function cartographer.create_map(x, z, w, h, filled, detail, scale) local id = _cartographer.next_map_id; local map = { id = id, x = x, z = z, w = w, h = h, detail = detail, scale = scale, fill = {}, }; _cartographer.maps[id] = map; if filled then cartographer.fill(map, x, z, w, h); end _cartographer.next_map_id = _cartographer.next_map_id + 1; return id; end function cartographer.get_map(id) return _cartographer.maps[id]; end function cartographer.resize_map(id, w, h) local map = cartographer.get_map(id); if map ~= nil and w >= map.w and h >= map.h then map.w = w; map.h = h; end end function cartographer.fill(map, x, z, w, h) if map == nil then return; end for i = math.max(x, map.x),math.min(x + w - 1, map.x + map.w),1 do for j = math.max(z, map.z),math.min(z + h - 1, map.z + map.h),1 do map.fill[(i - map.x) + ((j - map.z) * map.w)] = map.detail; end end end function cartographer.fill_local(id, x, z) local map = cartographer.get_map(id); if map ~= nil and x >= map.x - 2 and x <= map.x + map.w + 1 and z >= map.z - 2 and z <= map.z + map.h + 1 then -- minetest.chat_send_all("[" .. tostring(x) .. ", " .. tostring(z) .. "] - [" .. tostring(map.x - 2) .. ", " .. tostring(map.z - 2) .. "], [" .. tostring(map.x + map.w + 1) .. ", " .. tostring(map.z + map.h + 1) .. "]"); cartographer.fill(map, x - 2, z - 2, 5, 5); end end local timer = 0; minetest.register_globalstep(function(dt) timer = timer - dt; if timer < 0 then timer = timer + 5; -- Fill in all player-held maps for _,p in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local inventory = p:get_inventory(); local pos = p:get_pos(); if pos.y > -10 then for i = 1,inventory:get_size("main") do local stack = inventory:get_stack("main", i); if stack:get_name() == "cartographer:map" then local player_x = tochunk(pos.x); local player_y = tochunk(pos.z); cartographer.fill_local(stack:get_meta():get_int("cartographer:map_id"), player_x, player_y); end end for i = -2,2 do for j = -2,2 do local adjusted_pos = { x = tochunk(pos.x + fromchunk(i)), y = tochunk(pos.y), z = tochunk(pos.z + fromchunk(j)), } cartographer.queue_region(adjusted_pos); end end end end for i = 1,10 do cartographer.scan_regions(); end end end) -- Register a biome with textures to display -- name: A string containing the biome name -- textures: A table of texture names. -- These should correspond with detail levels, -- any detail level past the length of the table will return the last texture -- (Optional) min_height: The minimum Y position where this biome data should be used -- (Optional) max_height: The maximum Y position where this biome data should be used function cartographer.register_biome(name, textures, min_height, max_height) _cartographer.biome_lookup[#_cartographer.biome_lookup + 1] = { name = name, textures = textures, min_height = min_height, max_height = max_height, }; end function cartographer.is_filled(map, x, z) if map == nil then return false; end -- minetest.chat_send_all(tostring(x).. ", " .. tostring(z) .. "(" .. tostring(x + (z * map.w)) .."): " .. tostring(map.fill[x + (z * map.w)])); return map.fill[(x - map.x) + ((z - map.z) * map.w)] ~= nil; end -- Get the texture name (minus index/extension) for the given biome, height, and detail level. -- name: A string containing the biome name -- height: A number representing the Y position of the biome -- detail: The detail level -- Returns a string with a texture name, or nil if no matching biome entry was found. function cartographer.get_biome_texture(name, height, detail) for _,biome in ipairs(_cartographer.biome_lookup) do if == name and (biome.min_height == nil or height >= biome.min_height) and (biome.max_height == nil or height <= biome.max_height) then return biome.textures[math.min(detail, #biome.textures)]; end end return nil; end