraEd/TeraEd.iml engine/engine.iml engine-tests/engine-tests.iml /*.iml /*.ipr /*.iws # Ignore Eclipse .checkstyle .project .classpath .settings/ bin/ facades/PC/Terasology.launch # Ignore Linux *.directory #Ignore OSX Icon .DS_Store .DS_Store? .Spotlight-V100 .Trashes #Ignore Windows ehthumbs.db Thumbs.db # Ignore Terasology output *.log /saves/ /screenshots/ /logs/ /terasology-server/ /terasology-2ndclient/ config.cfg entityDump.txt # Historical Output /SAVED_WORLDS/ /worlds/ /screens/ /unittesthome/ # Ignore stuff we extract for use with Terasology /natives/ config/metrics/ # Ignore weird stuff that might be obsolete