minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local name = player:get_player_name() player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", position = {x=0, y=0.85}, offset = {x=0, y=10}, alignment = {x=1, y=0}, number = 0xFFFFFF , text = "For Minetest : 5.3.0", }) player:hud_add({ hud_elem_type = "text", position = {x=0, y=0.85}, offset = {x=0, y=30}, alignment = {x=1, y=0}, number = 0xFFFFFF , text = "Game Version : 3.5.3", }) end) dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/craft.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/node.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/tool.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/craftitem.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/ore.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/abm.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/entity.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/chatcommand.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/other.lua") dofile(minetest.get_modpath("tutorial").."/alias.lua") --v.2.0.0+ local backward = {} backward.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("backward", 1) formspec = "size[8,7.5]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[8,7.5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."button[3,2.6;2,0.5;backwardcra;Get items back]" .."list[current_player;main;0,3.75;8,4;]" .."list[current_player;backward;3.5,1;1,1;]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[current_player;backward]" .."label[5,0.7;You can get your items back from:]" .."label[5,1.0;superlegend & regnum armor/gun]" .."label[5,1.3;Spezial Mining Laser/Drill lv.1-149]" .."label[5,1.6;Craftkey lv.1-6]" .."label[5,1.9;Spezial grey coin lv.1-MAX]" .."label[5,2.2;Bagkey lv.1-3]" .."label[5,2.5;Wallplacer lv.1-4]" .."label[5,2.8;Cookingkey lv.1-3]" return formspec end minetest.register_craft({ output = "tutorial:spawn_egg", recipe = { {'default:obsidian', 'default:obsidian', 'default:obsidian'}, {'default:obsidian', 'default:ice', 'default:obsidian'}, {'default:obsidian', 'default:obsidian', 'default:obsidian'}, } }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:spawn_egg", { description = "Mummy spawn-egg", inventory_image = "tutorial_mummy_egg.png", liquids_pointable = false, stack_max = 99, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) if pointed_thing.type == "node" then minetest.env:add_entity(pointed_thing.above,"mobs:mummy") if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:colorstick_empty', recipe = { {'tutorial:colorstick_broken', 'tutorial:hammer'}, } }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:colorstick_empty", { description = "Colorstick (empty)", inventory_image = "tutorial_colorstick_empty.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:hammer", { description = "Repairing tool for color stick", inventory_image = "tutorial_hammer.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:colorstick_broken", { description = "Colorstick (broken)", inventory_image = "tutorial_colorstick_broken.png", }) minetest.register_alias("homedecor:trophy_year1", "tutorial:trophy_year1") minetest.register_node("tutorial:trophy_year1", { description = "One year Regnum!!", tiles = { "tutorial_trophy_year1.png" }, groups = { snappy=3 }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.0625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.375, 0.125}, -- NodeBox2 {-0.02, -0.375, -0.02, 0.0825, -0.1875, 0.0825}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.0625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox4 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox5 {0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.125, -0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, -0.0625}, -- NodeBox8 {-0.0625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.125}, -- NodeBox9 {0.1875, 0.05, 0, 0.23, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox10 {0.1875, -0.15, 0, 0.23, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox11 {0.23, -0.15, 0, 0.2725, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox12 {-0.1675, -0.15, 0, -0.125, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox13 {-0.1675, 0.05, 0, -0.125, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox14 {-0.21, -0.15, 0, -0.1675, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox15 } }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.21, -0.5, -0.125, 0.2725, 0.125, 0.1875 } } }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:trophy_year2", { description = "Two years Regnum!!", tiles = { "tutorial_trophy_year2.png" }, groups = { snappy=3 }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.0625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.375, 0.125}, -- NodeBox2 {-0.02, -0.375, -0.02, 0.0825, -0.1875, 0.0825}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.0625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox4 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox5 {0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.125, -0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, -0.0625}, -- NodeBox8 {-0.0625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.125}, -- NodeBox9 {0.1875, 0.05, 0, 0.23, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox10 {0.1875, -0.15, 0, 0.23, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox11 {0.23, -0.15, 0, 0.2725, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox12 {-0.1675, -0.15, 0, -0.125, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox13 {-0.1675, 0.05, 0, -0.125, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox14 {-0.21, -0.15, 0, -0.1675, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox15 } }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.21, -0.5, -0.125, 0.2725, 0.125, 0.1875 } } }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:trophy_year3", { description = "Three years Regnum!!", tiles = { "tutorial_trophy_year3.png" }, groups = { snappy=3 }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.0625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.375, 0.125}, -- NodeBox2 {-0.02, -0.375, -0.02, 0.0825, -0.1875, 0.0825}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.0625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox4 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox5 {0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.125, -0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, -0.0625}, -- NodeBox8 {-0.0625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.125}, -- NodeBox9 {0.1875, 0.05, 0, 0.23, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox10 {0.1875, -0.15, 0, 0.23, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox11 {0.23, -0.15, 0, 0.2725, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox12 {-0.1675, -0.15, 0, -0.125, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox13 {-0.1675, 0.05, 0, -0.125, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox14 {-0.21, -0.15, 0, -0.1675, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox15 } }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.21, -0.5, -0.125, 0.2725, 0.125, 0.1875 } } }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:trophy_year4", { description = "Four years Regnum!!", tiles = { "tutorial_trophy_year4.png" }, groups = { snappy=3 }, drawtype = "nodebox", node_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { {-0.125, -0.5, -0.125, 0.1875, -0.4375, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox1 {-0.0625, -0.4375, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.375, 0.125}, -- NodeBox2 {-0.02, -0.375, -0.02, 0.0825, -0.1875, 0.0825}, -- NodeBox3 {-0.0625, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox4 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, -0.0625, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox5 {0.125, -0.1875, -0.0625, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.125}, -- NodeBox6 {-0.125, -0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, 0.1875}, -- NodeBox7 {-0.125, -0.1875, -0.125, 0.1875, 0.125, -0.0625}, -- NodeBox8 {-0.0625, -0.25, -0.0625, 0.125, -0.1875, 0.125}, -- NodeBox9 {0.1875, 0.05, 0, 0.23, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox10 {0.1875, -0.15, 0, 0.23, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox11 {0.23, -0.15, 0, 0.2725, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox12 {-0.1675, -0.15, 0, -0.125, -0.11, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox13 {-0.1675, 0.05, 0, -0.125, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox14 {-0.21, -0.15, 0, -0.1675, 0.0925, 0.0625}, -- NodeBox15 } }, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = { -0.21, -0.5, -0.125, 0.2725, 0.125, 0.1875 } } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick9', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_8_8_8', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_8_8_8'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick8', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_8_8_8', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_8_8_8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick8', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_7_7_7', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_7_7_7'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick7', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_7_7_7', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_7_7_7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick7', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick6', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick5', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_6_6_6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick5', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_5_5_5', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_5_5_5'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick4', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_5_5_5', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_5_5_5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick4', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_4_4_4', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_4_4_4'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick3', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_4_4_4', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_4_4_4'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick3', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_3_3_3', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_3_3_3'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick2', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_3_3_3', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_3_3_3'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick2', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_2_2_2', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_2_2_2'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick1', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_2_2_2', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_2_2_2'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendstick1', recipe = { {'tutorial:legendball_1_1_1', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_1_1_1'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendstick', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, {'tutorial:legendball_1_1_1', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:legendball_1_1_1'}, } }) minetest.register_entity("tutorial:legendballadmin", { visual = "mesh", visual_size = {x=5, y=5}, mesh = "tutorial_fireball.x", textures = {"tutorial_adminball.png"}, velocity = 5, light_source = 12, on_step = function(self, dtime) local pos = self.object:getpos() if minetest.env:get_node(self.object:getpos()).name ~= "air" then self.hit_node(self, pos, node) self.object:remove() return end pos.y = pos.y-1 for _,player in pairs(minetest.env:get_objects_inside_radius(pos, 1)) do if player:is_player() then self.hit_player(self, player) self.object:remove() return end end end, hit_player = function(self, player) local hp = player:get_hp() player:set_hp(0) local s = player:getpos() local p = player:get_look_dir() local vec = {x=s.x-p.x, y=s.y-p.y, z=s.z-p.z} local pos = player:getpos() for dx=0,1 do for dy=0,1 do for dz=0,1 do local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz} local n = minetest.env:get_node(p).name if (n == "air") then minetest.env:add_node(p, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end end end end end, hit_node = function(self, pos, node) for dx=-1,1 do for dy=-2,1 do for dz=-1,1 do local p = {x=pos.x+dx, y=pos.y+dy, z=pos.z+dz} local n = minetest.env:get_node(p).name if (n == "air") then minetest.env:add_node(p, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end end end end end }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendball_admin", { description = "Admin Legend Ball", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendball.png", on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_admin") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:take_item() end obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:legend_thunderadmin", { description = "Admin Legend thunder", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {{ name="tutorial_legend_thunderadmin.png", }}, light_source = 12, walkable = false, buildable_to = true, damage_per_second = 100, drop = {}, groups = {dig_immediate=3}, }) minetest.register_abm({ nodenames = {"tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}, interval = 30, chance = 1, action = function(pos) minetest.env:remove_node(pos) end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick_admin", { description = "Admin tool 10: Legendstick", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstabadmin.png", on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendballadmin") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick9", { description = "Legendstick lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab9.png", on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_8_8_8") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick8", { description = "Legendstick lv.8", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab8.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_7_7_7") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick7", { description = "Legendstick lv.7", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab7.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_6_6_6") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick6", { description = "Legendstick lv.6", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab6.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_5_5_6") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick5", { description = "Legendstick lv.5", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab5.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_4_4_5") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick4", { description = "Legendstick lv.4", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab4.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_3_4_4") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick3", { description = "Legendstick lv.3", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab3.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_2_3_3") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick2", { description = "Legendstick lv.2", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab2.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_2_2_2") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick1", { description = "Legendstick lv.1", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab1.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local dir = placer:get_look_dir(); local inv = placer:get_inventory() local playerpos = placer:getpos(); local obj = minetest.env:add_entity({x=playerpos.x+0+dir.x,y=playerpos.y+2+dir.y,z=playerpos.z+0+dir.z}, "tutorial:legendball_1_1_1") local vec = {x=dir.x*3,y=dir.y*3,z=dir.z*3} obj:setvelocity(vec) return itemstack end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:legendstick", { description = "Legendstick", inventory_image = "tutorial_legendzauberstab.png", on_use = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) end, light_source = 12, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:protection_schluessel1", { description = "Protectionkey lv.1", inventory_image = "tutorial_protection_schluessel1.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:protection_schluessel2", { description = "Protectionkey lv.2", inventory_image = "tutorial_protection_schluessel2.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:protection_schluessel3", { description = "Protectionkey lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_protection_schluessel3.png", }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:protection_schluessel2', recipe = { {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:protection_schluessel1', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:protection_schluessel3', recipe = { {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:protection_schluessel2', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, {'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3', 'tutorial:lila_erz3'}, } }) local troph = {} troph.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("trophcr", 1) formspec = "size[8,7.5]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[8,7.5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."button[3,2.6;2,0.5;trophcra;Use]" .."list[current_player;main;0,3.75;8,4;]" .."list[current_player;trophcr;3.5,1;1,1;]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[current_player;trophcr]" .."label[3.65,2;Tears]" return formspec end local trophys = {} trophys.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local red = player_inv:get_stack("tearred", 1):get_count() local blue = player_inv:get_stack("tearblue", 1):get_count() local yellow = player_inv:get_stack("tearyellow", 1):get_count() local purple = player_inv:get_stack("tearpurple", 1):get_count() local cyan = player_inv:get_stack("tearcyan", 1):get_count() local green = player_inv:get_stack("teargreen", 1):get_count() player_inv:set_size("trtr", 1) formspec = "size[6.5,9.8]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[6.5,9.8;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" local d = 0 if red > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,1;1,1;trophy_red_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if red > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,1;1,1;trophy_red_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if red > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,1;1,1;trophy_red_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if red > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,1;1,1;trophy_red_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if blue > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,2.5;1,1;trophy_blue_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,2.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if blue > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,2.5;1,1;trophy_blue_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,2.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if blue > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,2.5;1,1;trophy_blue_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,2.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if blue > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,2.5;1,1;trophy_blue_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,2.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if green > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,4;1,1;trophy_green_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,4;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if green > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,4;1,1;trophy_green_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,4;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if green > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,4;1,1;trophy_green_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,4;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if green > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,4;1,1;trophy_green_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,4;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if yellow > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,5.5;1,1;trophy_yellow_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,5.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if yellow > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,5.5;1,1;trophy_yellow_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,5.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if yellow > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,5.5;1,1;trophy_yellow_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,5.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if yellow > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,5.5;1,1;trophy_yellow_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,5.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if purple > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,7;1,1;trophy_purple_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,7;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if purple > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,7;1,1;trophy_purple_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,7;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if purple > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,7;1,1;trophy_purple_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,7;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if purple > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,7;1,1;trophy_purple_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,7;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if cyan > 9 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,8.5;1,1;trophy_cyan_bronze.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1,8.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if cyan > 19 then formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,8.5;1,1;trophy_cyan_silver.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[2.5,8.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if cyan > 49 then formspec = formspec .."image[4,8.5;1,1;trophy_cyan_gold.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4,8.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if cyan > 99 then formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,8.5;1,1;trophy_cyan_platin.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[5.5,8.5;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" end if d == 24 then formspec = formspec .."button[4.5,0;2,0.5;trorew;Reward]" end formspec = formspec .."label[1.2,2;"..red.."/10]" .."label[2.7,2;"..red.."/20]" .."label[4.2,2;"..red.."/50]" .."label[5.7,2;"..red.."/100]" .."label[1.2,3.5;"..blue.."/10]" .."label[2.7,3.5;"..blue.."/20]" .."label[4.2,3.5;"..blue.."/50]" .."label[5.7,3.5;"..blue.."/100]" .."label[1.2,5;"..green.."/10]" .."label[2.7,5;"..green.."/20]" .."label[4.2,5;"..green.."/50]" .."label[5.7,5;"..green.."/100]" .."label[1.2,6.5;"..yellow.."/10]" .."label[2.7,6.5;"..yellow.."/20]" .."label[4.2,6.5;"..yellow.."/50]" .."label[5.7,6.5;"..yellow.."/100]" .."label[1.2,8;"..purple.."/10]" .."label[2.7,8;"..purple.."/20]" .."label[4.2,8;"..purple.."/50]" .."label[5.7,8;"..purple.."/100]" .."label[1.2,9.5;"..cyan.."/10]" .."label[2.7,9.5;"..cyan.."/20]" .."label[4.2,9.5;"..cyan.."/50]" .."label[5.7,9.5;"..cyan.."/100]" .."label[0,1.25;Red]" .."label[0,2.75;Blue]" .."label[0,4.25;Green]" .."label[0,5.75;Yellow]" .."label[0,7.25;Purple]" .."label[0,8.75;Cyan]" .."label[4,0;"..d.."/24]" player_inv:set_stack("trtr", 1 , "default:dirt "..d) return formspec end minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:big_dna_string", { description = "Big DNA string", inventory_image = "tutorial_big_dna_string.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:red_tear", { description = "Red Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_red_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:blue_tear", { description = "Blue Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_blue_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:cyan_tear", { description = "Cyan Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_cyan_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:purple_tear", { description = "Purple Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_purple_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:green_tear", { description = "Green Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_green_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:yellow_tear", { description = "Yellow Tear", inventory_image = "tutorial_yellow_tear.png", }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:big_dna_string', recipe = { {'tutorial:dna_string', 'tutorial:dna_string', 'tutorial:dna_string', 'tutorial:dna_string', 'tutorial:dna_string'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:lightstone', recipe = { {'', 'default:cobble', ''}, {'default:cobble', 'default:coal_lump', 'default:cobble'}, {'', 'default:cobble', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel1', recipe = { {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel1', recipe = { {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel2', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel1', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel3', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel2', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel4', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:cooking_schluessel3', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, {'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan', 'tutorial:coin_cyan'}, } }) local treasures = {} treasures.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("tata", 1) local a = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 1):get_count() local b = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 2):get_count() local c = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 3):get_count() local e = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 4):get_count() local f = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 5):get_count() local g = player_inv:get_stack("r1248", 6):get_count() local d = 0 formspec = "size[9,9.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[9,9.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" if a == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[0,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_rot.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[0,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end if b == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[1.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_blue.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[1.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end if c == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[3,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_cyan.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[3,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end if e == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[4.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_green.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[4.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end if f == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[6,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_yellow.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[6,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end if g == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image[7.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_1248_helmet_purple.png]" d = d+1 else formspec = formspec .."image[7.5,2;1.5,1.5;tutorial_0.png]" end formspec = formspec .."label[5,0;"..d.."/6]" if d == 6 then formspec = formspec .."button[6.5,0;2,0.5;trerew;Reward]" end player_inv:set_stack("tata", 1 , "default:dirt "..d) return formspec end minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:coin_cyan", { description = "Coin cyan (very rare)", inventory_image = "tutorial_coin_cyan.png", stack_max = 9999, }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:bottle_crystal", { description = "Crystalbottle", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {"tutorial_bottle_crystal.png"}, wield_image = "tutorial_bottle_crystal.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25} }, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) minetest.env:add_entity(pointed_thing.above, "experience:orb_cyan") if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then itemstack:take_item() end return itemstack end, groups = {vessel=1,dig_immediate=3,attached_node=1}, }) for i = 1, 25, 1 do minetest.register_node("tutorial:level"..i.."_cyan",{ tiles = {"tutorial_level"..i..".png^tutorial_level_cyan.png"}, description = "You are now in Level cyan "..i, groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) end minetest.register_node("tutorial:levelMAX_cyan",{ tiles = {"tutorial_levelMAX.png^tutorial_level_cyan.png"}, description = "You are now in Level cyan MAX", groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}, }) minetest.register_on_joinplayer(function(player) local override_table = player:get_physics_override() override_table.new_move = false override_table.sneak_glitch = true player:set_physics_override(override_table) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_stack("crtime", 1, nil) end) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:cooking_schluessel1", { description = "Cookingkey lv.1", inventory_image = "tutorial_cooking_schluessel1.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:cooking_schluessel2", { description = "Cookingkey lv.2", inventory_image = "tutorial_cooking_schluessel2.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:cooking_schluessel3", { description = "Cookingkey lv.3", inventory_image = "tutorial_cooking_schluessel3.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:cooking_schluessel4", { description = "Cookingkey lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_cooking_schluessel4.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:golden_schluessel", { description = "Goldenkey", inventory_image = "tutorial_golden_schluessel.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:crystal_schluessel", { description = "Crystalkey", inventory_image = "tutorial_crystal_schluessel.png", }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:medallion", { description = "Medallion piece", inventory_image = "tutorial_medallion.png", stack_max = 1000, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:knight_schluessel", { description = "Knightkey", inventory_image = "tutorial_knight_schluessel.png", }) local crafting7 = {} crafting7.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() formspec = "size[8,8.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[8,8.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."button[1,2;2,0.5;meda1;Red]" .."button[3,2;2,0.5;meda2;Blue]" .."button[5,2;2,0.5;meda3;Green]" .."button[1,3;2,0.5;meda5;Purple]" .."button[3,3;2,0.5;meda4;Yellow]" .."button[5,3;2,0.5;meda6;Cyan]" .."button[3,4;2,0.5;meda7;Gray]" return formspec end local crafting8 = {} crafting8.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local kri_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(player:get_player_name().."_kri",{ allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end, }) kri_inv:set_size("kri", 8) player_inv:set_size("kri", 8) player_inv:set_size("pixkey", 1) player_inv:set_size("crtime", 1) local time = player_inv:get_stack("crtime", 1):get_count() local k = 0 for i=1, 8 do local stack = player_inv:get_stack("kri", i) kri_inv:set_stack("kri", i, stack) if not player_inv:get_stack("kri", i):is_empty() then k = k+1 end end formspec = "size[8,7.5]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[8,7.5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."list[current_player;main;0,3.75;8,4;]" .."list[current_player;pixkey;6.6,1;1,1;]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[current_player;pixkey]" .."label[5,0;You have "..k.."/8 crystals]" .."label[6.3,2;Pixeled Regnum Key]" if time == 0 then formspec = formspec .."button[1,2;2,0.5;cre2;crystalbottle]" end return formspec end local meda = {} meda.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medall", 1) local med = player_inv:get_stack("medallion", 1):get_count() local x = "" if med == 1 then x = "red" elseif med == 2 then x = "blue" elseif med == 3 then x = "green" elseif med == 4 then x = "yellow" elseif med == 5 then x = "purple" elseif med == 6 then x = "cyan" elseif med == 7 then x = "gray" end player_inv:set_size("medallion"..x, 9) local y1 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 1):get_count() local y2 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 2):get_count() local y3 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 3):get_count() local y4 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 4):get_count() local y5 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 5):get_count() local y6 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 6):get_count() local y7 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 7):get_count() local y8 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 8):get_count() local y9 = player_inv:get_stack("medallion"..x, 9):get_count() formspec = "size[8,9.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;crafting7;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."button[5,3;2,0.5;mecraft;Craft]" .."background[8,9.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."list[current_player;main;0,5.25;8,1;]" .."list[current_player;main;0,6.5;8,3;8]" .."list[current_player;medall;5.5,2;1,1;]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[current_player;medall]" if y1 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[1,1;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_1.png]" end if y2 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[2,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[2,1;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_2.png]" end if y3 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[3,1;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[3,1;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_3.png]" end if y4 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,2;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[1,2;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_4.png]" end if y5 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[2,2;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[2,2;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_5.png]" end if y6 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[3,2;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[3,2;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_6.png]" end if y7 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[1,3;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[1,3;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_7.png]" end if y8 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[2,3;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[2,3;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_8.png]" end if y9 == 0 then formspec = formspec .."image[3,3;1,1;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[3,3;1,1;medallion_"..x.."_9.png]" end return formspec end minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:tortoise_schluessel", { description = "Tortoisekey", inventory_image = "tutorial_tortoise_schluessel.png", }) local medallion = {} medallion.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallionred", 9) player_inv:set_size("meme", 1) local k = 0 local p = 0 formspec = "size[8.5,6.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[8.5,6.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."label[0.4,2.2;red]" .."label[1.6,2.2;blue]" .."label[2.7,2.2;green]" .."label[3.9,2.2;purple]" .."label[5.0,2.2;yellow]" .."label[6.3,2.2;cyan]" .."label[7.5,2.2;gray]" for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medallionred", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[0,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_red.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[0,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medallionblue", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[1.2,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_blue.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[1.2,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medalliongreen", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[2.4,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_green.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[2.4,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medallionpurple", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[3.6,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_purple.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[3.6,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medallionyellow", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[4.8,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_yellow.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[4.8,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medallioncyan", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[6,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_cyan.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[6,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end k = 0 for i=1,9,1 do if player_inv:get_stack("medalliongray", i):get_count() == 0 then k = 1 end end if k == 0 then p = p+1 formspec = formspec .."image[7.2,1;1.2,1.2;medallion_gray.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image[7.2,1;1.2,1.2;tutorial_0.png]" end formspec = formspec .."label[5,0;"..p.."/7]" if p == 7 then formspec = formspec .."button[6.5,0;2,0.5;medrew;Reward]" end player_inv:set_stack("meme", 1 , "default:dirt "..p) return formspec end local timer = 0 local oldpos = {} local newpos = {} minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) timer = timer + dtime if (timer >= 1) then local players = minetest.get_connected_players() for _,player in ipairs(players) do local pri = minetest.get_player_privs(player:get_player_name()) local player_inv = player:get_inventory() --player_inv:set_size("year", 4) --if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:trophy_year4") and player_inv:get_stack("year", 4):get_count() == 0 then -- player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:trophy_year4") -- player_inv:set_stack("year", 4, "default:dirt") --end player_inv:set_size("youtube", 1) local c = player_inv:get_stack("youtube",1):get_count() if c == 0 then if pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug and pri.settime and pri.bring and pri.server and pri.password and pri.delprotect and pri.kick and pri.ban and pri.rollback and pri.privs and pri.basic_privs and pri.give and pri.protection_bypass and pri.travelnet_remove and pri.travelnet_attach and pri.shop_admin and pri.creative then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 0, b = 255}, text = "[Admin]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug and pri.settime and pri.bring then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0}, text = "[Legend]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 255, b = 255}, text = "[Hero]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, text = "[VIP]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255}, text = "[Premium]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, text = "[Member]"..player:get_player_name()}) else player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0}, text = "[Enemy]"..player:get_player_name()}) end else if pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug and pri.settime and pri.bring and pri.server and pri.password and pri.delprotect and pri.kick and pri.ban and pri.rollback and pri.privs and pri.basic_privs and pri.give and pri.protection_bypass and pri.travelnet_remove and pri.travelnet_attach and pri.shop_admin and pri.creative then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 0, b = 255}, text = "[Youtuber][Admin]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug and pri.settime and pri.bring then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 255, b = 0}, text = "[Youtuber][Legend]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport and pri.noclip and pri.debug then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 255, b = 255}, text = "[Youtuber][Hero]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home and pri.teleport then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 255, b = 0}, text = "[Youtuber][VIP]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout and pri.fly and pri.fast and pri.home then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 0, g = 0, b = 255}, text = "[Youtuber][Premium]"..player:get_player_name()}) elseif pri.interact and pri.shout then player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 255, b = 255}, text = "[Youtuber][Member]"..player:get_player_name()}) else player:set_nametag_attributes({color = {a = 255, r = 255, g = 0, b = 0}, text = "[Youtuber][Enemy]"..player:get_player_name()}) end end if (oldpos[player:get_player_name()] ~= nil) then local playername = player:get_player_name() local pos = player:getpos() local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("mov", 1) player_inv:set_size("mov2", 1) local count = player_inv:get_stack("mov", 1):get_count() player_inv:set_stack("mov", 1 , "default:dirt "..count+math.sqrt(math.pow(oldpos[playername].x - pos.x, 2) + math.pow(oldpos[playername].y - pos.y, 2) + math.pow(oldpos[playername].z - pos.z,2))) local count = player_inv:get_stack("mov", 1):get_count() local count2 = player_inv:get_stack("mov2", 1):get_count() player_inv:set_stack("mov2", 1 , "default:dirt "..count2+math.sqrt(math.pow(oldpos[playername].x - pos.x, 2) + math.pow(oldpos[playername].y - pos.y, 2) + math.pow(oldpos[playername].z - pos.z,2))) local count2 = player_inv:get_stack("mov2", 1):get_count() if count > 250 then player_inv:set_stack("mov", 1 , "default:dirt") local r = math.random(1, 14) if r == 13 or r == 14 then local r2 = math.random(1, 11) player_inv:set_stack("art13", r2 , "default:dirt") else local r2 = math.random(1, 5) player_inv:set_stack("art"..r, r2 , "default:dirt") end end if count2 > 500 then player_inv:set_stack("mov2", 1 , "default:dirt") player_inv:add_item("medall", "tutorial:medallion") end end oldpos[player:get_player_name()] = player:getpos() end timer = 0 end end) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:gem_fragment2", { description = "Gem fragment (tortoise)", inventory_image = "tutorial_gem_fragment2.png", }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:geschenk_tortoise",{ description = "Gift (tortoise)", is_ground_content = true, tiles = {"tutorial_geschenk_tortoise.png"}, groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3}, drop = "default:coal_lump 20", }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:geschenk_gem2",{ description = "Gift (gem tortoise)", is_ground_content = true, tiles = {"tutorial_geschenk_gem2.png"}, groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,flammable=3}, drop = { max_items = 1, items = { {items = {"tutorial:gem_fragment2"},rarity = 2.5}, {items = {"tutorial:geschenk_legend"},rarity = 5}, {items = {""},rarity = 2.5}, } } }) local artifacts = {} artifacts.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("afaf", 5) player_inv:set_size("art1", 5) player_inv:set_size("art2", 5) player_inv:set_size("art3", 5) player_inv:set_size("art4", 5) player_inv:set_size("art5", 5) player_inv:set_size("art6", 5) player_inv:set_size("art7", 5) player_inv:set_size("art8", 5) player_inv:set_size("art9", 5) player_inv:set_size("art10", 5) player_inv:set_size("art11", 5) player_inv:set_size("art12", 5) player_inv:set_size("art13", 11) local af = 0 formspec = "size[11.8,7.4]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."label[5.4,1;green artifacts]" .."label[5.4,2;blue artifacts]" .."label[5.4,3;yellow artifacts]" .."label[5.4,4;purple artifacts]" .."label[5.4,5;cyan artifacts]" .."label[5.4,6;red artifacts]" .."label[10.7,7;grey artifacts]" for j=1,12,1 do for i=1,5,1 do local ar = player_inv:get_stack("art"..j, i):get_count() if ar == 1 and j == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",1;0.6,0.6;artifacts_gruen1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 2 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",1;0.6,0.6;artifacts_gruen2.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 3 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",2;0.6,0.6;artifacts_blau1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 4 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",2;0.6,0.6;artifacts_blau2.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 5 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",3;0.6,0.6;artifacts_gelb1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 6 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",3;0.6,0.6;artifacts_gelb2.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 7 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",4;0.6,0.6;artifacts_lila1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 8 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",4;0.6,0.6;artifacts_lila2.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 9 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",5;0.6,0.6;artifacts_cyan1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 10 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",5;0.6,0.6;artifacts_cyan2.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 11 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",6;0.6,0.6;artifacts_rot1.png]" af = af+1 elseif ar == 1 and j == 12 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..",6;0.6,0.6;artifacts_rot2.png]" af = af+1 else if j == 1 or j == 3 or j == 5 or j == 7 or j == 9 or j == 11 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..","..math.ceil((j/2))..";0.6,0.6;tutorial_0.png]" else formspec = formspec .."image["..(6+i)..","..math.ceil((j/2))..";0.6,0.6;tutorial_0.png]" end end end end for i=1,11,1 do local ar = player_inv:get_stack("art13", i):get_count() if ar == 1 then formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",7;0.6,0.6;artifacts_grau"..i..".png]" af = af+1 else formspec = formspec .."image["..(-1+i)..",7;0.6,0.6;tutorial_0.png]" end end if af == 71 then formspec = formspec .."button[7,0;2,0.5;artrew;Reward]" end player_inv:set_stack("afaf", 1 , "default:dirt "..af) formspec = formspec .."label[4,0;"..af.."/71]" .."background[8,8.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" return formspec end local crafting6 = {} crafting6.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player:is_player() then else return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("uranin", 1) player_inv:set_size("cookin", 1) player_inv:set_size("cookkey", 1) player_inv:set_size("fuel", 1) local fuel = player_inv:get_stack("fuel", 1):get_count() formspec = "size[8,8.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."label[0,1;Fuel:"..fuel.."]" .."list[current_player;main;0,4.25;8,1;]" .."list[current_player;uranin;1,2;1,1]" .."button[2.5,3.3;2,0.5;cook;Craft (MAX)]" .."list[current_player;cookin;3,2;1,1]" .."label[1.15,2.8;Uranium]" .."button[0.5,3.3;2,0.5;fuel;Get Fuel]" .."list[current_player;cookkey;6,2;1,1]" .."label[6,2.8;Cookingkey]" .."list[current_player;main;0,5.5;8,3;8]" .."background[10,11.3.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" return formspec end minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:fox_schluessel", { description = "Foxkey", inventory_image = "tutorial_fox_schluessel.png", }) minetest.override_item("default:obsidian", { description = "Obsidian Lv.1", }) minetest.override_item("default:diamondblock", { description = "Diamond block lv.1", }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer1', recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', ''}, {'', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', '', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer2_1', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer1', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer3_1', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer2_1', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer3_2', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer2_2', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer4_1', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer3_1', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer4_2', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer3_2', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer4_3', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer3_3', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer5_1', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer4_1', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer5_2', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer4_2', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer5_3', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer4_3', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:wallplacer5_4', recipe = { {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:wallplacer4_4', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, {'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb', 'tutorial:coin_gelb'}, } }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer1", { description = "Wallplacer lv.1 (place 3x3 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer1.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer2_2", { description = "Wallplacer lv.2 Mode 2 (place 5x5 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer2.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer2.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer2_1") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer2_1", { description = "Wallplacer lv.2 Mode 1 (place 3x3 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer2.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer2.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer2_2") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer3_1", { description = "Wallplacer lv.3 Mode 1 (place 3x3 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer3_2") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer3_2", { description = "Wallplacer lv.3 Mode 2 (place 5x5 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer3_3") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer3_3", { description = "Wallplacer lv.3 Mode 3 (place 7x7 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer3.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer3_1") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer4_1", { description = "Wallplacer lv.4 Mode 1 (place 3x3 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer4_2") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer4_2", { description = "Wallplacer lv.4 Mode 2 (place 5x5 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer4_3") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer4_3", { description = "Wallplacer lv.4 Mode 3 (place 7x7 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer4_4") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer4_4", { description = "Wallplacer lv.4 Mode 4 (place 9x9 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png^technic_tool_mode4.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer4.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer4_1") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer5_1", { description = "Wallplacer lv.MAX Mode 1 (place 3x3 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png", on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer5_2") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer5_2", { description = "Wallplacer lv.MAX Mode 2 (place 5x5 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer5_3") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer5_3", { description = "Wallplacer lv.MAX Mode 3 (place 7x7 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer5_4") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer5_4", { description = "Wallplacer lv.MAX Mode 4 (place 9x9 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png^technic_tool_mode4.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer5_5") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:wallplacer5_5", { description = "Wallplacer lv.MAX Mode 5 (place 11x11 wall)", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png^technic_tool_mode5.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placer5.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:wallplacer5_1") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:adminwallplacer_1", { description = "Admin tool 9: Wallplacer", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png", on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminwallplacer_2") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-2)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-2), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,3,1 do for j=1,3,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-2), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:adminwallplacer_2", { description = "Admin tool 9: Wallplacer", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminwallplacer_3") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-3)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-3), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,5,1 do for j=1,5,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-3), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:adminwallplacer_3", { description = "Admin tool 9: Wallplacer", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminwallplacer_4") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z+(j-4)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-4), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,7,1 do for j=1,7,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-4), y=pos.y+(i-7), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:adminwallplacer_4", { description = "Admin tool 9: Wallplacer", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png^technic_tool_mode4.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminwallplacer_5") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z+(j-5)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-5), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,9,1 do for j=1,9,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-5), y=pos.y+(i-9), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:adminwallplacer_5", { description = "Admin tool 9: Wallplacer", inventory_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png^technic_tool_mode5.png", wield_image = "tutorial_block_placerAdmin.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminwallplacer_1") end return itemstack end, on_place = function(itemstack, placer, pointed_thing) local main = placer:get_wield_index()+1 local inv = placer:get_inventory() local stack = inv:get_stack("main", main) local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if pointed_thing ~= nil then local dir=placer:get_look_dir() local di = 0 if math.abs(dir.x)>math.abs(dir.z) then if dir.x>0 then di = 0 else di = 1 end elseif dir.z>0 then di = 2 else di = 3 end local pos = pointed_thing.above local pos2 = pointed_thing.under local ab = 0 if minetest.registered_nodes[stack:get_name()] then if di == 1 or di == 0 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z+(j-6)}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x, y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z+(j-6)}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end if di == 2 or di == 3 then if pos.y == pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-6), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y > pos2.y then for i= 1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-1), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end elseif pos.y < pos2.y then for i=1,11,1 do for j=1,11,1 do local name = minetest.get_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z}).name if name == "air" or name == "default:water_source" or name == "default:water_flowing" or name == "default:river_water_source" or name == "default:river_water_flowing" or name == "default:lava_source" or name == "default:lava_flowing" or name == "technic:corium_flowing" then local count = inv:get_stack("main", main):get_count() if count > 0 then minetest.set_node({x=pos.x+(j-6), y=pos.y+(i-11), z=pos.z}, {name=stack:get_name()}) inv:remove_item("main", stack:get_name()) end end end end end end end end end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun', recipe = { {'group:wood', 'group:wood', 'group:wood'}, {'', 'default:stick', 'group:wood'}, {'', '', 'default:stick'}, } }) local guns = {} for _, m in pairs({"","_2"}) do minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:obsidian4', 'tutorial:obsidian4', 'tutorial:obsidian4'}, {'tutorial:obsidian4', 'tutorial:gun'..m, 'tutorial:obsidian4'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:obsidian4', 'tutorial:obsidian4', 'tutorial:obsidian4'}, {'tutorial:obsidian4','tutorial:gun_mega1'..m,'tutorial:obsidian4'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega3'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:obsidian5', 'tutorial:obsidian5', 'tutorial:obsidian5'}, {'tutorial:obsidian5','tutorial:gun_mega2'..m,'tutorial:obsidian5'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega4'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:obsidian6', 'tutorial:obsidian6', 'tutorial:obsidian6'}, {'tutorial:obsidian6','tutorial:gun_mega3'..m,'tutorial:obsidian6'}, {'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega5'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:dunklematerie4','tutorial:dunklematerie4', 'tutorial:dunklematerie4'}, {'tutorial:dunklematerie4','tutorial:gun_mega4'..m,'tutorial:dunklematerie4'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega6'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:dunklematerie4','tutorial:dunklematerie4', 'tutorial:dunklematerie4'}, {'tutorial:dunklematerie4','tutorial:gun_mega5'..m,'tutorial:dunklematerie4'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega7'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:dunklematerie5','tutorial:dunklematerie5', 'tutorial:dunklematerie5'}, {'tutorial:dunklematerie5','tutorial:gun_mega6'..m,'tutorial:dunklematerie5'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega8'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:dunklematerie6','tutorial:dunklematerie6', 'tutorial:dunklematerie6'}, {'tutorial:dunklematerie6','tutorial:gun_mega7'..m,'tutorial:dunklematerie6'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega9'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:diamondblock2', 'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:gun_mega8'..m,'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega10'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:diamondblock2', 'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:gun_mega9'..m,'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega11'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:diamondblock2', 'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:gun_mega10'..m,'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega12'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:diamondblock2', 'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:diamondblock2','tutorial:gun_mega11'..m,'tutorial:diamondblock2'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega13'..m, recipe = { {'default:goldblock','default:goldblock', 'default:goldblock'}, {'default:goldblock','tutorial:gun_mega12'..m,'default:goldblock'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega14'..m, recipe = { {'default:nyancat_rainbow','default:nyancat_rainbow', 'default:nyancat_rainbow'}, {'default:nyancat_rainbow','tutorial:gun_mega13'..m,'default:nyancat_rainbow'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega15'..m, recipe = { {'default:nyancat_rainbow','default:nyancat_rainbow', 'default:nyancat_rainbow'}, {'default:nyancat_rainbow','tutorial:gun_mega14'..m,'default:nyancat_rainbow'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega16'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:megablock1', 'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:gun_mega15'..m,'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega17'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:megablock1', 'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:gun_mega16'..m,'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega18'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:megablock1', 'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:gun_mega17'..m,'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega19'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:megablock1', 'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:megablock1','tutorial:gun_mega18'..m,'tutorial:megablock1'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:gun_mega20'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:megablock2','tutorial:megablock2', 'tutorial:megablock2'}, {'tutorial:megablock2','tutorial:gun_mega19'..m,'tutorial:megablock2'}, {'tutorial:thunder','tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:thunder'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega25'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega24'..m, 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega24'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega23'..m, 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega23'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega22'..m, 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega22'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega21'..m, 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega21'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega20'..m, 'tutorial:superblock9'}, {'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9', 'tutorial:superblock9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega20'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega19'..m, 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega19'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega18'..m, 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega18'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega17'..m, 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega17'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega16'..m, 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega16'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega15'..m, 'tutorial:superblock8'}, {'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8', 'tutorial:superblock8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega15'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega14'..m, 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega14'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega13'..m, 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega13'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega12'..m, 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega12'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega11'..m, 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega11'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega10'..m, 'tutorial:superblock7'}, {'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7', 'tutorial:superblock7'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega10'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega9'..m, 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega9'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega8'..m, 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega8'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega7'..m, 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega7'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega6'..m, 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega6'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega5'..m, 'tutorial:superblock6'}, {'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6', 'tutorial:superblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega5'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega4'..m, 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega4'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega3'..m, 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega3'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega2'..m, 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega1'..m, 'tutorial:superblock5'}, {'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5', 'tutorial:superblock5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:cloudentverner21', 'tutorial:gun_mega20'..m}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:supergun4'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:supergun3'..m, 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:supergun3'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:supergun2'..m, 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock6', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:supergun2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:whiteblock5', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock5'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock5', 'tutorial:supergun1'..m, 'tutorial:blackblock5'}, {'tutorial:whiteblock5', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:blackblock5'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:supergun1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:zauberstab9', 'tutorial:cloudgun_mega25'..m, 'tutorial:swored_zauber9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:uraniumgun2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:uranium9', 'tutorial:uranium9', 'tutorial:uranium9'}, {'tutorial:uranium9', 'tutorial:uraniumgun1'..m, 'tutorial:uranium9'}, {'tutorial:uranium9', 'tutorial:uranium9', 'tutorial:uranium9'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:uraniumgun1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:uranium8', 'tutorial:uranium8', 'tutorial:uranium8'}, {'tutorial:uranium8', 'tutorial:supergun4'..m, 'tutorial:uranium8'}, {'tutorial:uranium8', 'tutorial:uranium8', 'tutorial:uranium8'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun12'..m, cooktime = 1000, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun1'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun1'..m, cooktime = 1200, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun2'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun2'..m, cooktime = 1400, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun3'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun3'..m, cooktime = 1600, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun4'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun4'..m, cooktime = 1800, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun5'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun5'..m, cooktime = 2000, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun6'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:superenergygun6'..m, cooktime = 2500, output = 'tutorial:superenergygun7'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:uraniumgun2'..m, cooktime = 100, output = 'tutorial:energygun1'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun1'..m, cooktime = 100, output = 'tutorial:energygun2'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun2'..m, cooktime = 200, output = 'tutorial:energygun3'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun3'..m, cooktime = 300, output = 'tutorial:energygun4'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun4'..m, cooktime = 400, output = 'tutorial:energygun5'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun5'..m, cooktime = 500, output = 'tutorial:energygun6'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun6'..m, cooktime = 600, output = 'tutorial:energygun7'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun7'..m, cooktime = 700, output = 'tutorial:energygun8'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun8'..m, cooktime = 800, output = 'tutorial:energygun9'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun9'..m, cooktime = 900, output = 'tutorial:energygun10'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun10'..m, cooktime = 1000, output = 'tutorial:energygun11'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:energygun11'..m, cooktime = 1500, output = 'tutorial:energygun12'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:kristallgun5'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:admin', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:admin'}, {'tutorial:admin', 'tutorial:kristallgun4'..m, 'tutorial:admin'}, {'tutorial:admin', 'tutorial:thunder', 'tutorial:admin'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:kristallgun4'..m, recipe = { {'gems:emerald_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:emerald_block'}, {'gems:emerald_block', 'tutorial:kristallgun3'..m, 'gems:emerald_block'}, {'gems:emerald_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:emerald_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:kristallgun3'..m, recipe = { {'gems:pearl_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:shadow_block'}, {'gems:pearl_block', 'tutorial:kristallgun2'..m, 'gems:shadow_block'}, {'gems:pearl_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:shadow_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:kristallgun2'..m, recipe = { {'gems:amethyst_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:amethyst_block'}, {'gems:amethyst_block', 'tutorial:kristallgun1'..m, 'gems:amethyst_block'}, {'gems:amethyst_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:amethyst_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:kristallgun1'..m, recipe = { {'gems:ruby_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:sapphire_block'}, {'gems:ruby_block', 'tutorial:superenergygun7'..m, 'gems:sapphire_block'}, {'gems:ruby_block', 'tutorial:thunder', 'gems:sapphire_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun24'..m, cooktime = 5000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun25'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun23'..m, cooktime = 4800, output = 'tutorial:ultragun24'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun22'..m, cooktime = 4600, output = 'tutorial:ultragun23'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun21'..m, cooktime = 4400, output = 'tutorial:ultragun22'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun20'..m, cooktime = 4200, output = 'tutorial:ultragun21'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun19'..m, cooktime = 4000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun20'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun18'..m, cooktime = 3800, output = 'tutorial:ultragun19'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun17'..m, cooktime = 3600, output = 'tutorial:ultragun18'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun16'..m, cooktime = 3400, output = 'tutorial:ultragun17'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun15'..m, cooktime = 3200, output = 'tutorial:ultragun16'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun14'..m, cooktime = 3000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun15'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun13'..m, cooktime = 2800, output = 'tutorial:ultragun14'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun12'..m, cooktime = 2600, output = 'tutorial:ultragun13'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun11'..m, cooktime = 2400, output = 'tutorial:ultragun12'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun10'..m, cooktime = 2200, output = 'tutorial:ultragun11'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun9'..m, cooktime = 2000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun10'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun8'..m, cooktime = 1800, output = 'tutorial:ultragun9'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun7'..m, cooktime = 1600, output = 'tutorial:ultragun8'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun6'..m, cooktime = 1400, output = 'tutorial:ultragun7'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun5'..m, cooktime = 1200, output = 'tutorial:ultragun6'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun4'..m, cooktime = 1000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun5'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun3'..m, cooktime = 800, output = 'tutorial:ultragun4'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun2'..m, cooktime = 600, output = 'tutorial:ultragun3'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun1'..m, cooktime = 400, output = 'tutorial:ultragun2'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:kristallgun5'..m, cooktime = 200, output = 'tutorial:ultragun1'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ type = 'cooking', recipe = 'tutorial:ultragun25'..m, cooktime = 10000, output = 'tutorial:ultragun'..m, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:arenagun4'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arenagun3'..m, 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:arenagun3'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arenagun2'..m, 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:arenagun2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arenagun1'..m, 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:arenagun1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:ultragun'..m, 'tutorial:arena_block'}, {'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block', 'tutorial:arena_block'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun10'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun9'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun9'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun8'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun8'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun7'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun7'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun6'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun6'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun5'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun5'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun4'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun4'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun3'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun3'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun2'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun2'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:titangun1'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:titangun1'..m, recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, {'tutorial:titan', 'tutorial:arenagun4'..m, 'tutorial:titan'}, {'', 'tutorial:titan', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun1'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:titangun10'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottle5'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottle5', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun2'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:legendengun1'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottle7'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottle7', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun3'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:legendengun2'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottle9'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottle9', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun4'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:legendengun3'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottle11'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottle11', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun5'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:legendengun4'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottleS1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottleS1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:legendengun6'..m, recipe = { {'tutorial:legendengun5'..m, 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'tutorial:bottleS3'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, {'tutorial:bottleS3', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1', 'default:grass_1'}, } }) end minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:superlegendengun1', recipe = { {'tutorial:lilabattleaxe2', 'tutorial:legendengun6'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:superlegendengun2', recipe = { {'tutorial:lilabattleaxe2', 'tutorial:legendengun6_2'}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:regnumgun1', recipe = { {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'tutorial:regnum', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:superlegendengun1', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:regnum'}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:regnumgun2', recipe = { {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'tutorial:regnum', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:superlegendengun2', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:regnum'}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:regnumgun3', recipe = { {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'tutorial:regnum', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:superlegendengun3', 'tutorial:bottleSS', 'tutorial:regnum'}, {'', '', 'tutorial:bottleSS', '', ''}, {'', '', 'tutorial:regnum', '', ''}, } }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:xp_block_yellow 16', recipe = { {'tutorial:titan','tutorial:admin','tutorial:regnum','tutorial:admin','tutorial:titan'}, } }) for i = 1, 100, 1 do minetest.register_node("tutorial:level"..i.."_gelb",{ tiles = {"tutorial_level"..i..".png^tutorial_level_gelb.png"}, description = "You are now in Level yellow "..i, groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,not_in_creative_inventory=1}, }) end minetest.register_craftitem("tutorial:coin_gelb", { description = "Coin yellow (very rare)", inventory_image = "tutorial_coin_gelb.png", stack_max = 9999, }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:levelMAX_gelb",{ tiles = {"tutorial_levelMAX.png^tutorial_level_gelb.png"}, description = "You are now in Level yellow MAX", groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2}, }) local xpi4 = {} xpi4.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local xpi5_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(player:get_player_name().."_xpi5",{ on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) player:get_inventory():remove_item(listname,stack) end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return stack:get_count() end, allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end, }) xpi5_inv:set_size("xpi5", 100) player_inv:set_size("xp5", 100) for i=1, 100 do local stack = player_inv:get_stack("xpi5", i) xpi5_inv:set_stack("xpi5", i, stack) end xpi5_inv:set_size("xpi5", 100) player_inv:set_size("xpi5", 100) formspec = "size[18,12.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."list[current_player;main;5,7.5;8,1;]" .."list[current_player;main;5,8.75;8,3;8]" .."background[18,12.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."list[detached:"..player:get_player_name().."_xpi5;xpi5;0,1.3;18,6]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[detached:"..player:get_player_name().."_xpi5;xpi5]" .."label[0,0.7;Yellow Level Blocks]" .."button[7,12;2,0.5;xpi3;<]" .."button[9,12;2,0.5;xpi5;>]" return formspec end local xpi5 = {} xpi5.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local xpi6_inv = minetest.create_detached_inventory(player:get_player_name().."_xpi6",{ on_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) player:get_inventory():remove_item(listname,stack) end, allow_put = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return 0 end, allow_take = function(inv, listname, index, stack, player) return stack:get_count() end, allow_move = function(inv, from_list, from_index, to_list, to_index, count, player) return 0 end, }) xpi6_inv:set_size("xpi6", 25) player_inv:set_size("xp6", 25) for i=1, 25 do local stack = player_inv:get_stack("xpi6", i) xpi6_inv:set_stack("xpi6", i, stack) end xpi6_inv:set_size("xpi6", 25) player_inv:set_size("xpi6", 25) formspec = "size[18,12.3]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;inven;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."list[current_player;main;5,7.5;8,1;]" .."list[current_player;main;5,8.75;8,3;8]" .."background[18,12.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."list[detached:"..player:get_player_name().."_xpi6;xpi6;0,1.3;18,6]" .."listring[current_player;main]" .."listring[detached:"..player:get_player_name().."_xpi6;xpi6]" .."label[0,0.7;Cyan Level Blocks]" .."button[7,12;2,0.5;xpi4;<]" return formspec end minetest.register_node("tutorial:xp_block_yellow",{ description = "Xp Block (yellow)", tiles = {"tutorial_xp_block_yellow.png"}, drop = '', groups = {snappy=1,choppy=2,oddly_breakable_by_hand=2,xpy=1}, }) for i = 0, 127 do local XTRAORES_TB = { physical = false, timer = 0, visual = "sprite", visual_size = {x=0.075, y=0.075,}, textures = {'tutorial_titanium_shot.png'}, lastpos= {}, collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, metadata = "", } XTRAORES_TB.on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime local ki = 0 if i == 0 then ki = 1 elseif i == 122 then ki = 122 elseif i == 123 then ki = 150 elseif i == 124 then ki = 122 elseif i == 125 then ki = 150 elseif i == 126 then ki = 500 elseif i == 127 then ki = 500 else ki = i end local l = 0 if i == 0 then l = 1 elseif i < 21 then l = 2 elseif i < 46 then l = 3 elseif i < 50 then l = 4 elseif i < 52 then l = 5 elseif i < 64 then l = 6 elseif i < 71 then l = 7 elseif i < 76 then l = 8 elseif i < 101 then l = 9 elseif i < 102 then l = 10 elseif i < 106 then l = 11 elseif i < 116 then l = 12 elseif i < 122 then l = 13 elseif i < 123 then l = 14 elseif i < 124 then l = 15 elseif i < 125 then l = 14 elseif i < 126 then l = 15 elseif i < 128 then l = 20 end local pos = self.object:getpos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if self.timer > 0.08 then local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, l) for k, obj in pairs(objs) do local damage = ki if obj:get_luaentity() ~= nil then if string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "monster") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_bat") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_birds") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_butterfly") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_crocs") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_fish") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_jellyfish") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_sharks") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_turtles") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mummy") then if obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "tutorial:tb_"..i and obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "__builtin:item" then obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, {full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups= {fleshy = damage}}, nil) minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end end else if obj:is_player() and self.player then if obj:get_player_name() == self.player:get_player_name() then else obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, {full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups= {fleshy = damage}}, nil) minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end else obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, {full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups= {fleshy = damage}}, nil) minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end end end end if self.lastpos.x ~= nil then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable then if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then minetest.add_item(self.lastpos, "") end if i > 126 then if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) elseif i > 124 and i ~= 126 then if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end self.object:remove() end end self.lastpos= {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} end minetest.register_entity("tutorial:tb_"..i, XTRAORES_TB) end for i = 0, 127 do local XTRAORES_TB2 = { physical = false, timer = 0, visual = "sprite", visual_size = {x=0.075, y=0.075,}, textures = {'tutorial_titanium_shot.png'}, lastpos= {}, collisionbox = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}, metadata = "", } XTRAORES_TB2.on_step = function(self, dtime) self.timer = self.timer + dtime local ki = 0 if i == 0 then ki = 1 elseif i == 122 then ki = 122 elseif i == 123 then ki = 150 elseif i == 124 then ki = 122 elseif i == 125 then ki = 150 elseif i == 126 then ki = 500 elseif i == 127 then ki = 500 else ki = i end local l = 0 if i == 0 then l = 1 elseif i < 21 then l = 2 elseif i < 46 then l = 3 elseif i < 50 then l = 4 elseif i < 52 then l = 5 elseif i < 64 then l = 6 elseif i < 71 then l = 7 elseif i < 76 then l = 8 elseif i < 101 then l = 9 elseif i < 102 then l = 10 elseif i < 106 then l = 11 elseif i < 116 then l = 12 elseif i < 122 then l = 13 elseif i < 123 then l = 14 elseif i < 124 then l = 15 elseif i < 125 then l = 14 elseif i < 126 then l = 15 elseif i < 128 then l = 20 end local pos = self.object:getpos() local node = minetest.get_node(pos) if self.timer > 0.08 then local objs = minetest.get_objects_inside_radius({x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z}, l) for k, obj in pairs(objs) do local damage = ki if obj:get_luaentity() ~= nil then if string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "monster") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_bat") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_birds") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_butterfly") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_crocs") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_fish") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_jellyfish") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_sharks") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mobs_turtles") or string.match(obj:get_luaentity().name, "mummy") then if obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "tutorial:tb_"..i and obj:get_luaentity().name ~= "__builtin:item" then obj:punch(self.object, 1.0, {full_punch_interval = 1.0, damage_groups= {fleshy = damage}}, nil) minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end end end end end if self.lastpos.x ~= nil then if minetest.registered_nodes[node.name].walkable then if not minetest.setting_getbool("creative_mode") then minetest.add_item(self.lastpos, "") end if i > 126 then if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunderadmin"}) end minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) elseif i >= 124 and i ~= 126 then if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x+1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z+1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x-1, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z-1}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end if minetest.get_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}).name == "air" then minetest.set_node({x = pos.x, y = pos.y+1, z = pos.z}, {name="tutorial:legend_thunder_8_8"}) end minetest.sound_play("default_dig_cracky", {pos = self.lastpos, gain = 0.8}) end self.object:remove() end end self.lastpos= {x = pos.x, y = pos.y, z = pos.z} end minetest.register_entity("tutorial:tb2_"..i, XTRAORES_TB2) end local guns = {} table.insert(guns, {0,"tutorial:gun","Gun","tutorial_gun.png"}) for i = 1, 20 do table.insert(guns, {i,"tutorial:gun_mega"..i,"Mega Gun lv."..i,"tutorial_gun_mega"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 25 do table.insert(guns, {i+20,"tutorial:cloudgun_mega"..i,"Cloudgun lv."..i,"tutorial_cloudgun_mega"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 4 do table.insert(guns, {i+45,"tutorial:supergun"..i,"Supergun lv."..i,"tutorial_supergun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 2 do table.insert(guns, {i+49,"tutorial:uraniumgun"..i,"Uraniumgun lv."..i,"tutorial_uraniumgun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 2 do table.insert(guns, {i+49,"tutorial:uraniumgun"..i,"Uraniumgun lv."..i,"tutorial_uraniumgun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 12 do table.insert(guns, {i+51,"tutorial:energygun"..i,"Energygun lv."..i,"tutorial_energygun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 7 do table.insert(guns, {i+63,"tutorial:superenergygun"..i,"Superenergygun lv."..i,"tutorial_superenergygun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 5 do table.insert(guns, {i+70,"tutorial:kristallgun"..i,"Crystalgun lv."..i,"tutorial_kristallgun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 25 do table.insert(guns, {i+75,"tutorial:ultragun"..i,"Ultragun lv."..i,"tutorial_ultragun"..i..".png"}) end table.insert(guns, {101,"tutorial:ultragun","Superultragun","tutorial_superultragun.png"}) for i = 1, 4 do table.insert(guns, {i+101,"tutorial:arenagun"..i,"Arenagun lv."..i,"tutorial_arenagun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 10 do table.insert(guns, {i+105,"tutorial:titangun"..i,"Titangun lv."..i,"tutorial_titangun"..i..".png"}) end for i = 1, 6 do table.insert(guns, {i+115,"tutorial:legendengun"..i,"Legendgun lv."..i,"tutorial_legendengun"..i..".png"}) end for _, m in pairs(guns) do minetest.register_tool(m[2], { description = m[3].." Mode 1 (damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv."..m[1], inventory_image = m[4].."^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = m[4], groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_"..m[1]) if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name(m[2].."_2") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool(m[2].."_2", { description = m[3].." Mode 2 (no damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv."..m[1], inventory_image = m[4].."^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = m[4], groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb2_"..m[1]) if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name(m[2]) end return itemstack end, }) end minetest.register_tool("tutorial:superlegendengun1", { description = "Superlegendgun Mode 1 (damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv.122", inventory_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_122") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:superlegendengun3") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:superlegendengun2", { description = "Superlegendgun Mode 3 (damage to players and thunder)\nGun-lv.122", inventory_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_124") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:superlegendengun1") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:superlegendengun3", { description = "Superlegendgun Mode 2. (no damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv.122", inventory_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_superlegendengun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb2_122") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:superlegendengun2") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:regnumgun1", { description = "Regnumgun Mode 1 (damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_123") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:regnumgun3") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:regnumgun2", { description = "Regnumgun Mode 3 (damage to players and thunder)\nGun-lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_125") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:regnumgun1") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:regnumgun3", { description = "Regnumgun Mode 2 (no damage to players and no thunder)\nGun-lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_regnumgun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb2_123") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:regnumgun2") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:gun_admin1", { description = "Admin tool 11: Gun Mode 1 (damage to players and no thunder)", inventory_image = "tutorial_admingun.png^technic_tool_mode1.png", wield_image = "tutorial_admingun.png", on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_126") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:gun_admin3") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:gun_admin2", { description = "Admin tool 11: Gun Mode 3 (damage to players and thunder)", inventory_image = "tutorial_admingun.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_admingun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb_127") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:gun_admin1") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:gun_admin3", { description = "Admin tool 11: Gun Mode 2 (no damage to players and no thunder)", inventory_image = "tutorial_admingun.png^technic_tool_mode2.png", wield_image = "tutorial_admingun.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, on_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local inv = user:get_inventory() local pos = user:getpos() local dir = user:get_look_dir() local yaw = user:get_look_yaw() if pos and dir and yaw then pos.y = pos.y + 1.6 local obj = minetest.add_entity(pos, "tutorial:tb2_126") if obj then minetest.sound_play("shot", {object=obj}) obj:setvelocity({x=dir.x * 60, y=dir.y * 60, z=dir.z * 60}) obj:setacceleration({x=dir.x * -0, y=-0, z=dir.z * -0}) obj:setyaw(yaw + math.pi) local ent = obj:get_luaentity() if ent then ent.player = user end end end return itemstack end, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:gun_admin2") end return itemstack end, }) local mine = {} mine.get_formspec = function(player, pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("mine1", 1) player_inv:set_size("mine2", 8) formspec = "size[10,8.3]" .."background[10,8.3;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;cr;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."list[current_player;mine1;0,1.25;5,1;]" .."list[current_player;mine2;1.5,1.25;8,1;]" .."label[0,2.2;Mining laser/drill]" .."button[4,3;2,0.5;craftmine;Craft]" .."label[5,2.2;Green Coins]" .."list[current_player;main;1,4.25;8,1;]" .."list[current_player;main;1,5.5;8,3;8]" return formspec end local recraft = {} recraft.get_formspec = function(player,pos) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() local lv = { {1, "normal", 5, "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {2, "normal", 5, "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:obsidian4", "", "tutorial:obsidian4", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {3, "normal", 5, "tutorial:obsidian5", "tutorial:obsidian5", "tutorial:obsidian5", "tutorial:obsidian5", "", "tutorial:obsidian5", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {4, "normal", 5, "tutorial:obsidian6", "tutorial:obsidian6", "tutorial:obsidian6", "tutorial:obsidian6", "", "tutorial:obsidian6", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {5, "normal", 5, "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {6, "normal", 5, "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "", "tutorial:dunklematerie4", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {7, "normal", 5, "tutorial:dunklematerie5", "tutorial:dunklematerie5", "tutorial:dunklematerie5", "tutorial:dunklematerie5", "", "tutorial:dunklematerie5", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {8, "normal", 5, "tutorial:dunklematerie6", "tutorial:dunklematerie6", "tutorial:dunklematerie6", "tutorial:dunklematerie6", "", "tutorial:dunklematerie6", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {9, "normal", 5, "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {10, "normal", 5, "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {11, "normal", 5, "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {12, "normal", 5, "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "", "tutorial:diamondblock2", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {13, "normal", 5, "default:goldblock", "default:goldblock", "default:goldblock", "default:goldblock", "", "default:goldblock", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {14, "normal", 5, "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {15, "normal", 5, "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "", "nyancat:nyancat_rainbow", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {16, "normal", 5, "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {17, "normal", 5, "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {18, "normal", 5, "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {19, "normal", 5, "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:megablock1", "", "tutorial:megablock1", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {20, "normal", 5, "tutorial:megablock2", "tutorial:megablock2", "tutorial:megablock2", "tutorial:megablock2", "", "tutorial:megablock2", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:thunder", 0}, {21, "normal", 2, "tutorial:cloudentverner21", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {22, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", 0}, {23, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", 0}, {24, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", 0}, {25, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", "tutorial:superblock5", 0}, {26, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", 0}, {27, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", 0}, {28, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", 0}, {29, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", 0}, {30, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", "tutorial:superblock6", 0}, {31, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", 0}, {32, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", 0}, {33, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", 0}, {34, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", 0}, {35, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", "tutorial:superblock7", 0}, {36, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", 0}, {37, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", 0}, {38, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", 0}, {39, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", 0}, {40, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", "tutorial:superblock8", 0}, {41, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", 0}, {42, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", 0}, {43, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", 0}, {44, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", 0}, {45, "normal", 5, "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", "tutorial:superblock9", 0}, {46, "normal", 2, "tutorial:zauberstab9", "", "tutorial:swored_zauber9", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {47, "normal", 5, "tutorial:whiteblock5", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:blackblock5", "tutorial:whiteblock5", "", "tutorial:blackblock5", "tutorial:whiteblock5", "tutorial:thunder", "tutorial:blackblock5", 0}, {48, "normal", 5, "tutorial:whiteblock6", 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"", "", "", "", 400}, {78, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 600}, {79, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 800}, {80, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1000}, {81, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1200}, {82, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1400}, {83, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1600}, {84, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 1800}, {85, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2000}, {86, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2200}, {87, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2400}, {88, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2600}, {89, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 2800}, {90, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 3000}, {91, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 3200}, {92, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 3400}, {93, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 3600}, {94, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 3800}, {95, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 4000}, {96, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 4200}, {97, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 4400}, {98, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 4600}, {99, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 4800}, {100, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 5000}, {101, "cooking", 1, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 10000}, {102, "normal", 5, "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", 0}, {103, "normal", 5, "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", 0}, {104, "normal", 5, "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", 0}, {105, "normal", 5, "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", "tutorial:arena_block", 0}, {106, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {107, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {108, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {109, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {110, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {111, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {112, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {113, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {114, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {115, "normal", 5, "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", "tutorial:titan", "", 0}, {116, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottle5", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {117, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottle7", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {118, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottle9", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {119, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottle11", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {120, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottleS1", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {121, "normal", 1, "tutorial:bottleS3", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {122, "normal", 2, "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, {123, "normal", 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0}, } player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) local re = player_inv:get_stack("recr", 1):get_count() player_inv:set_size("recr2", 1) local re2 = player_inv:get_stack("recr2", 1):get_count() formspec = "size[16,12.5]" .."button[0,0;2,0.5;zcg;Back]" .."button[2,0;2,0.5;main;Main]" .."background[16,12.5;1,1;gui_formbg.png;true]" .."listcolors[#00000069;#5A5A5A;#141318;#30434C;#FFF]" .."bgcolor[#080808BB;true]" if re ~= 0 then local pr = "" if re2 == 0 then pr = "regnum:battleaxe_" elseif re2 == 1 then pr = "regnum:helmet_" elseif re2 == 2 then pr = "regnum:chestplate_" elseif re2 == 3 then pr = "regnum:leggings_" elseif re2 == 4 then pr = "regnum:boots_" elseif re2 == 5 then pr = "regnum:shield_" elseif re2 == 6 then pr = "regnum:gun_" end if can ~= 1 then if lv[re][1] > 115 and lv[re][1] ~= 122 and lv[re][1] ~= 123 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,0;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";;]" .."item_image_button[6,0;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[7,0;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[8,0;1,1;"..lv[re][4]..";zcg:"..lv[re][4]..";]" .."item_image_button[5,1;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[6,1;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[7,1;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[8,1;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[5,2;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[6,2;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[7,2;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[8,2;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[5,3;1,1;"..lv[re][4]..";zcg:"..lv[re][4]..";]" .."item_image_button[6,3;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[7,3;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[8,3;1,1;default:grass_1;zcg:default:grass_1;]" .."item_image_button[11,1;1,1;"..pr..""..lv[re][1]..";;]" elseif lv[re][1] == 123 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,0;1,1;tutorial:regnum;zcg:tutorial:regnum;]" .."item_image_button[7,1;1,1;tutorial:bottleSS;zcg:tutorial:bottleSS;]" .."item_image_button[5,2;1,1;tutorial:regnum;zcg:tutorial:regnum;]" .."item_image_button[6,2;1,1;tutorial:bottleSS;zcg:tutorial:bottleSS;]" .."item_image_button[7,2;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";;]" .."item_image_button[8,2;1,1;tutorial:bottleSS;zcg:tutorial:bottleSS;]" .."item_image_button[9,2;1,1;tutorial:regnum;zcg:tutorial:regnum;]" .."item_image_button[7,3;1,1;tutorial:bottleSS;zcg:tutorial:bottleSS;]" .."item_image_button[7,4;1,1;tutorial:regnum;zcg:tutorial:regnum;]" .."item_image_button[11,1;1,1;"..pr..""..lv[re][1]..";;]" else if lv[re][4] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 1 then if lv[re][3] == 1 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,0;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fia;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,0;1,1;"..lv[re][4]..";zcg:"..lv[re][4]..";]" end end if lv[re][5] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 2 then if lv[re][3] == 2 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,0;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fib;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,0;1,1;"..lv[re][5]..";zcg:"..lv[re][5]..";]" end end if lv[re][6] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 3 then if lv[re][3] == 3 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,0;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fic;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,0;1,1;"..lv[re][6]..";zcg:"..lv[re][6]..";]" end end if lv[re][7] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 4 then if lv[re][3] == 4 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,1;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fid;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,1;1,1;"..lv[re][7]..";zcg:"..lv[re][7]..";]" end end if lv[re][8] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 5 then if lv[re][3] == 5 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,1;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fie;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,1;1,1;"..lv[re][8]..";zcg:"..lv[re][8]..";]" end end if lv[re][9] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 6 then if lv[re][3] == 6 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,1;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fif;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,1;1,1;"..lv[re][9]..";zcg:"..lv[re][9]..";]" end end if lv[re][10] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 7 then if lv[re][3] == 7 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,2;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fig;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[5,2;1,1;"..lv[re][10]..";zcg:"..lv[re][10]..";]" end end if lv[re][11] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 8 then if lv[re][3] == 8 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,2;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fih;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[6,2;1,1;"..lv[re][11]..";zcg:"..lv[re][11]..";]" end end if lv[re][12] ~= "" or lv[re][3] == 9 then if lv[re][3] == 9 then formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,2;1,1;"..pr..""..(lv[re][1]-1)..";fii;]" else formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[7,2;1,1;"..lv[re][12]..";zcg:"..lv[re][12]..";]" end end formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[11,1;1,1;"..pr..""..lv[re][1]..";;]" end formspec = formspec .."image[10,2;1,1;zcg_method_"..lv[re][2]..".png]" .."image[10,1;1,1;zcg_craft_arrow.png]" if lv[re][13] ~= 0 then formspec = formspec .."label[10.1.4,2.7i;"..lv[re][13].."s]" end end end formspec = formspec .."item_image_button[0,1;1,1;regnum:battleaxe_0;reg1;]" .."item_image_button[1,1;1,1;regnum:helmet_0;reg2;]" .."item_image_button[2,1;1,1;regnum:chestplate_0;reg3;]" .."item_image_button[0,2;1,1;regnum:leggings_0;reg4;]" .."item_image_button[1,2;1,1;regnum:boots_0;reg5;]" .."item_image_button[2,2;1,1;regnum:shield_0;reg6;]" .."item_image_button[0,3;1,1;regnum:gun_0;reg7;]" .."button[0,5;1,1;recrafta;1]" .."button[1,5;1,1;recraftb;2]" .."button[2,5;1,1;recraftc;3]" .."button[3,5;1,1;recraftd;4]" .."button[4,5;1,1;recrafte;5]" .."button[5,5;1,1;recraftf;6]" .."button[6,5;1,1;recraftg;7]" .."button[7,5;1,1;recrafth;8]" .."button[8,5;1,1;recrafti;9]" .."button[9,5;1,1;recraftj;10]" .."button[10,5;1,1;recraftk;11]" .."button[11,5;1,1;recraftl;12]" .."button[12,5;1,1;recraftm;13]" .."button[13,5;1,1;recraftn;14]" .."button[14,5;1,1;recrafto;15]" .."button[15,5;1,1;recraftp;16]" .."button[0,6;1,1;recraftq;17]" .."button[1,6;1,1;recraftr;18]" .."button[2,6;1,1;recrafts;19]" .."button[3,6;1,1;recraftt;20]" .."button[4,6;1,1;recraftaa;21]" .."button[5,6;1,1;recraftab;22]" .."button[6,6;1,1;recraftac;23]" .."button[7,6;1,1;recraftad;24]" .."button[8,6;1,1;recraftae;25]" .."button[9,6;1,1;recraftaf;26]" .."button[10,6;1,1;recraftag;27]" .."button[11,6;1,1;recraftah;28]" .."button[12,6;1,1;recraftai;29]" .."button[13,6;1,1;recraftaj;30]" .."button[14,6;1,1;recraftak;31]" .."button[15,6;1,1;recraftal;32]" .."button[0,7;1,1;recraftam;33]" .."button[1,7;1,1;recraftan;34]" .."button[2,7;1,1;recraftao;35]" .."button[3,7;1,1;recraftap;36]" .."button[4,7;1,1;recraftaq;37]" .."button[5,7;1,1;recraftar;38]" .."button[6,7;1,1;recraftas;39]" .."button[7,7;1,1;recraftat;40]" .."button[8,7;1,1;recraftau;41]" .."button[9,7;1,1;recraftav;42]" .."button[10,7;1,1;recraftaw;43]" .."button[11,7;1,1;recraftax;44]" .."button[12,7;1,1;recraftay;45]" .."button[13,7;1,1;recraftba;46]" .."button[14,7;1,1;recraftbb;47]" .."button[15,7;1,1;recraftbc;48]" .."button[0,8;1,1;recraftbd;49]" .."button[1,8;1,1;recraftca;50]" .."button[2,8;1,1;recraftcb;51]" .."button[3,8;1,1;recraftda;52]" .."button[4,8;1,1;recraftdb;53]" .."button[5,8;1,1;recraftdc;54]" .."button[6,8;1,1;recraftdd;55]" .."button[7,8;1,1;recraftde;56]" .."button[8,8;1,1;recraftdf;57]" .."button[9,8;1,1;recraftdg;58]" .."button[10,8;1,1;recraftdh;59]" .."button[11,8;1,1;recraftdi;60]" .."button[12,8;1,1;recraftdj;61]" .."button[13,8;1,1;recraftdk;62]" .."button[14,8;1,1;recraftdl;63]" .."button[15,8;1,1;recraftea;64]" .."button[0,9;1,1;recrafteb;65]" .."button[1,9;1,1;recraftec;66]" .."button[2,9;1,1;recrafted;67]" .."button[3,9;1,1;recraftee;68]" .."button[4,9;1,1;recraftef;69]" .."button[5,9;1,1;recrafteg;70]" .."button[6,9;1,1;recraftfa;71]" .."button[7,9;1,1;recraftfb;72]" .."button[8,9;1,1;recraftfc;73]" .."button[9,9;1,1;recraftfd;74]" .."button[10,9;1,1;recraftfe;75]" .."button[11,9;1,1;recraftga;76]" .."button[12,9;1,1;recraftgb;77]" .."button[13,9;1,1;recraftgc;78]" .."button[14,9;1,1;recraftgd;79]" .."button[15,9;1,1;recraftge;80]" .."button[0,10;1,1;recraftgf;81]" .."button[1,10;1,1;recraftgg;82]" .."button[2,10;1,1;recraftgh;83]" .."button[3,10;1,1;recraftgi;84]" .."button[4,10;1,1;recraftgj;85]" .."button[5,10;1,1;recraftgk;86]" .."button[6,10;1,1;recraftgl;87]" .."button[7,10;1,1;recraftgm;88]" .."button[8,10;1,1;recraftgn;89]" .."button[9,10;1,1;recraftgo;90]" .."button[10,10;1,1;recraftgp;91]" .."button[11,10;1,1;recraftgq;92]" .."button[12,10;1,1;recraftgr;93]" .."button[13,10;1,1;recraftgs;94]" .."button[14,10;1,1;recraftgt;95]" .."button[15,10;1,1;recraftgu;96]" .."button[0,11;1,1;recraftgv;97]" .."button[1,11;1,1;recraftgw;98]" .."button[2,11;1,1;recraftgx;99]" .."button[3,11;1,1;recraftgy;100]" .."button[4,11;1,1;recraftha;101]" .."button[5,11;1,1;recraftia;102]" .."button[6,11;1,1;recraftib;103]" .."button[7,11;1,1;recraftic;104]" .."button[8,11;1,1;recraftid;105]" .."button[9,11;1,1;recraftja;106]" .."button[10,11;1,1;recraftjb;107]" .."button[11,11;1,1;recraftjc;108]" .."button[12,11;1,1;recraftjd;109]" .."button[13,11;1,1;recraftje;110]" .."button[14,11;1,1;recraftjf;111]" .."button[15,11;1,1;recraftjg;112]" .."button[0,12;1,1;recraftjh;113]" .."button[1,12;1,1;recraftji;114]" .."button[2,12;1,1;recraftjj;115]" .."button[3,12;1,1;recraftka;116]" .."button[4,12;1,1;recraftkb;117]" .."button[5,12;1,1;recraftkc;118]" .."button[6,12;1,1;recraftkd;119]" .."button[7,12;1,1;recraftke;120]" .."button[8,12;1,1;recraftkf;121]" .."button[9,12;1,1;recraftla;122]" .."button[10,12;1,1;recraftma;MAX]" return formspec end minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields) if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() if fields.artifacts then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, artifacts.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.crafting6 then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting6.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.crafting7 then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting7.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.crafting8 then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting8.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.treasures then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, treasures.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.troph then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, troph.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.backward then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, backward.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.trophys then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, trophys.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.fuel then local uran = player_inv:get_stack("uranin", 1):get_name() local key = player_inv:get_stack("cookkey", 1):get_name() fuel2 = 4 if key == "tutorial:cooking_schluessel1" then fuel2 = 5 elseif key == "tutorial:cooking_schluessel2" then fuel2 = 6 elseif key == "tutorial:cooking_schluessel3" then fuel2 = 7 elseif key == "tutorial:cooking_schluessel4" then fuel2 = 8 end local fuel = 0 if uran == "tutorial:uranium1" then fuel = fuel2 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium2" then fuel = fuel2*2 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium3" then fuel = fuel2*4 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium4" then fuel = fuel2*8 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium5" then fuel = fuel2*16 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium6" then fuel = fuel2*32 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium7" then fuel = fuel2*64 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium8" then fuel = fuel2*128 elseif uran == "tutorial:uranium9" then fuel = fuel2*256 end if (player_inv:get_stack("fuel", 1):get_count()+fuel) > 60000 then else if fuel > 0 then player_inv:set_stack("uranin", 1, uran.." "..(player_inv:get_stack("uranin", 1):get_count()-1)) end player_inv:set_stack("fuel", 1, "default:dirt "..(player_inv:get_stack("fuel", 1):get_count()+fuel)) end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting6.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.cook then local count = player_inv:get_stack("cookin", 1):get_count() local input = player_inv:get_stack("cookin", 1):get_name() local time = minetest.get_craft_result({method="cooking", width=1, items={player_inv:get_stack("cookin", 1)}}).time local output = minetest.get_craft_result({method="cooking", width=1, items={player_inv:get_stack("cookin", 1)}}) for i=1,count do if player_inv:room_for_item("main", output.item) and output.item:get_count() ~= 0 then if (player_inv:get_stack("fuel", 1):get_count()-time) > -1 then player_inv:set_stack("fuel", 1, "default:dirt "..(player_inv:get_stack("fuel", 1):get_count()-time)) player_inv:add_item("main",output.item) player_inv:set_stack("cookin", 1, input.." "..(player_inv:get_stack("cookin", 1):get_count()-1)) end end end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting6.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.trophcra then local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("trophcr", 1) player_inv:set_size("tearred", 1) player_inv:set_size("tearblue", 1) player_inv:set_size("teargreen", 1) player_inv:set_size("tearpurple", 1) player_inv:set_size("tearyellow", 1) player_inv:set_size("tearcyan", 1) local name = player_inv:get_stack("trophcr", 1):get_name() if name == "tutorial:red_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:red_tear") player_inv:add_item("tearred", "tutorial:medallion") end if name == "tutorial:blue_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:blue_tear") player_inv:add_item("tearblue", "tutorial:medallion") end if name == "tutorial:green_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:green_tear") player_inv:add_item("teargreen", "tutorial:medallion") end if name == "tutorial:yellow_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:yellow_tear") player_inv:add_item("tearyellow", "tutorial:medallion") end if name == "tutorial:purple_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:purple_tear") player_inv:add_item("tearpurple", "tutorial:medallion") end if name == "tutorial:cyan_tear" then player_inv:remove_item("trophcr", "tutorial:cyan_tear") player_inv:add_item("tearcyan", "tutorial:medallion") end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, troph.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.backwardcra then local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("backward", 1) local name = player_inv:get_stack("backward", 1):get_name() local item1 = "" local item2 = "" local item3 = "" local item4 = "" local re = false if name == "3d_armor:superlegendenboots" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenboots2" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenboots3" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenboots4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenboots6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:superlegendenchestplate" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenchestplate2" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenchestplate3" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenchestplate4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenchestplate6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:superlegendenhelmet" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenhelmet2" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenhelmet3" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenhelmet4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenhelmet6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:superlegendenleggings" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenleggings2" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenleggings3" or name == "3d_armor:superlegendenleggings4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenleggings6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "shields:superlegendenshield" or name == "shields:superlegendenshield2" or name == "shields:superlegendenshield3" or name == "shields:superlegendenshield4" then item1 = "shields:legendenshield6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "tutorial:superlegendengun1" or name == "tutorial:superlegendengun2" then item1 = "tutorial:legendengun6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "tutorial:superlegendengun3" then item1 = "tutorial:legendengun6_2" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:regnumboots" or name == "3d_armor:regnumboots2" or name == "3d_armor:regnumboots3" or name == "3d_armor:regnumboots4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenboots6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:regnumhelmet" or name == "3d_armor:regnumhelmet2" or name == "3d_armor:regnumhelmet3" or name == "3d_armor:regnumhelmet4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenhelmet6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:regnumleggings" or name == "3d_armor:regnumleggings2" or name == "3d_armor:regnumleggings3" or name == "3d_armor:regnumleggings4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenleggings6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "3d_armor:regnumchestplate" or name == "3d_armor:regnumchestplate2" or name == "3d_armor:regnumchestplate3" or name == "3d_armor:regnumchestplate4" then item1 = "3d_armor:legendenchestplate6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "shields:regnumshield" or name == "shields:regnumshield2" or name == "shields:regnumshield3" or name == "shields:regnumshield4" then item1 = "shields:legendenshield6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "tutorial:regnumgun1" or name == "tutorial:regnumgun2" then item1 = "tutorial:legendengun6" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true elseif name == "tutorial:regnumgun3" then item1 = "tutorial:legendengun6_2" item2 = "tutorial:lilabattleaxe2" item3 = "tutorial:bottleSS 4" item4 = "tutorial:regnum 4" re = true end if string.match(name, "tutorial:bag_schluessel") then local level = string.gsub(name, "tutorial:bag_schluessel", "") if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 4 then item1 = "tutorial:coin_grau "..(level*120) item2 = "tutorial:obsidian6 "..level item3 = "default:stick 2" re = true end elseif string.match(name, "technic:laser_mkS") then local level = string.gsub(name, "technic:laser_mkS", "") if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 150 then item1 = "tutorial:coin "..(level-1)*8+3 item2 = "tutorial:admin" item3 = "moreores:mithril_ingot 2" re = true end elseif string.match(name, "technic:drill_mkS") then local level = string.gsub(name, "technic:drill_mkS", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_1", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_2", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_3", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_4", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_5", "") minetest.chat_send_all(level) if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 150 then item1 = "tutorial:coin2 "..(level-1)*8+3 item2 = "tutorial:admin" item3 = "moreores:mithril_ingot 2" re = true end elseif string.match(name, "tutorial:cooking_schluessel") then local level = string.gsub(name, "tutorial:cooking_schluessel", "") if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 4 then item1 = "tutorial:coin_cyan "..(level-1)*8+6 re = true end elseif string.match(name, "tutorial:craft_schluessel") then local level = string.gsub(name, "tutorial:craft_schluessel", "") if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 7 then item1 = "tutorial:coin_lila "..(level-1)*8+7 item2 = "default:stick 2" re = true end elseif string.match(name, "tutorial:wallplacer") then local level = string.gsub(name, "tutorial:wallplacer", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_1", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_2", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_3", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_4", "") local level = string.gsub(level, "_5", "") minetest.chat_send_all(level) if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 5 then item1 = "tutorial:coin_gelb "..(level-1)*24+8 re = true end elseif string.match(name, "tutorial:coin_grau") and name ~= "tutorial:coin_grau" then local level = string.gsub(name, "tutorial:coin_grau", "") if tonumber(level) > 0 and tonumber(level) < 20 then item1 = "tutorial:coin_grau "..(level)*8 item2 = "tutorial:obsidian6" re = true end end if re == true and player_inv:room_for_item("main", item1) and player_inv:room_for_item("main", item2) and player_inv:room_for_item("main", item3) and player_inv:room_for_item("main", item4) then player_inv:remove_item("backward", name) player_inv:add_item("main", item1) player_inv:add_item("main", item2) player_inv:add_item("main", item3) player_inv:add_item("main", item4) end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, backward.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.cre2 then local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("kri", 8) local k = 0 for i=1, 8 do if not player_inv:get_stack("kri", i):is_empty() then k = k+1 end end local time = 500 player_inv:set_stack("crtime", 1, "default:dirt") player_inv:set_size("pixkey", 1) local name = player_inv:get_stack("pixkey", 1):get_name() if name == "tutorial:regnum_key_pixeled" then time = time/2 end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting8.get_formspec(player)) minetest.after(time, function() if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() if crafting8.get_formspec(player) == (player:get_inventory_formspec()) then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, crafting8.get_formspec(player)) end player_inv:set_stack("crtime", 1, nil) player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:bottle_crystal "..(k+2)) end) end if fields.meda1 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda2 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 2") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda3 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 3") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda4 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 4") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda5 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 5") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda6 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 6") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.meda7 then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medallion", 1) player_inv:set_stack("medallion", 1, "default:dirt 7") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.mecraft then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medall", 1) local medall = player_inv:get_stack("medall", 1):get_count() local medall2 = player_inv:get_stack("medall", 1):get_name() if medall > 0 and medall2 == "tutorial:medallion" then player_inv:set_size("medall", 1) local med = player_inv:get_stack("medallion", 1):get_count() local x = "" if med == 1 then x = "red" elseif med == 2 then x = "blue" elseif med == 3 then x = "green" elseif med == 4 then x = "yellow" elseif med == 5 then x = "purple" elseif med == 6 then x = "cyan" elseif med == 7 then x = "gray" end local z = math.random(1,2) if z == 2 then local zz = math.random(1,9) player_inv:set_size("medallion"..x, 9) player_inv:set_stack("medallion"..x, zz, "default:dirt") end player_inv:remove_item("medall", "tutorial:medallion") end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, meda.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.medallion then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, medallion.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.artrew then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("artrew", 1) local artrew = player_inv:get_stack("artrew", 1):get_count() if artrew == 0 then if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:knight_schluessel") == true then player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:knight_schluessel") player_inv:add_item("artrew", "default:dirt") end end end if fields.trerew then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("trerew", 1) local trerew = player_inv:get_stack("trerew", 1):get_count() if trerew == 0 then if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:legendstick") == true then player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:legendstick") player_inv:add_item("trerew", "default:dirt") end end end if fields.medrew then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("medrew", 1) local medrew = player_inv:get_stack("medrew", 1):get_count() if medrew == 0 then if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:crystal_schluessel") == true then player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:crystal_schluessel") player_inv:add_item("medrew", "default:dirt") end end end if fields.trorew then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("trorew", 1) local trorew = player_inv:get_stack("trorew", 1):get_count() if trorew == 0 then if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:protection_schluessel1") == true then player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:protection_schluessel1") player_inv:add_item("trorew", "default:dirt") end end end if fields.colreward then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("colreward", 1) local colreward = player_inv:get_stack("colreward", 1):get_count() local tata = player_inv:get_stack("tata", 1):get_count() local afaf = player_inv:get_stack("afaf", 1):get_count() local trtr = player_inv:get_stack("trtr", 1):get_count() local meme = player_inv:get_stack("meme", 1):get_count() local rew = tata+afaf+trtr+meme if rew == 108 then if colreward == 0 then if player_inv:room_for_item("main", "tutorial:colorstick_broken") == true then player_inv:add_item("main", "tutorial:colorstick_broken") player_inv:add_item("colreward", "default:dirt") end end end end if fields.craftmine then if player == nil then return end local player_inv = player:get_inventory() player_inv:set_size("mine1", 1) player_inv:set_size("mine2", 8) local gem = player_inv:get_stack("gem0", 1):get_count() local g1 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 1):get_name() local g2 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 2):get_name() local g3 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 3):get_name() local g4 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 4):get_name() local g5 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 5):get_name() local g6 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 6):get_name() local g7 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 7):get_name() local g8 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 8):get_name() local y1 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 1):get_count() local y2 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 2):get_count() local y3 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 3):get_count() local y4 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 4):get_count() local y5 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 5):get_count() local y6 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 6):get_count() local y7 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 7):get_count() local y8 = player_inv:get_stack("mine2", 8):get_count() local k = 0 local d = 0 if g1 == g2 and g2 == g3 and g3 == g4 and g4 == g5 and g5 == g6 and g6 == g7 and g7 == g8 then if g1 == "tutorial:coin" then k = k+1 end if g1 == "tutorial:coin2" then k = k+2 end end if k == 1 then local p = 0 for i = 1, 149 do if player_inv:get_stack("mine1", 1):get_name() == "technic:laser_mkS"..i and p == 0 then p = 1 player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 1, "tutorial:coin "..(y1-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 2, "tutorial:coin "..(y2-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 3, "tutorial:coin "..(y3-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 4, "tutorial:coin "..(y4-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 5, "tutorial:coin "..(y5-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 6, "tutorial:coin "..(y6-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 7, "tutorial:coin "..(y7-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 8, "tutorial:coin "..(y8-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine1", 1, "technic:laser_mkS"..(i+1)) end end end if k == 2 then local p = 0 for i = 1, 149 do local m = player_inv:get_stack("mine1", 1):get_name() if p == 0 then if m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i.."_1" or m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i.."_2" or m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i.."_3" or m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i.."_4" or m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i.."_5" or m == "technic:drill_mkS"..i then p = 1 player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 1, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y1-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 2, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y2-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 3, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y3-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 4, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y4-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 5, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y5-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 6, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y6-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 7, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y7-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine2", 8, "tutorial:coin2 "..(y8-1)) player_inv:set_stack("mine1", 1, "technic:drill_mkS"..(i+1)) end end end end inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, mine.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.xpi4 then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, xpi4.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.xpi5 then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, xpi5.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.mine then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, mine.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraft then inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg1 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "") inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg2 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..1) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg3 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 2) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..2) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg4 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 2) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..3) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg5 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 2) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..4) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg6 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 2) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..5) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.reg7 then player_inv:set_size("recr2", 2) player_inv:set_stack("recr2", 1, "default:dirt "..6) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafta then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..1) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..2) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..3) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..4) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafte then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..5) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..6) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftg then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..7) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafth then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..8) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafti then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..9) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftj then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..10) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftk then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..11) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftl then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..12) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftm then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..13) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftn then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..14) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafto then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..15) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftp then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..16) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftq then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..17) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftr then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..18) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafts then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..19) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftt then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..20) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftaa then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..21) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftab then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..22) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftac then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..23) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftad then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..24) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftae then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..25) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftaf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..26) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftag then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..27) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftah then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..28) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftai then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..29) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftaj then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..30) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftak then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..31) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftal then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..32) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftam then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..33) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftan then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..34) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftao then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..35) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftap then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..36) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftaq then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..37) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftar then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..38) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftas then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..39) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftat then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..40) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftau then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..41) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftav then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..42) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftaw then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..43) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftax then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..44) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftay then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..45) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftba then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..46) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftbb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..47) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftbc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..48) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftbd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..49) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftca then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..50) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftcb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..51) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftda then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..52) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..53) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..54) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..55) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftde then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..56) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..57) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdg then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..58) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdh then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..59) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdi then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..60) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdj then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..61) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdk then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..62) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftdl then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..63) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftea then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..64) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafteb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..65) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftec then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..66) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafted then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..67) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftee then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..68) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftef then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..69) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recrafteg then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..70) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftfa then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..71) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftfb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..72) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftfc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..73) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftfd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..74) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftfe then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..75) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftga then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..76) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..77) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..78) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..79) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftge then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..80) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..81) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgg then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..82) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgh then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..83) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgi then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..84) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgj then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..85) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgk then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..86) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgl then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..87) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgm then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..88) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgn then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..89) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgo then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..90) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgp then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..91) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgq then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..92) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgr then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..93) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgs then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..94) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgt then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..95) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgu then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..96) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgv then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..97) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgw then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..98) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgx then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..99) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftgy then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..100) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftha then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..101) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftia then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..102) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftib then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..103) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftic then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..104) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftid then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..105) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftja then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..106) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..107) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..108) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..109) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftje then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..110) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..111) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjg then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..112) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjh then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..113) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftji then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..114) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftjj then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..115) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftka then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..116) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftkb then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..117) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftkc then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..118) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftkd then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..119) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftke then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..120) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftkf then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..121) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftla then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..122) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end if fields.recraftma then player_inv:set_size("recr", 1) player_inv:set_stack("recr", 1, "default:dirt "..123) inventory_plus.set_inventory_formspec(player, recraft.get_formspec(player)) end end) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:adminbattleaxe3", { description = "Admin tool 3: Admin battleaxe Mode 3 (for hunting mobs)", inventory_image = "tutorial_adminbattleaxe.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_adminbattleaxe.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 2.0, max_drop_level=1, groupcaps={ }, damage_groups = {fleshy=4000} }, liquids_pointable = false, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:adminbattleaxe") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:superlegendenbattleaxe3", { description = "Superlegendbattleaxe Mode 3 (for hunting mobs)\nBattleaxe-lv.122", inventory_image = "tutorial_superlegendenbattleaxe.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_superlegendenbattleaxe.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 2.0, max_drop_level=1, groupcaps={ }, damage_groups = {fleshy=244} }, liquids_pointable = false, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:superlegendenbattleaxe1") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_tool("tutorial:regnumbattleaxe3", { description = "Regnumbattleaxe Mode 3 (for hunting mobs)\nBattleaxe-lv.MAX", inventory_image = "tutorial_regnumbattleaxe.png^technic_tool_mode3.png", wield_image = "tutorial_regnumbattleaxe.png", groups = {not_in_creative_inventory=1}, tool_capabilities = { full_punch_interval = 2.0, max_drop_level=1, groupcaps={ }, damage_groups = {fleshy=150} }, liquids_pointable = false, on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, user, pointed_thing) local keys = user:get_player_control() if keys["sneak"] == true then itemstack:set_name("tutorial:regnumbattleaxe1") end return itemstack end, }) minetest.register_craft({ output = 'tutorial:bottleSS', recipe = { {'', 'tutorial:admin', ''}, {'tutorial:admin', 'tutorial:bottleS3', 'tutorial:admin'}, {'', 'tutorial:admin', ''}, } }) minetest.register_node("tutorial:bottleSS", { description = "Ultra magic bottle", drawtype = "plantlike", tiles = {"tutorial_bottleSS.png"}, wield_image = "tutorial_bottleSS.png", paramtype = "light", walkable = false, selection_box = { type = "fixed", fixed = {-0.25, -0.5, -0.25, 0.25, 0.4, 0.25} }, groups = {vessel=1,dig_immediate=3,attached_node=1}, })